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Grisselda Moreno EDU 214 6/15/18

90210’s Daily Report!

Hollywood’s Life what I said? No one cares
about vampires anymore,
on Set we’re fighting zombies
Buffy, the lady! I’m only in your room
world’s most to gather supplies.”
popular -Savannah Kennedy
Breaking News!
slayer 20 years
ago, woke up
from her coma this morning
to find Rick Grimes, the
destroyer of
standing in her
room. Quick
conversation was
had about the
worlds situation
today and Buffy
offered her skills as
assistance right away. A
confused Rick looked at her
and asked, “Didn’t you hear
Betty White has come Cheaters of
out from the “closet”. Betty
White was born during 1922 Both Worlds!
a time where liking This was
the opposite gender just in;
was considered Hannah
inappropriate. Betty
White is considered
sweetheart so coming out
would have been a major
and Miley
tragedy for many
Americans, but recently
went from
Betty has gotten tired of
hiding herself for
the best of friends to
Americans. “ I lived my
the worst of enemies.
life hiding and I pretended to
Hannah was caught by Miley
be someone I was not, I am
kissing Liam Hemsworth!!
now going to live my life as I
Turns out, Liam and Hannah
wish with my girlfriend,
have been going out behind
Veronica.” Betty has lived
Miley’s back for a few
her life living up to
months now. Not only was
America’s standards so at the
Montana caught, but Cyrus
age of 96, Betty has the right
and her trusted friends Lilly
to live as she pleases and
Truscott and Emily Osment,
with whoever she wants. -
have confirmed that Montana
Betsy Reyna
and Hemsworth have been tolerate Sheldon's
seeing each other. Despite personality. One thing is sure,
Truscott and Osment Sheldon's new roommate
advising Hannah against Joey Tribbiani is pure
seeing Liam, Hannah still comedy Gold. Do you think
chose to break up a Joey will put on all Sheldon's
friendship, then to stop clothes in response to the
seeing a guy. It’s not always new roommate contract?
the best of both worlds. -Travis Waters
-Denise Aguilera
It is official, Sheldon
Cooper from the Big Bang
Theory is Yes, you read that
moving to New correctly folks, E.T. was
York and joining found at Area 51! Our
the cast of beloved alien
“Friends”. The from the 80's
details are is REAL. We
unclear, but we all believed
do know that Amy Farrah is that the last
out of the picture and time we'd say
speculation runs rampant as goodbye to
to Sheldon first love interest. E.T. was 36 years ago. He
My money is on Phoebe was being held captive right
Buffay whom else could under our noses.
Unfortunately, my source has into a pretty big situation.
asked to remain anonymous Bubbles was walking down
just for the sake of his life. the street and
What my source revealed bumped into a girl
to me was that he came named Dee Dee.
across this facility in Area When they saw
51 and he heard a familiar each other, they
voice, he couldn't believe started giggling
his ears. From what he about their blonde pigtails.
described to me, E.T. was Then Buttercup came flying
being questioned and down and started roasting
terrorized by these men. Stay them on how dumb they
tuned for more on this sound. Not to long after
developing story....  Bubbles started crying and
-Daniela Herrera Dee Dee lasered Buttercup
right in the eye.
Mystery Dexter was speed
walking down the
street with a very
 Yesterday evening two annoyed look on his
of cartoon most notorious face. “DEE DEE DID YOU
cartoon characters got into a STEAL MY LASER!!!”
huge blowout. Dexter Dexter screamed as he
from Dexter’s quickly walked towards her.
Laboratory and Dee Dee took off and
Buttercup from the
Power Puff Girls got
has been missing for 2 days. -
Acacia Magee

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