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3846, 4200 &7925: Case Analysis on the

Regulation of Radio Stations, Radio Communications
in the Philippine Islands; Prohibition and Penalization
of Wire Tapping and Other Related Violations of the
Privacy of Communication; and the Development of
Philippine Telecommunications Services
Ramon Benedict L. Lapina
School of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering
Manila, Philippines

Abstract—This paper discusses the Republic Acts 3846, 4200 issue wherein there were denied of franchise renewal. This is
& 7925 which respectively involves the administration, security due to tax-related and foreign ownership issues.
of privacy from and the scope of the telecommunications industry
in the Philippines. The presentation of Group 1 is first being The Republic Act of 4200 was also being discussed in their
thoroughly discussed through a reaction peace; followed by the presentation. The law talks about the prohibition and
thorough discussion of each Republic Acts. Case Analyses were penalization of illegal wire tapping and other violations of the
also being demonstrated in order to show the applications and privacy of communication. The group has emphasized more
purposes of these laws in the adherence of people’s rights to that this act encompasses all except for the peace officers that
privacy of information and distribution of radio bandwidths. are authorized to do such illegal acts if it involves the national
security and the presentation of evidence to the court. This act
Keywords—Telecommunications; Wire-tapping; Hello Garci; was then even modified in order to expand its scope due to the
Bandwidths; Information; Data exemptions which allowed officers to commit the act illegally;
to pose a threat by the terrorists; and also intercepting private
I. REACTION TO GROUP 1’S PRSENTATION communications through electronic devices such as cellphones
and other emerging communication technologies. Cases were
The group has explained and expounded the meaning and
also presented, one of which interested me is their discussion
functionalities of R.As 3846, 4200 & 7925. They have
on the “Hello Garci” case. This issue became a national
discussed the Regulation of Radio Stations and
concern as the audio leaked contained controversial
Communications, Prohibition and Penalization of Wire
Tapping Violation of the Privacy of Communication and the conversations between the president and some public officials.
The conversation talks about the former president’s plans on
Development Philippine Telecommunications Services in a
rigging the 2004 National Elections with her confidante who is
through manner. They have not only just provided an easier
the election commissioner Virgilio Garcillano.
explanation for the following Acts stated, but also have given a
Case Analysis per RA in order to demonstrate their R.A. 7925 is also being discussed which covers the scope
applications in our daily lives. of the telecommunications industry. This act specifically talks
about the general provisions legal definitions (Article 1), policy
The Republic Act of 3846 talks about the regulation of
and objectives (Article 2), administration (Article 3),
radio operations in the Philippines. This law is under the
telecommunication entities (Article 4), other services and
jurisdiction of National Telecommunications Commission or
facilities (Article 5), franchise, rates and revenue determination
what was once known as the Secretary of Commerce and
(Article 6), rights of telecommunication users (Article 7),
Communication of the Philippines. This law covers the
telecommunications development (Article 8) and the final
establishment of radio facilities that are used to transmit
provisions (Article 9). Case analyses were also being
information and data. The group discussed on this aspect
demonstrated so as to show the application of this law in the
particularly on how the provisions were stated as well as
telecommunications industry.
example case analyses which included the issue on the illegal
operation of the DyPC since there was no franchise that was
being brought up to the congress. Another issue being
discussed in their case analysis is about the recent ABS-CBN
II. R.A. 3846, 4200 AND 7925 Transportation and Communication (DOTC). It is also
R.As 3846, 4200 & 7925 are laws that implement the expressed in R.A. 7925 the forces of NTC and DICT which is
regulation and legality of providing telecommunication capable in the execution of the demonstration to carry out the
services in the country. This also includes the safeguarding of demonstration suitably. Telecom entities such as Local
privacy of the citizens while the progress and invasiveness on Exchange Operator, Carriers, Service Providers, and Radio
the privacy of the citizens by this industry is exponentially Services were additionally talked about in the Act including
increasing. This also allows the proper organization and what is anticipated from these elements in the event that they
distributing of bandwidths to different radio stations operating wish to work. RA. 7925 likewise incorporate different
legally in the country. These laws are vital in effectively administrations and offices that expect media communications
communicating information from one place to another while to work and furthermore the guidelines on giving
maintaining he privacy of that information between the two establishment, rates and income of telecom organizations.
parties involved. Beside substances giving media transmission administrations,
arrangements are additionally remembered for the privileges of
broadcast communications clients. In conclusion, arrangements
A. R.A. 3846 that worry the improvement of the field of broadcast
R.A. 3846 explicitly discusses on the guideline of radio communications in the Philippines are remembered for the
offices on the establishment, franchising, ownership, operation
and transactions of radio telecom stations. The republic act
underlines on the authority of the National III. CASE ANALYSES
Telecommunications Commission (NTC), over the permitting 1) A private conversation between X and Y was recorded
of building transmission stations in the Philippines. This law by T with the consent of Y. Later on, X learned about the
also encompasses for the halt of operations whenever it is in recording. Is X legally justified to file a case on Y and T?
the act of war, public hazard, catastrophe and disaster or the
radio broadcast might be used by the public authority given This issue involves the Philippine Republic Act 4200
that a pay is given to the proprietor. The law additionally which focuses on the prohibition and penalization of wire
discusses on the illegalization of unapproved transmission and tapping and other violations of the privacy of
gathering of confidential messages and the exception of communication. In its Section 1, it was stated that it is
impermanent unfamiliar portable stations given that such unlawful for a person who is unauthorized by all parties to
stations are under the purview of the International intercept such communication through any means.
Radiotelegraph Regulations. Penalties or Punishments are also Applying this to the problem, since Y and T is only
being tackled for proprietors of radio broadcasting networks, authorized by only one of the parties and not all, thus this
communications and offices who neglected to comply with the act done by T is illegal and X is justified to file a case on Y
prohibitions and T. According to Section 2, the illegal act committed by
Y and T can find them punished by imprisonment not less
B. R.A. 4200
than six months or more than six years with also a penalty
R.A. 4200 delves into the illegalization and penalizing of of perpetual absolute disqualification from public office if
unsolicited wire-tapping and other illegal extraction of the offender is running for public office. For a foreigner,
information verbally, in written or through any electronic he is a subject for deportation.
devices. This law also includes which people and for what
purposes should this act become legal as these acts might be
2) P overheard a private communication between A and B
vital in solving a national crisis, criminal case and the like.
Moreover, this Republic Act protects the privacy of without a grant from the court. Both from the private parties
communication between parties whenever these interactions did not give a consent to P. Since P is a public official, is he
and interchanging of data are considered confidential. exempted from the crime?

C. R.A. 7925 Whether P might be a peace officer on off-duty or

R.A. 7925 focuses on the regulation of telecommunication working on a criminal case, he is still not yet exempted in
companies in the Philippines. It encompasses all the provisions complying the R.A. 4200. It is stated in Section 3 that the
which describes the title, scope and legal definitions of this officer is yet to be authorized by the Court in order to
Republic Act. legalize the violating acts of this R.A. that he will be
committing, provided that the information he is going to
Besides, the law also states the power that the public intercept or extract will be for the sake of the Country’s
authority holds over Philippine Telecommunications National Security, an evidence for an ongoing criminal
organization. The strategies referenced are put to create and case and the like. Until he is authorized by the court, the
keep up ideal framework of media communications in the
interception of such information will always be under the
Philippines which is fundamental in country improvement. The
authorities of parties A and B, who are the parties involved
public authority likewise directs through two entities of
telecommunication body in the country, which are the National in the conversation.
Telecommunications Commission (NTC) and Department of
3) Is R.A. 4200 applicable to the “Hello Garci” case?

Before the start of every “Hello Garci” audio clips, it

was emphasized that this was a clip used as an evidence
for the court hearing ongoing against the former President
Gloria Arroyo’s accusations of rigging the 2004 Philippine
Presidential Elections. Since in actual, this was presented
during a live court case and it was authorized by the jude
of the hearing to play it, this goes to show that the
following acts comply the Section 3 of the R.A. 4200
which was used the intercepted messages as evidences for
an ongoing investigation on Former President Gloria
Arroyo upon her bribery and rigging of the Elections. It
was approved by the Court as the committed was
considered a threat to what the Philippine Constitution
stands, which is about the citizen’s freedom of choice.


[1] 2021. Republic Act No. 3846. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2021].

[2] 2021. Republic Act No. 4200. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2021].K. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,”

[3] 2021. Republic Act No. 4200. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 10 April 2021].

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