Software Engineering P Questions

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1. (a.) Explain what UML use case diagram is with appropriate diagram.
(b.) List the items that should be identified when planning to draw a use case diagram.
(c.) State the purposes of use case diagrams.

2. (a.) Explain the meaning of a Data Flow Diagram.

(b.) State the seven rules that govern the construction of a Data Flow Diagram in system design.
(c.) Highlight the four (4) basic shapes used in the construction of Data Flow Diagrams, identify them with their
respective diagrams and indicate what each one represents.

3. (a) What is Data Dictionary?

(b) What are the rules that govern the construction of data dictionary entries?
(c) Write out and name the Major Symbols used in a data dictionary

4. (a.) Explain what UML class diagram is with appropriate diagram.

(b.) State 5 points that must be remembered when drawing a class diagram.
(c.) State what class diagrams are used for.

5. (a.) What is a software life cycle model?

(b.) List any five software life cycle model you know.
(c.) Explain what Spiral model is with appropriate diagram.

6. (a.) List and Explain with appropriate diagrams five structural notations widely used in UML.

7. (a.) HIGHLIGHT and EXPLAIN briefly the stages involved in Software Development Life Cycle.
(b.) Explain what UML deployment diagram is with appropriate diagram.
(c.) Explain how to draw a deployment diagram.

8. (a.) Explain what waterfall model is with appropriate diagram.

(b.) State 5 situations where the Waterfall model will be most appropriate.
(c.) State two Advantages and two Disadvantages of the waterfall model

9. (a.) Explain what you understand by UML?

(b.) UML building blocks are: THINGS, RELATIONSHIPS and DIAGRAMS, state the components of each of the
blocks with appropriate diagrams.

10. (a.) What is a software process? Explain the four generic activities involved in software processes
(b.) Highlight the differences between computer science and software engineering.
(c.) Highlight the differences between system engineering and software engineering.

11. (a.) Explain the purpose of use case diagram with appropriate diagram.
(b.) Explain the purpose of activity diagram with appropriate diagram.
(c.) state five scenarios each where use case and activity diagrams are used.

12. (a) Explain 5 attributes of a good software

(b) Explain the 3 main challenges facing software engineering
(c) Explain 5 issues of professional responsibility facing software and project engineering profession
13. Describe the following STAGES involved in Software Development Life Cycle.
i. Preliminary investigation
ii. Determination of system requirements
iii. Design of system
iv. Development of software
v. Systems testing
vi. Implementation, evaluation and maintenance

14. (a.) Explain what Spiral model is with appropriate diagram.

(b.) Explain the following elements of a data flow diagram: Process, Data Flow, Data Store, External Entity

15. (a.) Explain what Unified Modeling Language means stating three of its goal.
(b.) Explain what Conceptual model of Unified Modeling Language and list out its three major elements.

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