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We often hear that health is

wealth and this is very true, No
matter how much we study and
work hard to earn a big income, without good
health, everything is futile.
How do we define health? Health is the
complete fitness of the body, soundness of the
mind and wholesomeness of the emotion, which
make possible the highest quality of effective
living and of service.
Why do we have to study
The following are the reasons why we have to
study health:
1. Medical health records show that current
health practices are poor
2. People’s attitude towards health does not
lead to hygienic living
3. People lack basic information regarding
health matters
4. Habits affect health and the school can
develop health habits
Principles underlying health

1. Heredity, environment and mode of living

determine one’s health
2. The students’ health is a joint responsibility of
the home, the school as well as the community
3. Teaching health in the school is principally in
the hands of the Health teacher
4. Health education is included in the curriculum
starting from kindergarten up to college
5. The health specialist of the school should have
a better understanding, sympathy, cooperation
and support in order to have an effective health
6. Better accomplishment of the medical and dental and
nursing services of the school lies in the health instruction
and the development of health, attitude and habits
7. The promotion of the teacher’s health is important to the
health education program as well as to the quality and
cost of education
8. What constitutes a valuable element in the health
education of the student is the professional skill and
initiative of the teacher
9. It is very essential to develop the health practices of the
student starting from kindergarten until he becomes old
enough to understand the scientific reasons which these
practices rest.
According to Fuentes (1999), women tend to
live longer and are generally far healthier than
men. Yet they visit the doctor twice as often. This
is partly because even when they are in the best
of their health, their basic biological functions –
menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and
menopause – frequently require medical
Further, she said that there is an increasing
and predominantly silent crisis in men’s health
and well being. Due to lack of awareness, poor
health education, and culturally induced
behavior patterns in their work and personal
lives, men’s health and well-being are
deteriorating steadily.
In the 1920’s, the life expectancy of males and
females was roughly the same. Now, life expectancy
among males is over 10% lower of 7 years shorter than
that of women. The relative slack in men’s health is due
to a number of reasons. The primary reason is that men
have been brought up to think it is unmanly to react to
pain in their bodies. The consequence is that men are at
greater risk for several of the top killers – heart disease,
cancer, suicide, accidents and violence.
Women depend on their gynecologist for female
problems, and learn the benefits of early detection for
breast cancer through self-examination. Men, on the
other hand, often ignore warning signs and symptoms
until the problem becomes serious. Furthermore, there
really isn’t a medical specialty to deal with the wide
variety of problems that a man faces.
Essential Facts which man should
know (Fuentes, et. al 1999)
1. Heart Disease
2. Hospital
3. Violence
4. Addiction
5. Accidents
6. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
7. Suicide
8. Impotence
9. Cancer
10. Stress
Heart Disease
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Carriers of contagious

There are three agent-carriers of disease

germs according to Meñez (1970) and
these are:
1. MAN

Man spreads a contagious

disease directly or indirectly.
He is a carrier even if he has
not been sick with the
disease, but carries the
germs with him.

Drinking water is
another carrier of a
disease. We also get the
disease by using the glass and
utensils of a sick person.

Food is also a
carrier of disease,
so let us avoid
eating dirty food.
Leftover food should always be covered so that
flies, rats and cockroaches will not step on
them. In order to avoid getting disease from
infected food, you should not buy from the
outside vendors, because you are not sure
how they prepare, cook and serve the food.
Fitness and Healthy
Fitness relates to physical
activity – perhaps a rigorous
daily exercise regimen.
Others may think of fitness
simply as being free from disease and other
health problems. Yet the true definition of
fitness is far broader and more personal. It
refers to your own optimal health and overall
well-being. Fitness is your good health.
Being fit relates to every aspect of your health – physical,
emotional, and mental. All the three are interconnected.
Nutrition and physical activity are fundamental to each one.

When you are fit, you have:

1. Stamina and are optimistic in dealing with everyday emotional

ups and downs as well as the different mental challenges that
are often encountered
2. Reduced risk for may health problems, including serious
3. An attitude of looking and feeling the best
4. Physical strength and endurance to handle yourself in case of
an emergency
5. A better future to become an asset to your country
6. Chance for a better quality of life and ready to face challenges
Nutrition is the science that
studies nutrients determining what they
are, in what quantities they are found in
different foods, how they are utilized by
the body, and in what quantities they are
needed by the body.
Its is also defined by Fuentes, et. al (1999), as how the food
nourishes your body. Being well nourished depends on getting
enough of the nutrients your body needs, but not too much of
the nutrients and energy your body needs.
There are two classes of nutrients. The Macronutrients are
relatively in large quantities and make up the bulk of all diets
(supply energy). The Micronutrients are needed in smaller
quantities which serve as calorie sources, but play essential role
in the body chemistry.
Common deficiency diseases

The common deficiency diseases among children

in the Philippines are brought by inadequate
nutrients in the body. As the children grow up, it has
been noted that the quantity of balanced food they
eat goes down.

Hereunder are the common deficiency diseases:

 Kwashiorkor – calorie deficiency

 Vitamin A deficiency
 Vitamin B deficiency
 Vitamin C deficiency
Basic elements in food
Food is a substance out together by nature into plant or
animal life. There are two general groups of food:

 Those that give energy for life, growth and repair (energy-
growth giving foods)
Under this group are the carbohydrates and protein.
 Those that are needed by the body to help do its work
(regulating foods)
Under this group are minerals, calcium and vitamins.

Water is not food, but plays a very essential part in changing

substances for digestion, in helping waste elimination and
in regulating our temperature.
Balanced diet food
1. Eat a variety of foods with different nutrients good for your body.
2. Balance the foods you eat so that you can attain good health; eat
grain products which are
energy giving foods,
vegetables and fruits which supply
other nutrients needed by your body.
3. Choose a diet rich in grain
products, vegetables and fruits
because these are excellent sources
of many nutrients like vitamins,
minerals, complex carbohydrates as
well as fiber and other healthful food
4. Choose a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Fat is essential for health. It supplies energy,
contains essential fatty acids and carries vitamins
into your blood stream, but too much of it can also
cause an ailment.
5. Choose a diet moderate in sugars because it can
cause diabetes.
6. Choose a diet moderate in salts, especially those
who are suffering from high blood pressure.
Sodium is a nutrient and a natural part of many
foods. It helps the body maintain fluid balance and
regulate blood pressure but a person with high
blood pressure is sodium-sensitive.
7. Drink alcoholic beverages in moderation. Drinking
higher amount is linked to many health problems.
Common communicable diseases

A disease is the abnormal state or

functioning of all or part of the organism. It is
also an alteration of the dynamic interaction
between an individual and his environment. On
the other hand, a communicable disease is a
disease that can be transferred from the source
to another person.
Some signs of disease are abnormal changes
in temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate.
Symptoms are pain and restlessness, though
these may not be the same for all persons.
The following are the different communicable
1. Sore eyes
2. Chronic bronchitis
3. El tor or cholera
4. Common cold
5. Chicken pox
6. Whooping cough
7. Measles
8. Pneumonia
9. Tuberculosis
10. Dengue fever
11. Typhoid fever
12. Mumps
Self-Test: (Integrating Activity)
I. Define the following:
1. Health
2. Fitness
3. Nutrition
4. Balance diet
5. Disease

II. Discuss briefly the importance of studying health

III. Enumerate the following:

a) Four common deficiency diseases brought by inadequate nutrients in the body
b) Twelve different common communicable diseases

IV. Discussion
How do the following agents carry disease germs? Explain briefly.
a. man
b. water
c. food
Learning Objective: At the end of this module, the students should be able to know how to prevent
drug abuse

Methodology: Lecture – discussion

Requirements: Attendance
Participation during discussion

Content: 1. What is a drug?

2. When are drugs harmful?
3. Are products other than drugs ever abused?
4. What is drug abuse?
5. Why do people turn to drugs?
6. What drugs are commonly used?
7. How can you tell when someone is abusing drugs?
8. What are the ill-effects of drug abuse?
9. What can a person do to prevent drug abuse?
10. What are the general facts about Ecstasy, Marijuana, Inhalant abuse,
Opiates and Cocaine?

Time Allotment: 4 hours

A drug is a chemical
substance that brings about
physical, emotional or behavioral
change in a person taking it. Any drug can be
harmful when taken in excess. Some drugs can
also be harmful if taken in dangerous
combinations or by hypersensitive (allergic)
persons in ordinary or even small amounts.
Substance like glue, paint thinners, gasoline and
other volatile (breathable) solvents contain a
variety of dangerous chemicals. They should be
sold and used with caution.
What is Drug abuse?
Drug abuse is the use of any chemical substance, licit or
illicit, which results in an individual’s physical, mental or
social impairment.

It may refer to any of the following practices:

1. Using, without benefit or prescription, useful drugs which

have the capacity to alter the mood or behavior.
2. Using drugs and substances for a purpose different from
the one for which the drug has been prescribed.
3. Using drugs and substances having no legitimate medical
application for purposes other than research.
Why do people turn to drugs?

These are the reasons ranging from the

1. “Medicines” can solve problems
2. Widespread access to various drugs
3. Peer pressure
4. The notion that drugs give enjoyment to
users and in the context that it is used as an
alcohol substitute
What drugs are commonly
Drugs that are commonly abused depending
on their pharmacological effects may be
classified into:
1. Stimulants

– drugs which increase

alertness and physical

Examples are amphetamine,

cocaine, caffeine and
2. Hallucinogens (also called
as psychedelics)
– drugs which affect sensation, thinking, self-
awareness and emotion. Changes in time and
space perception, delusions (false beliefs) and
hallucinations may be mild or overwhelming,
depending on dose and quality of the drug.

Examples are LSD,

Mescaline and Marijuana
3. Sedatives

– drugs which may reduce anxiety and


Examples are
tranquilizers and
4. Narcotics

– drugs that relieve pain and often induce


Examples are
opium and its
(morphine, codeine
and heroin)
How can you tell when one is
abusing drugs?
A person who is abusing drugs has a lot of changes in behavior,
appearance and mood. The changes may be pleasant or unpleasant.
Thus he is:

1. Irritable, discourteous, defiant

and aggressive
2. Untrustworthy and lacks
3. Unhealthy and unconcerned
with good grooming
4. Has a low frustration
5. Lacks interest in his studies/work
6. Blames everybody for his problems
7. Prefers his barkada where he feels accepted
What are the ill-effects of
drug abuse?

Drug abuse leads to medical and health

problems. The physical complications
depend to an extent on the specific drug,
its source and the way it is used. Among
the physical and mental complications are:
1. Malnutrition

The lives of drug

dependents revolve around
drug abuse. They miss their
regular meals because they
lose their appetite.
2. Panic Reaction

The loss of
thought processes
can cause panic
reactions or feelings
on invulnerability.
Both of these states can lead to injury and death.
The prolonged harmful reactions include anxiety
and depressive sates, or breaks with reality,
which may last from a few days to months.
3. Physical Damage
In addition to
those disease, which
accompany the use of
unsterile syringes and
contaminated drugs these
may cause certain medical
problems. Kidney failure,
hepatitis, drastic weight loss and vitamin deficiencies are some of
the adverse physical complications.

The life of drug abusers is a dreadful one. To support the habit, they
resort to committing crimes like stealing, prostitution and
gambling, wherein they hamper their emotional maturation.
What can a person do to prevent
drug abuse?
1. Maintain good physical and
mental health
2. Use drug properly
3. Understand your own self
4. Develop your potentials
5. Learn to relate effectively to whom
you can communicate your
problems freely
6. Learn to cope with your problems and other stresses without
the use of drugs
7. Seek professional help if you feel you cannot cope with your
8. Develop strong moral and spiritual foundations
What are the general facts
about Ecstasy, Marijuana,
Inhalant abuse, Opiates and
is a synthetic amphetamine –
related substance. IT GAINED POPULARITY
United States and then later in Europe and
now is increasingly known in other parts of the
world. It has the following street names: X, Rave,
Love Drug, Flying Saucer, LBD or Libido, Jagged Little Pill, Artist Drug, Hug
Drug, MDA, MDEA, XTC, E, Eckie, and Love Doves. Its scientific name is
3, 4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). A user generally takes
the drug through oral ingestion, but some resort to snorting for its faster
effect, but this is usually painful and irritating to the nostrils. Its dosage
varies whole tablet-1 “hit” lasts for about 3 to 5 hours. A typical dose is
between 75 mg and 150 mg; one half-tablet – half a bit.
The physiological effects are muscle tension, involuntary teeth
clenching, nausea, appetite loss, blurred vision, rapid eye movement,
hallucinations, irritability, faintness, chills, sweating, sleeping problems,
increase in heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure, liver &
heart damage, and brain hemorrhage.
MDMA is particularly dangerous when taken with
alcohol, or by those suffering from heart ailments,
diabetes, asthma and psychosis.
The psychological effects are classified into two
categories. The first of which are positive psychological
effects which include: extreme mood lifts, increase in
willingness to communicate, increase in energy or
stimulation, ego softening, feeling of comfort, belonging
and closeness to others, feeling of love and empathy,
forgiveness, increased awareness and appreciation of
music, increased awareness of senses, profound life-
changing spiritual experiences, neurotically based fear
dissolution, experience bright and intense sensations and
urge to hug and kiss people. The second category has
negative effects which include: inappropriate and
unintended emotional bonding, tendency to say things the
user might feel uncomfortable about later, depression and
fatigue up to seven days, confusion, drug craving, severe
anxiety and paranoia.
The short term effects of MDMA are:
restlessness, anxiety, pronounced visual and
auditory hallucinations at larger dose, increased
blood pressure and heart rate which may lead to
cardiac arrest, nausea and vomiting while the
long term effects of MDMA are: psychosis,
arrhythmia, same effect as with Amphetamines,
psychological dependence, depression.
A user experience grogginess, talkativeness,
increased heart rate and palpitation,
reverberating feeling, glassy eyes, and
hypertension. The after effect of Ecstasy leads to
sudden drop of euphoria and depression. After
taking the drug, users usually indulge in sex (with
single or multiple partners) and some resort to
mental intercourse (jamming or sex talks).
The signs and symptoms are: poor
appetite, disturbed sleeping pattern, erratic
behavior, paranoia and suspicious of people.
The penalty of life imprisonment to death
and a fine ranging from five hundred
thousand pesos (PhP 500,000.00) shall be
imposed upon any person, who unless
authorized by law, shall possess 10 grams of
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
regardless of purity to include illegal
manufacture, sale, administration,
dispensing, distribution, delivery and
often called grass, pot, or weed, is a crude drug made from
Cannabis sativa, a plant that contains a mind-altering (psychoactive)
ingredient called tetrahydrocannabinol THC. A marijuana “joint” or
cigarette is made from the dried leaves, tops and flowers of the plant. Its
strength depends on the type of
plant, the weather, the soil and the
time of harvest of the plant. Hashish
or hash – is made from the extracted
resin of the plant. It is usually
stronger than crude marijuana and
can be both be smoked and eaten.
Marijuana slows down the user’s mental
and psychomotor activities. Users don’t
remember what they have learned when
they are high. The effects of marijuana can
also impair thinking, reading comprehension
and verbal and mathematical skills.
Marijuana creates other health problems
related to the reproductive system, the heart
and the lungs. It has been found that
Marijuana use may lead to cancer. The long
term regular use of this may lead to
psychological dependence. Once started, it
may take more of the drug for the user to get
the same effect.
The immediate effects are: faster
heartbeat and pulse rate, bloodshot eyes, dry
mouth and throat, altered sense of
time/disorientation, forgetfulness or inability
to think, impaired reflexes, coordination and
concentration, “acute panic anxiety reaction”
– extreme fearing of losing control. The long
term effects are chest pain, irregular
menstrual cycle, temporary loss of fertility for
both sexes, premature babies or low birth
weights, cancer, and marijuana “burn out”
(dull, slow moving, inattentive, and unaware
of surroundings).
The reasons why people use marijuana
are: peer pressure, curiosity, boredom,
frustration (due to personal/family/school and
work problems), poor self-image, weak
personality (unable to cope with stress,
conflicts, etc.), desire to escape from reality,
an lack of parental guidance.
Inhalant Abuse

is the deliberate inhalation of

volatile chemical substances that
contain psychoactive (mind/mood
altering) vapors to produce a state
of intoxication. It is dangerous
because it will cause permanent damage to the brain
or may result in “sudden sniffing death”. Abusers
under the influence of inhalants are prone to
accident. Abusers can also become violent. Inhalant
abuse produces psychological dependence. Once the
habit is formed, the dose has to be increased
gradually to produce the same effect.
The immediate effects of this are:
confusion or disorientation, distorted
perception of time and distance, aggressive
behavior or violence, illusions, nausea,
vomiting and hallucination. The delayed
effects are: loss of memory, inability to think,
muscle cramps and weakness, numbness in
limbs, abdominal pains, and damage to the
central nervous system, kidneys & liver.

Sometimes called narcotics, are a group of

drugs that are used to relieve pain, but have a
high potential for abuse. Some opiates come
from a resin taken from the seedpod of the
Asian poppy.
 Opium – dark brown chunks or powder that
are usually smoked or eaten.
 Morphine – white or brownish powder that is
usually dissolved in water and then injected.
 Heroin – diluted or “cut” with other
substances such as sugar or quinine.
 Codeine
 Synthesized or manufactured opiates –
come in capsules, tablets, syrups, solutions
and suppositories.
Morphine, meperidine, paregoric (which
contains opium), and cough syrups (that contain
codeine) are the most common opiates with
legal medicine uses that are abused.
The dangers of opiates abuse are: opiates
may cause dependence and tolerance. An
opiate-dependent person makes finding and
using the drug his main focus in life. Over time,
opiate users may develop infections of the heart
lining and valves, skin abscesses and congested
lungs. The opiate-dependent women suffer from
health problems like anemia and may give birth
to babies with defects or who are dead.
The immediate effects are: restlessness,
nausea and vomiting, “on the nod” effect
(going back and forth from feeling alert to
drowsy), for very large dose – person cannot
be awakened anymore, smaller pupils, cold,
moist and bluish skin, slowed down breathing
and death.
The delayed effects are: uneasiness,
diarrhea, abdominal cramps, chills, sweating,
nausea, runny nose and eyes.
The symptoms begin 4-6 hours after lat
dose of the drug, are stronger 24-27 hours
after and subside with 7-10 days. Sometimes,
symptoms such as sleeplessness and drug
craving can last for months.
The treatments for opiate addicts are:
detoxification in a hospital or as outpatient,
rehabilitation in therapeutic communities,
outpatient drug-free programs, methadone-
maintenance using methadone (a substitute
for heroin, on a daily basis to help people lead
productive lives while in treatment).

A drug extracted from the leaves of coca,

a South American shrub, which has the same
effect as amphetamines – a central nervous
system stimulant.
Cocaine is available in the following forms:
 Cocaine Hydrochloride – is the most available
form. It is a fine white crystal-like powder that is
medically known as a local anesthetic. Users sniff
or snort it into the nose.
 “Street” Cocaine Hydrochloride or “rocks” –
these are the larger pieces of cocaine
 Freebase – is the purified substance of “rocks”. It
is usually injected or smoked.
 Coca Paste – is the crude product smoked in
South America. It is more dangerous because it
has contaminants such as kerosene.
Cocaine is dangerous because in some
people, even low doses of cocaine, it may
Create psychological problems. An overdose
may cause delirium, convulsions, respiratory
failures or death. Regular intake of high doses
of cocaine may cause paranoia or may lead to
“cocaine psychosis” (hallucinations of touch,
sight, taste or smell).
Injecting cocaine with unsterile equipment
can cause hepatitis or other infections.
Preparation of freebase exposes the user to
death and serious injuries from fire or
explosion that can occur.
Repeated use of cocaine leads to addiction.
Users can get to the point of centering their lives
on seeking and using the drug. Sometimes, they
may continue to use it to avoid depression and
fatigue they would feel if they stopped using the
The immediate effects are: dilated pupils,
increase in blood pressure/heart rate/breathing
rate/body temperature, a sense of well-being,
feels energetic/alert, less hungry and slurred
The delayed effects are: psychosis,
restlessness, irritability/anxiety, sleeplessness,
stuffy or runny nose/ulcerated mucous
membrane of nose, confusion, and slurred


National Development via National Service
Training Program (CWTS & ROTC). Books
Atbp. Publishing Corp. 151 Rev. Aglipay St.,
Mandaluyong City, pp 73-105 and pp 129-147.

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