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luid, Pewey,1quCCD i2 C18M Ss

apootat, Juestierns
Nodule-Ontsoductieo,to, Fuid, Pewes Yt
Model 0P
u h Mt Srelch évplain the Cempenets hyculhc Sqstons
what aJe the adVantages d umitatiens ef hyetaulic SysitmS
Lerine Pascol's law 4 erplaun wr# nebt Sketch
hesentiafe blo Stfaunexs filtesS. DscusS he as.C meticl
4sed in hudyaudic SySterns
Iiost fxplain the desioaae poepeshes efid in Huclauul e
xplain the d14 edent pes c Secelinq mate)ialss
7 ¬Xp lain he woslcinq j ack using asals Taud.
xplain he (enept 'tansmissen P Pouc iin s'atic¢
dunamiC States with EXCimples
t the tupes hydtaulicsluids usecl hydsa ulc in a
SystemOStatinqit ad van tag es
in hycoaule
107&ist ¢ Explaio d4erent pes e Secus seo
SYstemd ts (En)patibilty Uoh hydsauuhc yluicS
i s t eyplain tupes el eses
12 Wth a neat Sehudsculic
tied al Uie epla m he (onstouci
hyclsed ic eil vescoyiGo
Appliatien e hydsauic inaeveSpaled aurlenptve
2 Ayplicetienej bjelraule in Nanupctumne 4 /mo clection
what ave hyelaceli Aluiels? seletiend dangers Ca Jluids
escelSTou diaqam 9ppbcatien
cen to minehei
Addi tives, Seud(e Se
Mockde 2Punps nctuatooS Uadiable
7ith a neqt Slketch fplin the Wogking
Cispla( nent VCine pump
fpane ers.
ISt ¢ fxplain Vavicus pump pe foomone
3elumetric displaltment
O h aneat skelch xplain he csturien
5) Slelch vplain poSux
cl eseri dupe c
67 1ST L Kp iain
what ate the mpco tat (crSdetatiCns Ha keo
Selectg apuump o paoticuir appicatTSvpla
7Cve The detailed cassification pumps aor
with neat Secticnal Uiew a Cqlindes évpan "
CCush Cning ¬faect Cyundess

ckt dlesgn (en*pts

Module 3 empenentse +tydsalic the wWodaing e neelle tyPe
awi th neat sketch éxplain
l o Cen tiel valve d'Slce tch he Symlbels foo uV

epteaed selaed nateo C

0 3 S, 3pOSticn sing GrevotedO Ive
4p0a ts, 2 peiticn anechopi cally Va Chtk
xplain 1upcheH ef
b)with Neat Sketch
Sueh (e
L Or th neq t Sketch xplaio ihe wcsling
skekh tlycbaic Ct4 (xplan
y 0 ith neqt h s a ulic Ekt
I n d m e tes eut wcoku) f
t 1 y c d r a u l i c Cet
xplon he
h neat
O i tegenerative hyclaulic Ckt
the Woblcin
doaulic ce
( ) w it nect Hy
liyde Seqircnc 7
nyddatelic Cq icatiCnEH
aive de
tails claSsiy S h e m a
a nert
in hydo
au lic Shuttle
with valve uSe S h u t f l e

Cntdel fUetien s
neat Steth
I oh a
Valve epexoedpilct

Werkinq drec Aduonteges

te he Stainq
Centoel Oycalves

poessure entoel c
fhe uycs King
4Gwith neat
sketeh cxplan Cq Linde)S
deuble acting ee f
Single d lan Thc
the wOslCing
Ce4 Exp
bwith neat Miultiplicatien

cet ECe
lyraulic the wealein ge
h ne tlyclsaulic elet fvplai
clanle Vo ve Cpplcatien

a dhat coe he
Pewes Gqstems
with neet dijAevete type q Pheunatic cylinders
ake tch ¬yplah
&istd Explain Advantages liniaticns e Pneudi
c) wte neot Stetch, c4 FRL Unit
Sy Stems d exlan used in poeuabe.
9@)wHh neat Sketch
(xpain pepet d
Slide va lve Supndec) Se t
oith eat Stetch Eplam any ptessuoe (etvel uce
pneumathc Sstem
o i , neert skelch
explaio-ime delay ues ve.
E Kplain wih Neat schemahic diaqvum,luid
cleyice o malce he ais more adeptoble mecliuntor a
neumatic Sysie m efective pejomante d cou h e
QTuphicol StmbGI 0 he Sqjne
deuble actng pneuntr
Ekplain he Censtouctien c a linéas
Cy Cincler aiv MeiG
Schomaic diaadum of a Vome type
Explcin its ContruCti 01)
lustoale the wwacinq C quick (xlaust kibe uorth SPel
(evstoutien d wolkine 2Sog e
Pesitien (empessoo
ciule neumatic, (entoei CUCuT S
@)with a
Sketchd pvuc tikel Cpplicatien
tnepreun'eti C
vpkuin oSadt
poinctple usecd in

b)wte anete en
principles e Siqnal nput deutput
pilot cssiSted selereid Centoel ef cdioecdlonel (enthet erlue
a)with ncat sketches Explain diect d Incevect actucotmen
pneum9hc cy Cncle»r"
( CXpain w4a pneumutic (kt ,the Cevtoolc EXtenson ey
b l e cCing y indley using Or¢ HNO (cgiC qqles
5/0Eplain Siqel evea lapping climina tion uSiq eveoS»
Voi lveS w Cnetpneumatic cidCuit invelving t u c
L n y and devese Valve
ey h helpe neat Skelch, éxplain -he twoski aans
Cepencen+ Centoel clet in apneumtie s qstems.
S ketchd fxplain Ca Cutdo pilet Comtae) cleude
OCtrg Clinclco
(b) Erccin i h neat Sketch e1 c t e SequenCi
2 pneumotic Ceylinelo h a t d n be dene usirg
Seneicle im Swtches dVolves

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