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General Directions. Do as indicated. Statistical programs can be used.

For questions requiring

statistical test take α=0 . 05 and perform the complete procedures( from null and alternative
hypotheses to conclusions).

6. Give the five number summary for the scores in the 4 subjects. Then create box and whiskers plot.

Probset 7. A research study was conducted to examine the differences between older and
younger adults on perceived life satisfaction. A pilot study was conducted to examine this
hypothesis. Ten older adults (over the age of 70) and ten younger adults (between 20 and 30)
were given a life satisfaction test (known to have high reliability and validity). Scores on the
measure range from 0 to 80 with high scores indicative of high life satisfaction; low scores
indicative of low life satisfaction. The data are presented below. Perform the appropriate t-test.
Older adults 54 45 60 59 36 48 55 56 60 67
Younger 44 33 28 31 45 58 34 28 36 30

Problem 8 A (hypothetical) experiment is conducted on the effect of alcohol on perceptual motor

ability. Ten subjects are each tested twice, once after having two drinks and once after having
two glasses of water. The two tests were on two different days to give the alcohol a chance to
wear off. Half of the subjects were given alcohol first and half were given water first. The scores
of the 10 subjects are shown below. The first number for each subject is their performance in
the "water" condition. Higher scores reflect better performance. Test to see if alcohol had a
significant effect.

Water 18 15 11 22 19 14 13 15 14 16

Alcohol 14 14 10 18 17 11 10 15 11 16

Problem 9. In teaching Basic Mandarin to Grade 1 students, the students were divided into 3
groups. The first group were taught using purely lecture for an hour; the 2nd group using 1-hour
video; and the third group is through 30-minute video and 30-minute lecture. After teaching, the
students were given a 100-item quiz. Results are as follows

Method Quiz Scores

1 hr Lecture 90 85 88 92 88 90 90 86 88 97 93 92 87
1 hr video 87 88 88 88 84 89 80 91
0.5 hr lect +0.5 92 88 83 80 88 82 85 82 91
hr video

Perform analysis of variance to determine if there is significant difference on the quiz scores of
the students grouped in the 3 teaching methods.

Problem10. Perform a chi square test of independence for Age and Preference of Method
Problem11. Perform a chi square test of independence for Type of School and Preference of Method

Problem12. Perform a correlation analysis for Self- Management and social awareness

Problem13. Perform a correlation analysis for Self- Management and Relationship Management

Problem 14. Construct a summary of ratings for respondents’ level of social awareness.

Problem 15. Construct a summary of ratings for respondents’ level of relationship management.

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