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Vasoplegia During Cardiac

Surgery: Current Concepts and Management
Gregory W. Fischer, MD, and Mathew A. Levin, MD

Vasoplegic syndrome (VS) is a recognized and relatively common complication of cardiopulmo-

nary bypass (CPB), appearing with an incidence ranging between 5% and 25%. It is character-
ized by significant hypotension, high or normal cardiac outputs and low systemic vascular
resistance (SVR), and increased requirements for fluids and vasopressors during or after CPB.
Patients developing VS are at increased risk for death and other major complications following
cardiac surgery. This review will focus on the pathophysiology and contemporary strategies of
treating VS encountered after CPB.
Semin Thoracic Surg 22:140-144 © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: vasoplegia, cardiac surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass

Organ homeostasis is maintained by providing ade- mechanisms and on the other from resistance to va-
quate systemic blood flow and perfusion pressure. sopressors. These pathways are dynamic and an inter-
This system depends upon a balance of vasoconstric- action between the two is commonly seen. Activation
tor and vasodilator influences. Under pathologic of adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium chan-
conditions the influence of one of the antagonists can nels (KATP channels) in the plasma membrane of vas-
outweigh the other, leading to perfusion compro- cular smooth muscle, activation of the inducible
mise at the end organ level. When blood flow falls form of nitric oxide (NO) synthase, and deficiency of
below a critical level resulting in inadequate oxygen the hormone vasopressin are the prime culprits re-
delivery to peripheral tissue, the situation is referred sponsible for derailment of vascular tone.
to as “shock.” One form of shock that is encountered Physiological vasoconstrictors, such as norepi-
under conditions of extreme vasodilation is referred nephrine and angiotensin II, bind to and activate
to as “vasoplegia.” In this circumstance, the organism receptors on the surface of vascular smooth-muscle
is incapable of achieving adequate perfusion pres- cells. These receptors then activate second messen-
sure because of a lack of vascular tone. ger systems, which in turn increase intracellular cal-
Vasoplegic syndrome (VS) is a recognized and rel- cium concentrations by opening membrane-bound
atively common complication of cardiopulmonary
calcium channels. A complex formed between cal-
bypass (CPB), appearing with an incidence ranging
cium and calmodulin within the cytosol leads to the
between 5% and 25%.1-3 It is characterized by sig-
activation of kinases, which in turn phosphorylate
nificant hypotension, high or normal cardiac out-
the light chain of myosin. This phosphorylation of
puts and low systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and
myosin allows actin and myosin to interact and ulti-
increased requirements for fluids and vasopressors
during or after CPB.4 mately contracts the muscle. Vasodilators, such as
atrial natriuretic peptide and NO, lead to the de-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND RISK phosphorylization of myosin thus preventing muscle
VS is multifactorial, resulting on the one hand The etiology of VS is not completely elucidated. In
from pathologic activation of several vasodilator a recent review from our institution we examined the
incidence and risk factors associated with the devel-
opment of VS in patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Department of Anesthesiology, Mount Sinai Medical Cen-
with CPB.3 Two thousand eight hundred twenty-
ter, New York, New York.
Dr. Fischer reports receiving fees from Philips Medical. three cardiac surgery cases were retrospectively
studied; we found an incidence of VS of 20.4%. Pa-
Address reprint requests to Gregory W. Fischer, MD, De-
partment of Anesthesiology, Mount Sinai Medical Center,
tient-specific risk factors for the development of VS
One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1010, New York, NY included the preoperative use of angiotensin-convert-
10029. E-mail: ing enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or beta-blockers, which

140 1043-0679/$-see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 1. Illustration of AAC calculation. The AAC is significantly associated with the risk of developing
post-CPB vasoplegia. AAC, area above the curve; CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; MAP, mean arterial
pressure; MMAP, median mean arterial pressure. (Reprinted with permission from Levin et al.3)

increased the relative risk for vasoplegia by 1.31 and other centers were confirmed by our data. Among
1.37, respectively. In addition, the investigators found patients who developed post-CPB vasoplegia, 308 of
that patients with a higher additive euroSCORE or 537 (57.4%) had a bad outcome (defined as either
the presence of pre-CPB hemodynamic instability death or a hospital length of stay ⬎10 days) versus
(defined as a requirement for vasoactive medica- only 481 of 2099 (22.9%) of the nonvasoplegic pa-
tions) had an increased risk for developing post-CPB tients.
vasoplegia (odds ratio [OR] 1.15 per 1 point increase
in euroSCORE, and 3.59, respectively). TREATMENT
A patient independent risk factor was the type of Standard of care for the treatment of intraopera-
surgery being performed. Compared with coronary tive or postoperative VS has been the administration
artery bypass grafting, valve procedures and surgery of vasoactive infusions like phenylephrine, norepi-
specifically intended for the treatment of heart fail- nephrine or vasopressin (Table 1). Although these
ure were associated with an increased risk (OR 1.52 agents usually suffice to restore systemic hemody-
and 2.04, respectively); however, aortic surgery and namics, vascular tone can be refractory to conven-
reoperations were protective against the develop- tional treatment in some instances.9 Furthermore,
ment of VS (OR for both, 0.48). The mechanism of high-dose vasoconstrictor therapy has serious side
protection for these two groups remains speculative. effects, which can include the development of pe-
Perhaps the protective effect of hypothermia could ripheral ischemia of the upper and lower extremities
have played an important role, because hypothermic or mesenteric ischemia, which can progress to the
management reduced the risk of VS (OR 1.11/per development of mucosal injury, tissue necrosis, and
one degree celsius increase in temperature while on metabolic acidosis. Low-dose vasopressin, ⬍0.04 U
CPB). min⫺1 can be beneficial because vasoplegia has been
The main focus of the aforementioned review, associated with a reduction in circulating endoge-
however, was to explore the relationship between nous vasopressin levels.10 Morales et al showed sup-
the initial hemodynamic reaction to the commence- port for the vasopressin hypothesis by demonstrat-
ment of CPB and the likelihood of developing post- ing that compared to controls, patients given a
CPB vasoplegia. The authors found that the severity prophylactic vasopressin infusion (0.03 U/min)
and duration of the decline in mean arterial pressure starting 20 minutes prior to the onset of CPB re-
(MAP) immediately after beginning CPB, as quanti- quired significantly less post-CPB vasopressor sup-
fied by the area above the MAP curve (AAC), can be port.11 Greater dosages of vasopressin, ⬎0.04 U
used to identify patients likely to experience post- min⫺1 have not been shown to be beneficial when
CPB vasoplegia (Fig. 1). In addition to the initial compared with norepinephrine alone, most likely
hemodynamic picture seen on CPB, the duration of because of poor microcirculatory perfusion.12
CPB significantly increased the risk of VS: for each An interesting alternative that has emerged as an
additional 30-minute interval on CPB, the risk of option for the treatment of vasopressor-resistant va-
vasoplegia increased by 38% (OR 1.38). soplegia is methylene blue. Classically, employed as
a medication for the treatment of methemoglobin-
PROGNOSIS emia as well as a dye in various medical procedures,
VS carries a poor prognosis. Particularly, norepi- methylene blue blocks accumulation of cyclic
nephrine refractory VS is associated with an increase guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) by inhibiting the
in morbidity and mortality.6,7 Catecholamine-refrac- enzyme guanylate through binding to the iron heme-
tory VS lasting for more than 36-48 hours has a moiety.4,13,14 It competes directly with NO in its abil-
mortality rate as high as 25%.8 These results from ity to activate this key enzyme, which in turn is re-

Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ● Volume 22, Number 2 141


Table 1. List of Common Vasoconstrictors Used in VS

Agent Action/Receptor Site Dosage Side Effects
Phenylephrine ␣1-agonist 40-100 ␮g bolus Peripheral vasoconstriction, no
0.5-10 ␮g/min inotropic action
Norepinephrine ␣1, ␣2, and ␤1- 4-10 ␮g bolus Potent vasoconstrictor with potential
agonist 10-300 ng/kg/min gut ischemia, increases pulmonary
vascular resistancy, arrhythmias
Vasopressin V1, independent of 1-6 U/h infusion Mesenteric ischemia at doses
adrenergic ⬎6 U/h
Methylene blue Inhibition of guanylate 2 mg/kg bolus Hemolytic anemia in patients with
cyclase 0.5 mg/kg/h for 6 h G6PD deficiency
Greenish-blue coloration of urine
and skin
PVR, pulmonary vascular resistancy; G6PD, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; VS, vasoplegic syndrome.

sponsible for producing cGMP. cGMP in turn is part The literature also supports the use of methylene
of the second messenger system that activates ki- blue during the intraoperative period. Grayling and
nases, which lead to the dephosphorylization of my- Deakin21 describe the use of methylene blue added
osin and smooth muscle relaxation. Thus adminis- to the CPB circuit as prophylactic treatment of septic
tration of methylene blue results in reduced endocarditis. Sparicio et al22 reported the periopera-
responsiveness of vessels to cGMP dependent vaso- tive management of 2 patients who overdosed on
dilators like NO and carbon monoxide. lithium. The hemodynamic picture in both patients
Studies have shown that NO is not the only mech- improved dramatically after receiving methylene
anism that can activate soluble guanylate cyclase. blue. Evora et al19 administered methylene blue to a
Interleukins and oxygen free radicals can additionally patient after an anaphylactic reaction to protamine.
activate guanylate cyclase leading to vascular hypo-re- Once again, the hemodynamic picture could only be
activity in the absence of NO.15,16 Thus, methylene normalized after the administration of methylene
blue’s unique ability to interact and inhibit soluble blue.
guanylate cyclase, as the rate-limiting enzyme in the Recently, reports have started to show the benefit
cascade, may explain its superior ability to restore vas- of prophylactic use of methylene blue. Ozal et al23
cular tone even when NO is not present.17 conducted a randomized controlled study of 100
To date most literature has been published de- patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery
scribing the post-CPB use of methylene blue as a coronary artery bypass grafting who were at high risk
therapeutic intervention of last resort to reverse va- for VS (preoperative ACE inhibitors, calcium block-
soplegia. Several groups have reported that the post- ers, and heparin). Although it was impossible to
CPB administration of a single dose of methylene blue blind the clinicians to the group that received meth-
in VS can restore SVR.1,2,4 The use of methylene blue ylene blue, the treatment group showed a higher
not only enabled a significant reduction in the dosage of SVR and required less inotropic support during sur-
vasopressors required to maintain stabile hemodynam- gery. Remarkable was the fact that none of the pa-
ics, it also reduced the time for which patients were tients in the treatment group developed vasoplegia,
vasoconstrictor dependent. In a study of 638 pa- whereas 26% (13/50) of the patients in the control
tients, the methylene blue treatment group showed a group became vasoplegic. Six of the 13 vasoplegic
reduction in mortality of those patients fulfilling va- patients were initially resistant to norepinephrine.
soplegia criteria, compared with the placebo group Four eventually improved whereas two continued to
(0% vs 21.4%).2 Similar results were published by deteriorate and died of multiorgan failure despite
Leyh.18 Kofidis et al19 successfully used methylene late treatment with methylene blue. The result of this
blue for treatment of vasoplegia in a patient after a study seems to suggest that early use of methylene
heart transplant. Methylene blue has been adminis- blue is preferred and that methylene blue is ineffec-
tered in most studies as a single dose (1.5-2 mg/kg) tive if used after multiorgan failure has already de-
to treat postoperative vasoplegia. Other authors have veloped.
reported using a maintenance infusion after the ap- In another randomized controlled trial, Maslow
plication of the bolus.20 et al24 studied 30 patients who were at high risk of

142 Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ● Volume 22, Number 2


developing vasoplegia (patients taking ACE inhibi- identified, and the use of methylene blue can be prop-
tors within 24 hours before elective heart surgery erly evaluated using randomized controlled trials.
requiring CPB). They modified the protocol of pro- The development of intraoperative decision support
phylactic use of methylene blue by initiating meth- systems will further enable the precise identification of
ylene blue administration after the onset of CPB. The patients at risk of VS. Such systems will analyze physi-
result of this study demonstrated that this treatment ological data in near-real time and provide notification
protocol improved patient hemodynamics, in asso- to the clinician about developing higher order trends
ciation with lower serum lactate levels. However, the that are not immediately apparent on simple inspec-
timing of methylene blue administration in this study, tion. For example, the algorithm to calculate an AAC
which was initiated after an initial period of stabiliza- and the subsequent statistical model presented by
tion on CPB (5 min), must be questioned, especially in Levin et al were developed using retrospective, histor-
light of the data presented by Levin et al.3 Because of the ical data. Such models can be taken and adapted to
association of AAC and the risk of developing vasople- calculate an AAC “on the fly” within minutes of a pa-
gia in the post CPB setting, it would seem more logical tient going on CPB. If the AAC begins to become very
to administer methylene blue before the commence- large, the system can send notifications (email, pager,
ment of CPB to prevent the hypotensive insult brought on-screen dialog box, etc.) to the perfusionist and an-
on by CPB. Moreover, the study was underpowered esthesiologist, suggesting early vasopressor support.
preventing it from evaluating the effects of the protocol The clinician can then intervene early with the goal of
on patient outcomes. preventing post-CPB vasoplegia from developing. This
One downside to administering methylene blue dur- type of immediate feedback and targeted intervention is
ing the pre-CPB period is the fact that a safety hazard for a form of “personalized” medicine that will further im-
patients is created because methylene blue administra- prove patient outcomes.
tion interferes with pulse oximetry,25 leading to falsely
low readings. However, if additional modalities, such CONCLUSIONS
as cerebral oximetry are used to monitor tissue oxygen- VS is a recognized and relatively common compli-
ation levels, this downside may be mitigated. cation of CPB. Despite an incidence of 20%, associ-
ated with an increased likelihood of adverse out-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS come when present, there is only limited data found
Understanding the etiology of VS is the key to devel- in the literature to guide clinical management. By the
oping robust models that can preoperatively predict the use of large cohort studies with the aim of identifying
likelihood of patients becoming vasoplegic in the post- patients at highest risk for vasoplegia, we hope that
CPB setting. Once such models have been created pa- tailored protocols will be developed, which in turn
tients at high-risk for developing vasoplegia can be will result in improved outcomes.

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