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CÓ ĐÁP ÁN NĂM 2019 - 2020

Complete the following sentences, using the words from the box combined
with -free or anti-.

ageing      stress         cholesterol          acne           sugar

1.  ________drinks are better for your teeth and general health.

2.    In addition to a nutritious diet, a ________  lifestyle can boost your health and
increase your life expectancy.

3.    Some people believe that  ________  foods can make them younger.

4.    Home-made  ________  masks based on fruits are completely natural and


5.    People at a higher risk of heart disease should follow a________  diet.

Write the sentences in reported speech, using the reporting verbs and to-
infinitive or -ing clauses.

1. ‘Don't forget to take your medicine regularly' Quan's father said. (reminded)

‘You need to have a health check-up every six months, 'Peter's doctor said. (suggested)

‘You should eat less fast food and more vegetables,’ Jim's friend said. (advised)

‘You must practise these relaxation techniques every day to improve your health,’ Alice's
yoga instructor said. (insisted on)

‘You should not go out if air pollution levels are very high,’ Kevin's doctor said, (warned)

‘I'm very sorry for not following your instructions,’ John said to his doctor. (apologised for)

Read and complete the text with the words from the box.

boost            science             medicine

plants           illnesses           antibacterial

anti-cancer                          remedies

There is nothing new in the use of herbs and spices. They have existed for thousands of
years providing both comfort and luxury. They have flavoured our food, treated (1)_______
and surrounded us with sweet scents. They have also played an important role in our folklore
and religious rituals.

Many (2)_______ were already known to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians and to people
living in ancient times. Records show that our ancestors have been taking advantage of their
medicinal properties for thousands of years. Scholars were interested in plant medicine,
cosmetics, cooking, and history. The father of Western (3)_______ , Hippocrates, described
more than 300 (4) _______ , including a variety of herbs and spices. For thousands of years,
different cultures have used them for medicinal and food purposes. The knowledge of their
properties continued to develop as civilisation and medical (5)_______ progressed.

There are herbs and spices such as black pepper, turmeric, and oregano that can (6)_______
your immune system. Others can reduce inflammation and help to treat infectious conditions
due to their (7)_______ properties. These include peppermint, nutmeg and ginger. Studies
also show that some spices have (8) _______ potential. For example, in India where turmeric
is used, some cancers are rare compared to the USA.

Although doctors are not going to start writing prescriptions for herbs and spices anytime
soon, it is worth adding them to your food and enjoying the special flavours and their health

Change the sentences in reported speech into direct speech.

1. My brother promised to stop over-exercising and spend more time studying.

2. Tom's dentist advised him to brush his teeth after meals and before bedtime.

3. David's yoga instructor invited him to attend their course on meditation.

4. The swimming instructor warned the children not to jump into the pool off the high diving

5. The students agreed to do a workout every morning.

6. Alice apologised for missing the seminar on life expectancy factors.

Read the text and answer the questions.


Future City Glasgow in the UK is an ambitious programme.

Intelligent Street Lighting will be trialled in the pilot projects for the future city. It will
demonstrate how technology can make life in the city smarter, safer, and more sustainable.

According to the programme, energy efficient LED lamps will be installed. This will show
how the city can use these lamps to carbon emissions, cut power consumption, and increase

Sensors will also be installed on lighting columns. These devices will collect data such as
footfall, air and noise pollution levels. This information will feed into the Open Data
Platform which, in turn, will make it available to the public.

The system of smart lights will be programmed to increase in brightness if the noise level
rises, for example, if there is a disturbance in the city. The pilot project will integrate with
the City Operations Centre, which helps staff to monitor the new network of modern
cameras to zoom in on any problems.

The LED system will be operated remotely from the Operations Centre. This could allow for
increased lighting if there was an event in the area like a concert or street festival.

Intuitive street lights will also be installed on the city's cycle routes. These tracks for cyclists
are mostly unlit. The lights will operate at low brightness rising to maximum when they
sense an approaching cyclist. This will help to increase safety in the area and give people
more confidence to use the routes after dark.

1. What will be trialled in the pilot projects for Future City Glasgow in the UK?
2. What will the benefits of installing LED lamps be?

3. Why will sensors be attached to lighting columns?

4. What will happen to the system of smart lights if the noise level rises?

5. How will the street lights on the city's cycle routes operate?

Choose the word which has the underlined part is pronounced differently.

1. A. entrance B. diploma C. exchange D. apply

2. A. pursue B. curtain C. further D. furniture
3. A. consult B. campus C. discussion D. subject
4. A. tutor B. master C. tuition D. transcripts
5. A. intact B. dynasty C. citadel D. royal
Complete the following sentences, using the words from the box combined
with -free or anti-.

1 .Sugar-free            2. stress-free    3. anti-ageing   

4.anti-acne                5.cholesterol-free

Write the sentences in reported speech, using the reporting verbs and to-
infinitive or -ing clauses.

1. Quan's father reminded him to take his medicine regularly.

2. Peter's doctor suggested that he should have a health check-up every six months.

3. Jim's friend advised him to eat less fast food and more vegetables.

4. Alice's yoga instructor insisted on her practising those relaxation techniques every day to
improve her health.

5. Kevin's doctor warned him not to go out if air pollution levels are very high.

6. John apologised for not following his doctor's instructions.

Read and complete the text with the words from the box.

1. illnesses                    2. plants

3. medicine                   4. remedies

5. science                     6. boost

 7. antibacterial             8. anti-cancer

Change the sentences in reported speech into direct speech.

1. My brother said, ‘I will stop over-exercising and spend more time studying.’

2. Tom's dentist said, ‘You should brush your teeth after meals and before bedtime.'

3. ‘You should attend our course on meditation,’ David's yoga instructor said.

4. The swimming instructor told the children, ‘Don't jump into the pool off the high diving

5. ‘We will do a workout every morning,’ the students agreed.

6. Alice said, ‘I'm sorry for missing the seminar on life expectancy factors.’

Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Intelligent Street Lighting.

2. Reducing carbon emissions, cutting power consumption and increasing safety.

3. Because they will collect data such as footfall, air and noise pollution levels, and this
information will feed into the Open Data Platform which, in turn, will make it available to
the public.

4. The programmed system of smart lights will increase in brightness.

5. The lights will operate at low brightness rising to maximum when they sense an
approaching cyclist. This will help increase safety in the area and give people more
confidence to use the routes after dark.
Choose the word which has the underlined part is pronounced differently.

1 - C; 2 - A; 3 - B; 4 - C; 5 - A;

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