R.A. 9292: A Brief Study and Discussion On The Electronics Engineering Law of 2004

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9292: A Brief Study and Discussion on the

Electronics Engineering Law of 2004
Ramon Benedict L. Lapina
School of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering
Manila, Philippines

Abstract—This paper discusses the Republic Acts 9292 which Overall, Group 3 was able to discuss and tackle the
respectively involves the general provisions of the republic act different objectives of the Republic Act. However, it was
which includes the title, policies, definition of terms, categories of important to note that the background music they attached in
practices under the field of Electronics Engineering. The the video made some of the words they pronounced
presentation of Group 3 is first being thoroughly discussed ambiguous. I believe that it would have been better if they
through a reaction piece; followed by the thorough discussion of didn’t put any background music at all so to make the
each Republic Acts. Different establishments and regulations discussion clearer and thorough.
were also discussed to show the actual implementation of this
Keywords—Electronics Engineer; Electronics; R.A. 9292 is an amendment to the R.A. 5734 which
Communications; Electronics Technician; Board; License; provides a better regulation for the licensing and practice of
Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians. The Law is
comprised of 8 articles which comprehensively explains the
I. REACTION TO GROUP 3’S PRSENTATION implementation, regulation, terms and licensing that defines an
The group has explained and expounded the meaning and Electronics Engineer and Technician in the Philippines. On the
functionalities of the R.A. 9292. They have also discussed the first article, the provisions were provided, such as stating the
articles stated on the act which precedes the republic act itself. state’s full commitment in providing Professional Electronics
They have not only just provided an easier explanation for the Engineers, Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians;
following Acts stated, but also have given additional insights in the nature of their were being defined such that they are
order to demonstrate the law’s application in the daily practice authorized to have supervisions on electronic design projects
of Electronics Engineering. and researches (for Electronics Engineers) and the proper
installation, construction, operation, control, tests and
The Republic Act of 9292 is an amendment made for the measurements of electronic components, device products and
insufficiency and outdated implementation of the law provided apparatus (Electronics Technicians). In order to provide the
in R.A. 5734. The modified Electronics Engineering Law not authorization from the board, the aspiring engineers and
only stressed the title, policies, definition of terms, categories, technicians must pass first the board examination. The power
nature and scope of the Electronics Engineering practice in the of the regulatory board was also being emphasized such that
country, but also emphasized the necessity of creating a they are authorized not only to give license for the practice of
Professional Regulatory Board to regulate the licensing and Electronics Engineering and Technician, but also to suspend
screening of practicing Electronics Engineers. Meaning, this and ban if ever this law is violated.
board will be obliged to provide the examinations and proper
screening necessary to evaluate, validate and authorize a
person Electronics Engineering in the country. The coverage AMENDMENTS MADE FROM THE REPUBLIC ACT
of he board exam was also being discussed by the group as it 5734 TO THE REPUBLIC ACT 9292
was being stated on the law. The “Sundry Provisions” also
provided the development programs for Practicing Electronics R.A. 9292 is an amendment to the R.A. 5734 which
Communication Engineers (PECE) which was dubbed CPE or provides a better regulation for the licensing and practice of
Continuing Professional Education. The implementation of Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians. The
these provisions administers organizations affiliated to the notable changes seen from the new act is the implementation of
Electronics Engineering practice which is called ‘Integrated general recognition of the titles’ Professional Electronics
and Accredited Professional Organization’. The republic act Engineers (PECE), Electronics Engineers and Electronics
discussed also the concept of ‘foreign reciprocity’ in which the Technicians, instead of the old title Electronics
national licensure of Electronics Engineers can also be Communications Engineers. Despite the change of recognition,
introduced to foreign nation who also provides the same the Communications curriculum will still remain as it is in the
opportunity to the Filipinos. Violations to the following stated board examination coverage. The implementation of board
in the law will be met with penalties and even the withdrawal examinations were also changed such that it was made
of licenses the person is deemed fit for the consequences. computerized in order to facilitate the exam fairly and
efficiently. Additional programs for practicing Professional 3) What are the scope of pratice of an electronics
Electronics Engineers (PECE) are being discussed in the technician?
sundry provisions, such that includes the implementation of
Continuing Professional Education and the administering of The scope of practice of an electronics technician
‘Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization’ which involves any services that are non-engineering work which
will help the practicing Electronics Engineers to keep are also related to the installation, construction, operation,
themselves updated and educated despite completing the
control, tests and measurements, diagnosis, repair and
licensure and requirements for practicing Electronics
Engineering. maintenance, manufacture and production , sales and
marketing of any electronic components, devices,
products, apparatus, instruments, equipments, systems,
networks, operations and processes located on land,
watercraft, aircraft, industrial plants or commercial
establishments, including the teaching and training of
professional subjects that can help electronics technician
1) What are the scope of practice of an electronics pass their licensure examination.
4) What does “Board” mean?
The scope of the practice of an Electronics Engineer
comprises all work or activity which involves the This “Board” or the Professional Regulatory Board is
application of engineering sciences to investigation, the group the oversees, provides licensure and
analysis, synthesis, planning, design, specification, authorization for Profession Electronics Engineers,
research and development, provision, procurement, Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technician to
marketing and sales, manufacture and production, practice their professions. They administer the provisions
construction and installation, test/measurement/control of the RA 9292. They could also administer and influence
operation, communications and/or telecommunications, some changes in the regulation of licensure examinations,
information and communications technology (ICT), screening, renewal and the like if they see it fit which is
computers and their networking and professionally evaluated through conducting studies and
hardware/firmware/software development and the like. They can collaborate with other sectors of the
applications, broadcast/broadcasting, cable and wireless government such as the DOST, CHED or TESDA which
television, consumer and industrial electronics, electro- can help enhance the implementation of the act.
avionics, aerospace , navigational and military
applications, medical electronics, robotics, cybernetics, 5) Who controls the “Board”?
biometrics and all other related and convergent fields. It
also comprises the administration, management, The Board is under the supervision of the
supervision and regulatory aspects of such works and Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), which is
activities. Teaching and training activities that develop the composed of a Chairman and two members who are
skills, knowledge and fundamentals of electronics appointed by the country’s president from the three
engineering: this includes the lecturing of professional recommendees per position chosen from the five nominees
subjects that supplements the aspiring engineer’s for each position submitted through an accredited
knowledge on electronics engineering and technicians that professional organization.
help them pass the required curriculum and licensure

2) What are the scope of practice of a PECE?

The scope of the practice of a Professional REFERENCES

Electronics Engineer consists of authorization of providing
consulting services for the Electronics Engineering [1] Lawphil.net. 2021. Republic Act No. 9292. [online] Available at:
services which are stated in the answers for question <https://lawphil.net/statutes/repacts/ra1963/ra_3846_1963.html>
[Accessed 20 April 2021].
number 1. This also includes the signing and sealing
electronic plans, drawings, specifications, permit
applications, reports and other technical documents
regarding this profession.

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