Math April1996

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a epubitc of the Phitppines PROFESSIONAL REGULATION COMMISSION Manila BOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Licensure Examination Monday, April 8, 1996 8:00 am,— 4:00 pm, MATE ICS INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer ior each of the following questious.. Mark only one answer foreach item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice pn the answer shect provided, STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 1 only.| MULTIPLE CHOICE 1, Evaluate the integral of tan (x/2) dx, the limits of which are 0 and r. A Dead B. 2+ ©. 2+nid D.2+W4 2. IEA =40¢", B~ 202-40", and C=26.46 4 j0. Solve for A+B +C. A217 angleas® —” B, 35.1 angle 5° C. 30.8 angle 45° D. 53.4 angle 45° 3. Am observer is 200 A froma building, observes that the top of the pole un top of the building makes an angle of clevation of 30°, Assuming the height of the pols is 50 f. and the height of the eyes of the observer is 5 A. from the ground level. Find the height ofthe building in feet. naa pe c.m01 | ese 4. Pind the square root of 96 using binomial theorem, i A 9.67673 B. 9.79796 c. 9.58584 D. 9.81817 5. Aaand B can do a piece of work in 42 days, B and © in 31 days and C and A in 20 days. In how many days ean all of them do the work together, | A 19 BIT cs j D.2t 6, Find the 37" term of the arithmetic sequence 8, 11, 14. A 16 B14 © 2 1D. 110 7. Aand B are two independent events. The probability that A can occ isp and that for both Aand B to occurs is q. What is the probability that event B will occur? Apta B. p-1 Cap ' De pq 8. Solve the inequality (x squaie) i ess han 9 | A, ~3/2 is less than x is less than 3/2 B, ~Ziis less than x is less than 2 C. His less than x less than 4 1D, =f is tess than x is less than 3 9, For the differential equation whose general solution is y= (x square) +1. Avxy'=2(1=y) B. wy’ =2y~1) Cox = 29-1) D.x=yol 10. When a bullet is fired into a sand bag, it will be assumed that its retardation is equal to the square root of its velocity on entering. For how fong will it travel ifthe velocity an entering the bag is 144 filsec?” A. 21 sec B. 24 sec ©. 25 see D. 2660 11, A man buys a book for P200 and wishes to sell it. What price shes ie mark on it if he wishes a 40 percent discount while making a 50 percent profit on the cost price? A. 667 B, 567 ©. 467 D. 867 REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Licensure Examination Monday, April 8, 1996 8:00am ~4:00 pm. Page? MATHEMATICS 12, Bvaluate the triple integral of 2(r square) sin w dz dr du, where the limits of z is from 0 to 2, the limits of xis tom 0 tal, and the limits of u is from 0 to pi/2. A. 23, B. 4/3 ©. 58 Dd. WS 13. {Fa de generator has an emf of E volts and as an internal resistance of r ohms, what external resistance R will consume the most power? : A, R=2r B. Ror © R=05: D, R=O5 114. Find the equation of the bisector of the pair of acute angles formed by the line 4x + 2y~ 9 and 2x—y = 8. AL y14x=25 "0 B, y+8x-25=0 ©, y=8x-25=0 D, 8x-25=0 15, Determine the nature ofthe surface whose equation is 2 (x square) ~ 3 (y square) + (z square) + 8x + 16y 22." 30, A. Sphere B. Paraboloid ©. Hyperboloid D, Ellipsoid 16. What is the simplified expression of the complex number (6 + j2.5)(3 +14). A, 0.32 +5 0.66 B. 1.12 ~j0.65 ©, 032-}0.66 D.-1.75+j1 17. The cost C of a product is a function ofthe quantity x, of the product: C(x) = (x square) —4000x + $0, Find the quantity for which the cost is minimum. A. 1,000, B. 3,000, c. 1,500 2,000 18, Solve for x by determinants: 3x +2y = 1, x—y=-B, Ad B.S ‘pe 19, Find the polar moment of inertia of the area ofa circle of radius 2. em with respect to ts center ‘A.2pi B. pi ©. Spi ; De Api 20. Find the equation of the line through (3, 5) which makes an angle of 45° withthe line 2x + y= 12 A xt3y=6 B. 3x-y=34 C. 3x+y=8 D. x¥3y=4 1-12 x x 21. wtmanix] 2 1 3. | multiply by matrix| y | = 0, taen meteix] y ond z 2 i As BL co , De 22, How meny kg. of cream containing 25 pexecat butter fat should be added fo 30 kg of mitk containing one percent butter fatto produce milk containing 2 pereent burter at? A. 2TH B. 5221 ©. 4.170 D. 3318 23, At whet time. will the hands of a clisck be in a straight line between 7:00 o'clock and 8:00 o'clock In the morning? (Note: The hour hand is pposte thet ofthe minute har?) A, TH2ASISAM. — B.. TSAS45 A. C. TISASAS AM. D, 7:10.4545 AM. 24, Given a triangle ofsides 10 en and 15 em with an included angle of 6U degrees. Find the area ofthe triangle in 596m. A. 65. B. 72 c. 80 D.15 25, Solve +) dy=(K—Vy dh ‘A. (square) + (y square) =C C. x square) + xy + (y square) = © B, (x square) ~2xy ~ (y square) D. (x square) ~ 2xy + (y square) =C REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Licensure Examination Monday, Aprit , 1996 8:00 aun, ~ 4:00 p.m, Page 3 MATHEMATICS 26. An observation made in Hongkong (Latitude 22 degrees 18°N), gave the sti ofthe sn to be 43 dlogrees 20° Bs gaelination was 15 degrees 52°, Find the time of the day, ithe abservation if the mornings eve hove is 15 degrees. A. 9:12 AM, B. 8:52 AM. C. 8:36AM, D. 8:44 AM, 27. In how many ways can a set of 6 distint books be arranged hn a bookshett? A. 5040 B. 120 c. 20 D. 24 28. IFGa~2), (6+ 2) and Gx = 11) form am avthmetie progression, find the fifteenth term, AL 86 B.-81 c. -19 Dd. -84 29. Solve: xy'Qy = 1)=y(1 x) A. Intsy)=2-y) +0 B. Ingy)=2y—x+0 ©. Inlay) == 2946 D. tngy)=x-42y+6 0. Under cersin conditions cane sugae with water is converted mnt Genoseat afte which is proportional tothe Tdi crguverted at anytime, 1£75 grams at time ¢= 0.8 grams are converted during the frat 30 minutes find the amount converted in 1.5 hows, in grams A 26 B. 196 20 D. 2s AT. Determine the inverse Laplace transform of (8) ~ (5 +2) (ee:ponent-s) divided by (s suse) +4 A. cos 2{t~ 1) sin 20-1) B. C08 2it—1) + sin B(t~ 1) C. 008 2¢~ 1) +sin 2¢t—1) D, ~c0s 24t~ 1) sin ¢~ 1) 32 Find the rational number equivalent to the repeating decimal 235247424, A, 2327/9900 B, 23261/9900 C. 23289:9900 D. 2264/9900, °5- A cask containing 20 gallons of wine was emptied on one-ifh of its content ad then is filled with water, 1F this is done 6 times, how many gallons of wine remain in the cask? A. 5.121 B.S.01G ©. $242 D. 5.343 34. In. Mathematics Examination, a student may select 7 problems from a set of 10'prablems, In how many ways: ccan he make his choice? A. 120 B. 530 © 720 D, 320 35. The Laplace transform of [1 ~¢ exponent (-at)/o is AL Wsts+a) B. tVa(s-+a) C. (3 squete + a square) D. Ws +a) square | X6. The prohabitity of wetting at feast two heads when a fai coin is tossed four times ip A. 16 B. 13/16 C4 D. 38 37. Find the point of division ofthe line segment jo of which is tree times as long asthe othe, A. (9/4, 12/4) B. (8/4, 9/4) ©. (0/4, 13/4) D. G4, 1074) ng AG, 5) and B(-3, 2) i€itis divided into two seginents one shenah Gna wharf (pie) is pling a rope ted toa rfl at time rate o£ 0.60 m/sec ifthe hands ofthe man pulling the cope are 3.66 m above the level of the water, how fast is the raft approaching the wharf there are 6.10 m of rope out? A. 0.35 musee B. -0.55 msec C. 0.45 m’see D. 0.65 msec REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Licensure Examination Monday, April 8, 1996 8:00 am. ~ 4:09 par. Page 4 MATHEMATICS 39. Two vertical conical tanks are joined at the vertices by a pine. Initially, the bigger tank is full of water. The pipe valve is opened to allow the water to flow (othe smaller tank anti itis full. At his instant, how deep is the ‘water in the bigger tank? The bigger tank has a diameter ct G fe und a height of 10 Ht, the smaflet tank has & diameter of 6 ftand height of § - Neglect the volume of water in the pipeline. A. 25 exponent (1/5) B, 200 exponent (1/3) C. 25esponent (1/3) 1D. 50 exponent (1/2) ‘out 14 x Mtmatrix| ‘ AR Bd bo 41, Compute the moment of inertia of a rectangle 8 em by 24 cin witn respect fo a line through its eenter of gravity and parallel to the short side A. 8.743 emé B. 8,576 om" . 9,07 emt D, 9,216 em* 42, Solve for y by determinants of the second order 2y = 3x —4 and x—3y +5 A220 BIT 2a ». 19/7 43. Simplify ( i) square —7(3 — i) +10; ‘A. -G4+i B.GED c6-9 D.-G-0 44, Ifthe polynomial ( cube) +4 (x square) ~3x + is divided by x 5, the remade i AIS 8. 10 218 ; D200 45. Find the angle in degrees between the vectors joining the origin to point PCL, 2,3) and P*2,-3 1), Use space aren) B60 ©. 189 . mao 46, A spherical triangle where given parts are a= 100°10.2', = 48°0.? and C= $5°36.8", Fd the vertex A A. 120316" B. 121%6.5 cigar), 120402" 47. Find the most economical proportion for a box with an open top and « square base. Acboh B. b=4h ©. beth D. b=2h 48, The hands of tower clock are 4 1/2 ft and 6 € tong respectively. How fast are te ends approaching at 4 o'clock in N por ainte? A. -0.246 B, -0:203 C, -0.266 D4 256 49. A manufacturer of autboard motors received a shipmcat of shearpin to be used it the assembly of its motors. A random sample of 10 pins is selected and tested to determine the mount of pressure required to cause the pin to break, When tested, the required pressure to the nearest pound are 19, 25, 27, 19, 23, 28, 27, 28, 29 and 27. What isthe measure of the meon? AL 27 B24 C25 D. 28 50, An ellipsial plot of garden las a semi-major axis of 10 m and semieminor axis of 7.5 m. If they are increased 0.25 m each, find by differentials the inerease in area of garden in sq.m. AL 1474 B. 13.74 C. 16.74 D1 ANSWER KEY MATH-APRIL 1996 By approximation, Ans. 3.6 c RO eI AWARYPS > 26.D ete 28.4 29D 30D | 31.Ans. [cos2(t~ 1) + sina(t— IC -

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