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REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Licensure Examination Saturday, March 28, 1998 8:00 am, ~ 4:00 pm. Mar ics SETA INSTRUCTION: Seiee the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only axe answer for eac item fy shading the bon eowesponding to the lll of your choice on the answer sheet provided STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no | only MULTIPLE CHOICE 4. Determine he integral of 2° sia’® with respect fo then r, and ther @, forthe imits from 2 = 0 t0 z= 2, fray = Dtor=1, and from 0 = 0 10.8=n/2 AU2 B. 4/5 ca v.28 2, ‘Thiee vectors A, B, and C are related as follows: A/B=2 at 140 degrees, A+ C=-5 + jl3, C= conjugate of B Fd AS-i B. -10j10 ¢, 10-j10 D, ~15 +15 Integrate L/(3X + 4) with respect to x and evaluate the result from: x = Oto ‘A, 0278 B, 0336 ¢. 0.282 D. 6.305 4, Am area in the x, y-plane is bounded by the following tines: (yaxis) xt4y 20 (waxis) 4x+y=20 ‘The finear fiction 7 = Sx + Sy attcins its maximum value within the bounded area only at one of the vertices interseetious of the above lines). Determine the maximum value of A. 40.0 B, 25.0 © 500 D. 45.0 5. Determine the total arsa ofa regutar C-star polygon ifthe inner reguiar hexagon has 1@!¢m sides. ‘A, 441.66 sg. om, 3, 467.64 sq. cm. C. 519.60 sq.em, 1D, 493.62 59, om. 6 Determine the sum of the infinite seriew: 8=1/3-4 V+ 127+. 4. HUB) + AL aS B34 cm D. ua 1. How many 6number combinations can be generated fom the mimbers 1042 inclusive, without repetition and with no regard to the order of the numbers? A, 850,668 B. 5,245,786 C. 188,848,296 1, 31,474,716 8, Electrical loads are arranged on horizontal x, y-axes as follows: Load No. X-coordinates Y-coordinates Kilowat's Load 190 180 200 120 150 200 180 og 0 1 4 2 2 3 4 Determine the coordinates of the center of load A, x= 2.000, y =2.049 B ©. x= 2.163, 9= 2.195 D. x= 1.854, y=2211 x= 2.146, y= L902 ssauduay, Meh 28, 198 8:00 a.m. ~4:00 pan, Page 2 MATHEMATICS SETA 9. Solve forthe general solution ofthe general equatien: (D+ 100) y #0 where D is the differential operator didx. When x~0.1, determine y in terms of the constant of integration, A, 0.841 Ci +0.594C, B. 0.925 C,+0.594C, C. O.84IC, 0.540, D. 0.925 C+ 0,540 Cy 10. An isosceles triangle has a 10 em base and a 10 ons altitude. Detztmine the moment of inertia of the triangular area relative co a tine paratlel tothe base and through the upper vertex, in em’, A. 2,750 B. 3,035 €. 2,500 D. 2,273 \L A stack of bricks has 61 bricks atthe hottom layer, $8 bricks in the 2"! layer, 5S bricks in the 3" layer, and so 6, until the last layer which has 10 bricks. Determine the total umber of bricks used up. A. 639 B. 633 ©. 636 D. 542 12, Determine the simplified form of sin 2B/{1 —c0s 213) A. cos B B. cotB C. tan B Dz sin B '3. Determine the SUM of the positive-valued sotutions ¢9 the simolteneous equations: xy= IS yea3s 21 ALIS B13 iy. D9 4, Fora high-voltage fong transmission fine, we have the per-phase vectoy relation: EAE FBI, 1 E, = 127,000 volts at 0 degree, 1, 100 amperes at ~30 degrees, = 0,90 at 0 degree, and B = 100 at 90 ogres, detemmine the magnitude of the sending-end voltage Ey A 131,575 volts B. 125,595 volts C. 119,614 volts D, 113,633 volts 15, Ifthe polynomial x* + 4x" 3x +8 is divided by x-~5, determine the remainder A218 B. 45 Can D216 16, Solve for x io the equation; are tan (+ 1) + are tan (x 1) = are tan (12) A150 B. 134 C120 D. 125 17. An isosceles triangle with equal-sides of 20 cm has these’ sides at variable equat angles with the base, Determine the maximum area attainable by the triangle. A. 250 sq. em, B. 200 sq, em, C. 18059, em. D, 300 sq. om. 18, The areas of tw9 square differ by 7 sq.ft and their perimeters differ by 4 Determine the SUM of their areas. A. 25.0059. 8 B. 27.0059, C. 29.0059. D, 22.0059. 1. Given the following statisti data, determine the standard deviation 2 1321566476883 197 A. 26:22 B, 27.53 ©. 28.84 | D. 30.15. 20, I'see (A) = t/sin (13A), determine angle A in degrees A 5 degrees B. 6 degrees C. B degrees D. 7 degrees 21, Given the line L: 7x + Sy=35=0. Determine the line M parallel o L and 7 units distant from L. From these, termine the algebraic sum of the intercepts of M, A. 2.78 B, 865 ©. 8.65 D. 7.78 22, A student has periodic test cores of 75, 83, and 78, The final test has a weight equal to 3 periodie tests, What should the student strive for a minimum (integral) final test score, so that he gets a passing minimum average of 807 A 80 Bal C83 D. 82 eee att tar pete, rage > MATHEMATICS SETA 23. Given the following series: 24, 25, 26. 28, 30 31 sinx=x-'B1¢x%/51~..... cos x= 1-37 + xMat- Sm Ltxexl eeatt ‘What relation can you draw from these three series? A eecosxsinx " B.e®=jeosxtsinx C.e*=cosx+isinx D, ie’™icosx +isinx A and B independent events, The probability that event A will occur is p(A), and the probability that A and B will occur is p(AB), From these two statements, what is the probability that event B wil! occur? A, p(A)—p(AB) B. ptB)~ p(AB) C. p(A}p(AB) D. BABY P(A) Tras the unit vector at 120 deg angle, determine the vector sum (1 - a+ a°) in polar form A. 1.732 at -20deg angle B. 2,000 at 60 deg angle . 2.000 at ~60 deg anvle 1D. 1.732 at 60 deg angle A ‘ait is travelling at a speed of 100 km per hr, The locomotive has traction steel wheels of 1.2 meters dlameter on level steel rails. Determine the maximum rectilinear speed of a point on the ciroumferenee ofthe traction wheel, A335 mpermin —B, 4,000mpermin C. 3,000mpermin 3,667 m per min ‘A hyperbola has the equation: xy = 1 eater Determine the equation ofthis hyperbola ithe x, y-axes ate roteted 45 degrees lockwise A. 0.25x7~025 y?=1 B. 2,002.00 y= 1 ©. 100% + 1.00y?=1 D. 0.5.x? ~0.50y?=1 A wlangle has variable sides x, y, and z subject to the constrain that the perimeter P is 18 cm. What is the ‘maximum possible area forthe triangle? A, 15.59 5q, om, B. 18.71 sq. em, ©. 14.03 ag. em D. 17.1539. cm, Atel 8 circumscribed about a triangle with vertices at (2, 3), (5,2), and (6, 1), Determine the equation of the circle AL xt yf 2x + 2y423=0 B. ty ox+2y423—0 Coty a4 2y-29=0 D.xt+¥ +2x~2y-23=0 Loads are tapped along a single-phase primary distribution line 1s follows: Distance from 1.0 km 2.5 km 40km 6.0km sending end Load at unity 20 kW Is kw IskW 1okw power factor : Determine the equivalent length of line with a load at the end equal to the total load, that will give the same total moments of loads. Using the equivalent tine with an impedance of (0 + 10) ohms pet km, determine the sending-end voltage V, ifthe line end veltage V, is 4000 volts. Vectorially, V, = V, = IZ and T= PIV at unity ower factor, A. 4,424 volts B. 4,021 volts ©, 4,625 volts D. 4,222 volts A bookstore purchased a bestselling book at P 209,00 per copy. At what price should this book be sold so that, aiving a 20% discount, the profit is 30%. A. Paso B. P500 © R380 D. F400 REGISTERED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Licensure Examination Saturday, March 28, 1998 8:00 aan, ~ 4:00 p.m. MATHEMATICS 52, A generator lis a field winding with an inductance 1. = 10 Senrys ard a resistance Ry~ 0.1 ohm, To break an intl field current of 1000 amperes, the field breaker inser a field discharge resistance Ry across the field terminals before its main coataets open, Aa a rsul, the Feld cateut docays to zero according fo th diferent equation, Ldifdt+ Ri=0 where R=Re+ Ry preventing a sien decrease of to zero, and a resulting high inductive valage due to L.. Solve the dferential equation and determine the value of Ry that will imi the inva voltage across it 1,000 volts ‘A. 0:90 ohm 8. 0.80 ohm G88 ohn © D. 0.5 ohm 33. A voltage waveform e(t is described as follows, forthe Fst hateyrle (0) = 60 volts a = 0 See: fncceases ine wy 0,100 vols at €= 0.005 see ddesrebses linesly to oD volts at t= 00.01 sec Determine the root-mean-square or RMS value‘of this. volta, nsting that, atleast for a haiF-eyele, the RMS procedure involves squaring the voltage, takingthe,mneen tthe Squire, and takirg the square root of the mean. A. 84.87 voles B. 76.79 volts 88.91 yotis sD, 80.83 volts 34, In a certain community of 1,200 people, 60% aré literaté. OF the males, 50% are Miterate, and of the (emales, 70% are literate. What is the female population? A. 850 B. 500 $50 D. 609 35. Determine the inverse Laplace transform of, 1s) = 200/(s + 50s + 19625) ALi) =2.01 exp 251) sin 1001 B. i) =2.0 exp (25H) sin 1008 C. itt) = 2.0 exp (250) cos 100 D. i =2.0 exp (251) cos 1oat 36, Solve the differential equation: xQ-Ide+ G2 + dy=0 [fy =2. when x= [, determine y when x =2 A180 B 148 138 D. 1.63 37. A regular pentagon has Sides ef 20 em, An inner pentagon with sides of 10 cin is inside and concentric to the larger pentagon. Determine the area inside the larger pemtayon but outs'de ofthe stnaller peatagon ‘A, 430.70 sq, em, B. 573.26 sq. em C. 473.77 sq, em. D. 516.14 sq. em, 38. I the line connecting coordinates (x, 7) and (10, y) is bisected at (8, 2), determine x and y. Axm 673 BxsTy=2 Cx=7, D.x=6,y=-3 39. What is the limit value of y = (x" + x) +x) as x approaches 0? Al B. indeterminate co D3 40. Solve for the general solution of the differential equation: (D+ 1000+ 10yy = ‘Where D is the differential operator d/dx and x~ 0.95, A, 0.479 C, + 0,878 Cs +0368 Cy B. 0.841 C, +0.878 Cy + 0.607 C; €. 0.479 C, + 0.540 Cy +0.368 C D, 0.479 C, + 0.878 C; +0.607 C, 4, A 10-chm resistance R and a 1.0 henry inductance I. are in series. An AC voltage of) = 100 sin 377 i applied across the series cireuit. The applicable differential equation is i+ Lisi) = eu) Solve for the particular solution (without the complimentary solevon) so the differential equation, and determine the amplitude of the resulting sinusoidal eusrent i). ‘A. 0.265 aimpere 1, 0.521 ampere €. 0.292 ampere D, 0.241 ampere REGIS SERED ELECTRICAL ENGINBERING Licensure Examination Saturday, Marel'28, 1998 8:00 a.m, ~ 4:00 pan, Page 5 MATHEMATE 42. A thombus has diagonals of 32 and 20 inches. Determine its ares ‘A. 280 5, in B. 360.5q in C. 400 sq in D. 320. in 43, Determine the simplified form of feos (2A) ~ cos? (A)y/sin (A) ‘A. cos 2A, B. sin A ©. cos A D. sin 2A, 44, Which is identically equal ta (see A + ian AY? A lisecA-tan A) B. exe(A--1) ©. 23 tan AY D. ese (A+) 45. Given the 3-dimensional vectors A= ily) # j€2y2) + ax) B= iz) + jQ70) + kGxyy Determine the MAGNITUDE of the vector sum {A +.B) at ebordinates (3, 2, 1) A. 32.92, B, 29.92 ©, 27.20 D, 24.73, 46. Gravity cause a body to iall 16.1 feet in the 1" second, 48.3 fin the 2" second, 80.5 ft in tae 3 second, and so ‘on, How far did the body fall during the 10" second? AIBIR BO 3R1R CLS ft D, 305.9 49. A fencing material is limited to 20 fin length. What is the maximum rectangular area that can be fenced in, using the two perpendicular comer sides of an existing wall? A. 120 B. 100 cc. 40 b. 90 48, The electric power which a transmission line can transmit is proportional to the product of its design voltage ‘and current capacity, and inversely to the transmission distance, A 115 kilovolt line rated at 1,000 amperes can transmit 150 megawatts over 150 kim How muck power, in megawatts, can 2230 kilovolt line rated at 1,500 ‘amperes transmit over 100 km? A. 785 B, 485 © 675 D, 595 49, In a commercial survey involving 1,000 persons on brand preference, 120 were found to prefer brand X only. 200 prefer brand ¥ only, 150 prefer brand Z only, 370 prefer either brand X or Y but not Z, 450 profer brand ¥ or z but not X, and 420 prefer either brand Z or X but not Y. How many persons have no brand preference, satisfied with any of the 3 brands? A. 80 B, 230 ©. 180 D. 130 50. A citele has a 20 cm diameter. Determine the moment of inertia of the circular area relative to the axis perpendicular to the arca through the center of the carte, in om*, A. 14,280 B, 15,708 ©. 17,279 D. 19,007 “ENDO SUBMIT THIS TEST QUESTION SET TOGETHER WITH THE ANSWER SHEPT TO YOUR WATCHERS. BRINGING THE TEST QUESTION SET OUT OF THE. ROOM WILL BE A GROUND FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION. 1. 2, 3. 4, 5 6 rT 12. 2B 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22, 23. 24, 25. QFVOUNEE > ee eA>ebansscorery ANSWER KEY MATH - MARCH 1998 6, 21. 28. 28, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. BUSP ome ob 37. 3 39, 40. AL 42, 43. 44, 45. 46. 47, 48, 49, 50, REORORe Reb UETS L pp & (" [i(Prrsine dade de el (rade : () rede ("sino ay = 272 27! Hopeey 1th ERB col]? 2 ! 2 (3) = 2a be D a bel Bea ejb C2 Bt a-jb AL 2 de’ B A= 2 Lie B = 24je)B 2-28 Gm AEC = ~S PELE “WHIBE sg FILS ~2(atjb)ra ~2s “jabra sje ~a = 3b = -S + jes ~a ts e:s ae PALE, bes 2 here oie = G[ 5 Gereinco"] bef Lear sin cor] f Ba 5-]S Ans A A, = 519-62 sqecm. Aes © » : : fh dee 4(7 See do ie 1G y : = 3 (bmtp- nA) reap F ts (i-6.S-) i Se 2 84, = 1/3 Ans-t Ra “= 2 Ue Ans-i (Bigs Or 308 As d wo a els d=-3 3-3 (AP) S- Total KW Lond = 100 & L8D4 20044204 Ls 1200 H¥EHLOD ant act (n-d)d Total kW Lood = 1,230kW 16= GL + (n-4)(-3) (feblkWloat (7) = S (KiLoady 1x2) nod k 12308 = Loo(oy pAOC4): 2004) 14202)» Ael2) + B fay tan) Lnlaye 18eC) + Iola) Sue # AB Cet $0) +439 fel Zanihs we sind® a sinbeosB ad}(G) = Z (kvl toad; )(4g) Le ccstR | L~ (crs? -Sin'B) 100 (2) ¥190(4) 4 200(3} ¢676(0]e IS0C4)} 2 PeinBersB Dev(!) + L005) + 100 (2) sinthy + Sin'B J + 2-049 unite aden sin2h TaDe = cot B Ams ero, brto : 2 xy 1S 91 €2" (Cytosbx ¥C,sinbx) toca yal y= €°C Cy cos $0x4 Cy sin 10K) Mulkiply DD and @ “ys Cyeoe tox 4G, sin JOx xeghzts 16C3S)C25) ‘Whe KO qe = t LOS ys Cost +O, sing yz = 38 ds DeSAC, + D-BHIC, or ye OBI, + D-SHNC, Ase ie ——e EGip. sum: 3464 FILS And | OE { hea@’p. su he dem MW. Es © Ay + BT : nA | = OG (2 (129,00 2 ) FW LO" (we LE" | 0) Mine + LA, 300 F te ceg Jae" ee e > 1G, B00 +) G eGp.264D38 Yas Dyn # Re + DH : suh( 3h) Ege 119) 613-4106 Z4 118", voll s x ye bh? 7% ec 24500 cmt Paw.C Ane € + fls): Pear an eg $8: ek xe edges of He iggy sjuave » ai on 1 Sia squeace For): Fo) Peacgy eee bt ea S¥-3(S) ee = 248 : R= Fir) 2 248 Ans A ie! : : aoe + By Wal error, nt 34 Hany th- (erty 9 By prieciple, XP. (Meret) = leh A> tera x24R yy 3h demas KEL Hace Foe, by fat lh @ shoot] Ar AL th, = G@)' tia) = 28eq Th bos tombe xed a on FAY BSE HH Hes ag7 tan" "{ 941) 4 day ‘Oy-) A+ B= tw fon (A+B) = 12 dana + tanB eee L- tan BtanB ee ESOre area Le (aed) (xed) panes memes 3 Sla chvighon = 2°22 Ams A booted peace 22 ny Wil 4 error from Hh choiea, 2m A=G* AnsB x + = bx* pondple, oxtax - 12-0 See (2A) = 4/5>n(130) (ax-4) (2x43) = 0 SCLCLA) = CSC1BA Bx-425 : 2A ABA 90° x-4=0 2ntB =D i Az 6 hes B X242b333 |X s-3Bf en bS Afr checking ) X= 16333 Ans-B 24. (48) = PCAI > p(B) pCAe) «= pid) - pie) pce) . CAB) / pCa) Aes Pestle dene py biter \ possible tine at Vmax = 490 ¢ Lop the sy ET © Yi, £4 when WEL | Kink? 60 Vo Sas SSD FAG OFS 32.64 Considler » Reuning er 3¢2 2 GE cleckaive Ya ty “382-0 vebebiony bog Whee 620) Gia s Sood Note for clockwise b2~¥5° 3.60 whi Ys0) Kin Sum = -C+o4 4 (3-66) 7 - 8-64 Moose ~ gene bes c "sing Fy!ose 22. FSCO 43CL) EERCH) HK, = ¥D ryt Lette kB (x10 -y!sin 8) (x/sin-B py lc0s i J =f Veenpih ty fein Yah af X= 833 1 Newent ply sme x9! bangers X22 so that he gets & passing 2 cag HEM ST RY OPH! Ny s10°I5 yl sing sBOS minimum average of PC. i x? iy x Aes D ne Nek for clockwne'y O-Gy!t = peo x 1 Pate D we ¥ oe x for Amax w/ given perimeter, x2 y>2 = 1813 = Gom Hharefure » Ramon = 4 (6)*sinG0" = 15-58 4° Ans A Ts Axte Ay FDx vty th 0 Be re: wae gh Ret bythe =D xt egt +dy yey ef 0 ot C2)3) yg -ad tae h F=0 dou be 4 Rey ORY ab (612) a G itd as ph Sd 47e +f £0 Bega tee sdbae Hf =-29 @ Cee at (6,4) Va = (Rd) 7 7) Bird rod -e thee tpio. Heo Ry k wd 8 th = 3} —3@ OER hl a Ged, Fe -B divs 1oeRY 4 Ly Harefore tte ray. ein of a cnscle is , seas rege a ap-a320 {oury w ‘Ans c ky daa 80 FP HIS HS Hie = Gok i Peer = EPeby heh 2 DOC) FAS (26K) ASCH) HOLL) 2-958 23kon Ahm (295% Bp = j2Se Basa = 29 T= Pru, 60000 2 454 Vi a beo Ne = Vp + £2 =4000 10, + ts fo (29-8833. 400.) Ns = Aeon +443-740K BS = 4,000 4443-14665 Me = 4,024 5389 L332 volts Ans, B BM tet x selling price of Ue hook. Discourk = O-2d% Prfik = O13K Preft = x- 0.2% -200 = D+ 3x X= Pp4vo Ans-D Be ecvills) Be x Cy td ¥ Cte), ae. by HS J de . <-- — 70 aed "is 4 Wott) bln (yet) = Ine In Cat" 4 ba yt) o tac In Geren Cg -49 = In WRaT (4-0) = ? whe xed) yee Von C2 VE fom, oe 2 a as Cen V0 TK 1h xot, yr bie ee VEO Cy-4 VE Dev0e~ 0 4 = 4463 Ans. D Cams ef ALS cove peat \) o4 [( Cborecout) dh ¢ \, _(142- ©0008 dE “yo * (25 [A omoTE Gaon cos Eas = 80°83 vos Ane. D i = + of female population Se erence me€z two 4D OS LOPE 2 O-bCip00)= 120 —a © P2600 finsdD 38+ T¢s) > $08 nee sD 10D Ste cos + 10,625 L (st2e)* & Cleoy* tae n'y Tess} = eben toot Ans B 4p. (Hew) Loa tgy 2D (mb sie) (om vag) 28 mM ssiC pm =-40 = C(O, cesbr. 4 Cyginbx) AC, 27% 5 © (eos tox Hoy tedOK) 4 1% b) Cyveupn C, sialon $6, E78 Wien a = 0-08 : g ork Ye) coros 10, SmOS HG + OSISC, ¢ O-g79C, + 0-607, a+ ONTsCe FG IL As. 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