Final Exam

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• Economic, economical 1 - 2

• Enviable, envious 3 - 4

• Elementary, elemental 5 - 6

• Distinct, distinctive 7 - 8

• Continual, continuous 9 - 10

• Contradictory, contradictious 11 - 12

• Arabian, Arab, Arabic 13 - 14 - 15

• Arrive in, arrive at 16 - 17

• Comic, comical 18 - 19

• Definite, definitive 20 - 21

• Deliberate, deliberative 22 - 23

• Emergence, emergency 24 - 25

• Invaluable, valueless 26 - 27

• Irritable, irritating 28 - 29

• Legible, readable 30 - 31

• Momentary, momentous 32 - 33

• Observation, observance 34 - 35

• Sensitive, sensible 36 - 37

• Sometime, sometimes 38 - 39

• Spiritual, spirituous 40 - 41

• Woollen, woolly 42 - 43

• Valuable, valued 44 - 45

• Deceptive, deceitful 46 - 47

• Egoist, egotist 48 - 49

• Soluble, solvable 50 - 51
• Literal, literate, literary 52 - 53 - 54

• Human, humane 55 - 56

• Habitable, habitual 57 - 58

• Female, feminine 59 - 60

• Exceedingly, excessively 61 - 62

• Cultural, cultured 63 - 64

• Comprehensible, comprehensive 65 - 66

Universidad Tecnológica
Facultad de Aviación
Professional communication
Final test
Some lexical difficulties of English language

Student’s name: …………Emanuel king……………

Professor’s name: Edouard Lebedev

1. Sorry, I couldn’t help laughing because your hiccupping was jolly ……comical…………… .

2. I like …woolly…………….. dogs. They are like pillows.

3.The sudden …emergence……………………… of that new star is inexplicable right now.

4.Well, see you …sometime……. next year! I don’t know when exactly. Anyway, all the best!

5. An ……egotist……………….. thinks that the world rotates exclusively around him.

6. The neighbors were throwing ……envious………………. glances at his spectacular new car.

7. The rich old man surrounded himself with exceptionally pretty …female………… servants.
8. He was quite a …cultured………………………. person. Besides, he sang and spoke several languages.

9. Those two rivers get together at that point to form one …continual ……………................. waterway.

10. He was an …invaluable............ source of information. He was really a treasure for us.

11. He used to be an …exceedingly…………… demanding boss, but as a father he’s too permissive.

12. Children and animals should always have ……humane…………….................. treatment.

13. Appearances can be …deceptive……………………..............

14. Close the window, would you? That noise is quite ………irritating…......... . I cannot stand it.

15. Local councils should use their powers to ensure strict …observance………………. of laws.

16. Arabian…………. horses are the best and most famous in the world.

17. His grandfather was not a literate…… man, but his grandson is a famous scientist.

18. My ……habitual…………………place for carnivals is Penonome.

19. What is the …literal………………… meaning of that word?

20. Messi is the most ………valued.................. member of his team.

21. I would like to learn …Arabic…………………….. . They say it is not a difficult language.

22. An ……Egoist…………….. is a person who doesn’t like to share.

23. You should not use here .... literary................... style. it is a formal document.

24. Can you give me a more … comprehensive ………… explanation? Right now I don’t understand you.

25. That island is not ………habitable………………. because there is no water there.

26. ……comic……………….. actors are called comedians.

27. …Arabian…………….. people are basically Muslims.

28. Teachers and doctors must never be easily …sensitive…………………….people because they need a lot of

29. I find that his novels are not …readable…..because they’re too long and too boring.

30. Sorry, your writing is not …legible……………….. . I don’t want to hurt my eyes.

31. A …invaluable ……………………. committee has been summoned to find a solution for that dispute.

32. The …economical……………………… powers are the strongest powers on our planet.

33. There is nothing difficult in that homework – just an ……sensible ……………….. type of calculation.
34. Come on! It’s just a …valueless………................ piece of trash!

35. The …economic…………………… situation is very tense in many countries: no jobs, prices go up.

36 …………spirituous……………… liquids are totally prohibited among personal belongings of a traveler.

37. We arrive at………………….. late at the party.

38. …Human………………. beings are carnivorous whether you like it or not.

39. That was the most …momentous……….............. battle of the World War II.

40. I can see a ……distinct..............………………… difference between your English 4 years ago and now.

41. I …sometimes…………………. feel like dancing, …sometimes………………… like crying. I feel strange these

42. There is a ………distinctive……………….. difference in temperature between Uruguay and Panama.

43. Listen, I am not …contentious…………. at all, because I hate to argue.

44. In case of …emergency…………………..................... - call 911.

45. There have been …momentary… demands lately to cut down the prices. Sometimes they stop for a
while but then continue again.

46. Excuse me, when do we …arrive in………………… London?

47. She is too honest to be called a “…deceitful………………………..” person.

48. People usually wear ………woolen……………................. clothes in cold countries.

49. I thought that problem was not ……solvable……………….. at all. Congratulations!

50. Sorry, but your statements are too …contradictious……………….. . First, you approve our offers. Second,
you reject them. We are lost.

51. His accent was a …definitive……………………….. accent of a southerner.

52. The long-awaited, …definite………………………….. decision on that issue has not been made yet.

53 As far as the consumption of gas is concerned the Japanese cars are considered to be more …
elementary…………………. than American ones.

54. This substance is not …soluble………………….. by simple water.

55. The visit to that museum was a rich …cultural…………………. experience for me.

56. Gosh, man, your composure is really …enviable………………….. . I would like to be like you.

57. Don’t worry: he’s a quite …comprehensible………………...................... person. I’m sure he’ll understand
your problem.

58. Don't worry! I We are keeping that suspect under our strict …observation……………………..

59. The doctor was very …deliberative………………….. about what kind of food I should avoid.
60. She is a calm, reasonable and elegantly …feminine…………….. woman.

61. That was not a spontaneous but a …deliberate……………………… insult.

62. It’s better not to wear anything …valuable………………….. on yourself when you’re in the streets.

63. She lived entirely by …spiritual……………………….. values. Such a great soul was she!

64. It was just a …elemental…………………….. sensation of fear that passed away almost immediately.

65. Unfortunately, my skin is too …irritable…………………… .

66. She has started taking pills and drinking …excessively…………………… .

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