Math Sept2007

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— Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Soard Examination Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:00 am. - 12:00 n.n. MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. Find the polar equation of the horizontal line through the point (-2, pil 2 ). Acrsinthetas2 @)rsintheta=-2 C.rcostheta=0 —D. rcosthieta=-2 2. A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 9 feet. If it rebounds one-third of the distance it has fallen after each fall, how far will it rebound the 6” time? 2 1 2 1 Aft Bott cat oof 27 aT 81 OH » . A piece of wire 24.78 inches long is bent so as to form an isosceles triangle with one angle 97°26. Find the length of each equal sides formed. A, 8.095 in ©7075 in C. 10.62 in D. 12.05 in 4. Solve for one value of x in x cubed ~ 8 = 0 Attisqrtofs B.-3 c.-2 ©-1-isa.rt of 3 5. In AABC, a=8,b=9, and 2C = 135 deg, What is the area of A ABC? A. 18 8.36 ©O7ssq.r.of2 1.36 sq. rt of 2 ‘coin collector had a collection of silver coins worth $ 205. There were five times as many quarters as half-dollars ( 50-cent pieces ) and 200 fewer dimes than quarters. How many half-dollars (50-cent pieces ) did the collector have? 100 8. 200 c. 180 D.120 What is the minimum of fencing needéd to construct a rectangular enclosure containing 1800 sq. ft using a river as a natural boundary on ane side? A.90 @r120 ©. 160 D. 180 2 Mario bought P 21.44 worth of stamps at the post office. He bought 10 more 4-cent stamps than 19- cent stamps. The number of 32-cent stamps was three times the number of 19-cent stamps. He also bought two 1 peso stamps. How many 4-cent stamps did he purchase? A 28 B.56 © D.48 9. Ifcos theta =~ and tan theta is negative, the value of sin theta is 4 sq.rt.of 7 4sq.tof7 7 A-z , case oon” 5 . 4 7 On" 10, Boyle's law states that when a gas is compressed at constant ‘emperature- the product of its pressure and volume remains constant. If the pressure of a gas is 80 Ib/ when the volume is 40 cubic inches, find the rate of change of pressure with respect to volume when the volume is 20 ‘cubic inches. And B68 ©s D.-12 11. The height (ft) at anytime t(sec) of a projectile thrown vertically is H(t) = ~18( t squared ) + 256t when is the maximum height reached by the projectile (sec)? 8 BS C3 D6 = Manila REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Saturday, August 25, 2007 MATHEMATICS 12, The bases of the frustum of a right circular cone are 6 ft apart and have diameters 5 ft and 8 ft. Find ‘the volume of the frustum, A304 @203 c.8tt 1216 13. A vertical wall and a tower 120.0 ft high stand on the same horizontal plane. From the angles of depression of the top and bottom of the wall are 22.23 deg and 44.32 deg, respectively. Find the ‘naight of the wall, 59.76 ft 8.68.14 ft C. 68.48 ft D. 69.54 ft 14, How many distinct permutation can be made from the letters of the word colurnns? A. 2,520 B, 2,860 C. 5,420 ©5040 15. What is the equation of a curve where every point of which the tangent line has a slope of 4x? Cc. (x squared) + C Oy=2 (squared) +c 16, You are given n = 5 measurement 0,5,1,1,3 find the mode. Az B.3 ©! D158 17. if n holes are to be spaced regularly on a cirle with radius r, find the equation of the distance between the centers of two successive holes. A.d=rsin (90 degin) 2r sin (180 degin) B. d = 2r sin (90 deg/n) D. d= rsin (180 dea/n) 18, Find the area bounded bounded by the curve y = 2(x~ 3), y = 0, x= 4, x=5. A. 3.985 @®ine ©, 4.389 D5 19, The line passing through the focus and perpendicular to the directrix of a parabola is called ‘A. tangent line B. median . atus rectum ‘©)axis of the parabola 20. Find the radius of curvature for the curve y = sin x at point P(pi/2,1) A2 B38 oO D4 21. A high-speed “bullet” train accelerates and decelerates at the rate of 4 f/sec squared. Its maximum cruising speed is 90 mish, What is the maximum distance the train can travel ift accelerates from rest unti it reaches its cruising speed and then runs at that speed for 5 minutes? ©2291 B. 25.43 C. 23.33 D, 27.56 22. A population P(t) of small rodents has birth rate = (0.001 ) P (births per month per radent) and constant death rate 6. If P(0) = 100 and PO) = 8, how long ( in months ) will it take this population to double to 200 rodents? A. 50 in (9/7) $0 in (9/8) C. 48 In (7/8) D. 56 In (9/7) 23, Find the area enclosed by the curved r = 8(sin sq, theta/2). A4pi @24 pi ©. pil2 D. 8pi 24, A television camera Is located 5000 ft from the base of a rocket launching pad. The camera is designed to follow the vertical path of the racket. if the rocke!'s speed is §00 ft/sec when it has risen 2000 ff, how fast is the camera's angle of elevation changing at this instant? A612 @e4 C.254 D. 6.28 26, Find the radius of curvature 3y = ( x cube ) at the point (4, 1/3 ). A.8q. tt. of 3 B.3 Gea rt of2 D2 REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:00 am. ~ 12:00 n. MATHEMATICS 26. A 2 meter tall man walks away from a 6 meter high lamp post at a rate of 1 meter/sec, find how fast the tip of the shadow is moving in m/sec? 15 B.1.25 c.2 D3 27. A chord passing through the focus of the parabola y squared = 8x has one end at the point ( 8,8 ). ‘What is the other end of the chord? A. (12,3) B, (1/3,-2) C.(113,-4) O12, -2) 28. Find the area of the pentagon connecting the points 3,0 ).(2,3 )—1,2),{-2, ~1), and (0, ~3) A 16 18 C: 20". D.24 29. The demand x for milk (quiarts), selling for p Php per quart at a supermarket is determined by the equation px + 1200p ~ 6000 = ©, Ifthe price is increasinig’at.rate of 3 centavos per week, at what fale is demand changing (in quarts per week ) when the price is Php 1.25 per quart? A 1159 118.2 c.114 O12 30. A merchant purchased two lots of shoes. One lot he purchased for $32 per pair and the second lot he purchased for $40 per pair. There were 0 pairs in the first lot, How many pairs were in the Second lot if he sold them all at $60 per pair and made a.gain of $2800 on the entire transaction? A. 50 8.60 ©70 D.80 34. Suppose that a motorboat is moving at 40 ft/s when its motor suddenly quits, and that 10 s later the boat has slowed to 20 f/s. Assume that the resistance it encounters while coasting is proportional toits velocity such that dvidt = -kv. How far will the boat coast in all? @40orn 2 B. 300/in 2 ft ©. 280/in 2 ft D. 350/In 2 ft 32, Find the point on the graph of the equation y = sinh x at which the curvature is 0 A(10) (0.0) €.(0,-1) DB. (0,1) 33. A class has 12 boys and 4 girls, suppose 3 students are selected at random from the class, find the probability that they are all boys. A 13/28 B. 9128 ©1128 D. 5/28 34. Find the slope of the curve r= tan theta at theta = pi At B.2 ©s D4 36. If a multiple-choice test consists of 5 questions each with 4 possible answers of which only 1 is correct, in how many different ways can a student check off one answer to each question? @®1,024 B. 1,440 C. 1,152 D. 576 36. A rod of length 5 ft has a linear density proportional to the cube of the distance from one end. If the total mass of the rod is 600 slugs, compute the average density of the rod. A. 160 B, 150 C. 300 ©) 100 37. Consider 3-digit number to be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, assuming that the repetition Of digit is not allowed, How many 3-digit whole numbers can be formed? A208 504 C. 384 D. 448 38. The magnitude of vector product of two vectors is sq. rt. of 3 times thier scalar product. The angle between the vectors is A. pil B. pi ©. pil6 Opis REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Pre-Board Examination Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:00 am. ~ 12:00 nan. MATHEMATICS 39. The probability that a doctor correctly diagnoses a particular iliness is 0.7. Given that the doctor 40. 4 42, 43. 45, 46. 47. 48, 49. makes an incorrect diagnosis, the probabilty that the patient enters a law suit is 0.9. What is the probability that the doctor makes an incorrect diagnosis and the patient sues? A021 8.0.73 €.0.79 O27 A point moves along the parabola y = x squared such that the horizontal component of the velocity is always 3. Find the tangential and normal component of acceleration at P( 1,1). A 12.45,7.83, B.14.24,7.12 16.10,8.05 D. 15.20,7.50 Find the radius of curvature from the point P(2,pi) on the graph of the polar equation r= 2+ sin(theta), AT Oi2 ©. 284 3.4.97 If two resistors with resistances Ri and Rz are connected In parallel, then the total resistance R, measured in ohms(Q) is given by 1.1/4 eee ROR Re If Ry and Re are increabing at rates of 0.3 Qs and 0.2 Os respec'ively, how fast is R changing when R, = 80 0 and R, = 100 07 A0.231 B. 0.321 ©.0.123 ©0132 Find the volume generated by revolving about the y axis the area bounded by the parabolas y= xsquared + 4 and y = 2(x squared), ®er B. 127 C160 D240 Consider a reservoir with a volume of 8 billion cubic feet and an initial pollutant concentration of 0.25%. There is a daily inflow of 500 million cubic feet of water with a pollutant concentration of 0.05% and an equal daily outflow of the well-mixed water in the reservoir, How long wil it take to reduce the pollutant concentration in the reservoir to 0.10%? A. 24.7 days B. 21.9 days C. 23.4 days ©22.2 days ‘A water tank has the shape obtained by revolving the parabola x squared = by around the y-axis. ‘The water depth is 4 ft at 12 noon, when a circular plug in the bottom of the tank is removed. At 1 PM the death of the water is 1 ff the initial radius of the top surface of the water is 2 ft, what is the radius of the circular hole in the bottom? A.0.18in 0.18 in C.0.23in D.0.36 in Find the inverse function of y = f(x) = 2x-6. x x =90)= =9o)=8-2 Oy=aw=%43 Dy=qW=%-3 Ay=g0)=2+6 By=oh)=6x-2 Oy=ah)= 5 yrow= > ‘Suppose a student is selected at random from 100 students where 30 are taking ME. 20 are taking (GE and 10 are taking ME and EE. Find the probability that the student is taking BE or ME. A110 B. 3/10 C5 O22 Arectangle poster with an area of 18 sq, in., must have margins of 0.5 in on each side and 0.75 in on ‘the top and bottom. What should be the dimensions of the poster to maximize the printed area? A. squt. of 3, 2 sqrt of 3 ©)2 sq.t. of 3, 3 squrt. of 3 B.2,3 D. 2 squtt. of 3, sq.rt. of 3 ‘A ball weighing 0.2 pounds is thrown vertically upward. Its height affer t seconds is given by h(t) = 6 + 8t — 16(t squared) until the ball strikes the: ground again. Find the work done on the ball by gravity while the ball descends from its maximum height to the ground, O14 feo B. 1.6 ftlb ©. 2.8 flo D. 3.2 fib

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