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Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4 Comparison

What is the purpose of scene 4? (Meaning: How does this scene further the plot, character
development, and theme development? What would the play lose if this scene was excluded?)

This scene makes it so that macbeth realizes he does something bad. His character develops as
growing and has grief and regret.

Macbeth embraces how he is changing as a person. He accepts his actions. When he killed King
Duncan, he was filled with grief and guilt. When he sends people to kill Banquo and his son Fleance,
he has no remorse. When Banquo was killed, Macbeth felt nothing. He was relieved that he wouldn’t
have to worry about someone taking his spot as king. Macbeth gets angry when he learns that
Fleance didn’t die, and he escaped because Fleance is another threat to the throne. When Macbeth
sees Banquo’s ghost appears at the dinner, Macbeth is scared.

Globe Theater Production PBS Production

Tone of the scene: Tone of the scene:
Tense. Scary. Uneasy. Less tense. More relaxed. Kind of awkward

How did the actors develop that tone? How did the actors develop that tone?
Macbeth had people kill Banquo and he is scared It seemed like the actors didn’t seem to care
other people will find out. about what was happening. They were oblivious
to it making it seem more relaxed. The
Why would the director pick that tone? awkwardness comes from Macbeth knowing he
He wants to emphasize how Macbeth feels about just had Banquo murdered but no one else knows
what he did. He wants people to understand how that.
worried he is.
Why would the director pick that tone?
How does this tone affect the audience and the The director picked this tone because it makes it
scene’s purpose? more interesting to watch. You can feel how
The audience has more of an understanding of Macbeth feels and how the guests feel at the
how Macbeth feels. They understand why he dinner. You can tell they have no idea what just
killed Banquo. The tone makes the audience feel happened. You can also see that Macbeth is
nervous. It also affects the scene’s purpose slowly going crazy and losing his mind as he sees
because if they took it a different direction, it Banquo’s ghost.
would have a whole new meaning and be
interpreted wrong. How does this tone affect the audience and the
scene’s purpose?
You’re distracted from what just happened. The
tone makes it seem like what Macbeth just did
was okay. You feel like a side character from
Macbeth watching Macbeth go crazy. You can see
from their perspective. We know that Banquo
isn’t really there but if you look past that, you can
see Macbeth going crazy, being frightened, and
talking to Banquo’s ghost.
Which production did you prefer? Why?
The PBS production because I like how the director made it and how it was all put together. I like the
editing when Banquo comes “back to life.”

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