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(Word count: 1074 words)

Sustainable development aims to improve economic development by not

reducing anything from our natural resources. Which is having to sustain the needs of

the people without affecting the needs of the future generations. That is why this is a

very effective project development as it will help all countries across the world improve

the way they manage their people to be able to have the chance to eliminate poverty,

have a healthy living, gender equality and etc. that is one way in having a perfect life.

But achieving things the way we want will never be easy as there will always be a

hindrance or complication that will happen especially how it will affect other things such

as the non-human species.

The first thing that I have significantly learned from the article is, Sustainable

Development Goals has produced a lot of advantages and disadvantages to our world

especially to humans and non-human natures. Since based on the article, it said there

that it has helped the people to focus more in economic interest to be able to have a

sustaining growth, but unfortunately led them to forget about the importance of

addressing the ecological concerns especially in protecting the species that greatly

affects our environment. Because I was not fully aware that the goal of having a

sustainable development will have a worse impact to our species specifically the

endangered ones. The second thing that I have significantly learned about is the

proposed framework of Planetary Boundaries, that aims to prohibit or put limitations to

humans in order to stop harming the environment. Because I did not know that there will

be a solution for it and I think it will be an effective solution towards protecting our

environment and other species because of the boundaries it will implement in order to

prevent human in destroying our world completely. Lastly, I have significantly learned

about the meaning and uses of Anthropocentrically Motivated Protection which is from

my understanding is only applicable to cases wherein human is directly harming the

environment such as causing problems or issues regarding it. But it is not applicable in

cases that involves protecting endangered species since it was said the it will not be

effective enough to be able to be used.

The things that are still unclear to me are, first, the statement of FAO regarding

that forest is ‘simply a tree cover’ because there was no further explanation provided

and I am confused as to how it was only a cover but we all have been taught enough

that it is not just a cover but it is a home for those non-human natures that is one of the

important living species in this world. Also, about the increasing population affecting

more our world by also increasing the amounts of resources the needs to be sustained,

but it was also said in the article that the ‘greater population, the bigger markets.’ Which

is for me is very confusing as to how it should be really recognized because it has both

positive and negative effects that also creates a big impact to our economy. And lastly,

about how market-based approaches works because I need further explanation about it

since it is also stated in the article that there are weaknesses in market-based

approaches that is not well understood to its full extent.

I used to think about the topic is that, the Sustainable Development Goals does

not generate bad effects to our environment since one of their goals is related in saving

the environment. Since SDG is also about having an economic development by not

using or reducing any of the natural resources to have ecological balance. Also, I used

to think about the topic that, SDG is effective enough to be able to be used as guide

towards developing our world since it was implemented. But I have learned that it still

has to have an improvement and changes to be made since it has stated in the article

the recommendations needed like resolving production and consumption through

radical re-orientation of human industry away from the system supporting ‘sustaining

unsustainability’. Lastly, I used to think about the topic that there will be no problem

anymore on the issue about the increasing population since it is included in the SDP the

action to be taken and that the government has a provided an efficient solution to it and

that is through conducting sex education since it was created as a solution for reducing

population. But it has stated in the article that SDP has a recommendation on how to

reduce more the population and that is to have a responsibility not to have too many.

The questions I would like to ask about the article is about how come the

Sustainable Development Goals create harm to our environment if one of their goals is

having climate change action? Since SDG is about having effective developments by

not using any of our natural resources. How effective enough are the recommendations

towards resolving the issues about the victims of unsustainability, ecological injustice

and etc. to be implemented? Since I wanted to also know what will they do to improve

their development without harming or having issues again affecting the environment.

Lastly, how efficient enough is the recommendation in solving the problem in population

growth made by SDG compared to the recommendation of implementing sex

education? Because it was also created as a solution for educating the youth regarding

the use of birth control and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases that leads in

reducing the population.

As a conclusion, sustainable development has a lot of good and bad

developmental contributions to our world, especially to us humans and other living

species. It contains 17 goals that every country may use and meet in order to reduce

the problems they are facing independently and to provide the sufficient solution they

need although it produces a bad effect to other non-human species. But it does not

change the fact that it is still effective in a way that it sustains the needs of every

individual that promotes having a sustainable living. Therefore, creating solutions for the

betterment of our world will always remain open for all people especially for the next

generation. In order to integrate and generate more alternative options leading to an

efficient solution that will not have any more effects that may harm all the living things in

the world.

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