CAE Practice Tests 2015 With Key

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Cambridge English Advanced Practice Tests Five tests for the 2015 Cambridge English: Ad MARK HARRISON Tae re Advanced Practice Tests MARK HARRISON oxrorp et nk ot Sees mermamct, Slecniieartoonewaece ee oxen usiety Resse extent Nosnauthorined potooping ‘ga aces opt bi ah tn em ‘Sepmsepersnen rng crate Pa res ‘pened ie ener deter agen see ewnpiie ah npn gene Scary rpc aie ‘Secreted bese tes perme snd Sven ron tessa ‘Asai yt aces tes ea Soin reece rennsoroustes ‘tsk peenon paper nc onde umd tt SST earner ne Serena pee toe i Sicha cpeeretceta eam Saver aincmengremns Ec tuen nies Scecmecteptamrect yey Sec cccamen cme eens SSssieconie stew ee ee peices oreo Eni ciccenenenant ner seas Eons poco aia ate enti meetin ene Simca egies mee Saeco a Siete etettamgaten Ee repeance ae eae aoe enoe See atom teroeenener roe Eee Eieternevieramnctaa one Shoe retina Snore nace a aa etieetrniror oe aoe emer ero re eae, Soe ceca eomnerietneet Slo ecees yma a eins cena nay ete Seauemepucumn rs SS oeavemcceree™ Sieeleenientaaattie, "Erthmen eagep cotr20segpa sn Ca ie Sas nna enintn 4 Aap oc ty Or pre een resp” ane ‘Rego juay ste oe Cn sed 0 ep Srminon 0 sane et "On rsh Retro eto rghit Reece pint areas ee inp alg bento, ‘ou ye ne eer, 3 phe ‘ow ime as grb prminion hae oe ‘Sin ceeon Pe Mme by kr eres he Soe acre rita a ee ae Sa Sane Src ets ee Shenae net tea Shea where eet eee ee econo lcdeee apg cae reared arenes Sess oneal ine inate ae a eines eemrcec su guemoatceer state eee eo Sie nintherseceaetnohecri Secreto Stoner tems tart ceaoeerearrearees See a Sieg ieee on Shade acme pene ‘hegre prion Nwnquet London La papi a Selita Teepe oe sri race Secor tceatacracat re Ecce pcraneticnecnny Soe aaa eat Sop elie aerate map: ms Scheer red pet ‘ovis patients‘ egy it su yon mental Tg 2 cbr 0 ee Si cplinted Seponenyeriin, “on pn ens ped poring Engage loom eet rot a ty une ‘Seepackaton irra nec Spee “hype ining cop ond tia he baer be ‘ato ys enone mnt er oor | Tests TEST2 «TESTA TEST 4 Contents Introduction Reading and Use of English Writing LUstening Speating Reading and Use of English writing Listening Speaking Reading and Use of English Writing Lstening ‘Speaking Reading and Use of English ‘Writing Listening ‘Speaking Answer sheets Assessing the Writing paper Assessing the Speaking paper Answer key Audio srigts CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTCE TESTS CONES 2 94 sae 103 108 ww Introduction ‘Thisbook contains: ‘our complete Practice Tests forthe Cambridge English Advanced exam (2015) ‘access to a complete one practice test “anser ke. including mark schemes forall Writing tasks model arses forall Writing tasks suidance on how to asses the Wrting and Speaking papers [ansersheots ‘audi sripts Exam content. Reading and Use of English (Lhour 30 minutes) AKL Tshertirtwitn®|sopton ultpeche;chootethe | vxabuary (esnng fle words, or [cormctwords)toMbeschaop | conpetonof pats paler et) fire eee tet I sgreston: 8 mars TRIE [Tabor win teach ap wh one wrd a er oe cali ges i {8questions; 8 marks [ERED Toharioc wand metic words hana orm ie cave | woe formation ons Mewatorcoch sop [equestons: marks ‘ALE 6 ured Sentences, se the word gent complete the gammar and vocabulary [eachflloned bya gapped sentence sothat tmeans the 5 questions 12 maris “Single word anda sme ethe Sat sentnce | poupronhp enn [eeetnrenee | Smicetya “tex (tice fetion | -Fopton mute choice “comprehension of detail opinion renfcion) / ee, tone, purpose, mae, i impcstion tox organization festres, / _surmpliiaton reference, comparison | _squestions tz marks iatching opinions wth the text they understanding opinions and attudes _conpirng and contrasting opinions and | _soudes across twee A estions;8 marks ‘choice of paragraphs ofl the gaps | understanding of text structure, links {6 paragraphs missing | | between parts of text | [Squestion:12 mats PARTS |1textdivded into matchingstatements [information fo location of specific information: | sections OR several section of txt o shor tex they refer to canprehension of paraphrasing Shorttexs ‘oc appearin | gestions: 10 marks 4 CAMBRIDGE ENGLSH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS/80DUCHION Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) fae | PARES | essay. based on two points intext given, (220-260 words). explaining which ofthe two points is | Candidates st do ths ask. [more important and ging reasons for | this opinion 2 eter /emalt proposal eport or review (20-260 words) varies according tthe task including |Candiantes choose ONE task rom tree choices. comparing, ging advice. sing | “opinions, justying. persuacing Il |zomarks Listening (40 minutes) Inthe exam, each recordin is heard twice, On the CO, they re not repeated, 0 you wil ned to ply each rack again ‘tthe end of the exam, candidates ore given 5 minutes otanser ther onswers the answer sheet Pe aoe ES PALL ener “option mulpe-coie (2 quertone alg, opinion, seater feeling, athude [conversations —_perconversaton) function purpse, agreement between | sealer, course of action ns; marks TAREE monologue sentence completion @sentencesto understanding of specficinfomaton and Completa wordorsor pase satedopnon 4 | questions Bmarks | 4-option multiple-choice | widerstanding of opinion attude, deta, comersation (0 gst. speaer feeling purpose function and “ormore speakers) [Egresment between speakers questions: 6 marks PARI |Sshort monologues | matching: 2 tasks. For each task match same as Part “what each spear ays 0 108 9p80ns | 9 questions: 10 marke __(S.questions per task) Speaking (15 minutes) © Resyopateani ARTA | cometsaton between candidates andinterlocitor general personal topics eltng tothe candidate eons) sans ‘PARLZ | ndvival Yong turn for each candidate with brief _organizinga larger unit of scourse, comparing, | response from second candidate (mes) describing expressing opinions and speculating Candidates talk about 2 sets of 3 petres PART way conversation between candidates (nin) interaction exchanging eas, expressing and Candidates cies ren prompts in _jstying pions, agreing and /o dogreng, declion-mating a suggesting speclsting, evaluating, reaching ection trough negotiation "PRR comersationbeteencanddstes andi expesingandustiying opinions, oreing and or mm _Gsngrecin specultng | Gants cus topes elated to Par taskwith mara ot [theoaniner The Reading and Use of English paper cores 40% ofthe total. The Writing Letening and Speoting papers ach carry 2D ofthe otal. ‘AMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICE TEST ODUCTION TEST 1 Reading and Use of English (hour30 minutes) PART Forquestions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (8, Cor 0) best fis each 0p. Theres an example atthe beginning (0). Mark your answers oi the separate answer sheet Example: 0 A interfering B upsetting damaging intruding Taking photographs ruins the memory, research finds Our obsession with recording every deta oF our happiest moments could be 0. our ability to remember them, according to new research, Dr Linda Henke, ftom Fairfield University, Connecticut, described ths asthe ‘photo-taking Impairment effet: She said, People often whip ‘out their cameras almost mindlessly to 1 moment, tothe point that they are missing what is happening 2 in front of them When people rely on technology to remember for them = 3 ‘on the 1 A see 8 grasp 2 Aue 8B right 3 A-counting 8 setting 4 Aengage 8 apply 5A result B aspect 6 A steered 7 A accurate 8 falhful © A mescured 8 compared CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTCE TESTS 2 ‘camera to record he event and thus not needing tos to it ally themselves ~ it can have a negative 5______on how well they remember their experiences? In Dr Henke’s experiment, a group of “university students were 6 ona tour ‘of a museum and asked to either photograph or ‘ty to remember objects on display. The next day cach student's memory was tested. The results showed that peopie were less 7_____in recognizing the objects they had photographed 8______with those they had only looked at € capture snatch merely D barely assuming 0 swearing C attend D dedicate € extent D impact C tea D conveyed € wact D factual € matched confronted | PART2 For questions °~16, read the tex below and think of te word which bet fits each gop. Use ‘only one word in each gop, Theres an example at the begining (0). Wve your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the seperate ens sheet. Example: 9] [12] U1 | el its (pears cera is Founded in 1572, the Veuve Giequot Business Womnan Award is elebratedin 27 countries. Veuve Clicquot has now introduced anew anard 0. complements Business Wonan ofthe Year category Called The New Generation award 9 Me recognize the best young female talent across business and corporate The fest winner ofthe award Kathryn Parsons. 0. Innovative start-up company, Decoded teaches people to codein a day has joined the judging paneto help find his years winner. The importance ofthese ‘awards cannot 11. overestimated she say. Women need ole models that prove to 12__that they can do too: ‘The New Generation Awards open to entrepreneurial businessnomen3___the ages of 25 and 35 ‘Thay can run 14 own busneszeso al rom corporate life. his award ist about how much money you've made of how long youve been in busines, about ecogrizing young women 15__a mision and a vision ays Parsons. We want 2 meet women who are working to 16 the werlda beter place! ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 00 basal TESTI PART 3 ‘For questions 17-25, read the text below, Use the wor gin incopitals at the end of some ofthe lines to form a word that fits inthe gop in tne same line. Thereis an example at the Beginning (0). Write your answers N CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet Example: o| (R[e[s|t[e[yfalr] i oly i EXIT INTERVIEWS. if you are thinking ofleaving your ob you may think that handing inyourletter of 0____isthe end oFthe matter But an increasing RESIN number of companies now conduct ‘exit interviews! with tft Forte employee, an exit interview may fee ike an idel opportunity torrant and rave abou evry ite 17_thathastroubled them since they got the jb, But, 18 __in mind tha you wl probably stil needa 29 from these people itis best to avoid geting angry o 20. and ust answer the question as cally and with as much 21__ as posible. For employers, the ext interview a rare opportunity ts gather some ‘valuable information about the way staff perceive the company. sting employees may not wish to cause 22_____tathebossor OFFEND damage their chances of promotion. so areunitelyto 23 cLose their real feelings about the company. However, someone who has already resigned s more likely to be 28__when giving their opinions. nul {CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS "cADG PART 4 For questions 25-30, complete the second sentences thatit has similar meaning tothe {fist sentence, using the word given. Da not change ‘ne word gven. You must use between ‘three and six words, including the word given. Heres an example (0). — 0 tatoo the way hares gt cr tot gt. a] [Nowine Wow to GET 1 Wrte only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe seperate answer shoot, 25 ve us noticed thatthe car ha almost run outof petrol aRoUy Ivajustnotcedthat_________letinthe ea 25 det know that cars were so expensive in this country. IEA |____ so much in sis count. 27 Donit get depress because of such a small problem, ut res auena small problem that you shout down, 28 tis reported that he snow recovering in hospital RECOVERY Heiseported______in hospital no 29 Laura teacher says that she doesn havea seriout enough attitude toher work. SERIOUSLY Laure doesnt _____to her each, 30 Whats confusing you so much? tor What istthaes cousin? ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PFACTICETESTS READING AND USE OF ENGLISH 8 Fisal You are going to read a book review For questions 3 hich you think ts best according tothe txt. ‘Mark your answers the separate answershect, 35, choose the answer (3, 2, CorD) The Great Indoors: At Home in the Modern British House by Ben Highmore 1 1910 the tule all comedian Bly Wiams cored his biggest it with ‘he song When Rother Paper the Parlour wosog the incompetence ofthe amateur ome decorto. Pity years leer, comedians Norman Wisdom and Broce Forsyth were stl entraningmillons onthe 1V show Sunday Night tthe London Paleam wth sna ete, but he joke was starting t look date, ‘Tho success of mapuines such as The ‘racic! Howsheger ws ales roving that a the 1957 Idea Home Euibitionprecme, ‘Doseyousel! isa home hobby that sheet stay By this stage, Brain bad mostly primitive housing condos, made bearable for those who on affor ity servants ad ndyren, into a wold where fae looked er themsehes in highly serio ‘vironments Recogisably tnodeentechalogy, nthe for of telephones, tensions ad elec, hd become ubiquitous and was totam domestiviag st further in the coming yar. The keer of British esi the tetieth etary i renunted in ‘Ben Highmore’s entertaining and Informative ne book He aks is con a whiind tour of an everyday ‘use, fom entrance bal andes she, luminated by extensive reeence orl istorie, pope ‘mapsines and personal memoirs. ‘Atitscente, though ithe way ‘tha ouz homes have rected wider social changes Theres the ddl of 10. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 90 fonmaliy, o that sing rooms once fullorheey future and Victorian Inickmaces ae nom dominatd by television sreens and tered wih hides’ tj. Theresa rowing {ternational in tare And there istheriseof domestic democracy, ‘wth the household ogra end ‘telephone (oeted inthe al) now replaced by Pads laptops and robes in vl eer oo, Key ‘othet decentralization of the home ~ and the implied shit of power swithn it~ the advent of ental eating, whch ets pide of pace asthe novation tat allowed the ‘bole bose to become acessble st ‘Sine fy and nigh Taling on ‘ral edt goto your rom no Tonge seems much of tizet. ighmor also documents, Dower some less eres tape inthe onverd marc of dome ‘achiery Whatever happened {othe gue-poweed fidges we were promisod in 19467 Oren the Dishmaster decd later tht promi o doa whole day's ‘rasing up in ust hoe minutes” Rather ote cet the reason wy 1902 Teasmde edt ate on “when the lam clock gered the itch, a match was stroke, ighting 2 pint store under the ltl. You don't have tobe a eats and salty fanatic to conch that bedroom lan the ideal place for such a gadget. Equal ditching tothe moder reader ith prewar obcsion with chide geting fest a Twas 2 ble entrenched that even ole of isnt marely argued that ‘nine, “Ta beathy dud only ‘eee abou thre hours dan the {pen ia ng a8 he day ad ight ‘userywindor a aye ope oradas the tes ai obsesion har te replaced byiratina fears of zoe outside the ome I easier telaugh at the ile of the pst, td Highmore doesn aay eit 2 Sense of adem sero, eho, ferthe most par, he's an engaging ‘ed quiy aude, dispensing ‘eco nights without argon ‘The message that even the lenguge of he home has changed imevoeably ring eupboans are ‘ping the same mayo eowing ome Ae for thet ily Willams sng, ‘By the 19806, Higher wie, it wuld be impossible for ‘one to nage hale ont am ak {pao withoteeming deeply sitlashioned He's ot entity ont, fr there was at ak one on whe was ill employing such terminology Prime Minister Margaret ‘Thatcher sold her message with the we of what healed the parables ‘the parlour, which sugges ho Toderstond the rth that despite the xalgue ct change, theresa ‘oe that seem consetent, A946 ‘lion of Howse magiin pet tout: "en make houses, women rake homes! When you watch 2 rae omatin toy doing a rotine ‘hou i wit tachment t ater ‘ashions,itseoms worth asking: has ‘he fly dynamically moved 2 ‘peat dea” 51 The reviewers main tpicin the frst paragraphs A improvement in home decorating sks ©. now common was for home decorating tobe dscused how unfale descriptions of ome decorating usec tbe, 1a change in attitudes to home decorating, Oa 52 In the second paragraph, the reviewer says thatthe book includes evidence ilstrating ‘that some British peoples homes were transformed mare than others © the widespread nature of changes that took place in Bish homes, the percetved dlsadvantages of certain developrentsin British homes. thatthe oles of certain people in Bitsh hemes changed enormous, 22 Inthe third paragraph, the reviewer points to change in A the extent to which diferent parts ofthe house ae occupied, ©. ideas of whien parts ofa houte should be furnished a formal way how much time children spendin thee gun roo. 1 beliefs about what the most pleasant aspect of rome les 2: The reviewer suggests inthe fourth paragraph that |A- most unsuccessful inventions fled because the were dangerous. 5 varius unsuccessful inventions faled because tey ci not work propery © some unsuccessful inventions were not advertised appropriately there were uneuccesful ventions whch might ave bee good Ideas. 55 Inthe ith paragraph, the reviewer says thatin is book, Highmore sometimes focuses on strange ideas that were not very commman in the past. 5 occasionally applies the standard of today to practices inthe past. © eccasionally expresses reret about how some attudes have changed. Sametime: includes topics tat are nat directly rlvant to the main topic 26 Inthe final paragraph, the reviewer suggests that Hghmore may be wrong about ‘ivan certain modern atzades to home life Fist Seveloped. which changes in home fein Britain have bean most widely welcomed © the extent to which home ifein Britain has changed. how commen terms such as arng cupboards azn modern Briain Ca ‘AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS fEADING ARO USE OF ENGLISH rasaL PART 6 Yow are going to read four reviews ofa documentary series on TV about largecompanies. For questions 37-40, ‘choose from the reviews 8-0. The reviews may be chosen more than once ‘Mark your answers on he separate answer sheet Inside Business | Be eee eer | rou reviewers comet eT dootmartry series Inside Business, TESTI which investigated the workings of a number of large companies ‘The companies that wore the foes of ach progeamme in he ere Ide Business wre very vere tems ofthe ratte oftheir busines andthe way hey oper, but between ther hey demonststed may ofthe ey etre ‘hatches big orgniation inthe mdera world Each programme focused nosy on the people atthe top. The ‘mount fjagen they use is yt ave Bee oe much for many viewers to coniend with, acl hey may well have _pvea up. they id tc withthe sare, boner, they wil hae been lef in no dobt ast how eomplex the business running lage cranzations iso thee cage with doing co. This was clear fom what the interviees sai, bat sheeting sot ping eth wee nt ants pin erste seg semen’ thy ‘he veewhelming impression given to any ewe who watched al six pide fie Business was of the extraordinary presse that those runing moder companies are oblige to operate under. Unles they themselves had ‘xpesince of working in ge companies, towers hey ate Hel to have oud one ofthe ftervens beet ~ ‘the questioning was very much f the nese to anothe"vaiety and mary viewers will ave srugledt follow ‘what was being deco. The aspect detracted somewhat fom wht was an otervse compen night nto the ‘evkings of modern companies and may wel hae caued mary viewers to change cannes That'sa shame bene in feral the omparies ete in the series strated ery wel the impact of modern management theo ona range flare onenizations, “You id nee to know smthing about buns fe fciated by the sense Buses, which gave an sntriguing pitt from the inside of how vasous base name omnes actualy operate. The companies chosen ‘mae for god television because thy al had ery india une and way of cperating, and such could nat bessid opty the norm nthe worl ofthe modem campy. Entertains hw, the pata of Ue se begged al sorts of questions which werent ouced on nthe interviews These ge the people ia charge avery ‘syd indeed, never chalngng them o hack up shal fen vue and eantentas pronouncements os thei ‘pproch ta ledership. Indeed, te vewer wl ave bac lel with he sping ling thst ry lage and apparety ceesflonniztons aera by people wh ejy tha zles enormously bac thay avd the ade aspect of responsiblity by delegating them to ote. ‘ewer. The vere rogue sme efor ge o rps with te sss covered sprain the interviews, which wee ‘ot aly accessible tothe ly peepn and mete leetead contd as one expr o notes Having nid tht the ewer tvho dd put the fr in war reared with an sbsorbing insight ina the warkings ofthese welnown fms. They | Fh tio nti ne pe mt hd each been crfly chosen to be representative of how lange companies are stature and function at present, and ‘hey hod mac in commen with eachother Then message put cons was how adept thee hare hve to be doping to 3 constantly changing business wo 12 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AID USE OF ENGLISH Which reviewer has ferent opinion rm the others onthe choice of companies tofeusonintheseres? [EI] shares reviewer 8 opinion of the tikebood of viewers losing interestinthe series attra while? [EE] takes a diferent view from the others onthe impression given inthe series of what tis he to beat the top of large organization? has similar view to reviewer C on the questions asked in the ineriewsin the series? oa ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS READING AND USE.OF ENGLISH 13 Tusa. TEsTi PART Yow are gaing to reod a newspaper article about a ship carrying goods across the Atlontic ocean Six paragraphs have been removed from the article Choose from the paragraphs AC ‘he one whch fits each gap (1-46). There is one extra peragraph which you donot need to Mark your answers on the separote answer sheet The wind-lashed workers who battle the Atlantic in winter Even atthe stormy time of yearin spat us out int te North Sa, Bain, there are thousands of il According to the weather satelites, ‘wotkes and fishermen ofshore, the Allan was storms fom coast swell ba scattering of seafarers to cout, two systems meeting in ‘manning the container ships the middle of our couse. On the and tankers that ring us almost farsi, fe awaited. We were ‘everything we need, So le was behind schedule, the captain that inthe depths oF biter winter, desperate for sped. Si-metre hoping to learn what modern waves are OK; any bigger you have sallots' lives are lke, LJoined the to sow doven or you kl your ship ‘Maersk Pembrote, a container he sid "Maybe well be cky Freighter om her regular ru from Europe to Montreal She looked EEL = so dresdfil when I found her in Antrerp that Lhoped Thad the gst of those feared storms. A wrong sip nightmare in darkness, 2 north Ailantie storm is ike 3 wild dream by day, a region of racing elements Trade berween Europe and North and vid eolour, brsting turquoise ‘oon enough, we were in the America footnote tothe foam, violent sunlight, and reat west-east and north-south darkening magenta waves. Tere rite companies leave lefo older tle you can do once commted vessel: Pembroteis battered except lash everthing down and ind nity, recking of diesel ane! enjoy what sleep you can before i shy chemicals She snoisy, her becomes impossible. Pembroke is ‘ridge and stalls patrolled more than 200m long and weighs Ly whining drafts which ise to more han 3,000 tons, bt the howls at sea. Her paintwork is swells threw her about ike a tin vrtched The Atlantic hes stripped toy her bow back fo 2 rsted ste! shat sees) When they bis squarely the whole ship reared, groaning and Ife ike a desperate enterprise staggering, shuddered by shocking fon a winter ght, as the tide raced fore. We plunged and totered Usdown the Scheidt estuary and) forthe days before there was 2 14. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS 8¢#DING 0S OF HCL lull But even then, a ordinary fay involved unpleasant jobs Inextreme conditions. joined welding party that descended w the hold a dipping ting cathedral composed of vast tanks ‘toxins and organophosphate, ‘where # rusted hatch cover defied cheap grinder bade in fountain ff spars. As we continued west, ‘he wind thickened with set, then snow asthe next orm ave (S| ‘All was well in that regard an, ter the storms, we were eleved to enter the St Lawrence River The ice was not thick enough to Nnder us we passed Quebee Cl ina glitesing blue dewn and made Montrel ater sunset, ‘owntown towers sing out of the ‘tundra night Huge tracks came for gd ‘ut without them and heir ‘combined defiance ofthe elements ‘there coud be nothing Ike what se call ‘if at ll, Seafarer are sot sentimental ut some are gute romantic. They would lke to think ‘ve thought of them, partclaly ‘hen the forecast says storms | | | | | | Others fel the same. We were the only its out her as several men ‘remared, Weft ourieoation ike ‘inert proof hat we had chosen (obscure quate ves. ing out on deckin such cantons tempted death Nevertheless, the ships clectrcian climbed alder out there every four hours to check thatthe ilk cheese and well-traveled Argentine Det we cared were stl frozen refrigerated containers. ut edocs not take long to develop affection fora ship even the embrole etme takes he to cary you ‘beyond simming dance from ann fact When learnt sat was wating for Us mic-ocean became her ardent fan, despite al those deficiencies ‘Tere wore Dutch bubs, seaweed fertiize om Tanzania iranian dates for Colombia, ri Lankan ea bags, Polish glue, Hungarian tyes, Incian sends, and Ich besides, The sallors ae not tld hat they carry They ust ep the ships going Hoping so, e sipped down-Channel in daraness, wth the Dover coastguard wishing us.'Good watch and a safe passage to your destination: The folowing evening we left the ight of Bishop Rock on the Sil ies behind ‘When we se that again we now were home; ai the second mate 5 Huge black monsters marched at us tuto the north wes, striped mith nite streaks of fam runing out of the winds mouth The ocean moved imal drections at once andthe waves became enoemous, charging glans of liquid emerald, each demanding is nm reckoning ‘That feeing must have been ebvious tothe captain ‘Shes been all ver the weld’ proud Captain Koop ‘reybristed Dutchman as quick and Confident a2 Master Marner must be, fold me She was designe forthe South Paci he sald wistfully. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED ACTCETESTS READING AND ISEOF ENCLIH 18 TESTI PARTS You are going to read an article about some children. For questions 41-56, choose from the sections of the article (3). The sections may be chosen more than once. When more than ‘one answers required, these may be given in any order. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet, Inuhich section ofthe article are the following mentioned? an example ofa sign thathas become simpler the clitference between how the def chien communicite an image and how other people communicate the same image the fact thatthe same signs canbe used inthe communication of number ofidess the characteristic of languages in general at ferent stages of their evelopment able that language i leat by means of a specie partof the mind an aspect of language learning that children are particularly good at how regulary the children have been monitored clder children passing their sign language onto younger hen the reason why the children created a particular sign Ca ca ca ca Ca a os os Ca ‘opposing wews on how people acquire language 16 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING AO USE OF EHCUSH | A Adee insight ito the way the bin eas language has emerged fiom the sty of Nnraguan sign language inventod by deat cfilze na Nicaraguan school ae ‘mean ofcommantating mong themseve. The Nisrguan | sen ae waltnown linguists because they provide sn apperenty unique example of pope venti language fom soatch, The phenomenon ated at aochool fr spec duction founded in 1972 Instructors noticed thatthe deat chide, whe boing ie from ther Syoish lessons, had developed a stem of signs for tain to one another. one erin of chien tug the System o the nex itevoed oma set of gestures into far more sophisticated form of communication, and tis’ 800 ters ofthe language pode lig hstory ofthe stages of fomation. 1b The len have een studi principally by Dr. Judy Keg, Slingus a the Univer of Souther Maine and Dr. Amn Senghay, a cognitive scents at Columbia Univesity in New Yor Cig nthe tet ty, published in Sloce maga, De Seng show that the young chide have now despot certain gsturesinto smaller component igs ‘eating perton asked tomime e standard stay shout cat wading down toe il ake a ingle ‘ste, a downvatd spice ‘otion ofthe hand Bit, the deat children have developed te dierent ‘ip to use in it place, DEAF CHILDREN’S AD HOC LANGUAGE EVOLVES AND INSTRUCTS ‘They sin acile forthe ling _pint was not complex language ‘notion and then x tight ine for but ordinary gets. From thie ‘thedimctin ofmovement This raw material the dea len requis more sing, but the two appro be epontansonaly ‘Spuecan be wen ombination _fSricating the elements of withotherstoerpres dient language. concepts Te developments Linguists ave been engaged finest tongs beeatse in longetanding argument ‘eaptures a psncpl quality to whether theres an inmate, ofhuman lnguage~ discrete speiled neural machinery ‘lmao utele in ditirent ‘brlearing language, 22 combinations ~incontast tothe proposed by Noam Chom of fnesound one meaningfanimal the Massachusetts lastiute of ‘communication. "The eguanisy Tecnology or wheter overything hedocumentshere-mapping ia learnd om seth De sere aspect ofthe wold onto Senghas sas er Ending supports scree word choices is one Uh ew that language eeing themost dain properies of ig nate, nat pure etal, ‘naman langue sd De Steven ine the Nisan lden'e Pinks, a copatve scents at

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