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In general, the focal point of this examination is coordinated towards the plan and the
improvement of a Barangay Information Management to additionally lessen normally
happening issues. The study covers the computerization of the Residents profile, Barangay
Records, Barangay Employees Procedures, Guidelines and Services of Barangay

The proposed system will at last be implemented in the Barangay San Isidro, Diffun,
Quirino Province, especially specialists test and carry out the proposed system in the
student information system.

The database will be supported up utilizing a different stockpiling gadget to be of help in

the event of something happens to the original storage.

All the data required will be gathered from the occupants or residents of barangay just as
the Barangay Officials for future reason in building the system. The System Software that
will be made is just be made exclusive for the Barangay Officials to stay away from
information breaking, changes and information theft.

Hence, this will help the local area that experience issues in giving and keeping their
information secured.

Database - is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed,

managed and updated. (Hughes, A, 2005)

Framework - A framework, or software framework, is a platform for developing

software applications. It provides a foundation on which software developers can build
programs for a specific platform. (TechTerms,2015)

Identity theft - the crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another

person to use their identity to commit fraud, such as making unauthorized transactions or
purchases. (Kagan, J.2021)

Record - is a collection of related items of information treated as a unit by a computer in a

database. (Edwards JD,2009)

Barangay Officials - The Barangay as the political unit is the primary planning and
implementing unit of government policies, plans, programs, projects and activities in the
community. (Torres, B. 2018)

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