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REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Licensure Examination Saturday, September 22, 2001 8:00 a.m. = 4:00 p.m, MATHEMATICS SETA INSTRUCTION. Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided, STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED, Use pencil no. 1 only, MULTIPLE CHOICE +. Pipes between stations as indicated have the following maximum flow capacities, in cubic meters per second: Beiween A and B 40.0, Between B and C 30.0, Between A and C 20.0 What is the maximum possible flow rate from A to C, in cubic meters per seconds, without exceeding the above maximum flow capacities A 60 B. 30 c. 80 0.40 ¢ 2. arch isin the form of an inverted parabola and has span of 12 fest at the base and a height of 12 feet, Determine the equation of the parabola and give the vertical clearance 4 feet from the vertical centerline A733 8. 6.00 ©. 5.39 ft D. 667 fl 3. Given the hyperbola: x Determine the new equation of this hyperbola if the x, y, axes are rotated about the origin by 45 degrees clockwise. A yard B xayia2 GC a-yat D, f-xt=2 A projectile has an initial upward speed of 1,000 feet per second which is steadily decreased by gravity at the rate of 32.2 feet per second per second, so that the upward speed at a subsequent time {is dy/dt = 1000 — 32,21 fisec. Ifthe initial position of the projectile is 200 ft above ground, what is the maximum height that the projectile will attain? AL 18,874 ft B 15,7281 C. 22,648 ft DL 13,107 ft 5. Determine (1-r](" as n approaches zero n ron-negatve AO 8, 0.968 C4 D. infty ©. Evaluate the integral of xy with respect to y end then to x, for the limits x = 0 to x = 1, and the limits from y= 1 toy = 2, ATS B. 12 c. 34 D. 518 Determine the equation of the line through (3, 4) which forms, with the positive x and positive y axes, the triangle with the feast area, A ax by = 32 B. ax+4y 5 ©. e+ By 8. Determine the sum of the infinite series: S= (0.8) + (0.8) + (0.8) +... + .8\" +. AB 3.8 c.2 D4 8. Determine the inverse Laplace transform of ; | (s)= 100/(s + 20)* A. it) = 100 - 10.cos 10t Ci ()= 1-041 sin 10t B. i(t)= 100-100 cos 10t D. i(t)=1~10 cos 101 10. A survey of 500 television viewers produced the ff. results: 285 watch football games. 195 watch hockey games 148 watch basketball games 48 watch football and basketball 70 watch feotball and hockey 50 watch hockey and basketball 50 do not watch any of the three games. How many watch ‘cotball games oniy? A230 8. 200 ©. 160 D. 190 11, A trapezoidal area has the following vertices on the xy plane A (6.0, 1.5), B (10.0, 2,50), © (10.0, -2.5) and D (6.0, 11.5) all coordinates in cm, If this area is rotated about the y-axis, determine the generated volume, In cu em. A746 B. 903 c. eat 0. 578 wi 2 8. 14, 45. 16. v7 18 9 20. 24 23, 24. 2, 26. 2. Determine the equation describing the locus of point? (x,y), such that the sum of the distances between P and (5, 0) and between P and (6, 0) is constant at 20 units. A. (x10)! + (y/8.66)? C. QB}? + (y/10)" =1 B. (x10) + (yla)* 4 D. (18.66% + (yo) ‘The § vectors: 10 cm’ at 72k degrees, K= 0, 1. 2, 3, 4 encompass the sides of a regular pentagon. Determine the magnitude of the vactor cross-product: 2.5{(107 at 144 deg) x (10! at 216 deg)) A 198.1 B 237.7 ©, 288.2 D. 166.4 Determine the simplified form of 2/(1 ~ eos2C) A cseC B, sec? ©, sec D. esc? Two electric bulbs BY (100 watts, 230 volts) and 82 (50 watts, 230 volts) are in series across a 220-volt source so that the same current passes through them and their voltages sum up to equal the source voitage. For each bulb its resistance directly varies withthe current and further characterized as follows: For bulb B1, Rt = 484 ohms when |= 5/11 ampere For bulb B2, R2.= 484 ohms when |= 5/22 ampere Determine the power in watts consumed by bulb B1, 1 = FRI A212 B 193 ©. 182 D. 203 With a throw of 8 dice, whatis the probability of getting a 9 or an 417 A 50/216 B. 52/216 C. 54215 D, 56/216 Determine the sum of the intemal angles of a hexagon ‘A, 540 degrees B. 810 degrees C. 720 degrees D. 630 degrees Given a square with 20 em sides. Another squiare is ts be inscribed in the given square such that the vertices of the former lies on the sides of the latter. Determine the area, in sq, cm. 0” the smallest inscribed square? A200 8. 220, C. 180 D. 160 Solve the differential equation d’x/dt* + 4x = 0 With initia! conditton x(0) = 10, x(0) = 0 Which of the following is a prime number? AoT 8, 313 ©. 867 D, 333 [An association has 15 officials. How many 4-member committees can be formed from these officials? A 1,365 8. 1,966 ©1638 D, 4,138 Obtain general solution of the following differential equation and determine y (0.06545) in terms of the constant of integration: (0? + 144)(D + 12) y(x)=0 where D = didx 7071 Ct + 0.7071 C2— 0.4559 C3 5815 Cl + 0.5815 C2 + 0.5815 C3 5815 Ct + 0.5815 C2 + 0.4559 C3 4859 C1 + 0.4859 C2 + 0.7071 C3 A tight viangie has ¢ fixed hypotenuse of 30 om, And the other two siaes allowed to vary. Determine the largest possible area of the angie, ‘A. 225 sq, om, B. 234.59, om, ©. 243.59, om. D. 216 59. om A drawer contains 10 white and 6 black balls, Whats the probability of the random drawing of 2 white balls? A. 0.450 B. 0.375 ©. 0.313 D. 0.280 ‘A rectangle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle with 10 om sides, such that one sides of the rectangle rests on one side of the triangle. Determine the area in sq, om. of the largest possihie inscribed rectangle. A 2165 B. 22.73 © 23.82 D. 19.48 Solve for x in the equation: af + 9*= 27* A. 0.438 8, 0.460 ©. 9416 D- 0.482 ‘What is the limiting value of the following function as n approaches intinity? ye lt (unyP A. indeterminate B, 2.7183 co D. infinity 28, 29, 30. 31 32 33, 26, 36 37. 38. 39, 40, 44 2 A body moves according the parametric equations: x = (10—t) sin (xt!10), y * (10 ~ t) cos (nU/10), z= (10 ~) where x, y, Z,a7e in meters, tin seconds, all angles in radians. Tre vector locating the body at any time tis r= + jy + kz Determine the magnitude of the velocity of the body, in meters per second at fime t = 5 seconds, by computing for the vector deat A. 15.76 misec B, 18.92 misec ©. 13.44 nifsec D. 10.95 misec A plane area is bounded by the lines: YX yaw xe iO By integration, determine the distance of the centroid of the area from the y-axis. A733 8. 667 ©. 6.06 5.51 Solve the differential equation: x(y + 1)dx + (x? -1) dy = 0 Iey= 2when x= 2, determine y when x= 4, A 0378 80311 ©. 0282 D. 0.342 Maximize 2 = (x/5) + (y/3) subject to (x/5)* + (y/3)* A242 B z= 159 ©. z= 1.54 o Evaluate In (50/ at 70 degrees) A 473 4/148 B. 4.306) 1.14 ©, 3.56 +)1.34 D. 394 +)1.22 A bank's password each consist of any two letters of the English alpnabet plus any two digit rom 0 to 9? How many different passwords are possible? A, 100880 8. 178760 ©. 26000 D. 67600 Which ofthe following is a prime number? A ot 8.119 ©. 87 D133 Determine the product ofthe folowing matrices: f2 -11 r i 2-5 old, | ga B 4 eo -1 -8 ~10 fo o -10} AJ1 -2 -6 o |1 -2 -5 on 15 | on | 1-8 -10 0 0 -10 Bj-1-2 6 p. [1-2 -€ [9 22 15 lo at ~15 : Determine the area bounded by the x-axis end the curve y = 1/ix?) from x= 1 to X= infil 1.00 8. infinity ©. indeterminate 0. 2.00 Determine the distance between coordinates (8, 9) and (-9, ~8). \ A. 28.85 units B. 16.70 units ©. 24.04 units D. 20.03 units The sum of geometric series is Sa itete tz's +z, where zis less than 1.0 What is $ a8 9 approaches infinity? A 2 =z) B (1-2) ©, 42-2) D. 11-72) A basketball coach has a total of 10 players. In how many ways can he feld a team of 5 players if the captain ball is always included? ‘A 42 8. 70 ©. 126 0. 25 Two lines pass through (6, 6) and separate tangents tothe circle C: x2 + y°= 9, Determine the distance between the xintercepts of the two lines. A 13.24 B. 10.81 C. 12.01 D. 14.41 Determine the inverse Laplace transform of l(s) = 200/{s‘(s"+10°)} A. it)=t—cos 10 B, =H —Otsin 10 C i(J=t—0.7 sin 10D. i= = 608 10t ‘Three geometric means are to be inserted between 6 and 14,408. Determine their product, ‘A 74,088 B. 1,452,720,862 C. 10,374,481 D, 25,412,184 43, The 3 vectors described by: 10 om/ at 120k degrees, k = 0, 1, 2 encompass the sides of an equilateral triangle, Determine the magnitude of the vector cross product: 0.5{(10/ at 0 deg) x (10/ at 120 deg)] A 866 B. 250 ©. 50.0 D, 433 44, For a high-voltage transmission tine we have the vector relation Er=DEs+ Bis It the per phase sending-end voltage and current are: Es = 70,000 volts at 0 degree 3 = 100 amperes at 30 degrees Determine receiving-end per phase voltage Er if D = 0.96 at 0 degree and B = 100 ohms at 90 degrees. A, 68,317 volts, B. 62,107 volts ©, 59,004 velts D. 65,212 velts 48, Determine the sum of the infinite series: S= (0.9) + (0.97 + (0.9) +... +(0.9)" + 89 AT c.6 D8 48. Determine the simplified form of [cos 2A - (ons A)*I(cos Aj? A. -{sec A)’ B. — (tan Ay ©, sec D. tana 47. A clinical record gives the following informaticn on body types Body types Endomorph Ectomorsh —-Mesomornh Male 72 54 26 i Female 62 84 38 How many subjects are either female or endomorphs? A298 B. 298 ©. 238 D! 282 48. A totrahedron is a regular solid with equilateral triangles for each of the 3 surfaces, ifleach side is 40 cm, What is the volume of the tetrahedron? A. 67.21 cucm 4B. 91.67 cum ©, 88.33 cuem D. 73.94 cu om 49. Awater tank is a horizontal circular cylinder 10 feet long and 40 ft in diameter. If the water inside is 7.6 feet deep determine the volume of water contained. A. 663.44 cust B, 600.26 cu tt ©, 691.85 cu ft Dj 568.67 cuft 50. Determine (1+)? as n approaches zero n non-negative Ad 3.0 ©. infinity ©. 2.7188 ““ENDH SUBMIT THIS TEST QUESTION SET TOGETHER WITH THE ANSWER SHEET TO YOUR WATCHERS. BRINGING THE TEST QUESTION SET OUT OF THE ROOM WILL BE A GROUND FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION. ononakon a gaompmo000 ANON LE 50. 6.67 ft. y-xX=2 15,728 ft. 0.368 3/4 Ax + 3y = 24 4 Ans, 100t e** D. Cc A B. D. B. B. Cc. A A B. A. A A B. A A 190 821 (x/10) + (yi8.68) = 4 . 237.7 oso’C 19.3 52/216 720 degrees 200 . x(t) = 10 cos 2t 313 1,365 y = 0.7071C,+0.7071C2+0.4559C3 225 sq. cm 0.375 21.65 0.438 27.8. 2.7183 28. Ans. 2.1136 29. B. 6.67 30, D. 0.342 31, D.2=12=1.414 32. D.3.91 +j1.22 33. D. 67600 . C, $7 -1 ia -10) : i choose A Hs 70 ~1 A. 1.00 i C. 24.04 units B. 41-2) 39, C. 128 40. C. 12.01) 44. C. i(t)=t—0.1t sin10t 42, D. 25,412,184 43, 0.43.3! 44, B. 62,107 volts 45. B.9 46. B. -tan’A 47. Ans. 236, choose C. 238 48. Ans. 117.85 cu. om, . Ans. 36. 37. 38, choose C. 83,33 cu. cm 49. C. 631.85 cu. ft 50. D. 2.7183 REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS #re-toard rxamunauon MATHEMATICS. SETA INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of tne following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choiee on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 1 only. | MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Determine the divergence of the vector V = i(x*) +4 (xyz) atthe point @, 2, 1) | 4.9.00 ®@p.00 C.13.00 D.7.00 2. Gh A= the 3" dimensional vectors: (xy) + j (2yz) + k Gzx), B =i (yz) + j zm) +k Gxy) Determine the sealar product of a the point (1, 2. 3). | Add @ps c.132 D. 126 3. What is the ratio of the perimeter of a regular polygon of n sides to the diameter of a circumseri a8 n approaches to infinity? pa B. 1.02414 Gt D. 2.025 ‘What is the ratio of the total area of 7 hexagons to the perimeter? A 0.866 B. 1.02414 i D. 3.284 5. Maximize z= x+y subject x° +)? A2=8.56 B.x=7.78 C.2= 643 D,2=7.87 6. A bookstore purchased a best sel giving a 15% discount, the profit is 30%. A. 413.22 B. 454.55 C. 500.00 D. 375.66 7. Determine the cube roots of the complex a0. 8 at 120° A. Zat 20°, 2at 140°, 2 at 260° C. 2at 40°, 2at 220°, 2at 300° ©? at 40°, 2 at 160°, 2 at 280° D. at 9°, 2at 120°, 2at 240° 8. Ifa card is drawn from a deck of 52 cards of 4 suits, What is the orobability that it will be a Jack, a Quéen of a King. ! @wsz B. 4/52, ©.16/52 D. 8/52 9. A survey of $00 television viewers produced the following results: 285 watch football games 195 watch hockey games 115 watch basketball games 45 watch football and basketball games, 70 watch football and hockey games 50 watch hockey and basketball games 50 do not watch any of the 3 games How many watch basketball games only? A.60 B: 50 €.30 Oo 4. From a regular hexagon with side of 6 units, six more regular hexagons were formed from cach side, at P250.00 per copy. At what pri¢e should this book be sold so that Ast: 382/35 40, bvaluate (5+ 45) A. 71.164 21.05 Ou.05- 77116 6. 21.054 771.16. 71.16~j21.08 UL If x= 12180, find x7 4x74 x6 AL 1Z180° B.12Z60° c. 12360" Qe 12. The sides of a triangle are: a= 12cm, b= 10cm, ¢=8em. ‘What is the sum of the 3 heights each perpendicular to the 3 sides? 4.23.25 om B. 22.03 em AT em D.25.70em 13. A tetrahedron is a regular solid whose 4 equal faces (surfaces) are each an equiteteral triangle. What is the volume of such a solid whose 6 edges are each equal to 10 cm? A. 123.74 cu. em, B. 117.27 €.111.268 cu. em. (DTR85 cv. em. 14, The area bounded by the curve y= 2." and the lines y = 0 and x = ‘the volume generated. » A. 1636 cu. B.3837 cu, ©1964 ou. D. 2386 cu, 5 is revolved about the y-axis. Find 15, ind the polar equation of the circle, if its center is at (4,0) and the radius is 4. =8cosu=0 B.r-Geosu=0 C.r-H2eosu=0 — D. r-4eosu=0 16. The genter ofa etee is at (1) and one point on ts circumference is (3). Find the othor end ofthe diameter through (-1,-3). AGA) O69 6.66) D.(,3) 17, Hf equal spheres are piled in the form of a complete pyramid with e rectangular basé, find the total number ‘of spheres in the pile if there are 6 and 4 spheres it the long anc short sides of the base respectively. 4.40 B44 C.48 @so 18. G— numbers are generated re cursively as follows: G)=0,G@)=1 forn=0,1 G(n) =26(n-2) + G(n-1) forn 2,3, 4, Syoue Determine G(S) AS B21 Ou 9.43 19, Find the area bounded by the parabolas — x (square) and y = x (square) 2x A442 s.u. OeHssu C.743 8.0. D. 543 8.0. 20, Solve the differential equation dy —xd = 0 ifthe curve passes through (1,0) A, 3x4 +2y-3=0 B. 2y+x?-1=0 © ~2y- D, 27 +2y-2=0 21. Bvaluate the integral of {(2°P2)=! e(expx)+1 A. In(eexpx=1)square+x+C C, Infeexpx~l)+x+C B. In(eexpx+1)—x+C @)in(cexpxt1)square~x+C 22, Three circles C1, C2, and C3 are externally tangent to each other. Center-to-center distances are 10 em between CI and C2, 8 cm between C2 and C3, and 6 cm between C3 and C1 Determine the total areas of the circles. A. 39.58 om* @y75.93 emt? C, 148.95 em® D. 46.18 em? 23. The sum of three numbers in arithmetic progression is 15, and the sum of their squares is 83. Find the three numbers. A258 B.1,3,5 C:1,5,9 @®357 x 24, Find the area of the largest rectangle that canbe inscribed in the ellipse = r 9 A30su. B.32su. C34su. 36 su, 25. Solve for x and y in the equation 2(exp x) +(1/9)i=8 + (log to the base 3 of y) exp i Ax=2y=3/9 C.x=2, y= 3fexp (1/9)] ®x=3,y=3lexp 19} D.x=3,y=3/9 26. Find the moment of inertia with respect to the axis of the volume of the sphere generated by revolving a circle of radius ¢ about a fixed diameter. A. (4/15) pi(rexpS) ENS) pirexp3) C. (2/15) pi(rexp5) D. (7/13) pi(rexp5) 27. Suppose that 30% of the employees in a large factory are smokers, what is the probability that there will be exactly two smokers chosen five-person work group? A, 0.2557 B.03267 €.0.3671 @jo30s7 28. A triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle with a radius R having its center at O, If the angle OBA is 48°, find the angle ACB A.60° ®w ©. 75° D, 55° 29. The hands of tower clock are 4 % ft and 6 ft long respectively. Mow fast are ends approaching at 4 o’clock in fl per‘minute? @y0246 B, -0.203 C+ D, ~0.256 30, Evaluate +2? +3* +4? +....4100° A. 336,548 338,350 C. 335,450 D. 384,340 31. A and B can do a piece of work in 42 days, B and C in 31 days and C and A in 20 days. In how many days can all of them work together? ov B17 cs D.21 32. Ina spherical tank having a diameter of 4 m the volume of water is 5.236 cu. m. Determine the depth of water in the tank. ®1om, B.12m, Clam D.L6m, 33. The eccentricity of parabola is equal to: ' AO i . greater than! 1 D, Jess then 1 34, How many line segments are determined by 8 distinct point? os B56 cid D.30 35, How many triangles are determined by 8 points, no three of which are collinear? A2B ®s C4 D.30 36. Find the area bounded by r = 4c0s 20 Ad @s C12 D. 16 37. A 10 ohms resistance R and 1.0 henry inductance L are in series. An AC voltage e(¢)=100sin377¢is applied across the series circuit. The applicable differential equation is: aint e(t) Solve for the particular solution (without the complimentary solution) to the differential equation, and determine the amplitude of the resulting sinusoidal current i(t), 60.265 ampere B.0.321 ampere C, 0.292 ampere D. 0.241 ampere S42 f s°4s+20 A. ef sin 2r : Be cost ©. ein at D. e*' cost 38, Determine the inverse Laplace Transform of 39. How many different sequences of 6 signal flags can be constructed from 4 red flags and 2 green flags? A.30 B.25 €.20 or si 40, Determine the radius of the sphere whose equation is x” +9? +2? 2x +8y +16z+65=0 A. 5 units A units C.3 units D. 6 units 41. Evaluate the triple integral of xyzdzdydy. for the following limits: z from 0 to (2~x), y from 0 to (1=x), and.x from 0 to 1 4.85730 @r3240 C.89730 D, 847279 42. The second derivative of the function. f(x) io f(x). Wiat is the characteristic of this function? A. hyperbolic B, exponential ©prigcnomerrie D. logarithmic 43. A student has periodic test scores of 75, 83, and 78. The final teat has a weight equal to 3 periodic tests. What should the student strive for a ininimim (integral) final test Score, so that he gets.a passing ‘mininium average of 80? i A. 80 B.8t C.83 i Ox 44, Evaluate the terms of a Fourier series 2e!™ 426°!" at t= 1 Alt B.2 © D.2+j2 45, Simplify (2+31)(5~i) ‘ G2 ~91i 214521 ~ ~ i ee p, 214521 THT p, 29042201 169 3 13 169 46. Find the equation of the circle whose center is on the x-axis and which passes through the points (1,3) and 6. A. +y'-12x4+4=0 C. xt +y'-19xti4=0 @# +9 -14x4+4=0 D. xt 4 y? 14x48 47. A cask containing 20 gallons of wine was emptied on one-fifth of its content and then is filled with water. If this is done 6 times, how many gallons of wine remain in the cask? A. 5.121 B. 5.010 ©5242 D. 5.343 48. A chord is 40 cm long and its midpoint is 40 em from the midpoint of the longer arc, Find the area of the circle, AL 252 @ese C. 5684 D. 455a 49, Solve for x and y in 4x—y+3=0 and 8x—-2y+65 Ax=0y=0 B.x=5,y=25 Cx=Ly=8 B)re solution 50. What isthe cosine of the angle between the planes of 2x~ y—~2z~5=Oand6x-2y+32+8=0? A321 @sn C.67.5 Bo seEND™* SUBMIT THIS TEST QUESTION SET TOGETHER WITH THE ANSWER SHEET TO YOUR WATCHERS. BRINGING THE TEST QUESTION OUT OF THE ROOM WILL BE GROUND FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION.

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