Rules For Expert Student

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Rules and Regulation for Student

1. Student is required to pay for classes per subje ct on monthly basis or cycle basis as per discussion. In case of cycle, each cycle
comprises of 4 interaction sessions with subject teachers.

2. It is to be noted that all payments are to be made in advance and no student will be allowed to start any class for a new month or
cycle without advance payment.

3. Phone calls will go to students or their parents/guardian as reminder for payments/change of class schedules or any information
necessary to be passed on to the students. Students or their guardians are requested to bear with us for smooth functioning of
institutional activities. Any inconvenience regarding the same is regretted but cannot be avoided.

4. Fees once paid by student is non refundable under any condition.

5. Any class, where the student remain absent, will be counted as part of the month/cycle and no adjustment class will be provided to
the students for any absenteeism.

6. In the event of discontinuing from a batch a student need to intimate to the institute by official email/letter that (s)he no longer
wants to continue in particular batch 48 hrs before the scheduled class date of the batch otherwise the student ’s not attending the
batch will be assumed as student being absent and the class(es) will be counted and (s)he will be liable for payment of the
month/cycle/pending amount.

7. Student is required to provide one mobile number and one valid em ail address to the institute for official communication regarding
change of classes, exchange of class notes or class schedule change or for new class schedules etc. All official correspondence will be
through SMS, mobile phone or by email. Student is advised to check mails regularly.

8. All notes and study materials are distributed to the student in soft copy to save environment and life on planet Earth. Expert
Professionals only reserves the right for free public distribution of its m aterials anywhere in India or Abroad. Student is advised to use
such content only for his/her personal betterment and is prohibited to distribute the same freely in public both for commercial or
personal interests.

9. The student and his/her guardians/representative are asked to maintain discipline and decorum within the institute or over phone.
A student will be discontinued if he/she or his/her guardian/representative is found resorting to unfair practices,
misbehavior/misconduct with teachers/staffs of Expert Professionals or fellow students. In that case unused fee, if any, shall be

10. The students may be asked to discontinue if found inattentive in class or acquiring poor score continuously in examinations.

11. Without prior approval of the m anagement of the institute, student is prohibited to communicate with faculty me mbers of the
institute directly by phone or mail or any other media other than physical knowledge interactions in the class. Students of Expert
Professionals are prohibited to approach or request any faculty member of the institute to provide them tuitions personally or in group
without written approval from the institute. In case of such event is found, the student responsible for such act will be discontinued
from the institute and concerned student(s) will be responsible and liable to pay a fine of Rs. 25000/- to the institute along with other
legal proceedings for breach of trust, institutional face loss and harassment.

12. All legal disputes will be settled in any of the courts in Kolkata.

_ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __
Signature of the Student for acceptance of the rules and regulation Date

Tel for correspondence: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-mail :

Here learning is Fun and we respect Human Values

Note : It is to be noted that Expert Professionals is built with a cause to develop Students for Excellence.
Please associate with us if you share the same vision.

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