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College of Business Administration

Department of Marketing Management
Sta. Mesa, Manila



K 3

Assessment 1

1. Define Integrated Marketing Communications in your own words.

Integrated marketing communications is all about delivering a strong, right and unified message
across variety of channels in which can target a right audience and establish a good relationship to
them since they heard a right message that makes them satisfied.

2. Is there a need for organizations to implement an IMC strategy? Why?

Yes, because Integrated marketing communications play a vital role in making sure that you will
reach a wider audience. And it is a must to have an IMC strategy because it helps you to positively
engage in the eyes of the public in which makes you a well and customer oriented. Moreover, this
strategy helps you to establish your brand successfully in a complex environment because by
delivering good message, it can definitely boost your brand awareness.

3. How effective is an Integrated Marketing Communications strategy?

Integrated Marketing Communications strategy is very efficacious attributable to the fact that it
increases your number of your customers and by that, of course, your revenue and profitability
increases. And aside from that, using IMC strategy will ensures your brand image increases trust and

4. As a consumer, what difference does it do to you of knowing this topic?

Honestly speaking, this topic is not new to me because in our advertising subject, we already used
this strategy. However, this topic makes me more engaged to the businesses, brands, that I currently
patronize because their IMC strategy makes them more visible and attractive which makes us
consumers be loyal to them.

5. Give one organization that you think practices good IMC.

I would say that the best organization/company that use, and practice good IMC is the Royal Crown
Cola or RC Cola because their marketing campaigns and commercials really conveys a good message
in which makes them successful even, we are in the pandemic situation. Also, their IMC strategy is
unique among others because they depict tasteful portrayals of their brand since it is for all the
Filipinos and their public relation is very effective.
Assessment 2

1. What is the role of a Marketing Plan in IMC?

Basically, the role of Marketing Plan in IMC is it builds a stronger relationship between customer and
provider and coincides with a more seamless dialogue and image development within the
organisation because through the use of marketing plan, it identifies the marketing objectives and
explains how marketing activities will help the organization achieve its broader goals and objectives.
Morover, it focuses on the company’s resources on reaching a large target customers and driving
them to act.

2. How does research relate to IMC?

In the field of business, research is made when there is a problem that need to address ad also it is
being conducted for the purpose of providing a results that will help the community develops. So,
with regards to IMC, it is also the same because by having an Integrated Marketing Communications,
it breaks down the barriers between organizations and the consumers since the organization is taking
an holistic and effetive IMC strategy that will address the future cirmustances that may arise in their
consumer experience. So, basically, these two is a strategy that will help the businesses, brands, and
corporations to intensify their relationship to their existing consumers by removing all the barriers
that may hinder them to engage and interact to the large numer of audience.

3. How can an unorganized creative strategy affect an organization?

In order for the organization achieve their goals and objectives and in order for them to work in a
healthy and safe environment, an organized creative strategy should be implemented because that
is the way to increase their productivity since it gives them a motivation and reason why they should
perform their duties and stay on their chosen field. However, an organized creative strategy affect
an organization because it makes people less effective and efficient resulting to decrease their
productivity. For instance, it makes them undependable and unreliable due to the fact that they didn’t
perform their job really well.

4. Give the advantages of an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan.

• Increase revenue and profitability
• Boost brand awareness
• Attract large number of audience
• Gain positive/good reputation in the eyes of the masses
• Assurance of long-term success
5. What is the importance of following the 6 step IMC Process by Belch G. & M. Belch?

Following the 6 steps IMC process provides an empirical evidence that it is pivotal in making sure
that the goals and objective will be achieved in a timely manner. By following those IMC process by
Belch G. & M. Belch, it signifies that the organization is taking the right path attributable to the fact
that it allows them to analyze and study the situation very well and also it will give them an
assurance that the chosen demographics is right to establish their brand successfully in a complex
and competitive market. So, the profundity of the message in taking these steps of IMC portrays that
the company will surely be efficacious in providing the needs and wants of the customers.

Assessment 3

1. Why does it matter that brands should be remembered by consumers?

In this time of existential danger, the consumers attitude, behaviors, and purchasing habits are
changing. And because of this, it is a big challenge for the companies or businesses to be engage and
consistently give the needs and wants of the customers since the customers buying behavior has been
drastically altered. So in this context, the brands should be remembered by consumers now more than
ever because that’s the great way to gain trust and build a good reputations to the public in which
they could positively attract better people. Morover, brands should be remembered by the consumers
because me personally as a consumer, before I make purchase decision, I test and identify first if my
chosen brand or company is unique, credible, and more importantly if this company is delivering a
good service in the eyes of the public.

2. Measure the brand value of Coca-cola.

As we all know, Coca-cola is the world’s strongest brand across the food and non-alcoholic drink sector
because of the features brought by it and because of the credibility of the company as well. So, as I
measure the brand value of Coca-cola, I found out that this company emphasis their brand over its
product because they doesn’t sell a drink in a bottle but they sells the happiness in a bottle instead.
Morover, coke aims to sell consumers the experience and lifestule associated with its brand.
3. Give 10 examples of brands with high value/worth throughout the years.

1. Apple
2. Amazon
3. Microsoft
4. Google
5. Netflix
6. Coca-cola
7. Toyota
8. Mercedez
9. Samsung
10. Dior

4. Why is brand awareness Important?

Brand awareness is very important because that is the great way for the business to gain trust and
attract more customers. Morover, brand awareness is the main reason in order for the company
increase their revenue and profitability. In addition, brand awareness is essential in buying decision-
making as it is important that consumers recall the brand in the context of a given specific product
category, and besides, awareness increasing the probability that the brand will be a member of the
consideration set.

5. How important is brand equity in a business?

Brand equity is very important in the business because from the definition itself, it is the value of the
product that will make the revenue and profitability of the company increases. So, with that being
said, developing brand equity or having a positive brand equity allows companies to more effectively
engage with their customer base in such a way that drives brand lolalty, allowing the business to
grow further. Lastly, through brand equity, it gives an assurance that your businesses can move
forward regardless of what the situation is because the customers really value the attributes of the
product not just the name of it.
Assessment 4

1. Why is there a need for a creative brief?

As I understand the concept of creative brief, I can firmly say that it is needed because it is a guide
wherein you can determine if you are taking the right path that could lead you to reach your
campaign’s stated goals, Moreover, having a creative brief allows you to be more visionary since in
the early stage you are gathering an information that can be transformed into a meaningful insights
that can be use in your decision making. So by that, you can assessed early what is going to happen
if you implement those strategies and techniques in your business operation.
2. Who is the creative brief made for and why?

Basically, the creative brief made for creative team for the purpose of interpreting the client’s vision
in such a way that it is accessible to the creative team. But usually, this creative brief is created by
the account manager in close consultation with the client. To that effect, its’ interpretation of the
client’s ideas and vision for the brand and the product.

3. Give another example of a creative brief based on what you’ve learned.

Company: Spotty Puppies

Brand Statement: The Spotty Puppies is a lifestyle brand that provides shoes, eyewear, watches
and clothing for both men and women.
Project Background: The rand strives to constantly evolve Spotty Puppies world renowned comfort,
bringing customers the most advanced technologies available in footwear today.
Target Audience: 16- 45 years old both male and female and it should be belonging to Class A, Class
B and Class C.
Advertising Objective: New campaign to increase brand awareness and demand of the Spotty
Puppies shoes.
Consumer Message: Shoes made as per your lifestyle and choices.
Key Consumer Benefit: Provide comfort, functionality and style that touches the lives and
4. Create your own creative concept for a business you aspire.

Mark Wesley Concrete Post and Hallow Blocks

BRAND STATEMENT: MWCPH is a concrete production brand that produce

different sizes and shapes of concrete post and hallow blocks to meet the demand
of our clients.

PROJECT BACKGROUND: Concrete post and Hallow Blocks is in demand

during this quarantine and as I assessed the company’s who are currently selling
these. I found out that most of the consumers complaints are the produced
products are not strong enough to use in construction since the company
nowadays are only using a lahar sand. So, this project consists in developing the
in demand construction product by using a quality and innovative materials so
that I can produce a good quality of product in a reasonable price.

TARGET AUDIENCE: People who are seeking best constructions product

(Specifically Construction Businesses)

ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES: To increase brand awareness and demand by

using social media platforms

CONSUMER MESSAGE: As good as you are, as good as your foundation:

Together we can make strong concrete production.

5. What is the benefit of having a good creative concept?

The benefit of having a good creative concept is that you are ascertain that you can achieve your
goals and objectives and also you are very knowledgeable in all lines of your business which may
not hinder you to thrive attributable to the fact that it decreases you the time in completing the
project. In addition, by clearly and thoroughly communicating expectations at the beginning of the
creative process, the creative brief effectively avoids the revisions and course corrections that result
from poor planning.
Assessment 5

1. What are the benefits of copywriting to a business?

As per definition, copywriting is a skill that can be learned by anyone. Whether you have just
started a business or you’re new to content marketing. So, the benefits of copywriting to business
is that it saves you and your employees time, it allows you to give quality content to your audience
and it generate persuasive and convincing copy.

2. What are the 7 copywriting elements that drive sales?

The 7 copywriting elements that drive sales are Know Exactly what you are selling, Know your
audience, Write compelling headlines, Use bullet points, Limit your reader’s choices, risk
reversal, and ask for the sale.

3. Analyze how a famous brand sell their ideas to their consumers.

In order for the company sell their offerings to their consumers successfully, they have to be
ascertained that the value of their products and services can meet the requirements of their target
consumers to satisfy them. And it is very important that your offerings must be based on the needs
and wants of your target market. So, strategically speaking, many businesses nowadays are now
customer-oriented since they will not earn profit if they still continue to pursue their desired
offerings which will not be patronized by their customers.

4. How do you sell a client to a creative idea/concept?

In my experienced on my previous job as a marketing associate, I learned that in order for you to
catch the attention of the clients, you have to act professional, you have to show to your clients
that you are competent and well-educated and most importantly, they can see to you that you
are willing to negotiate and help them achieve their desired goals and objective. So for me, being
ready and knowing their needs that can satisfy them is really the key in order for you to sell.

5. What is a marketing campaign? Explain in your own words

Basically, a marketing campaign is a communication strategy that help businesses to promote
their business to their targeted audience and also to gain attraction to customers and eventually
engage them and eventually make them their loyal customers.
Assessment 6

1. How important is Public Relations in an organization?

In the field of business, public relation plays a vital role in their operation because it serves them as
a blueprint because it makes them credible and stay the positive connections in the eyes of the
public. Moreover, having a good public relations help you gain trust and can boost brand awareness
and above all, it can raise your business reputation since you are depicting tasteful and positive
portrayals which makes you not experience to be not boycotted by the consumers.

2. Give one PR Strategy a company/organization could use effectively.

In this time of pandemic, it is very evident that businesses are having a hard time to produce a
content that makes them credible or reliable due to the fact that the ears and eyes of the masses
are primarily focused on how they will be coping up in this new normal. However, it is now time
that businesses to take a holistic marketing approach in order to engage and interact to the masses
so for me, PR strategy that company could use effectively is to make a marketing campaign that is
timely and relevant since people nowadays are raising their voices regarding how they move
forward despite the pandemic.

3. Give one example of a scenario where a PR Strategy was not utilized/used.

Well, PR strategy was not utilized when the businesses, brands, and corporations are already
considered as the best, credible, helpful, and accurate one since the customers attitude and
behavior is dependent on the sources they get on their chosen company.

4. Is Newspaper Advertising effective for promoting business? Why or why not?

For me, newspaper advertising is not effective anymore for promoting business because as I have
noticed, in order for you to gain profit and move forward in these challenging times, you have to
adapt and you have to be aware and conscious on the technological advancement that is in line for
you to use it as you promote your business.

5. Give one brand who effectively utilized Newspaper Advertising.

The brand who effectively utilized newspaper advertising is of course the media company because
that is the main source of a legit information that we as a citizen use for us to be stay informed and
not left behind.
Assessment 7

1. Define Magazine Advertising in your own words.

Basically, this below the line advertisement is a print ads that we see in a local and national
magazines. And this is actually a good advertising because audiences are highly interested on this
due to the fact that this magazine advertising provide a various topic which customers has a
freedom to choose.

2. State the similarity between Magazine Advertising and Radio Advertising.

These two marketing strategies are both traditional but offer a high level of creativity in which
undoubtedly reach the target audience because it is very unique and tested attributable to the fact
that this kind of marketing strategy considered as best and accurate one wherein there’s no bias
and discriminations.

3. Which of the two advertising is more effective than the other?

For me, the most effective advertising is the Magazine advertising because I am a visual learner. In
other words, I am attracted by the pictures who conveys the message wholistically. Moreover,
magazine advertising gives a freedom to consumers because they can check or choose what
category they want to read or see.

4. Give one example of a magazine/radio advertising that became memorable through the

years. (Exemption to Mcdonald’s)

This is one of the best tv and radio commercial of
Jollibee that became memorable here in the Philippines
through the years. This story is all about love and
contentment wherein it perfectly conveys that as we
grew older, we can see the authenticity of love of our
love ones.

4. Create your own Radio Jingle.

This radio jingle is all about love your grandparents: Scenario: there’s a man who grew up in the hands of
his grandparents because his parents were died in the accident when he was a baby. And when as he grow
older, he sees that the value of having a grandparents who take care and still give their life to sacrifice for
their grandchild is priceless.
In this scenario, we can see the authenticity of a person when it is tested by uncertainty.
Assessment 8

1. Give one example of television advertising and explain what made it memorable.

This tv commercial became memorable

because every Christmas, the filipino people
always waiting for the Christmas songs of Jose
Marie Chan. That’s why it became memorable
because all of us Filipino are accustomed to
hear his songs every Christmas.

2. Give one example of a company that used transit advertising. Add supporting evidences.

Company: McDonalds

3. As a consumer, which of the two advertising types relates to you best? Why?
As a consumer, I prefer the television advertising because It helps me to understand correctly
and accurately the message that commercial conveys and besides, television advertising is the
best among others.
4. Design your own OOH ad for a business you’d like to put up.
This business is a production of
Hallow blocks and concrete Post.
When the right time comes, I want
to continue my father’s business
and innovate and develop it.

5. Is there a difference between OOH advertising and transit advertising? Elaborate

Well, the Out of home advertising and transit advertising are same because they are both in
the public and besides, transit advertising is primarily focused on the use of vehicles such as
Bus or stop over.
Assessment 9

1. How much does social media affect the market?

The social media affect the market really because given the pandemic situation, all consumers are
completely transitioned their ways in buying into digital one. That’s why the businesses must
assure that they have to deliver good and accurate information to their consumers in order for
them to be successful in a virtual market.
2. What is the importance of internet marketing in IMC?
Internet marketing in IMC is very important because it makes the IMC strategy more effective and
efficient since Internet marketing primarily focused on advertising and promoting products and
services in all social media platform.
3. What is the difference between internet marketing and mobile media marketing?
Basically, the difference between internet marketing and mobile media marketing is that in
internet marketing, you promote or sell your products and services through social media marketing
while the mobile media marketing, is a digital marketing strategy that requires you to use the
smartphone, tablets, and etc. in order to communicate in a large audience and eventually sell your
products and services.

4. How does mobile marketing work?

Mobile marketing work when you strategically analyze the effective gadgets that you can used in
order to promote your business successfully in a digital market. So, basically, having an internet
access and complete set of digital things enable you to work in a digital setup successfully.

5. What type of mobile media marketing strategy is the most effective to you, as a


For me, Facebook is the best mobile media marketing strategy because here in the Philippines,
almost of the Filipinos have a Facebook account so by the used of Facebook, you can undoubtedly
reach your target customers and you can reach not just your desired customers but a large number
of customers because once you post your business in social media, it will definitely gain attention
since facebook allows you to publicize your post for you to be able to reach you potential customers.

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