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MTS Employee Satisfaction Survey

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your specific answers will be completely anonymous, but your views, in
combination with those of others, are extremely important.

1. Overall, how satisfied are you with MTS as an employee? (Please circle your answer)
Very Very
Dissatisfied Satisfied
1 2 3 4 5

2. MTS's communication and planning? (Please tick (✓) the options you choose)

Particulars Strongly 2 3 4 Strongly

Disagree Agree
1 5

I understand the long-term strategy of MTS

I have confidence in the leadership of MTS

I feel I can voice my opinion without fear

I am well versed and clear with the company policies

and strategies

How do you rate the credibility of the top management

3. Your role at MTS? (Please tick (✓) the options you choose)

Particulars Strongly 2 3 4 Strongly

Disagree Agree
1 5

I feel my role at MTS is well defined

I am given enough authority to make decisions I need

to make
I like the type of work that I do

I feel secure that I will be able to work for MTS as long

as I do a good job

How important to you are the opportunities to advance

in your line of function

4. Corporate culture? (Please tick (✓) the options you choose)

Particulars Strongly 2 3 4 Strongly
Disagree Agree
1 5
MTS's corporate communications are frequent enough

I feel I can trust what the company tells me

I believe there is a spirit of cooperation at MTS

MTS is concerned with the long term welfare of the

Employee policies of company are administered the
same in all departments
The company recognizes the accomplishment of
employees and shares the same with other employees
I am given enough space to communicate with the
other senior officials if and when required
Company employee policies are properly and equally
administered in the company

5. Your relations with your immediate supervisor (Please tick (✓) the options you choose)

Particulars Strongly 2 3 4 Strongly

Disagree Agree
1 5
My supervisor treats me fairly

My supervisor asks me for my input to help make

My immediate superior is competent in human relations

My immediate superior deals with employees problems


6. MTS's training programs (Please tick (✓) the options you choose)

Particulars Strongly 2 3 4 Strongly

Disagree Agree
1 5
I am satisfied with the training provided for my current

I am satisfied with the amount of training offered for

Suggestions to increase training participation ____________________________________________________________


The online portal - LMS has been of a great interest for me and I use it quite often?

What are the reasons for your dissatisfaction? ___________________________________________________________

7. Pay and Benefits (Please tick (✓) the options you choose)

Particulars Strongly 2 3 4 Strongly

Disagree Agree
1 5

My salary is fair for my responsibilities

I totally understand the break-up of my pay

I am provided with Increments on a regular basis

Our company maintains salary and benefit levels that

compare well to other companies in this area

How do you rate the relationship between the amount

of compensation you receive and your performance

Specifically, I'm satisfied with the: (Please tick (✓) the options you choose)

Particulars Strongly 2 3 4 Strongly

Disagree Agree
1 5
Amount of vacation

Extra Benefits at MTS

Are there any benefits you would like to add in MTS's benefits package?

What would you like to be added? _____________________________________________________________________

8. What are the activities you feel could improve Employee Engagement at work?


9. What can MTS do to increase your satisfaction as an employer?



The following questions are for analytic purposes only and please tick (✓) the options you choose. They will not be used
to try to identify any individual.
However, if you feel uncomfortable about answering any of them then please do not do so.

10. How long have you worked for MTS? 14. In which department do you work?

Less than one year....................................................... Sales.............................................................................

One year to less than two years................................... Marketing.....................................................................
Two years to less than five years................................. IT..................................................................................
Five years to less than ten years.................................. Finance.........................................................................
Ten years or more........................................................ HR................................................................................
Vigilance and Security.................................................

11. What is your age? Technical......................................................................

Under 21....................................................................... Admin...........................................................................
21 to 34......................................................................... Circle Management......................................................
35 to 44......................................................................... Legal.............................................................................
45 to 54.........................................................................
55 or older....................................................................

12. Your gender?


13. What is your marital status?


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