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Full names: Carlos Enrique Quispe Palacios Level: Advanced intensive 2

Date: March, Saturday 27th, 2021


1 Read Marta’s review of In the sea there are crocodiles. What is her opinion of the book?

a She thoroughly enjoyed it.

b She enjoyed it, but has some reservations.

c She did not enjoy it.

2 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 The book is based on real events. (T)

2 It has an unhappy ending. (F)

3 Ena’s parents both died. (F)

4 Ena travelled from Afghanistan to Italy by sea. (F)

5 The book recounts many exciting adventures. (T)

6 Ena was afraid at times. (T)

7 Ena saw crocodiles from the inflatable dinghy. (F)

8 The book will give you a lot to think about. (T)

Match the two halves of the sentences. (1B,2A,3C)

1 The book was written by Fabio Geda,

2 The first part of the book is set in Nava,

3 During his travels Ena meets Hussein Ali,

a the village where Ena lived with his mother.

b a prize-winning Italian novelist.

c another Afghan refugee.

Preparing to write

Tell a partner about a book you have enjoyed, recently or in the past. Answer these questions.

• What is the title of the book and who is it written by?

The title is “In the sea there are crocodiles” and it was written by Fabio Geda

• What is special or important about the book?

It´s a best-selling adventure story. It is also a description of a cruel reality that millions of
people all over the world still have to face every day.

• What happened in the book?

It tells the true story of Enaiatollah Akbari (Ena), an 11-year-old Afghan boy, and his search for
a new life and family. Ena, who was forced to flee his village because of tribal warfare, arrived
on the Pakistani border with his family. After his father’s death, Ena was abandoned by his
mother and left without relatives and without money. And she decide to traver to another

• What topics or themes are dealt with?

the book depicts universal human realities such as love, loss, pain and endurance.

• Would you recommend the book? Why / Why not

Yes because i consider that in situations like pandemic many people need to understand a lot
about lost and endurance, and It may be help a lot of people in this difficult moments.

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