Soal Latihan Pas B. Inggris 9 SMTR 1

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Ria : Amazing. You run like a panther. I’m sure you will win the race.
Sani : _________ Thanks.

What is the suitable expression?

A. I wish I couldn’t be a winner
B. I don’t think so
C. Congratulation
D. I hope so
Siti : Rian, I got a scholarship.
Rian : Congratulations, Siti. You deserve it. Your mom and dad must be proud of you.
Siti : Yes, thanks. It will help my parents a lot.

The word “proud” means … because you got something good.

A. feeling unwell and contentment
B. feeling happy and dissatisfaction
C. feeling pleasure and satisfaction
D. feeling joy and willing to give somebody
1. Dian : Shall we have a picnic to Nglanggeran this weekend? Reynata I’m sure we will have fun there.
A. Oh, I don’t think so.
B. That’s a good idea.

C. What a tiring day!

D. I’m sorry I can’t


2. Vino : I think the best thing to do is to meet the team who manages the event. Arno We don’t have
time to do it. We have to finish it before Friday.
A. I’m with you
B. I disagree with you

C. I think it will be nice

D. I think it’s the best solution

3. Andi : What if we walk to the hill for exercise next Sunday morning to be healthy”.
Dalena : Ok, but you pick me up at 7 a.m. ok!
A. You should see the beauty of the hill
B. We should have enough exercise

C. We should conquer the hill

D. You must come with me

4. 1) Ok, I hope they let you go. The party would not merry without you.
2) I’m waiting.
3) Din, will you come to my birthday party this evening? I have a small party to celebrate it.
4) I hope so. I’ll call you later.
5) That would be great! But I have to ask for permission first to my parent. The correct arrangement of the
dialog above is….

A. 3 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 1
B. 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 2
C. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4
D. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2

Ardan : Look! The trash is everywhere. The classroom is very messy. Tegar : We must pick up the
trash and put them in the bin.
Ardan : That’s a good idea. Then let’s tidy up the desk and chair to make it better.
Tegar : Ok, and after that we have to warn our classmates not to throw the trash at class.

4. From the dialog above, we know that….

A. Ardan like the condition of the class
B. Ardan and Tegar throw the rubbish

C. Ardan asks Tegar to pick up the trash

D. Ardan and Tegar want to clean the class

Ardan : Look! The trash is everywhere. The classroom is very messy. Tegar : We must pick up the
trash and put them in the bin.
Ardan : That’s a good idea. Then let’s tidy up the desk and chair to make it better.
Tegar : Ok, and after that we have to warn our classmates not to throw the trash at class.

“We must pick up the trash”. The expression means that we….
A. have to let the trash
B. have to take the trash to make it clean
C. must not throw the garbage
D. don’t have to pick up the rubbish

Ardan : Look! The trash is everywhere. The classroom is very messy. Tegar : We must pick up the
trash and put them in the bin.
Ardan : That’s a good idea. Then let’s tidy up the desk and chair to make it better.
Tegar : Ok, and after that we have to warn our classmates not to throw the trash at class.
4. “That’s a good idea”. From this statement, Ardan….. to Tegar idea.
A. disagree
B. agree

C. hope
D. congratulat

Ardan : Look! The trash is everywhere. The classroom is very messy. Tegar : We must pick up the
trash and put them in the bin.
Ardan : That’s a good idea. Then let’s tidy up the desk and chair to make it better.
Tegar : Ok, and after that we have to warn our classmates not to throw the trash at class.
4. “That’s a good idea”. From this statement, Ardan….. to Tegar idea.
5. “…. we have to warn our classmates”. The underlined word has the similar meaning with….
A. advise
B. obey
C. keep
D. let

4. Rearrange the jumbled words below to get a meaningful sentence. have to – go – the – you – condition –
better – to make – doctor – to – your
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. 4 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 6 – 9 – 3 – 8
B. 10 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 4 – 5 – 6
C. 4 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 6
D. 8 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 4 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 6


1. The medicine is used to cure….

A. minor aches
B. diabetics
C. lemon taste
D. headache
2. Dian : Shall we have a picnic to Nglanggeran this weekend? Reynata
I’m sure we will have fun there.
A. Oh, I don’t think so. C. What a tiring day!
B. That’s a good idea. D. I’m sorry I can’t.
F. You must come with me
E. We should conquer the hill
Ardan : Look! The trash is everywhere. The classroom is very messy.
Tegar : We must pick up the trash and put them in the bin.
Ardan : That’s a good idea. Then let’s tidy up the desk and chair to make it better.
Tegar : Ok, and after that we have to warn our classmates not to throw the trash at class.

3. “That’s a good idea”. From this statement, Ardan….. to Tegar idea.

A. disagree C. hope
B. agree D. congratulate

4. “…. we have to warn our classmates”. The underlined word has the similar meaning with….
A. advise C. keep
B. obey D. let
5. Rearrange the jumbled words below to get a meaningful sentence. have to
– go – the – you – condition – better – to make – doctor – to – your
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A. 4 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 6 – 9 – 3 – C. 4 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 6
8 D. 8 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 4 – 7 – 10 – 5 – 6
B. 10 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 4 – 5 –

The label is for questions 12 – 15.

8. “This medication can cause adverse

effect”. The underlined word means….
6. The medicine is used to cure…. A. poison
A. minor aches B. healing
B. diabetics C. breaking
C. lemon taste D. meditation
D. headache
9. Children with diabetic are not allowed to
7. To know more information about the consume this medicine because….
contraindication we should…. A. it may cause drowsiness
A. see the composition B. it may cause impair alertness
B. read the leaflet inside C. it can cause adverse effects
C. store in a cool place D. it can relieve cough
D. avoid direct sunlight

The label is for questions 16 – 19.

2 | P a g e Diunduh dari

10. The purpose of the text above is ….
C. to describe the nutrition facts of the product
A. to give detail information about the product
D. to persuade the reader to buy the product
B. to tell the reader about new product

11. From the text we

know that…. C. It contains two
A. The product’s pieces each
name is package
Crunchy D. Bizkitz is sugar
Sandwich free.
B. The product
can be used at
January 5,

12. “…. depending on your calorie needs”. The

underlined word has the similar meaning
A. n C. foods
e D. diets
B. t

13. “do not litter”

The sentence C. We can throw
means…. the trash in
A. We can’t every places
throw it in D. We should not
the dustbin put the rubbish
B. We must after eat
put the
rubbish to
the dustbin

The label is for questions 20 – 23.

14. The function of the text above is….

A. to describe about Tea Bag in general
B. to tell detail information about Jasmine Tea
C. to attract the reader to consume the product  5  Coconut
D. to tell detail information about Tea Bag and 5 milk.
original tea 0  1
15. From the text we know that the product…. l
A. is C. can’t be w 0
art used after at
ifi May 2020 er m
cia D. can be , l
l stored in
tea heat or w
B. co direct light
ai t
ns e
52 r
ba a
gs n
16. “Store away from
heat, direct light, or p
moisture” The C. save
underlined words can D. keep
be replaced by…. n
A. avoid d
B. place a
17. Best before: May 2020. It means that we can use
the product…. l
A. a C. during e
t May 2020 a
M D. not more v
a than May e
y 2020 s
2  ½ teaspoon
0 salt,
B. a

The text is for questions 24 – 27.

Dawet Ayu
Dawet Ayu is a traditional drink from
Banjarnegara, Central Java. It is a
famous beverage in Indonesia. Let’s
see how to make it.
What you need:
 1( ck hunkwe
on flour (Sago
e) Palm flour),
pa  450 gr sugar,
How to make:
 First of all, Mixed Hunkwe flour, pandan leaves water, and salt, stir until hunkwe flour
 Then, put it on the pan, stirring gently until thicken.
 Next, prepare boiling water in basin and mold cendol. Pour a dawet batter little by little,
press dawet batter slowly, until the batter out into the basin. Do it until the batter runs out.
 The next step is, boil sugar and add water until dissolves, remove from heat and strain.
Set aside.
 After that, boil the coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves over low heat, stirring gently
until boiling. Remove from heat and let them cool.
 Finally, pour brown sugar sauce in a cup, add dawet, coconut milk gravy, and ice. You
can put some additional fruits like jackfruit or durian to make it tastier.

18. The text is written to….

A. give detail information about the ingredient to make Dawet Ayu
B. tell the step to purchase Dawet Ayu
C. tell how to consume Dawet Ayu
D. tell the way to make Dawet Ayu

19. Before prepare boiling water in basin and mold cendol, we should….
A. stir gently until thicken C. pour a dawet batter little by little
B. do it until the batter runs out. D. boil sugar and add water until dissolves

20. To make Dawet Ayu, we need water about…

A. 1 pack C. 450 gr
B. 100 ml D. 550 ml

21. “… stirring gently until boiling. Remove from heat and let them cool.”
The word “gently” has the same meaning with….
A. roughly C. firmly
B. smoothly D. quickly

The text is for questions 28 – 31.

22. The manual above tells us about…. 24. Before hold the handle we should
A. How to make fire extinguisher A. pull out the pin
B. the way to use fire extinguisher B. aim at the fire
C. How to pull out the fire extinguisher C. squeeze the handle
D. how to use the user manual of how to D. sweep the fire side by side
use the fire extinguisher
25. “squeeze and hold the handle”. The word
23. The last step to use fire extinguisher is…. squeeze has the same meaning with….
A. pull out the pin A. take
B. aim at the fire B. pull
C. squeeze the handle C. press
D. sweep the fire side by side D. throw
26. Rearrange the following jumbled words into a meaningful sentence.
they – sauté – fragrant – smell – spices – until – the mashed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words above is….
A. 2-5-7-6-1-4-3 C. 2-7-5-6-1-4-3
B. 4-7-5-6-1-2-3 D. 7-2-3-4-6-1-5

27. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into a correct order.

1. First, prepare all the ingredients; the chopped onions, basil, sugar, garlic salt, and oregano.
2. Then, add the diced tomato. Then add the herbs and spices. Mix in the chopped onions, basil, sugar,
garlic salt, and oregano.
3. After that, sauté the onions and garlic with a little olive oil in a very hot pan and add the beef. Burn
until it is fully brown.
4. Spaghetti Sauce is ready to serve.
5. I will tell you how to make Homemade Spaghetti Sauce.
6. Next, blend and stir the mixture, then cover and let simmer for five or ten minutes. Stir occasionally.
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words above is….
A. 1-2-3-5-6-4 C. 5-1-2-3-4-6
B. 1-2-3-6-5-4 D. 5-1-3-2-6-4

Complete the following text to answer questions number 34 – 37.

One of the happiest moments in my life is having a family gathering in my grandma’s house once a year during
the school holidays. Everybody keeps talking and laughing. My aunts and uncles … happily in the living
room when I woke up at one last night
The suitable
A. talked
B. were talking
C.are talking
D. will be talking

At this moment, while they

35)………….. the lunch,
A. prepared
B. were preparing
C.are preparing
D. will be preparing

they 36)………….. noisily in the big kitchen.

28. A. talked
B. were talking
C.are talking
D. will be talking
One of the happiest moments in my life is having a family gathering in my grandma’s house once a year
during the school holidays. Everybody keeps talking and laughing. My aunts and uncles 34)
....................happily in the living room when I woke up at one last night. At this moment, while they
35)………….. the lunch, they 36)………….. noisily in the big kitchen. And, I’m sure they 37)............until
they go to bed late tonight.

29. A. talked 31. A. talked

E. were talking E. were talking
F. are talking F. are talking
G. will be talking G. will be talking
30. A. prepared 32. A. talked
E. were preparing B. were talking
F. are preparing C.are talking
G. will be preparing D. will be talking

33. When I was child, I.......................the books all the time.

A. read C. am reading
B. was reading D. was read

34. Rearrange the following jumbled words into a meaningful sentence.

now – is – Mr. Wisnu – the – book – reading – novel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words above is….
A. 3-2-6-4-5-7-1 C. 4-7-5-2-6-3-1
B. 3-2-6-4-7-5-1 D. 4-5-7-2-6-3-1

The text is for question number 40.

The thief broke in when everyone was sleeping very soundly. Unfortunately, he tripped over
something and bumped his head on the big cupboard, so my mom and dad woke up. With my mom’s help,
he could catch him while he was trying to get up. When I woke up because of the noise, I was surprised. My
faher was tying the thief to the chair, and my mother is calling the police. I’m very proud my brave parents.
35. One of the sentences above is wrong in pattern or structure that is….
A. The thief broke in when everyone was sleeping very soundly
B. he could catch him while he was trying to get up.
C. My faher was tying the thief to the chair
D. and my mother is calling the police
Complete the following text to answer questions number
For eight years, Riri 41) orphan. She has lived in the orphanage (or, orphan home) for
six years. She 42)………….. there because she has no relative to take care of her. Her grandparents 43)
…………... Her only relative is an uncle from her mother’s side. He is poor, and his house is very small. He
has put her in the orphanage (or, orphan home) because he wants her to get better care and to go to a good
school. We know that her uncle and his family love her because they have visited her routinely once a month
(or, a lot of time). Riri is very caring. She is an active member of the charity group of the orphanage founded
early last year. She has participated very actively in the group’s activities. She and the other members of the
group have made handicrafts and sold them. The charity group have done one thing for street children. On
the orphanage’s 15th birthday, they gave each child twenty thousand rupiahs. They also 44) one thing
for poor families. Early this month they gave each family a gift containing sugar, cooking oil, and rice.

36. A. is 38. A. die

B. has been B. died
C.was C.has died
D. has being D. has been died
37. A. lived 39. A. has done
B. has lived B. have done
C.has been living C.did
D. live D. has been doing

40. Rearrange the following jumbled words into a meaningful sentence.

I have been teaching for ten years
teaching – been – ten – have – I – for – years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The correct arrangement of the jumbled words above is….

A. 5-4-1-6-3-7-2 C. 5-4-1-2-6-3-7
B. 5-4-2-1-6-7-3 D. 5-4-2-1-6-3-7

The text is for question number 46.

I know that the sun usually shines brightly in Ambon. But when I went there for a short tour last December,
the sun was not shining at all. It was cloudy everyday. It was raining again and again.

41. From the text, we know that….

A. The sun was shining went the writer went to Ambon
B. When the writer went to Ambon, there was no rain
C. The writer went to Ambon when it was raining and cloudy
D. There was no sun shining in Ambon

42. Donny is only 15 years old...........he can ride on a motorcycle.

A. although C. and
B. because D. but

48.................Angger is only 7 years old, she can play Piano beautifully.

A. although C. and
B. because D. but

49. I want to join the walk to the beach on Sunday, but I can’t............................a cousin of mine from
Batam is coming.
A. although C. and
B. because D. but

50. I have never bored to come to this place ….. I have ever gone so many times.
A. even C. even tough
B. even if D. because

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