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The first pole erection Palangkaraya located in downtown Palangkaraya Before this monument stands,

this area was originally named "Je approximately 3 miles from Pahandut. That location is where the First
President Sockarno inaugurated construction Palangkaraya on July 17, 1957. Monument is located in the
heart of the city of Palangkaraya precisely at Jalan S Parman, Village Palangkaraya District of Pahandut,
as well as the capital of the province of Central Kalimantan. The area of their area of approximately 2.5
ha, are open for visitors every day: Conveniently crossed taxiway city urban transportation, all types of
vehicles can reach the place also for pedestrians. L Soekarno on July 17, 1957, marked the inauguration
of the Monument Monument Capital Central Kalimantan province in Pahandut that have meaning

I. Number 17 symbolizes the wisdom of the Proclamation ofIndependence of the Republic of Indonesia.

2. Monument Fire unflagging means fire, the spirit of independence and build.

3. Pillar which means there are 17 weapons to fight implies

4. The shape of monument symbolizes the Five Facet Pancasila supreme deity.

Then based on Law Number 21 Year 1958 Capital Province formerly Pahandut renamed with

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