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Last updated: 26 February 2020



COURSE TITLE: Integral Calculus for Economic Analysis
FACULTY: Mariel Monica Sauler
TERM: Term 2, AY 2020 - 2021
SCHEDULE: V26 MW 1100-1230
V27 MW 1430-1600


This course serves as the second introductory course in mathematics for economic analysis at Course Learning Outcomes
the undergraduate level. The course covers topics on differentials and approximations, integral Assessments
calculus, techniques in integration and double integrals. The course will also cover mathematical
applications to economic theory. Guidelines on Course Assessments
Teaching and Learning Activities
At this level, it is important that students should be able to successfully complete all of the
calculations needed with consistency and accuracy, and consequently, develop the ability to Textbooks, etc.
interpret and understand mathematical equations and calculations. After building on students’ For Class Management
mathematical foundations, the course shifts over to economic applications and analyses. At this
point, mathematical theories with economic applications will be covered in class to help students Online Learning "Netiquette"
use the language of mathematics to describe and analyze economic models and solve economic Our Principles

Here, we list the knowledge, skills and behaviour that we hope you are able to do by the end of this course. Read these carefully and keep
these in mind throughout the term so we can continuously check our progress.

Intellectually Inquisitive Technically Proficient Globally Competitive

LO1: Learn about the differential of a LO5: Solve problems on differentials LO7: Develop an appreciation for the
variable and how to use it as a tool for and approximation, integral calculus, application of differentials and integral
approximating values of the techniques of integration, and calculus in economic theory.
given variable. double integrals.
LO8: Exhibit willingness to learn about
LO2: Interpret the concept of a definite LO6: Apply concepts from differentials concepts in differentials and integral
integral as the area of a given region on and integral calculus to economic calculus, to work well within a team, to
the Cartesian plane. analysis. be open-minded and receptive to others’
insights and constructive feedback, and
LO3: Differentiate between the to develop initiative
derivative of a function from the
differential of a variable. LO9: Exhibit resilience in solving
economic problems mathematically.
LO4: Differentiate between the
derivative and the integral of a function,
and how one is the inverse
process of the other.

In order to achieve the Learning Outcomes, these are the Assessments for this course:

Assessments F S Weight

1. Participation
This includes participation in activities done on AnimoSpace such as Discussions, Solution
Demos, Assignments, Short Quizzes, if any, Reflections, etc. This component is quite flexible and ✓ 20%
dependent on how the term will go; it includes essentially anything outside of the Assessments 2
and 3. Marked with a star (*) on AnimoSpace.

2. Exercises
There will be three main exercises during the term, to be carried out after each of the three
LO5,LO6,LO7, ✓ 60%
modules; submissions will be Week 5 Monday, Week 10 Tuesday, Week 13 Tuesday; each is
LO8, LO9
30% of your final grade

3. Comprehensive Written Examination LO1,LO2,LO3,LO4,

✓ 20%
This will be conducted either in latter part of Week 13 or in 14 LO5,LO6,LO7

F - Formative; S-Summative 100%

Grade Scale:
95 ≤ grade ≤ 100 4.0 72 ≤ grade ≤ 77.9… 2.0

90 ≤ grade ≤ 94.9… 3.5 66 ≤ grade ≤ 71.9… 1.5

84 ≤ grade ≤ 89.9… 3.0 60 ≤ grade ≤ 65.9… 1.0

78 ≤ grade ≤ 83.9… 2.5 grade < 60 0.0


Assessment 1: Participation

Purpose: This is our way to learn together, to connect through AnimoSpace and/or in synchronous sessions and to help us learn the material

1. Any task on AnimoSpace will be included in this assessment
2. Read and follow the instructions carefully
3. Submit by the indicated due date

Rubric for Discussions

Exemplary Accomplished Emerging Beginning

Frequency of participation Participates in all Participates in most Participates in a lot of Participates in a few
discussions, comments on discussions, and comments discussions, comments on discussions only, few
others’ contributions, on a lot of others’ some others’ contributions comments on others’
initiates their own contributions, may initiate contributions
discussions their own discussions

Quality of the contribution Contributions, comments Contributions, comments Contributions, comments Contributions, comments
to the discussion and interactions are and interactions are quite and interactions carry some and interactions carry little
substantial and meaningful substantial and carry some substance and meaning substance and meaning

Rubric for Reflections

Exemplary Accomplished Emerging Beginning

Quality of the reflection Content is substantial, Content is quite substantial, Content is somewhat Content carries little
well-thought of and well-thought of and substantial and well-thought substance and meaning
meaningful meaningful of
Delivery Easy to read and follow Quite easy to read and Somewhat easy to read and Not very easy to read and
follow follow follow

Rubric for Conduct and Behavior

Exemplary Accomplished Emerging Beginning

Maturity Displays maturity in both Displays some level of Displays some level of Displays little maturity in
synchronous and maturity in both maturity in both both synchronous and
asynchronous activities at all synchronous and synchronous and asynchronous activities,
times, shows respect for asynchronous activities asynchronous activities shows little respect for
others and for the course at often, shows respects for sometimes, shows respect others and the course
all times others and the course often for others and the course

Eagerness and sincerity to Asks meaningful questions, Sometimes asks quite Sometimes asks somewhat Rarely asks meaningful
learn; level of effort participates in discussions meaningful questions, meaningful questions, questions, rarely participates
fully, completes all participates in discussions, participates in some in discussions, completes a
assessments and submits completes most discussions, completes few assessments and may
on time, completely present assessments and submits some assessments, miss some deadlines, very
and mindful during on time, quite present and sometimes does not meet distracted during
synchronous sessions mindful during synchronous the deadline, quite synchronous sessions
sessions distracted during
synchronous sessions

Assessment 2: Exercises

Purpose: To practice and learn the material, to solve things on our own and in groups

1. Exercises will be given, possibly throughout each module
2. Complete all exercises; write down all your answers, scan and save as pdf.
3. Submit by the indicated due date

Exemplary Accomplished Emerging Beginning

Correctness of Solutions Solutions are exact and Solutions are quite exact Solutions contain several Solutions are full of errors or
accurate and accurate, with a few errors are quite blank

Completeness of Solutions Solutions are complete, and Solutions are quite complete Solutions are incomplete Solutions are very
and Analysis executed clearly - one step and executed well, and lacks in clarity in incomplete and execution is
at a time, interpretations are interpretations are quite execution, interpretations lacking, interpretations are
spot on, all exercises are good, most exercises are are somewhat incomplete, a incomplete, only few
completed completed lot of exercises are exercises are completed

Organization and Solutions are clear, neatly Solutions are quit clear, well Solutions are quite clear, Solutions are not clear and
Neatness presented, and easy to presented and quite easy to somewhat neat, and disorganized, and hard to
follow follow perhaps not very easy to follow

Assessment 3: Comprehensive Written Examination

Purpose: This is to allow us to test our own understanding of all the concepts from the entire course; this will be done asynchronously

1. This will be done in the latter part of Week 13 or in Week 14 (Finals Week)
2. You will write down your complete solutions, scan, save as pdf.
3. Submit by the indicated due date.
Exemplary Accomplished Emerging Beginning

Correctness of Solutions Solutions are exact and Solutions are exact and Solutions contain several Solutions are full of errors or
accurate accurate, with one or two errors are quite blank

Completeness of Solutions Solutions are complete, and Solutions are quite complete Solutions are incomplete Solutions are very
and Analysis executed clearly - one step and executed well, and lacks in clarity in incomplete and execution is
at a time, interpretations are interpretations are quite execution, interpretations lacking, interpretations are
spot on, all exercises are good, most exercises are are somewhat incomplete, a incomplete, only few
completed completed lot of exercises are exercises are completed

Organization and Solutions are clear, neatly Solutions are quit clear, well Solutions are quite clear, Solutions are not clear and
Neatness presented, and easy to presented and quite easy to somewhat neat, and disorganized, and hard to
follow follow perhaps not very easy to follow

Week Module M-T W H, F until 12:30pm Hours

1 Introduction Synchronous Session AnimoSpace 7.5

Review ECOCAL1

2 Module 1: Differentials and Approximations AnimoSpace, videos, Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
study, solve study, solve
1.1 Differentials and Linear Approximations

3 Module 1: Differentials and Approximations AnimoSpace, videos, Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
study, solve study, solve
1.2 Total Differential, Linear Approximation for
Multivariable Functions, and the Total Derivative

4 Module 2: Integral Calculus AnimoSpace, videos, Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
study, solve study, solve
2.1 Antidifferentiation and the Indefinite Integral

5 Tuesday: Submit Holy Week Holy Week 7.5

Exercise 1

6 2.2 Economic Applications of the Indefinite AnimoSpace, videos, Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
Integral study, solve study, solve

7 2.3 Area of a Region under a Curve and the AnimoSpace, videos, Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
Definite study, solve study, solve

2.4 Application of the Definite Integral in

8 Module 3: Techniques of Integration AnimoSpace, videos, Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
study, solve study, solve
3.1 Integration by Substitution andIntegration
by Parts

9 Independent Learning Week

10 3.2 Improper Integrals Tuesday: Submit Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
Exercise 2 study, solve
AnimoSpace, videos,
study, solve

11 3.3 Present Value Computation and AnimoSpace, videos, Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
Discounting under Continuous Time. study, solve study, solve

12 Independent Learning Week

13 3.4 Volume of a solid under a surface and Tuesday: Submit Synchronous Session AnimoSpace, videos, 7.5
Double Integrals Exercise 2 study, solve
AnimoSpace, videos,
study, solve

14 Final Exams (schedule TBD)


For this course, all the lectures will be self-contained; you may also be directed to videos that are already available online. The advantage of
video lectures is that you can pause them and rewatch them. All slides, materials, notes will also be uploaded onto AnimoSpace as well so in
order to master the material, the important thing is really just practice. However, as sometimes it is just a matter of style of writing, in case my
materials are not sufficient, these are what I would recommend. I’ve used Chiang and Wainwright (2005) and Simon and Blume (1994) a lot
myself when I was a student and they are both good in different ways so you can see what works for you. Other faculty also use Danao (2007;
2017) a lot.

Chiang, A. and Wainwright, K. 2005. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics (4th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Simon, C, and L Blume. 1994. Mathematics for economics. New York, USA: WW Norton and Company.

Carter, M. 2001. Foundations of mathematical economics. Massachusetts, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.

Danao, R. 2017. Core concepts of calculus with applications. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.

Danao, R. 2007. Mathematical methods for economics and business. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.

Dadkhah, K. 2011. Foundations of mathematical and computational economics. 2e. Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Hillier, F, and G Lieberman. 2010. Introduction to operations research. 9e. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Company.

Kolman, B, and D Hill. 2008. Elementary linear algebra with applications. 9e. Singapore: Pearson Education, Inc.

Leithold, L. 1995. The calculus 7. 7e. New York, USA: Harper and Row Publishers.

Stewart, J. 2012. Calculus: concepts and contexts. 4e. Singapore: Cengage Learning.
Sydsæter, K, P Hammond, A Strøm, and A Carvajal. 2016. Essential mathematics for economic analysis. 5e. Essex, United Kingdom: Pearson
Education Limited.

Sydsæter, K, P Hammond, A Seierstad, and A Strøm. 2008. Further mathematics for economic analysis. 2e. Essex, United Kingdom: Pearson
Education Limited.

Turkington, D. 2007. Mathematical tools for economists. Australia: Blackwell Publishing.

Abueg, L., Sauler, R. and Teehankee, B. (2014). Towards a Common Good Model of the Firm. DLSU Business and Economics Review. 24(1),

Abueg, L., Largoza, G. Sauler, R. Teehankee, B. (2016). The impact of a common good model of the firm on prosocial business
decision-making of students: An experimental investigation. Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2016.

Cheng, K., Cruz, N., Lopena, C., Sarmiento, A., Abueg, L., and R. Sauler (2017). A note on open tournament theory. Presented at the DLSU
Research Congress 2017.

De Prado, M.L. (2016). Mathematics and Economics: A Reality Check. Journal of Portfolio Management 3(1).
If any of these is a challenge for you, do let me know.
The entire course will be managed in AnimoSpace. All you need to follow is the
✓ AnimoSpace
Homepage where your tasks and all needed files will be posted on a weekly basis.

✓ AnimoSpace Conferences
For our Wednesday synchronous sessions, Zoom is my preference

Google Drive All files will either be accessible via a designated Google Drive or on AnimoSpace Files.
✓ AnimoSpace Files Your Collection of Practice Exercises will be saved on a Google Drive.

Google Docs, Sheets, Slides

✓ Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF
We will use these for most files.

All video recordings will be made available via the Homepage of our course and if these
✓ Mp4 player
files are downloadable, they will be in mp4 format.

Camera or Phone camera For any solutions, you will be needing a camera or a phone camera to take pictures of
✓ Webcam, Mic your work, or use Adobe Scan. A webcam and mic are needed for synchronous
Adobe Scan sessions.

We will have a group chat for our section; may be used for announcements that do not
✓ Facebook Messenger have to do with the Modules listed in the Homepage and for questions on course
management, but not on course content.

For any one-on-one or specific group communication that has to do with the course
✓ AnimoSpace Inbox
and is outside any of the Module tasks, we will be using AnimoSpace Inbox.

If needed, I may send you emails using DLSU Google Email but if you want to send me
✘ DLSU Email a message, do use AnimoSpace Inbox so that all course-related communication is in
one place.

This course is designed to be run completely online - and this calls for a different set of rules and guidelines which we must adhere to in order
for the class to be delivered effectively and for you to learn as much as possible.

1. Treat instructors and classmates with respect in both synchronous and asynchronous activities
2. Confine the sharing of files, class resources, file screenshots only to those who are in the course
3. Online or offline, honesty and academic integrity are to be upheld
4. Say “please” and “thank you” when appropriate
5. If someone else has helped you significantly in the completion of your assessments, indicate it on your work

AnimoSpace Inbox, Chat, Facebook Messenger

1. Treat instructors and classmates with respect
2. Be clear and concise; always ensure correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
3. Avoid abbreviations, slang terms, and limit the use of emojis
4. Avoid writing in all caps
5. Be careful when using humor or sarcasm

AnimoSpace Discussions
1. Posts and comments are to be on-topic
2. Think about post carefully and edit before sending
3. Be clear and concise
4. Do not repeat posts without adding your own thoughts
5. Avoid short, generic replies such as “I agree.” Explain why.
6. If you disagree with a post, express your opinion with respect.

Synchronous Sessions
1. Enter the meeting room with both your webcam and microphone turned off
2. When called to speak, turn on both your webcam and microphone and turn off when done; dress appropriately
3. Public chats may be used to ask questions, give comments, answer questions, or to express an opinion
4. Participate in polls when conducted during the session
5. Try to avoid doing other things while the session is ongoing to maximize the learning experience

Whether online or offline, I expect maturity, sincerity in wanting to learn and to become better from all of you, and for all of you to be respectful
- towards each other and the learning process. I propose these principles for us to keep in mind and uphold as we progress throughout the

Independent yet Together

We are to work hard under challenging circumstances - learning on our own,
keeping our own selves in check - and, when needed, we help each other out.

Practice and Repetition

We are to practice the methods over and over again - the most effective way to learn mathematical economics.

Flexibility and Continuous Improvement

We are to adjust as needed as the term progresses and, each week,
we simply try to be better - both as individuals and as a class.


Consultation may be held on M during class hours. Or, students may send me a message via AnimoSpace for individual consultation or via
the FB group chat for group consultation. These may be arranged on T, H, or F.

AnimoSpace inbox communication is for clarification of content and individual concerns.

Facebook group chat messages are for class concerns on class management, deadlines, requirements, etc. Facebook Messenger messages
on individual concerns will not be addressed.

Messages are replied to anytime from 10am to 5pm from Monday to Friday, and until 12 noon on Saturday.
Arlene Inocencio
Chair, Economics Department

Marites Tiongco
Dean, School of Economics

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