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Guide Questions Response/s

What were your main activities during the course? One of the main activities during the course was an

online discussion through chat sessions. What had

discussed were referred from the two modules of the

course which are the following with a summarized

content in each.

MODULE 1 : Mainly focused on the 4 Pillars of

Education under the 21st Century.

 Lesson 1” Learning to Know as a 21st Century


 Lesson 2 Learning to Live Together and

Learning to Do as a 21st Century Teacher

 Lesson 3’ Learning to be as a 21st Century


- This module taught me the importance of the four

pillars of education to my job being a teacher.

Those pillars serve as a guide towards becoming a

holistic individual. As the knowledge comes atop,

one should never forget how to live harmoniously

with anyone, regardless of the race and status in the

community. As a person who does not stop settling

for what is learned at present, the other pillar


challenges everyone to continue finding something

to learn for one's personal and professional growth.

MODULE 2: It Described what a 21st Century Teacher

should be like.

 Lesson 1 “ The 21st Century Teacher as Subject

Matter Expert

 Lesson 2 “The 21st Century Teacher as a

Facilitator of Learning

 Lesson 3”The 21st Century Teacher as a

Classroom Manager

- The three lessons mentioned above depicted the

characteristics of the 21st Century Teacher. These

three major descriptions of a teacher were already

practiced even before the 21st Century era. It is that,

at present time, these 3 are somewhat modified,

much more given emphasis and are widely

promoted and gradually practiced by many. The 21st

century teacher must be evident through the

specified 8 characteristics: 1. Adaptive (adapting),

2. A Visionary, 3. Knows how to collaborate

(especially the learning collaborative tools-mostly

through using ICTs), 4. Risk Takers, 5. A Learner

too, 6. Fluent to communicate (know how to

facilitate, stimulate, control, moderate and manage


communication and collaboration, 7. Has a

Modelling Behavior (one who is value-laden), 8. A


Another main activity was the application of what we

had learned through doing the requirements which were

all reflective to the teacher. Those requirements allow the

learning to be materialized and realized, thus, it served as

a huge help for the teachers.

How relevant and applicable were the course - The course contents were so much relevant and

contents in helping you enhance your competencies applicable to me when it comes to enhancing and

as 21st Century teacher? honing my competencies being a 21st century

facilitator of learning. Considering the fast-growing

technology around us in the current time, I too, must

bring myself to adapt the trends, hence, I can apply

and share them to my class as well as to the whole

school. I firmly have the faith that in time, I will be

able to help more my colleagues by accepting

school-related works and somehow share to them

values I learned from this course for a 21st century


What challenges or difficulties did you experience - Foremostly, there were apprehensions regarding

during the course? joining in the first chat session, knowing that the

course accommodates participants not only from my


municipality or province but the whole region. But

with the good rapport my co-flexible learners were

showing, I got to make myself "involved" with them.

I was also so much grateful having my FLT Dr.

Shambaeh A. Usman, who made me felt settled and

at ease in her class.

- I considered the "time" as one that challenged me

most. Since aside from teaching job in school, each

of us (the teacher) is assigned to hold

coordinatorships not mentioning the additional time

taken for school or classroom meetings, cluster

meetings, seminars on weekends, etc. How was I

able to cope it with the course's schedule was quite a

bombardment, but I did it.

- Another one is the pacing of lectures. It was a big

challenge to me considering that this is my first

online study, thus, getting myself adapt with a fast

lecture so quickly, was a failure. But, anyhow, as the

class went along for four Saturdays, I was learning

how to manage.

- It was indeed difficult for me to have my

requirements in due time because of some other

priorities that needed to be attended first. This lapse

should be the first thing that I need to put an equal

balance someday if I can enroll again to another


online studies. This is one weakness that I should


What significant learning insights did you gain - Generally, the course contents both in Modules 1 and

from the course? 2 taught me simple yet its weight is worth keeping

for. Keep the VALUES. No matter how advanced we

may be in the modern days, yes, we may have

adapted the most recent technologies and trends in

learning-teaching approaches, but if there were no

values, there may also be development, but it will not

be the same as the development that is gauged with


What areas related to your being as 21st Century - Based on my personal lifelong learning plan,

Teacher/Facilitator/Classroom Manager do you still Financial Literacy is one of the areas that needs

need to improve on and why? improvement. I consider myself to be a developing

when it comes to finances. I really and must find

ways on how to make myself get better on this area

so I can be more confident enough to teach about

finances to my students.

- Next to Financial literacy is the enhancement of my

ICT skills. It is a must to be most literate on ICTs

than the students because it is I who navigate the

learning first than them. Hoping one day, each

Philippine school should be given the chance to be

equipped with computers and hi-technology


educational gadgets so that teachers will be the

proudest of all proud in producing quality and

reliable public school graduates.

What can you say about your overall experience - SEAMEO's GURO21 was an exceptional experience

(comment on chat, forum, course requirements, of an online study novice like me. During the session,

FLT competency, and the online modality)? that was the chat, it went good despite of some short

in-between Internet Disconnections on my side. The

chat was a sort of training also on how to construct

sentences comprehensively since it was required to

have at least five sentences in a paragraph.

Considering the time of the chat, everything's done

quickly. The chat sessions promoted camaraderie

among the flexible learners and between the FLT.

The forum was quite the easiest and quickest access

in the site wherein I was able to post assignments in

a hassle free way. The course requirements which

were supposedly doable within the time frame given,

were done extensively because of some time

constraints at work.

- The Flexible Learning Tutor. She branded herself as

"Smiling Sha", I am honored and grateful of having

Dr. Shambaeh A. Usman to be my Tutor. She always

is (and I am sure of that) the most flexible one. She

understood our personality being a person and even


kept me feel encouraged and motivated to move

forward for the children and for the nation. Through

this paper, I think I can have the chance to say Thank

you so much Doc Sha for choosing me to be one of

your few Flexible Learners who had gained not only

the experience from the learnings of the two modules

but the experience of how was it like to be your

learner- I owe a lot from you.

What are your other comments / suggestions for - I am privileged to have this course. Based on my

improving the content coverage and the way the experience, the course should be scheduled in ten

course will be delivered in the future? weeks so to have a quality and most comprehensive

outputs at the learners' end. The course had helped a

lot of teachers thus, hope this program will continue

to serve those interested lifelong learners.

Prepared by:


GURO21 Batch 6 Class 14 FL

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