Math Sept2002

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MATHEMATICS SETA 48, Evaluate Laplace transform of A 2s B. tis? ©. as? D. Us 16. A small ine truck hau's poles irom substation stockyard to pole sitaé along a proposed distribution tine. The {muck can handle only one pole at atime, The first pole site is 180 meters from the sutstation and the poles are to be $0 meters apart. Determine the total cistance traveled by the line truck, back and forth, ater returning from delivering the 30" pole A 375km B 402km ©. 30.5 km D. 30.0«m 47, Thiee circles C1, C2 and C3 are exterrially tangent to each other, Center-to-center distances are 15 ¢m between C7, and C2, 12 cm between C2 and C2, and 9 cm between C3 and C1, Determine the total areas of the circles, A. 98.96 sq.m. B, 99.98, C. 403.96 D. 100.76 sq.m. 48. With a throw of 3 dice, what is the probabiliy of getting a $ or an 11? A 501216 B 521216 C, 54/218 D. 567216 18. A trapezoidal area has the following vertices on the x-y plane: A (6.0, 1.5), 8 (10.0, 2.50}, C (10.0, -2.50) ‘and D (6.0, —11.5). With all coordinates in cm, IF this area rotated about the y-axis, determine the generated volume, in cu. em A748 B. 903 ©. 821 0. 578 20. Determine the area bounded by the x-axis and the curve y= 1h? flom x= 1 to x = infinity, A 1.00 B. infinity ©. indeterminate | D. 2.00 | 21. Find the equation of the pair of acute angles formed by the ine 4x + 2y = 9 and 2x-y =8. Ay +4x=25=0 Boy+@x-25=0 C. y-8x~25=0 | D. &x-25=0 22, An anchor chain of a ship weighs 730 N per lineal meter while the anchor weight 8900 N. What is the work Gone in pulling up the anchor if 30 meters of chain are out. assuming that the lefts vertical A 3285 kJ B, 287 ki ©. 61.5 ks D. S858 kJ 23, Given the hyperbole: xy = 1 Determine the new equation of this hyperbota ifthe x, y, axes ars rotated about the origin by 45 degrees: clockwise, A pax cay \ Bxtay=2 OD yae=2 24 Two circles of diferent radii are concentric. If the length of the chord of thejlarger circle that is tangent to the smaller circle is 40 om,, find the different in area of the two circles, A, 350n 9, om, B. 40059. em, C. 00 2 sq, om. ©. 550 I 25. A ladder 4.5 m long leans against a vertical wall, It the top slides down at 0.6 m/s, how fastis the angle of elevation of the ladder decreasing, when the lower end is 3.8 m from the wall? A 0.14 radisee B.-O1Siadisec CD16 rad/s D. -0.17 rad/sec 26. In Jones family each daughter has as many brathers as sisters and each son has three times as many sisters as brothers. How maay daughters and sons are there in the Jones family? A32 B42 C52 26,3 27. An inscribed angle is radian, and the chord ofthe circle subtended by this angle is 12/2 cm. Find the radius of the circle A 10cm 8. 12cm ©. t4em D. 16cm 28, Aman bought 6 tickets in a lottery for a prize of P2,000, If there are a total of 400 tickets, what is his mathematical expectation? A P25, 8, P20 ©. P30 D. P35 29. The average of six scores is 83, If the highest score is removed, the avevage of the remaining scores is 81.2. Find the highest score Ag 8. 92 ©. 9% D. 96 MATHEMATICS SETA 30. A chord is 36 cm long and its midpoint is 96 om from the midpoint f te longer arc. Find the area of the circle A. 1595 em? B 1593 em? ©. 1590 om? , 1598 om* ¥ 31, Solve; 2 =4 civided by xy -2) A. xy = Ce B. dy'= Co! cc. xy = Ce’ D. xy Ce! 32, If4, 2, Sand 18 are added respectively to an arithmetic progression, the resulling serivs is a geometric progression. What is the sum of AP? A 48 B49 ©. 48 0. 47 33, The towers of a 60 meter parabolic suspension kridge are 12 m high and the lowest point f the cable is 3 m above the roadway. Find the vertical distance from the roadway to the cable at 15.m from the conter. A am 85m c.6m D, 8m 34. A regular n-sided polygon is inseribed in a circle radius r, Determine the ratio ofthe perimeter of the polygon to the diameter ofthe circle 28 n increases to infinity. A 4M 8B. 628 6, 187 Dad 36, Evaluate 1? + 1742? + 2°49 43% + 150% + 150° A. 128,384,358 B. 129,391,900 ©. 136,391,800 D. 147,920,368 36. Irequal spheres are piled in the form of a complete pyramid with’a rectangular base, find the total number of spheres in the pile f there are 6 and 5 spheres in the long and short sides bf the base, respectively. 270 B74 ces 072 57 onesie spherta-oortinate equation ¢= 89 degrees eangula- coordinates enuations. Ary Setyen Gaye Bete aae 38, Grnumbers are generated recursively as fol0WS, forn=0,1 forn=2,3,4,5, ‘Determine G(7). re) B49 on D2 39, A survey of 50 teevision viewers produced the #.reslls: 285 watch footoal games {68 watch hockey games 115 watch basketball games 45 watch football and basketball games 70 watch football and hockey games Eo watch hockey and basketball games 50 do not watch any ofthe three games How many watch hockey games only? ‘489 Bes c. 95 b. 110 40, Determine the tangent to the curve 3y7 = x° at (3, 3) and caiculate the area of the triangle bounded by the tangent tne, the x-axis, andthe line x= 3 A. 250su B. 350su C. 4.00 s.u D, 300s.u 41. Atarget with a black crculor center and a white ng of uniform wih fs fo be mado, Mf the radius of os Ae ee Pow wide should the ing be so that the area of the rng s the same as.tne area ofthe center? A 1.2320 8, 1.263 om ©, 1.2520m D. 1.243 em ; 42. Froma point outside on equlateral tangle the distances ofthe vertices are 10 m, 18m, and 40m respectively. Find the length of the side of the triangte. A. 16.95 m B. 17.95m C. 1855 m D. 18.95 m marteanancs PREPONED Este Aulus 94,1002 (Econte de at Ct sieteades 4 \ sha af ai 2 JQ HE Coeted] a 2 oA0ot VB BL Ag = Ad's Y(isyis tn-Semt de C, 15 dim oie Bncsw jtay ari? rotate (BE) dt be pee » Ings nga lax) (lo) = (be) Fa ed) Bey ae 2 (49) mar de Bettas = 2 ean of PL? yr ip7 neem) gree acre) Bb Rite 770 0-8 #2664) Sessa me nos z as oa ¢ 62 (4) 210" he prob 2 18 he stants? Aye Lomi(seare) ry = Scio) stands") Ae that (2) + Apetagen + 5ig0¥ eat (42) Heli Asse "a shy + Apenbygone SSb-76 sf- om Ase b ag. 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Leb As toe b> to (ae [ana] «fA s}=0 [24-2 romeo 2] = sles (iot-B") = £00 ns A Bie LEO © 2 hs 2 Ahem hes 8 daore A nat vnunet kK 60" som > son aye 2.807): 300“ om de 2 2 (200~) 8400 3g + 2 (asen}* dm Sno 9 [2a + (ned) Loom Sug * HE [22009 + 24000)] Sg 7 By f00m = 3E ST Pete A at Forny oS Ree th han 2, operaers ren ry ots Fk ae 248 the Gem ns Sem Ween 115. 10 cer 4 12,6 9G weys 4,2)8 — ew 44493 22,5 —#3 anys 233, ——*bwa eno Ape an? samt eng , eae #8) em(O e+) P3868 9! om ee chart h 354 « $8.44 Te oer is £4 —¥ bangs 1) 6)5—> Bays 2)3;6——+ Guay 2h 5— 6: 313,50 Bmp 3,3 ——2, Oy 3/44 —1 Seng Bangs Hethor e (athmeko:prpanion) ps 2600 = SE TF ang boo B 2G ahi) 629) rs ry Ay LSPS) = Sh egqeen Zhi 4009) 12[4 cxalsenn eB oes 2G By ppt Meer oa prpsition VECA= ant Aq ran(SE)(n)= B22 caren. Ae ho eL Oe gb «dad * de WP (8 = bn GH) 247 2h cols aeco pal a} de dy Antig-9 + 2n-y~h + ae —e" eae sed 5 swe ae « AE YGR-Y = -40 4G oy Bx-2520 Ans’ au. aN= Fn (750448900) 3° We (Me oy { (130848900) We 505,003 4, We S855 Ansed a : yeh! acu \ (ee = Jase Y prions walsin® , poxtites a ylanb ase Garand Sater) if xye4 [eeocasse sence] xseceny oar] et (weende” hyenas) (oaloina 4s yleasae) ot (°F HEC vg yet Ela et) C8) G'3!) 4 (RGN x gt) ad Waylon gh nk eh AD ®) As WR Tr sT(ger) Bul Rhor® =(2a)*2 goo whe A > 4o0T syiems Aes: B HES. barrgroh By tron-cherk Taos, (36) » S948) whin x= ddm , 2000 sing 2 de ae w res RVBL EWE FE 12S om fering fig. © (USE Ly S8De—% Aes. C et dpe 48 & ey) 3)dy 2 4 onse raifice Ans C8) Ay = Bee (gays dee grthy + ther ec ine P3lny = > C [ses | artes | we py in In xy Fe WHC, 4 J dys mye FS eens) Kye CCF pa B had teh ay 24d, asad aed fe MP 14 ay 482 592425 2 #54 8 he GP tdi, a 2dtSs ay tsdite P Bea “Hadt7 a SEES By ar Haat? 8 ayeh Ae Fy Sem reject. ON Sor é w autetore, ae sume OF WP 2 4a, + GA? IUL)EC EARL AC + eneck mun op ap.= 248 41S 422 246, Son few B #28. Probab. of Wenig a ae: 2 $ Meltomabiel Epeakion > fy (82,000) AL5 Pres 429° aves of Gores = sone @seets 5 gy @ sun of G eco = #306) um of Ssrorea 7 8306) — 1 dees of Sxeres = B3UL) =H s He 92 deed Gan) HIS. Glo) 20 Ga)et G Q)s 2G(0) + GUL) -200)44 22G(3) + (4)? 20 (4) # Gis) 739, [sscoa-tiea) f+ tn04x \ Hevefore he 52:28 S-25om Ant choose C. Gm / \wx / f { * [Pe \ 17 Rose sip hy NN a. pi “eR ~ ABE suns (Penh psty coe #Lcot DA (SERIE seo) NOOR a cat (and) (4-22) TASER OOK B2OKK HDDoy HAR HSD-K EK = SO0-CO=4! xe10 2 = £50 (1ss)( 301) 1) Hectione, a regis = FEED = IE Powe Suez 129,594,900 Ans-B , 436+ For reclaogulee bose pyrord ) Tob] reps of spbaces 2 AbOtt Cimon ¢ 1) 6 > S(st4) (3xe-s tt) Bal re. ofsplees = 70 dak wT y x a x Lang + bins (3 te eR e xt hgh 2 Bat Aes Ay = 4 C2)(3)= Bue Ar D Hat Hay Arig * Aealer Rae} Cay 2 OO) we tont8-9° 9 x 4ux-920 oe an VE(Syfy 2809? eH) we : 26M (xyr) ae wey, OH a sit (5) cos soe 2° + oe) Coy 7 (s) # 7 (U8) Meal tag #2 eo AY. 0.24 em/ste Ans A FAT RS Ur paras : es: 0 Th V4 oblate spherold es Ths Asendp Aevetoop Bz Bou As A eit paiy pe ee cette aad | Lelong Ses ea x3 i? Bas. ams 2 | oY bat tatast s tt 37335 FSeeaeaeie aCe As 8 Ramses 4-47 Ans: C Hid. cosh (etjy) = eoshxceshjy + Minky sénhjy H cosh (Athy) = cosha cosy bj acnhicsn Posh (D-942 + j0.429)- cosh 3.542.605 0-425 fb jstnh 0-442 5c 0-425, sh (0-942 t joweg) = £348 +f OrHS2 Ant B eset wa | f x i Brom 2Ty, + AOC By abb +b) | 36 (4p) 3 3 F'(e 43h) ‘ Greens). 2166.25 ent Aas. D

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