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This Guide provides you with explanations to help you work with the Analytical Framework template.

Analytical Framework

Domain Sub-domain Pilars Here you choose the relevant domain, sub-domain and pilar (thematic area to be analysed) -
You will have to chose Domain prior to sub-domain and subsequently pilar.

Drivers &
underlying Under this pilar you identify the analytical questions to undersdtand the drivers that trigger or
factors expose to suffering or life-threatening conditions and its underlying factors such as the
contextual elements that exacerbate the crisis, such as pre-existing food insecurity, lack of
governance capacity, gender inequalities and social discrimination.
Scope & scale of crisis

Primary & The analytical questions you identify under this pilar will be related to the effects and
secondary consequences of the crisis. Consequences can be direct or indirect. For example, as a direct
effects consequence of the crisis, people have been displaced and families have been separated. As an
indirect consequence of the crisis, the economic situation has deterioriated and people have
been compelled to join the army or engage in survival sex to compensate for their decreasing
incomes or purchasing power.
Crisis impact

Disruption to
key services Under this pilar you identify analytical questions related to disruptions of key infrastructures
and services including estimation of losses directly and indirectly caused by the crisis.

The analytical questions you identify under this pilar will be related to needs of the affected
Conditions of affected

population. A need refers to a lack of something that is deemed necessary or essential for
survival or self-reliance.

Aggravated Under this pilar you identify questions to understand existing vulnerabilities and how the crisis
directly or indirectly excaberates those.
Protection risks
The analytical questions you identify under this pilar will be related to protection risks. A risk is
an object, person or situation that exposes someone to danger, harm or loss. For example,
there is a risk of bodily harm from ERWs when people use unauthorized routes because
checkpoints have been closed due to insecurity.
mechanisms The analytical questions you identify under this pilar will be related to the affected populations
Capacities to respond

self-coping, their ability to address their own situation and resilence to crisis.

response Under this pilar you identify questions related to the national government's capacity and ability
capacity to respond and the civil society and other national stakehodlers including private sector.
Operational environment

response Here you identfiy analytical questions to understand other international stakeholders capcity to
capacity respond.

Access to
affected This pilar helps to explore the degree of access by the humanitarian actors and the degree to
population which afected population can be reached by humanitarian aid.

Access to

aid by affected Here you idenitfy analytical questions to understand the degree and equality of access by the
population affected population to humanitarian aid and services

Security and
access The analytical questions you identify under this pilar will clarify the reasons and type of
constraints constraints (ie. security, physical hindrance) of access to humanitarian assistance.

Here you provide a clear statement of the protection issue you want to monitor. You
can add as many questions as you want for each of the three sub-pilars. This entry can
be formulated as a question (e.g., "How many women and girls are victims of domestic
violence?") or as an issue (e.g., "SGBV against women and girls -- Frequency of
domestic violence). Try to be as precise as possible. For example, there is a difference
between monitoring the existence of a phenomenon, its frequency, and its magnitude.
Three indicators can be required to capture those three aspects. Remember as well
Analytical Question that one analytical question can have many indicators. Conversely, one indicator can be
used to answer different analytical questions.

This section allows you to be precise about your information needs through the
Categories of analysis
identification of specific geographic and/or population criteria.
Geographic The geographic characteristics can include specific administrative areas (e.g., specific
oblasts, NGCA, grey zone), locations (e.g., checkpoints, collective centers), or settings
(e.g., urban/rural).

Population The population characteristics can include different affected groups (e.g., IDPs,
returnees, host communities), vulnerable groups (e.g., older persons, disabled
children), socio-economic groups (farmers, wage workers), diversity groups (e.g.,
religious minorities, ethnic minorities, LGBTI), gender groups, and age groups (e.g.,
This section allows you to state and define your indicators, and assess the reliability of
Information Source
your sources.

Here you provide a statement of the indicator that is needed to answer your analytical
question. An indicator tells us something about what we want to know. For example, if
we want to know if the wind is blowing, the rustling leaves and bowing treetops are a
good indicator. Remember that indicators should be S.M.A.R.T: specific, measurable,
assignable, realistic, and trackable. The unit of measurement should also be clear, with
only one unit per indicator. Are you counting individuals, households, activities or
incidents? If you are interested in a percentage, are you sure you have the
denominator (total population or baseline) to be able to calculate it?

Type of indicator Here you indicate if the indicator is a proxy indicator or a direct indicator.
A direct indicator is a measurable evidence-based scale providing specific information
on the condition of the object under study. For example, if we want to know how many
child soldiers are in the armies of each party to a conflict, the direct indicator is:
"Number of child soldiers in the army of Party A", "Number of child soldiers in the army
of Party B", etc.
Proxy A proxy indicator provides an indirect measurement used when direct measures are
not possible. As a substitute, it provides a measurement of a phenomenon that exhibits
the same trend or characteristics as the thing we wish to measure. For example, the
"Number of female members in a Chamber of Commerce" is a proxy indicator for the
information that is wanted, namely "Percentage of female business owners or
executives". For whatever reason, we cannot know the percentage of female business
owners, so we use an indicator that tells us something that is similar.

Here you indicate the document, website or organisation or person from which you can
Source of indicator obtain the information.
Type of source Here you indicate if the source is a primary source or a secondary source
Primary data is data that was collected (or will be collected) by your own organisation
Primary and for the specific purpose for which it will be used
Secondary data is data that was collected by a different organisation and/or for a
Secondary different purpose
Reliability of the source
Here you assess the reliability of the data source. Sources that you assess to be
'unreliable' should not be considered. This is why only various levels of reliability are

There are some doubts or concerns regarding the reliability of the source of the data,
the method used to collect it, and/or its time relevance (i.e., the extent to which it
1. Somewhat Reliable reflects current conditions)
The data is from a reliable source, it was collected using a scientific method, and it is
2. Reliable time-relevant
The data is from a very reliable source, and you are confident in the data collection
3. Very reliable method that was used and the time-relevance of the data

This section allows you to reflect about the identified information needs and indicators:
Why is it important? How feasible is it? Should it be prioritised?
Here you provide a clear statement of why the information is needed, i.e., why it is
Justication important that it be collected or compiled.
Feasibility Here you evaluate the feasibility of obtaining the information you have identified as a
need, based on time and effort required.
Good Little time and effort are needed to obtain the information

Moderate A reasonable amount of time and effort are needed to obtain the information

Bad Much or excessive amounts of time and effort are needed to obtain the information
Prioritization Level Here you prioritize each information need, taking into consideration your justification
(i.e., its importance) and the feasibility of obtaining the data. You can identify here
(e.g., with a *) those indicators you want to use as early warning indicators.

Low The information would be nice to have, but it is not necessary to support our activities
or understanding of the situation.
Medium The information is useful and necessary. Having it is important to support our activities
or understanding of the situation.
High The information is essential. Failure to have it will have a substantial negative impact
on our activities or understanding of the situation.
Analytical Framework Information Source
Type of indicator
Domain Sub-domain Pilar Analytical question or topic NARE Questions Indicator (direct or proxy) Source Type of source (primary or secondary) Reliability

What is the legal framework and practice in the country of What is the legal framework and practice in the country of asylum with respect to refugee Legal framework fundamentals
Drivers and underlying asylum with respect to refugee protection? protection?
Are there any reports of refoulement, including preventing access to territory or harassment # or ANY reports of refoulement
from authorities?
# or ANY reports of limitations to movements

# or ANY reports of harassment from

What are the movement patterns between countries (of origin Ongoing population movements and trends in movements, if any Stock and flow figures
and asylum)? Rates of arrival and places of origin? Rates of Any return (or back and forth) movement to (and from) country of origin?
return? Why and where are they returning?
What are the movement patterns within country of asylum? If Are people leaving this location? If yes, why? Stock and flow figures
refugees have left, where are they going to? Why are they Is this a location where new refugees are arriving, where refugees are leaving or both? If
leaving? refugees have left, where are they going to? Why are they leaving? Is the population of
refugees at this site growing, shrinking or staying the same? Why?

What is the demographic make-up of the displaced/refugee Population figures (demographic - age, sex, family size) # of refugees disaggregated by age, sex,
population? Number and percentage of refugee population that vulnerabilities (i.e. pregnant and lactating
have been registered (household and/or individual level) women, people with specifc needs, single
Primary and secondary effects

headed households and unaccompanied

What are the profiles of the refugees (including livelihood, Population profiling (statistical data for programme planning, including livelihood, religion, etc.)
religion, etc.)
What are the casualties by event or secondary to the event? Have any members of your household died since the start of the emergency? If yes, what was # of people dead disaggregated by age, sex
the cause? Are there any signs or recent deaths or mourning (e.g. religious ceremonies,
mourning traditions, new graves)?
Are there many persons with injuries requiring immediate medical attention? # of people injured disaggregated by age, sex

Have any health issues emerged caused by event or secondary to Disease outbreak reports # of reported cases of diseases per type
the event?
Loss of or missing documents Does your family have identity documents from your country of origin? If yes, what type of # of reports on loss of documentation per
documentation? If no, why not? What form of documentation (e.g. ID cards) do refugees carry, type
if any?
# of people without adequate
What is the impact of the sudden influx on the host population? Are school activities being disrupted by refugees occupying schools for emergency shelter? # of schools disrupted due to influx of
refugees (i.e. occupation of schools)
How have food prices changed in local markets since the onset of How have prices for commodities other than food changed in local markets since the onset of Increase of prices on basic commodities
the emergency? the emergency?
Are there any service or infrastructure gaps within site? Are the following services working proper? # of health facilities functioning before and
• Health facilities; Legal clinics; Schools; Childcare facilities; Water systems; Water treatment after the emergency/influx of refugees
plants; Sanitation infrastructure (showers, latrines, washing blocks); Solid waste management; # of schools (disaggregated by formal or
Medical waste management site; Burial sites; Places of worship; Police posts; Places of informal; host and refugee schools (primary,
detention; Local administrative offices or traditional leaders; Community centres; Nutrition secondary?)) functioning before and after the
centres; Markets; Distribution points; Cooking sites; Hot meal facilities; Milling facilities emergency/influx of refugees

What are the locations of general infrastructure in the camp? What is the infrastructure being
used for? What is its condition? Are there any infrastructure gaps in the settlement? (e.g.
Do you perceive any service or infrastructure gaps within site? If so, what are they? Are some Identified gaps in services and infrastructure
gaps more important than others? If so, which ones and why? within the site/camp/settlement
Scope and scale of crisis

Do refugees have access to adequate potable water and water What are the available water sources and water availability. Is there disruption of the current # of litres per day and person of potable
for other purposes? water supply? What is the quantity of water available (m3/day) through the water system? Is water
the water safe for drinking? If not, why?
# of litres per day and person of water for
bathing and other purposes
Existing WASH services - look for evidences of: a) collapsed or poorly performing services; b) # of minutes/hours in average to collect
strain on capacity of services (lines, conflicts, etc.) c) access difficulties (distance, security, etc.) water (incl distance and queing time)
and d) vulnerability of services (potential contamination
sources, natural hazards, etc.) e) queuing time at facilities. # of water points at risk (potential
contamination sources, natural hazards, etc.)

What are the critical issues for the building of WASH infrastructure (high water table, soil type
and absorption capacity, available space, flood prone areas, social factors/habits, land issues,
local materials, gender, etc.).
Do refugees have access to education? If not, why? Where are existing schools located and what is their capacity? Does the school show signs of # of schools functioning before and after the
being open / operational? emergency/influx of refugees
sruption to key services

What is the estimated percentage of (refugee?) children with access to schools and other # of girls and boys from the refugee
learning opportunities? Are all of your children enrolled in school? If not, why not? community are enrolled in the school
# of school aged girls and boys from the
refugee community
Do refugees have access to education? If not, why?

Analytical Framework Information Source

Disruption to key services

Type of indicator
Domain Sub-domain Pilar Analytical question or topic NARE Questions Indicator (direct or proxy) Source Type of source (primary or secondary) Reliability

Are there groups of children who don’t attend school? Are there many children visibly not in # of school aged girls and boys observed
school during school hours (e.g. in the streets, in the markets, at home, working, etc.)? If yes, outside of school during school hours
what are they doing and what are the general characteristics of the children (e.g. girls, boys,
minorities)? Why are they not attending school? What are the underlying causes and barriers
to access for out of school children?

What is the school enrollment rate prior to displacement in the country of origin # of school aged girls and boys enrolled in
(disaggregated by age, sex and, if possible, grade)? Were your children enrolled in school prior school prior to displacement
to displacement? If not, why?

How many teachers are needed in order to cover a teacher:student ratio of 1:40? # of enrolled children in school (refugee and
hosts if shared school)
How many teachers are needed in order to cover a teacher:student ratio of 1:40? # of teachers in the school
At the time of the visit, were lessons being supervised by teachers?
For this community, what support to education is most essential right now? Type of eductaion support requested
Are there sex segregated latrines in schools? Is there access to hand-washing and potable # of students per latrine in school
water in schools?
# of latrines and sex segregated latrines
# of functional water points in the schools

Do refugees have access to functional health services? Health services functionality # of functional health facilities
• Overall condition or state of health facility; functionality; staff presence; equipment; supplies; # of people in the health facilities catchment
patient confidentiality (registration/ records, during consultation etc.) area
Capacity (# of patients) of health facilities

# of beds available in health facility

# of doctors and nurses in health facility
# of health facilities with adequate
What is the level of satisfaction within the community with health services provided (access, equipment
# of people and uppliessar´tisfaction with the
payment, type of services)? health services
Are there functioning latrines (for staff and patients) and water/hand washing facilities? in # of patients per latrine in health facility
health facilities
Do refugees have access to latrines? How many households share this toilet? # of communal latrines in the
Crisis impact

# of household or people per latrine in the

What kind of toilet facility does this household use? # of households have their own latrine
Do refugees have access to adequate food? How long will your family’s current food stocks last? # of days that the households food stock will
What are the main sources of food for this community? (e.g. agriculture, livestock, trading, Main sources of food for the refugees (e.g.
humanitarian aid, etc.) Are these food sources sustainable? agriculture, livestock, trading, humanitarian
aid, etc.)
What foods are available in the local markets? What are the stock levels of each type of food?

What changes in diet have occurred since the onset of the How many meals a day did you typically have before the emergency? How many meals did you # of meals an average household had per day
emergency? (e.g. number of meals, quantity and diversity of food eat yesterday? before and after displacement
What are the typical foods the population appears to be eating? How has the variety of food Main type of food the refugees are eating
you eat changed since the emergency? (i.e. xxx, xxx) before and after displacement

What assets are available for food, cooking and livelihoods in the Is cooking fuel available to refugees? Fuel availability (i.e. charcoal, wood)
community (cooking equipment, food, livestock, personal What types and quantities of household belongings are refugees arriving with?
valuables etc.)?
What do you spend your money on the most? Type of expenditures
Are there signs of malnutritions or indications of a risk of Are there visible signs of malnutrition in children under 5 years old? # of children under 5 malnourished (% of

malnutirion? SAM/GAM)
How do women appear to be feeding children under 2 years old? # of women that i sbreast feeding before
and after the displacement
Do refugees have access to adequate shelter What is the average number of persons per shelter? # of people per shelter / # of sq m per
Observing the shelter’s interior, what is the shelter’s quality of space? (Availability of light, Type of material used for shelter construction
quality of materials, temperature, ventilation, etc.). How does the shelter respond to excessive
rainfall? How does the shelter collect rainwater?
Quality of shelter (light, temperature,
Are there improvised (self-constructed) shelters at the site? If yes, what estimated proportion Proportion of shelter that is improvised
of shelter are improvised? shelter (definition?)
Do you pay rent? If yes, how much?
What are the main problems or concerns with shelter at this settlement? Type of problems with access to adequate
What are the key health priorities in your community? Have you heard reports of people dying from unusual causes? # of refugees died from unusual causes
Analytical Framework Information Source
Type of indicator
Domain Sub-domain Pilar Analytical question or topic NARE Questions Indicator (direct or proxy) Source Type of source (primary or secondary) Reliability
What are the key health priorities in your community?
What are the key health priorities in your community? Type of health priorities perceived by the
What are the priority needs and problems? What are your family’s top three priority needs? What are the community’s highest priority Type of priority needs/problems perceived
problems? by the refugees
What historical political / social dynamics existed within and
between groups in the refugee population, including
marginalized and excluded groups?
Aggravated vulnerabilities

Vulnerability profile Vulnerability identification (for case management) # of people with specific needs
Do any of your family members have specific needs? Are family members scared or in ? # of people xperiencing ppsychological
What types of people are present or waiting in line at health facilities? (e.g. proportion of those # of etc.
Conditions of affected population

waiting who are elderly, children, pregnant women etc)

Are there any particular groups that face specific risks? Why and Are there any particular groups that face specific risks? Why and what are these risks?
what are these risks?

Are there signs of isolation or neglect of specific persons or Are there segments of the population not seen in public places (e.g. any age or gender
groups? (please specify) demographic, persons with disabilities, ethnic or religious minorities)?
Are there any signs of limitation to freedom of movement for the Are there any signs of limitation to freedom of movement for the population (e.g. roadblocks, # and type of obstacle (e.g. roadblocks,
population (e.g. roadblocks, checkpoints, fences)? checkpoints, fences)? Can refugees move freely within and outside the site? checkpoints, fences

Are there any environmental risks/hazards related to the Identify potential site risks (e.g. areas exposed/prone to flooding) Type of hazards and risk level
displacement location which should be addressed in settlement
development (e.g. flooding, landslides, high winds, sandstorms

Are there any signs of environment health hazards or riskss uc as Environmental health conditions - look for signs of: a) unsafe hygiene practices (open
a) unsafe hygiene practices (open defecation, medical waste defecation, medical waste disposal, etc.); b) contamination due to weak or absence of
disposal, etc.); b) contamination due to weak or absence of sanitation infrastructure including for excrement, waste water, solid waste, drainage and
sanitation infrastructure including for excrement, waste water, medical waste disposal; and c) disease transmitting vectors (rodents, mosquitoes, etc.).
solid waste, drainage and medical waste disposal; and c) disease
transmitting vectors (rodents, mosquitoes, etc.).
Are human and animal excrement properly contained and disposed of? How many and what
kind of excreta disposal systems (s) /facilities are there? Are these functional and accessible to
all? If people feel safe to access to it?
Are there environmental hazards that can increase the risk of communicable disease
transmission? (e.g. standing pools of water, localised flooding)
Where are the graveyards or burial sites? How many fresh graves are there?
Do current hygiene practices pose a health risk? How often do you wash your hands and before what tasks? Do you have soap for hand
Do current infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF) pose a Is bottle-feeding practiced widely among infants under 1 year old? What foods are given to
health risk? infants and young children under 2 years old?
What are the main protection concerns and risks? Are families forced to use unsafe practices to meet their basic needs (e.g. survival sex, early
marriage, child labour, etc.)?
Is there a threat of forced eviction from this site?

Is sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) a documented problem in the country of origin
and/or country of asylum? If so, which forms?
Are armed actors recruiting children or are there reports thereof?
Who in the household collects water and/or firewood? Where? Are refugee women and girls,
men and boys seen queuing at unsafe hours for water?
What, if any, security concerns exist in present refugee hosting Are there any – or reports thereof – of combatants, ex-combatants or their families in the # of - or reports of combatants
locations? (e.g. landmines, presence of combatants, risk of cross group /at the site? Are there signs of combatants among the refugee population (e.g. visible # of ex-combatants
border incursion, tensions between refugees and host presence of weapons, individuals in uniform and/or disproportionately large numbers of
community, etc.). fighting-age men)?

Are there police, community watch, or other security actors present? Are any of them female?

Is the site fenced or otherwise secured? Are there areas in the camp that pose a particular
security risk ,or are there other hazards in the camp or local area?
Have you encountered any problems with camp management or law enforcement providers
within or around the site
Is there a military installation in close proximity to refugee hosting areas? # of military installations in close proxmity (to
be defined) of site
What is the perception of safety? Does your family feel safe here? Do you feel protected by your shelter (from the weather, # of people/HHs that perceives that hey are
theft, threats of violence, SGBV etc.)? If not, why? safe
Do you feel safe using the communal facilities? # of people that percievs that the communal
facilities are safe
What is the perception of safety?
Analytical Framework Information Source
Type of indicator
Domain Sub-domain Pilar Analytical question or topic NARE Questions Indicator (direct or proxy) Source Type of source (primary or secondary) Reliability

Do school facilities appear safe? If no, why not? Are schools and other learning environments # of people that percievs that the school
considered safe by the community? Do they implement safe learning activities? facilities are safe

Soocial cohesion What is the capacity and willingness of host community to integrate refugees? What is your
family’s experience in interacting with the host community?
What are the governance structures in the site? Are there any What community based protection mechanisms exist e.g. community watch groups, Type of community based groups in site with
obstacles to community participation in self-governance? If yes, community leaders, women’s groups, etc.? governance influence
what are they?
Are you able to participate in camp management activities? How are tasks distributed among # of refugees that perceive that they can
community members? How are decisions made here that affect the whole community? What participate in camp management and
are the community’s power relations? Is any group getting / commandeering more assistance decisions
than others?
What are your community’s main challenges to greater self-reliance within the camp/site?

How does the community handle/resolve cases of violence and Do they go to the police/courts/religious leaders or to some other source for
abuse? mediation/support? Is the response received adequate and appropriate? What, if any, has
been the community’s response to instances of violence /abuse? If there has been no
response, why not?

Does the refugees have access to adequate land to achieve self Are there any restrictions affecting refugees’ land-rights and land access? (e.g. collecting fuel-
Coping mechanisms

reliance? Are there any restrictions affecting refugees’ land-rights wood, timber, fodder, grazing their animals, engaging in agricultural or subsistence activities) If
and land access? yes, what are they? Does the (refugee) community have access to agricultural land? If the
community has livestock, where is it kept?
Is the land where refugees are located, used by the host community for any activities?
What are the conditions for the refugees to undertake shelter Do the refugees or host communities have any shelter construction capacity and skills? What # of people with any shelter construction
reconstruction? local practices exist for shelter construction? skills
Availability of shelter materials (e.g. natural resources, nearby stockpiles, regional suppliers, Type of available shelter material
What are the community’s coping mechanisms? Are any of these What kind of support can the refugee community provide? (e.g. repairing damaged
coping mechanisms dangerous or unsustainable? schools/facilities, assuring the safety of children & teachers, finding teachers, etc.)?
Are families forced to use unsafe practices to meet their basic needs (e.g. survival sex, early
marriage, child labour, etc.)?
What coping mechanisms are you using to get enough to eat? Have you sold any of your belongings to buy food?
Do you share your food rations with other families that do not have a ration card?
Have you sold any of your food rations? If yes, what did you buy with the money? How do
refugees appear to be using food aid? (e.g. milling it or selling it etc.)
What could be done to improve access to education in the site? How many qualified teachers are among the refugee population? # of qualified teachers among the refugees

What are potential livelihood opportunities? What are the main sources of income in this community (amongst the refugees?)? Type of income sources
Livelihood Who is buying and who is selling food? (e.g. refugees, members of the host communities,
Capacities to respond

professional traders or small traders etc.)

What urgent information do members of this community (AGD) What urgent information do members of this community (AGD) need to know to protect Type of information needed
need to know to protect themselves? themselves?
What arrangements are in place to recieve refugees and establish Government policy regarding encampment of refugees; alternatives available to new arrivals.
camp sites by the host government? New potential sites allocated by the government/local authorities to accommodate new
Are camp management staff regularly present at the camp/site? Who are they? Identification
of NGOs or other partners with potential camp management capacity
What community based organizations exist within this site (e.g. community watch groups,
community support groups, leadership structures, etc?)
Do members of the community have access to law enforcement Are law enforcement agents present at the site? Do members of the community have access to # and type of law enforcement agents
and judicial system? law enforcement mechanisms? If not, why?
Do victims of crime, including SGBV survivors, have access to judicial recsource (police and
courts etc.)?
National response capacity

What, if any, national protection coordination mechanisms What, if any, national protection coordination mechanisms currently exist?
currently exist? Who are the main local, national and international protection actors with capacity to respond? #, type and name of protection actors
If they don’t have the capacity to respond, in what areas would they require capacity building?
Operational environment

Are the health services functional and accessible to refugees? Availability of health documentation (e.g. vaccination cards, antenatal cards).

Does a health information system, disease surveillance/ recording system exist? Does an early Appropriate disease surveillance systems are
warning system exist for epidemic prone diseases? in place
Do people in your community pay to access healthcare? Where do people here seek care when # of refugees that perceive they hve access
they are ill? to health services
Type of reasons if not
Are services provided to survivors of SGBV? If not why not? If yes what forms of SGBV do you % of SGBV survivors receiving services
treat most often? Which services are available? Are post exposure preventative treatment including PEP
(PEP) kits provided? Do you refer survivors to psychosocial counseling? % of SGBV survivors refereed to psychosocial
National respons
Operational enviro

Analytical Framework Information Source

Type of indicator
Domain Sub-domain Pilar Analytical question or topic NARE Questions Indicator (direct or proxy) Source Type of source (primary or secondary) Reliability

Are the eductaional system funtioning appropriate for refugees? Is the Ministry of Education willing to accept refugees in local government schools? What is the Proportion of refugee boys and girls enrolled
capacity and willingness of the national education system to absorb refugee children? in school

Are the eductaional system funtioning appropriate for refugees? Do education actors (e.g. those involved in the Education Working Group) have an emergency Type and amount of stockpiled education
contingency plan that covers a refugee influx? Is there an in-country emergency stockpile of material
school supplies that can be used for a refugee influx? If yes, how many students are covered by
the stockpile?

Is there a regional agreement in place that ensures that country Is there a regional agreement in place that ensures that country of origin teaching # of qualified teachers among the refugees
of origin teaching qualifications are recognised by the country of qualifications are recognised by the country of asylum?
International humanitarian aid distribution Have CRIs been distributed by humanitarians at this site? If yes, what was distributed and when # of refugees received CRI
al response

was the distribution?

Have shelter materials been distributed by humanitarians at this site? If yes, what was # of refugees received shelter material
distributed and when was the distribution?
Are reception arrangement steablished and ravailable to register Has your family been registered since your arrival here? If yes, by whom?
arriving refugees?
Are reception arrangements visibly adequate for new arrivals (e.g. not overcrowded,
availability of water and food, separate toilet facilities etc.)?
Access to humanitarian aid by affected population

Are service providers’ reception conditions AGD sensitive (female staff present, confidential
consultation space available, accessible to older persons and persons with disabilities, etc.)?

Are there physical spaces available for establishing key community infrastructure (e.g. child
Camp services friendly spaces (CFS), schools, community centres)?
Are there communal or individual facilities for the following: accommodation, kitchens,
Camp services latrines, showers/ bathing areas?
Are you satisfied with the layout of the settlement? If not, why and how do you suggest it be
Camp services improved?
Has this community received any humanitarian assistance yet? If Has CRI distribution in your displacement site taken place in the last month?
yes, what kind of assistance? Has food distribution in your displacement site taken place in the last month? Is the food
distributed appropriate? (quality, type, etc.) What typically happens at food distribution

events? Is any group not able to go to food distribution events? Who comes to collect food and
CRIs at distributions (women, men, children, minority groups)?

Are domestic energy needs being met through existing programs or are refugees leaving the
camp/settlement in search of cooking fuel?
Are services available to help survivors of violence and abuse? Are these services (e.g. medical, psychosocial, material, legal, communitybased) adequate and
appropriate (e.g. enough medicine, presence of female staff, staff speaking same language)?

Does the community experience obstacles or problems in Are all segments of the population (AGD) seen at service provider centers? Are vulnerable
obtaining humanitarian assistance or important services, such as people in your location able to access services? If not, which groups, which services are they
education and healthcare? Are there specific groups within the not able to access and why?
community who are more affected by obstacles or barriers to
obtaining protection or humanitarian support?

Do the refugees have access to adequate information on how to Do you know where to obtain information about what’s happening in regard to services, # of people that know where to obtain
access humanitarian aid and their rights? assistance and protection? How do community members find out information about the information in regard to services including
emergency? protection
Do you know with whom or where to raise concerns/complaints, including protection # of people that know where to raise
problems? complaints/concerns

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