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Original For Pavment

F. No. l/ Sl. No. 47 (NeFMS- 1 )

L- 1 5060/06 12021 -RE-VI
Government of lndia
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
(Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Division)
Iii;ii'i . i , l.i ii . zt ,-,,, i.rl i., .,,.iiririicnt
1ii .r.i.', ,'J l:,-;1,'[';tt r i]l ;,,.,.., r.J,r,.r Derhr
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated. 07.06.2021
The Pay & Account Officer
Government of lndia
Ministry of Rural Development
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

Subject:- Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (Mahatma Gandhi
NREGA) - Payment of 3'd lnstallment of 1't tranche of CentralAssistance for wages
for category "OTHERS" for Financial Year 2021-22 to the State Government of
Andhra Pradesh.
ln continuation to this Ministry's Mother sanction order of even No. dated
07.06.2021, I am directed to convey the sanction of the President of lndia for release of an
amount of Rs. 269,06,02,925/- (Rupees Two Hundred Sixty Nine Crore Six Lakh Two
Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Only) to State Employment Guarantee Fund-
National Electronic Funds Management (SEGF-NeFMS) Account of Andhra Pradesh as 1't
lnstallment out of total amount of Rs. 858,56,82,001/- [Rs. 856,20,57,000/- (vide Mother Sanction
dated 07.06 .2021\ + Rs. 2,36,25,001/- (Residual amount of previous mother sanction daled 27.05.2021
with U.O. No. 117lFinancel2021-22)fot implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA during
the FY - 2021-22. The details of the fund are as under.

Balance remaining out of Mother sanction

Total Amount released (Rs.)
order dated 07.06.2021 as Captioned above
Rs. 269,06,02,9251- Rs.589,50,79,0761-

2. The payment under DBT are linked to the FTOs generated based on primary records
retained at GP/Block level and therefore the accounts/primary records will be audited by the
Comptroller and Auditor General of lndia and the lnternal Audit of the Principal Accounts
Office of the Ministry of Rural Development in terms of Rule 236 (1) of the General Financial

3. Further installment out of the remaining sanctioned amount would be released as per
FTOs entered in MlS by State Government and reflected in PFMS.

4. The grant is towards plan expenditure and will be utilized for approved items of
works subject to the conditions laid down in the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Guidelines issued
from time to time. No deviation from the provisions of these Guidelines is permissible.

5. All other terms and conditions mentioned in sanction order of even number dated
07.06.2021sha|| remain the same.

6. DDO Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, New Delhi (207172) Ministry of Rural Development
will be the Drawing & Disbursing Officer for the purpose'

7. The amount mentioned in Para above will be transferred through PFMS to

No 052310{00069596
registered accounts of State Employment Guarantee Fund in Account
in the union Bank of lndia at
in the name of sEGF NeFMS under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA,
vijayawada, Branch suryaraopet, viiayawada !FSC Code. U81N0805238'

g. The expenditure is debitable to the following Head of Accounts under

Demand No' 86
Department of Rural Developmenl (2021-22)'

2505- Rural Employment (Major Head)

02- Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Sub Major Head)
02.101- National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme (Minor Head)
02- Assistance to District Rural Development Agencies/ District
Programme Coordinators and others'
02.00.35- Grants for creation of capital assets

g. This issues under the powers delegated to this Ministry and in consultation
with the
dated 07
lntegrated Finance Division vide their U.O. No. 24lFinancel2021'22, '06'2021'

Yours faithfullY,

. ($onali Dutta')
U n de r Secreta ry ( M ahatma G b ffi h i, NLEg,*),..
iii..r- ;, . .i .[..,,tt.t,1, ",

Copy to:

New Delhi -1 10001'

1. The Director of Audit, E & S Ministries, lP Estate, AGCR Building,
2. A.D (RE-V) / E.O (Fin-l)
3. Guard File.

(Sonali Dutta)
Under Secretary (Mahatma Gandhi NREGA)

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