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oO P Neeley Ree oe nese g eT are Tae ead Cre een me ns eee ee SR ae ace ce uae Each of the 44 cards in this deck has a depiction SSR anu ace rts SO ues mt Coa erate eee Se Ra ener ete oe Pitta tet Le aCe nen ote on onsen for others, and how to work with card spreads. Allow The Angel Guide Oracle to help you uncover the spiritual support system that is with you ees or ae eed eS me ce 4 ome Ce cm Raise Your Vibration and Angel Numbers, Sag eee Dae med eee eee PORTO EGEST ORACLE NGEL GuIpEBooK ‘Also by Kyle Gray Books Angel Numbers Angel Prayers Connecting with the Angels Made Eaty Light Warrior Raise Your Vibration Wings of Forgiveness Angels Whisper in My Ear Audiobooks Light Warrior Raise Your Vibration Angel Prayer Meditations Oracle Card Decks Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards Reepers ofthe Light Oracle Cards Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Online Courses Certified Angel Guide Connecting with the Angels Made Easy THE NGEL UIDE ORACLE GUIDEBOOK KYLE GRAY Agron BY Je ie pbb and dnb in the nied Kingdon by: Hay Hose UR Ed, The Sh Fly, Wan Hee 54 Baker Set, London WIU7BO Tee (02099977290 Fax 48 (0)203927 7291 snwhighoweenak Pblahe snd dsb the United Sentesof Ameiaby Hay Howe ne, PO Bor 10, Cara, CA 92018510 “eT 1795 es 6545126 (1) 740401 6 D0) 6505115 ombapbomecom Published and disibted in Astaliaby Hy Howse Aare Ld 18/6 Ralph Se, Aland NSW 2015 “Tel (1) 2966929, Fax (6) 29689 46; wr hays com 22 Poblhedandvesiutdin nay: ay Howe Publier Indi, Mustatn Cope, Plot No3, 32, {eter hay New DIO ‘Ta (@1) 1761620; Fs (1) 11762650; wrthayhoae.coin exe © Kyle Gray 2000 Aro DJentr Haar, 2020 ‘The oral ighsof the author sdilartor haven sere Aleigh seed No arf hin ok my eroded by any ‘mechanic phomgrapc ws eeoni procaine fom ofa phonograph recoling sor ay ithe toda steal tem, Temi ethene be copied fr pai erate he thane “Erase abe quotation embodied arte and evi witht pe writen poriinof te pblsher ‘Theo nen in thisbock shuld not ert abit fr roan! meas yn coast prin Aye "notion thisbookis ee ede? crete eek Nets ‘hear nor he pubis be el responsible ao im, oF Shame arg ot ofthe or mos, the aggre mad, the ae ‘ota eda ico for ay ation hie party wea Actlue ecard fr hi ook ieee froth British Libr. ISBN; 978.7887 36-2 Pe dbo ia Chi hy BoP IntematinlLi CONTENTS a Introduction How to Use Your Angel Guide Oracle Cards ‘The Deck Explained Bonding with Your Cards = Connecting = Communicating Conducting Angel Readings = Shufiting the Cards = Jumping Cards = Reading for Yourself = Reading for Another Person ~ Reversed Cards A Selection of Spreads = ADaily Cord 10 10 u 2 12 2B 4 “The Angel Guide Oracle = Strength, Heart, and Challenge Spread (Three-Card Spread) = Nine-Card Spread ~ Future Guidance Have Fun! INTERPRETATIONS OF THE CARDS Angelic Protection Askand Receive Blessings and Abundance Clear, Cancel, and Refease Compassion Composure Courage and Bravery Cut the Cords Divine Timing Do the Work Earth and Ground Ease and Grace Expect Miracles Forgiveness and Understanding 4 15 v 18 20 2 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 2 44 46 Contents Friendship and Union Guardian Angel Harmony and Resolution Healing Energy Holy Love Honesty and Communication Inner Child Healing Intuition and Downloads Joy and Contentment Learning Experience Listen Deeply ‘Manifestation ‘Mother-Father God No! Opportunity and Change Power and Intention Raise Your Vibration Romance and Connection Sacred Plan Self-Acceptance Signs and Reminders 48 50 52 34 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 2 ” 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 ‘The Angel Guide Oracle Spiritual Growth Strength and Guidance Surrender Take a Step Back ‘Take Charge and Action ‘Transformation ‘Trust the Universe Vulnerability and Freedom Yes! About the Artist About the Author 90 92 94 96, 98 100 102 104 106 109 at INTRODUCTION ee ‘There are divine beings standing by, waiting to guide and protect us. They are called angels. Angels are traditionally known as the messengers of God, but P've come to discover that there is much, ‘more to them than that. Angels are extensions of divine love. If you were to imagine the universe as a giant heart, and that heart was beating, each beat ‘would be an angel. When we are connecting with an angel, we are connecting directly with the heart of God. Angels are not separate from God/the universe, but one with Every single one of us has a guardian angela divine being who has been with us from the moment ‘we were given the opportunity to come to this planet to learn and grow. That being is our angel guide. Our angel guide knows us like no other being. ‘They were made for us. Our growth is their purpose «1 “The Angel Guide Oracle But angels are governed by spiritual law; so even though our angel guide is dedicated to us, they can't intervene in our life unless we welcome them in. ‘This is because we have free will, which gives us the ‘opportunity to Team and grow as we navigate our ‘way through life. ‘Working with angel cards such as this deck helps us open or strengthen our communication channels with our angel guide. They will have been standing faithfully by, recording our life and evolution, waiting for the moment when we open up in spiritual practice to receive from them, and they will be delighted to send us messages, signs, and reminders of their ove. Itis our birthright to know cour ange! guide. ‘As well as our angel guide, we may have other angels working with us from time to time, offering gentle insights to guide us. Our angels will never judge or abandon us. They see us through the eyes of love, with complete compassion. They want to help us be happy and live with purpose. The Angel Guide Oracle is a practical spiritual tool that will allow you to tap into the wisdom and support of all the angels around you. Make the deck your own. Even though every card has an image, message, and energy, the wae Introduction messages, interpretations, and angels represented are not definitive. The more you work with the deck to access the divine guidance being offered to you, the more your readings will increase in accuracy, and eventually you will create your own interpretations of the cards, This is highly encouraged. Tes also important to mention that the cards represent the guardian angels—the angel guides ‘who are working around us. This is why all of the angels in the deck remain nameless. But not silent— the messages of the cards are the actual messages our uardian angels are sending to us. My hope is that you will feel connected to the images and come to understand that although angels are formless, they take on a form so that we can develop a relationship with them, And although they are depicted in many ‘ways their purpose always remains the same: to love and to guide. ‘Angel cards act as a physical bridge that angels use to share their messages of love and guidance. They are an enriching, safe, and powerful system that anyone can use. Allow The Angel Guide Oracle to help you benefit from the spiritual support that is with you now .., and always. How To UsE YOUR ANGEL GUIDE ORACLE CARDS en ‘These cards will help you uncover the incredible bond you have with your angel guide. Or, rather, remember that bond. The truth is that getting to know angels isn’t a learning experience, it's a remembering, Once, before you were in your body, you danced with your angels among the stars. When you feel drawn to work with them, it’s because you are remembering on a soul level. Angel cards help you make a conscious connection with your angels, and with The Angel Guide Oracle deck, your angel guide will direct you to pick the card(s) that you most need at the time. ‘The more open you become to the guidance of your angel, the more accurate your readings willbe. Ease “The Angel Guide Oracle ‘The Deck Explained ‘There are 44 cards in The Angel Guide Oracle deck. Each has its own image and message. ‘The intention behind the diverse images is to activate your own intuition and clairvoyance. The angels are depicted in many different ways, and the cones that you are most drawn to will represent and even reflect the actual angels who are working with you at this time and in this lifetime, ‘The angels remain unnamed, as mentioned earlier, as they represent guardian angels and are open to your own intuitive insight and interpretation. The messages on the cards are starting points that encourage you to be alert for any more detailed messages that may be rising up within you or being whispered in your ear. Our angel guides whisper to us constantly, but often we are so distracted by daily life that we miss the messages. With this oracle deck, as well as the message on each card, there are more in-depth interpretations in this guidebook, but always remember that when you draw a card, it’s important to trust your initial intuition about it. Bonding with Your Cards Creating a close relationship with your cards is important. The more you get to know them, the better ee How to Use Your Angel Guide Oracle Cards Connecting ‘The first time you use the deck, take some time to go through the cards one by one to get a feeling for their messages and imagery. Then hold your cards close to your heart and visualize a golden light around you. See this angelic light swirling around you and clearing your energy and the energy of the cards. ‘Ask the angels to bless your cards and help you work with them accurately. Here's a suggested pryer Divine angels of light, thank you for Blessing me swith your presence and fer blessing these cards ‘with your light, so that Tcan use them as a tool of spiritual growoth and to connect to divine guidance. Thank you for being here and for revealing to me what I need to knot. set the intention that this deck will act as a bridge that Brings us together, for the highest good and in the presence of love. And soit, Your cards are now ready for you to work with, ape “The Angel Guide Oracle Carrying the cards and meditating with them are great ways to form a strong energetic link to them, The more time and energy you give to your cards, the more accurate your readings will become. Here are some further suggestions for building ‘your energetic connection: + Pick a card every morning to start your day with inspiration, + Leave your deck on your desk at work with the card of the day facing you, + Pick a card after a meditation. + Take your cards to bed and pick one before you go to sleep. + Sleep with them near your bed. Communicating ‘As mentioned earlier, the angelic realm operates under divine law. That means we can't receive angelic support unless we welcome it in. Itis only in unique, often life-or-death, circumstances or “moments of grace” that angels can intervene without being invited, wee Hess to Use Your Angel Guide Oracle Cards Working with angel cards tells angels that we ‘want to work with them, So, as we start to bond with our cards, the communication channels to our angels will begin to open and strengthen, Conducting Angel Readings The Angel Guide Oracle deck is created in such away that we can use the cards as a tool to give accurate and insightful readings for ourselves and for others. “How does it work? Through the Law of Attraction. ‘The Law of Attraction is the universal law whereby we attract experiences and energies that match whatever state we are in at the time, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally. Angels will use this law to draw us to pick the cards that mirror the situation ‘we are in or give us the information that we need to know. No card turns up by accident; every message wwe receive will have a meaning for us. So, even if you get a card that doesn't make immediate sense to you or isnt what you wanted to see, take heed of the guidance it provides. Angels will share what you need rather than what you want. ‘The most important thing to know is that there’ no right or wrong way to conduct an angel reading, Let go of any superstitions about cards and readers you may have heard. You are in control and Poe ‘The Ange! Guide Oracle supported by your angels, and reading the cards is, completely safe. Shuffting the Cards Before any reading its always good to give your deck a really good shufile. It may take some time to get used to doing this, but as with all things, practice makes perfect. You may even want to cut the deck a few times and put it back together again. Once you've shufiled, you're ready to go! Jumping Cards It is likely that as you shuffle the deck, there will be a card that jumps out. Jumping cards are exciting and present a message to be read. If you are reading for yourself, the message is for you. IF you are reading for another person, the message is for them. Ifyou accidentally drop the deck or haf oft falls ‘out as you shufile, these are not jumping cards and. it’s important to put the deck back together and continue shuffing, unless one card is facing upward and the rest arent, in which case that card holds message. ‘always read the jumpers as I shufite. There are no rules really, but I think it’s exciting that way and ~10- How to Use Your Angel Guide Oracle Cards the client can see that the deck is interacting with them. Ir'sreally the deck’s way of saying, “Angels can hear you.” Reading for Yourself ‘The best way to get familiar with your Ange! Guide Oracle deck is to give yourself a reading. You may hhave heard that you ‘can't or shouldn't read for yourself, but that's not true. You'll probably pick 4 card that you don't want to see now and then, cor possibly have unfounded expectations that a particular card will turn up, but reading for yourself isa completely safe and enlightening experience. To read for yourself + Spread the cards out in front of you and place your hands on top of them. + Inyour mind or out loud (whichever you prefer), say: “Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!” + Then pick your cards. You can ask for general guidance or about any area of your life, but instead of saying something like “Is i right for me to get married?” or “Should I take this “ue The Angel Guide Oracle job2,” say something like “Thank you, angels, for giving me guidance about my upcoming marriage” or “Thank you, angels, for giving me insight into my career choice.” Then pick your cards. Reading for Another Person ‘The procedure is almost exactly the same when reading for another person: + Shuffle the cards. + Ask your “client” to place their hands on the cards and say: “Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know!” + Invite them to pick the cards place my hands on top of the hands of the person. Tim reading for as they say the prayer and say in return, “Thank you, angels of [their name], for revealing to [their name], through me, what they need to know. For the highest good, we say, and so it is!” Then I ask them to pick their cards. Reversed Cards 1 always have my whole deck upright when I'm reading, but now and then when acard isturned over, ape How to Use Your Angel Gude Oracle Cards it will be upside down, or “reversed.” It’s important to take note of that. I've always found that when an angel card comes out reversed, it's angels’ way of saying, “Look at this message and give it your full attention.” So I treat this as an auspicious event and give it the attention it deserves. If you have @ reversed card, or even several, do give it/them some attention before you go on to the rest of the cards, so you can take on board or convey the message that is being highlighted. For example, say you've just done the strength, heart, and challenge spread (sce page 15) and your heart card is Cut the Cords, reversed. This sa direct message that it’s important for you to spend time assessing what energies, people, places, or situations are demanding far too much of your time, energy, and focus in a way that is not serving you and your connection to your own heart. It would be an ‘encouraging message from your guardian angel to release and move on from these energies so that you can make more room in your life for growth, love, and contentment. ‘A Sclection of Spreads Here are some simple spreads you can use in your readings. When you pick cards for these spreads, i’ abe “The Angel Guide Oracle important to keep them in order, So, after you pick. the cards, place them face down in a pile on top of ‘one another, with the first card at the bottom. This, means that when you pick up the pile and turn it face up, you can lay the cards out from left to right in the spread you have chosen. ADaily Card Picking a daily card is a brilliant way to get to know your deck and to start your day with spiritual guidance. All you have to do is pick one card from the deck every day when the time suits you and keep the message in mind all day. Strength, Heart, and Challenge Spread (Three-Card Spread) This is my favorite spread for effective insight. Ie will tell you what you need to know at any time, but it’s particularly good when you're asking a specific question. + Setyourintention(s) and say the prayer thanking the angels for their guidance. + Then pick three cards, laying them out in order from left to right like this: awe Hosa to Use Your Angel Guide Oracle Cards tslladls + Card 1 represents the strengths you have at this, time in your life and/or what's in your favor in the current situation, + Card 2 represents the blessings you carry in your heart and how these are aligned with your soul * Card 3 represents the challenge, the part of your life or guidance you must focus on in order to achieve your goal or the peace you are asking for. ‘Nine-Card Spread This is the spread I use professionally with clients to have a clear insight into the nine key aspects of their life: their past; present; future; strength; heart; challenge; home and family; relationships and romance; career and purpose. + Once you've thought about your life and where you need guidance, say the prayer and then pick rine cards, laying them face down in a pile. ais “The Angel Guide Oracle ‘+ Turn them over and lay them out in order from left to right like this: ‘This spread works in three different ways and itcan take a while to get used to it, but once you've got it, you'll absolutely fallin love with it and the results it brings you. Reading Across + Cards 1, 2, 3 represent your home and family. Dares Hes to Use Your Angel Guide Oracle Cards + Cards 4, 5, 6 represent your relationships and + Cards 7,8, 9 represent your career and purpose. Reading Down + Cards 1, 4,7 represent the past. + Cards 2, 5, 8 represent your current world. + Cards 3, 6, 9 represent the future and guidance. Reading Diagonally + Cards 1, 5, 9 represent the strength, heart, and challenge, You don't have to read in all directions at first, you can just practice going across and add in the past/ present/future once you've gained confidence. ‘The strength, heart, and challenge can be added in at any time. I've found that this just gives that xtra sense of foundation to a reading, Future Guidance Sometimes, once I've done a reading, I'll shufe the cards back in and say, “Thank you, angels, for aa “The Angel Guide Oracle sharing guidance for the next six months,” then take one card at a time from the top of the deck and. tumit over. The first card represents the month I'm in and the cards that come after are the months that, follow on. Exciting! Picking cards for the months ahead can be really enlightening: + After you've done a reading for yourself, place all the cards back into a pile and shuffle them. + Then pick a card from the top of the deck for each of the months ahead. You can pick 12 if you wish to see the full yeas, but I reeommend six because its a period within reach and you can always check back in when those six are complete, Have Fun! Although angel readings may be a serious endeavor, it's also important to have fun. So, have fun with the cards, Play, be curious, experiment with reading for yourself and those close to you, and enjoy it! Listen to the guidance of the cards, but try not to get too hung up on seeing a specific card or ‘wanting a certain result. Just take your time, smile, and enjoy the experience. 1g ANGELIC PROTECTION Your Message A brilliant light of protection is around you at this time. Angels are guiding and guarding you and want you to know that you are safe. Whether youre feeling worried about physical, emotional, or spiritual harm or not, this card is confirming that you have spiritual protection. Your angel guide is supporting you and leading you toward positive experiences and outcomes. If you have decisions to make or opportunities to take and you are unsure 20" Angelic Protection what 0 do, know that this card is bringing you comfort and support. The angels who are with you only need a prayer from you in order to swoop in and guide you. Extended Message You are protected. The worst is now behind you and you are ready to move beyond the challenges that you have been facing. The past has gone and your angel guide is encouraging you to let it go. If traumatic or painful memories have revisited ‘you recently, know that they are opportunities to recognize how far you have come and acknowledge hhow much healing has taken place in your life. ‘When you have reflected on these shifts, leave the past behind and move forward. The present is only a gift if you are able to receive it. Ifyou are facing the unknown at this time, know that your angel guide will show you the next steps and you will be surrounded by a spiritual force-field that will protect you on all levels as you move forward. ae ASK AND RECEIVE Your Message ‘Ask and you shall receive. Your angel guide wants you to know that help is available. You are being ‘encouraged to shift your perceptions and recognize that even in the most difficult of circumstances, a miracle is possible. Whatever miracle you need, it is available to you now. Your angel guide is encouraging you to recognize that you may have been blocking support by saying no to the things you wanted to say yes to, and asking you to a Atk and Restive change that now. When you begin to say yes to the experiences that light you up, you usher increased levels of support into your life. Extended Message You may feel that your prayers aren't being heard, but this isn't true. Angels have heard you and are suggesting you take time to assess where in your ‘work or relationships you may be creating barriers, to suecess. When you are open to seeing and doing things differently, you will experience the answers and miracles you need. You are being encouraged to pray from a space of gratitude now. When you focus on what you are grateful for, you align your energy with the miraculous. Heaven is encouraging. ‘you to welcome support in all areas of your life. a BLESSINGS AND ABUNDANCE Your Message A light of blessings and abundance is being wrapped around you now and your angels want you to know that they are supporting you. They are encouraging you to trust in your intuition and any other guidance you are receiving at this time, as it will lead you toward tremendous growth and fulfillment. Many blessings are being showered upon your present situation. If you have not yet experienced them, know that they will be revealed aMe Blessings and Abundance and shared in the perfect time-space sequence. All the doors to abundance are now being opened to you. Angel wisdom is encouraging you to begin ‘counting your blessings. Then you will be open to receiving even more of them. Extended Message Abundance is the spiritual reward for trusting and sharing our gifts and talents. When we align our choices and actions with the highest good, we will be blessed with opportunities. At this time you are in a place of deep spiritual connection and strength and are being given the opportunity to feel spiritually rich, Even if you are feeling sensitive or overwhelmed, the veil between this realm and heaven is thin, and you have light and support all around you. Ifyou have any concerns about finances, or assets, know that the hand of God is guiding ‘your situation to a blessed outcome. Trust in your talents and the angels who are supporting you. ase CLEAR, CANCEL, AND RELEASE Your Message You are being guided to clear your life and energy of any negative or challenging people, situations, or events. Its time to release any old ideas, negative thought patterns, or even sarcastic comments you ‘may be using to put yourself down. Angel wisdom wants you to recognize and realize the power of your words, thoughts, and intentions. If you are saying something, even jokingly, about yourself that might have a negative effect on you or express re Gear, Cancel, and Release something you wish wasn't real, you are being encouraged to be more loving toward yourself Angels are guiding you to clear, cancel, and release anything you no longer want or need in order to make more room for love, positivity, and peace, Extended Message Whenever you have a negative thought or say something you then wish you hadn't, you have the capacity to remove that idea or energy from your own energy by saying the powerful affirmation: “Clear, cancel, release!” Angels are ready and willing to help you clear anything that could be standing between you and inner peace. ‘When you draw this card, you are also being encouraged to clear any clutter from your life. Tf there is dust building up or “stuff” accimulating in your home, office, car, or anywhere else you spend. time, clear it now. When you clear physical space, ‘you clear psychic space. ‘Making these simple changes will clear your energy and open you up to experiencing a sense of clarity and freedom, COMPASSION Your Message Your angels are wrapping a light of compassion around you at this time and guiding you to let go of conflict or the need to prove your point. The more ‘you resist and fight, the unhappierand more drained you will be. Pointing out mistakes or mishaps or ‘concentrating on the negative traits or actions of others will only hold you back. Don't let the unjust actions of others block your experience of joy and freedom, Take time to review where in your life = Compaction you may be feeling held back, or even consumed by ‘frustration and anger, and ask your angels to shine their light upon you and the situation. Extended Message Changing how you see yourself will help change how others see you. Angels are surrounding you at this time and encouraging you to sec yourself through their loving and holy eyes. All of the ups and downs you have faced, all of the insecurities ‘you have overcome and all of the setbacks you have ‘moved beyond are testament to your resilience and strength. So, have compassion and respect for yourself, Angel wisdom is encouraging you to love and treat yourself the way you would love to be loved and treated by others. Then your own actions will be mirrored back to you by those around you. So, ask your angel guide to help you be more ‘compassionate toward yourself now. 296 COMPOSURE Your Message ‘Take time to gather your thoughts and energy, because there's a good chance that you're experiencing a build-up of frustration and annoyance at this time, You are passionate, loving, and joyful being, but at the same time you don't want to be taken for granted or underestimated. ‘The warrior within you wants to rise up and fight, or at least prove your skills, talents, and worth, but drawing this card indicates that right now you're not aie Compesure going to be respected or heard in the way that you deserve. Angel wisdom is guiding you to retreat, reflect, and compose yourself before proceeding further. So, take time to ask your angels and guides to help you compose your thoughts and your energy. Know that the divine hand of God is upon this situation and everyone involved, and there’s no need to worry about anyone's karma but your own. Just retreat, refuel, and regain your composure, Extended Message ‘This card encourages you to step into the energy of equanimity. Equanimity is a Zen-like state in which you refrain from reacting to a situation out of fear and separation. Right now, angels of pure divine light are helping you feel guarded and guided, and encouraging you to recognize that you have an incredible force of love within you. 31 COURAGE AND BRAVERY Your Message You have the heart of a warrior. You want to do what's right, but it isnt always easy. Angels are surrounding you in a light of courage at this time and guiding you to do what you know deep down in your heart is right. Being brave isn't about being eniotionless—the angels are reminding you that it’ ‘okay to feel, and your vulnerability will allow you to tap into an even greater inner strength. Angels are always willing to help you feel safe, guided, and 32 Courage and Bravery ‘guarded, so call in as much help as you need. This is a time to take ownership of your energy and any situations that could be making you feel less than good. And through your courage, you will begin to attract experiences of being respected. Extended Message Your angels are here to remind you that your soul cannot be tarnished or harmed. It’s the one part of your essence that always remains whole, healed, and complete. So, if you are feeling the need to defend yourself at this time, angel wisdom is guiding you to back down. You don't need to protect yourself, ‘specially when you have spiritual support. Call in the light of God, heaven, and angels to protect you. If you feel that you have made a mistake or have something that you need to share, be brave and take ownership of it. Trust that living with integrity will, always lead to the greatest possible unfolding of your life and know that the best gift that you can give the ‘world at this time is your truth. 33+ CuT THE Corps Your Message In spirituality, “cords” are the energetic bonds that connect us to a situation, person, or place. There are different types of cords, but in this context they are connections to situations or people that can have a negative and draining effect upon us. We can also create a negative cord when we have an expectation of the outcome of a situation, especially when itis outside our control. So, this is an important time for you to release 34 Cut he Conds any attachments to people, places, situations, ‘outcomes, or anything else that could be limiting your experience of joy. Angels are wrapping you in a light of love so that you can lovingly detach from situations that could be draining, dramatic, or damaging your health or purpose. Extended Message If you are finding yourself “hanging on” in a situation you know is unhealthy or negative, angel wisdom is encouraging you to call upon the help you need to release yourself from it. Know that angels are guiding you to surrender the need to direct and control at this time, so you can welcome in the spiritual support that is available to you. ‘When you ask your angels to support you in cutting the cords, they will help dissolve the connections that are hooking you into a negative situation. You have to do your part, too, by removing yourself from harmful and draining situations. If you have any questions regarding a situation, relationship, or outcome at this time, know that you are being guided to find a new way forward, as it will be more rewarding and replenishing for you. Ultimately, cutting the cords is an act of self-care and self-love PS DIVINE TIMING Your Message Life is always unfolding in the perfect time-space sequence. So, angel wisdom is encouraging you to move into a state of trust, knowing that good things are always unfolding for you. You may find yourself feeling impatient and unsettled, but instead of letting your ego and imagination pull you into a downward spiral, trust that your prayers are being answered and your plans are coming to fruition in 4 way that is meeting your needs rather than your 36" Divine Timing wants. You may feel that your prayers aren't being, answered or that your hopes aren't being realized, but you must know that the universe and your angels are always working toward the highest good and the outcome that will best serve you. When ard appears, trust in the process. Extended Message ‘This card is a sign that your hopes and dreams are unfolding, You may not think so, but you need to remember that you may be working to “human time,” whereas God is always working on “soul time,” which can never be measured or tushed. You are being guided to know that your angel team is with you right now, encouraging you to call in the support of heaven in aligning your current situation with love. Imagine yourself’ and your situation covered in golden light and ask angels to show you the way forward, knowing they are always working for your highest good. aoe Ee ae Do THE WoRK Your Message If you are wondering whether to move forward oor not, this card is a message from your angels to continue on. You might feel that your current situation requires more time and energy than you are able to give, and there's a good chance that you are feeling disheartened, or even drained. It's important to know that everything involved in this situation is pivotal to your growth, expansion, and spiritual connection. This card invites you to a3 Do the Werk switch on the light you have within, It’s time to be a star, to rise up, to get behind the wheel and drive the journey of your life. Yes, energy is going to be needed to hustle and push, but every single effort you make will pay off. Right now you are sending out a signal, and that will create a wave that can lay the foundation for the rest of your life. Extended Message Being spiritual isn’t always easy. It comes with a price, and often that price is time and effort. That is why angels call it “light work,” because we have to work our light. This isn't spiritual “easy,” this isn't spiritual “vacation,” this is spiritual word, and that does mean we have to work. Action, effort, surrender, and trust are needed for things to come together, but when this card appears, you have an important opportunity to figure out the balance between effort and effortlessness, and understand ‘when both of these energies need to move through your being, If you want to abandon a project or ‘walk away from a situation, this card is letting you ‘know that you are needed more than ever, This isn’t the time to run away, this is the time to turn up. ‘When you show up, ready and willing to do the ‘work, you will move up too! 39H EARTH AND GROUND Your Message You may be feeling discombobulated or “all over the place” at this time, most likely because you are spreading yourself too thin and taking on too many projects at once. So your angel guide is encouraging you to get grounded. When you come back to Earth, you will have a clearer insight into who you are and ‘what you need to do to feel safer and more at ease in your life. You are being guided to take some time to breathe, connect with fresh air, and even = 40 Earth and Ground {g0 somewhere in nature where you can relax, release, and let go. You may be uncertain about what you're supposed to be focusing on at this time, and that's because your energy is alittle bit dispersed right now. But angels of the Barth are with you to help you ground yourself and feel connected again, as you have important work to do and exciting experiences can only unfold when your energy is intact and contained. Extended Message You are blessed to receive this card today, because it’s a message of protection and guardianship. Angels are strongly connected to you and your path right now and they want to support your evolution. When you lose a sense of connection to who you are, you can often find yourself focusing on energy or projects or even old habits that can limit that evolution. So, take time to breathe, call on Mother Earth to hold you, and invite angels of the Earth to draw deep roots from your being down to the heart of the Earth. Know that when you are grounded, you are a strong, focused, and loving individual and you can make decisions that are enriching and revitalizing. When this card shows up for you, angels are guiding you to remember that you are of great value, The Barth is blessed to have you. =a EASE AND GRACE Your Message This is a time to learn and adapt. You are being guided to slow down, take your time, take in the current moment, and allow space for events to occur. You often put too much pressure and expectation on yourself, and this is not required. Also, with constant effort and rush, you'll find yourself becoming overwhelmed and tired. When You are too forceful, you use up too much energy, ‘and that may hinder your progress at this time. If ~2- Ease and Grace you are ina difficult situation at work or with other people, don't feel you have to prove your skills, talents, or worth. just step back and breathe, and through grace you will be seen, understood, and recognized for who you truly are. Extended Message ‘You are being guided to flow like water. Don't feel the need to rush or force your way ahead—a gentle approach will be more rewarding. Have patience and move with subtlety and grace. Your angel guide is encouraging you to sce life as a dance. One step ata time, you will make your way through this incredible journey, learning more and growing along the way. How can you move with more elegance? How can you slow down? How can you bring more grace and poise to your current situation? This isa time to soften, breathe, and move in a way that is steady but flowing. This information may come as a surprise or even a challenge to you, but your angels know it will be beneficial for what is coming your way next. age EXPECT MIRACLES Your Message Miracles occur naturally. They are always ready to unfold. Your angels are encouraging you to prepare yourself for them now. ‘A miracle doesnt have to be an extravagant change in circumstances; it can be @ simple shift of energy that creates a wave of love in your life. If you need something positive to happen, or you are praying hard for something, this card brings you the message that something exciting and healing is 44 Expect Miracles about to unfold. In order to help this along, you are being guided by your angels to recognize and honor your own worth, Realize that you are absolutely worthy of miracles and they will unfold in your life. Your entire life has been brought together by miracles. They are happening all the time and the miracle that you need isn'ta difficult one, because in the hands of the divine, anything is possible. Extended Message Place yourself in a golden light. Remember that the light of God is within you, right there in the heart of your being, your soul. Good things can happen for you. But in order to manifest something wonderful in your life, you have to believe that it is possible. You could be seeing the miracle you need as impossible or even as “too big” for you to achieve. Ultimately, this is exactly what is blocking it from happening, so change it now. Your angel guide is inviting you to open your mind and heart and sce what you need being delivered to you. Feel that it is already in your life. Feel grateful for all your blessings and you will allow the miracles you deserve to unfold. 45 FORGIVENESS AND UNDERSTANDING YourMessage As soon as you see the word “forgiveness,” you'll Know where this energy is needed in your life Forgiveness is a correction to human vision, an ‘opportunity to see through the eyes of the soul, and ultimately it gives us an idea of what it’s like to sce through the eyes of our angels. Whatever the situation that feels heavy on your heart right oa 46 Forgiveness and Understanding now, when this card appears your angel guide is inviting you to release it. You aren't being asked to accept bad behavior or let it go, but to realize that the only person who's truly being affected by your unforgiving thoughts and feclings is you. You don't deserve to have past events get in the way of present happiness, and that can only happen if you make space by releasing painful experiences from your heart. So, call in your angels and ask them to help you step into the energy of forgiveness. Even if you feel you don't know how to forgive, the willingness to do it will be enough, Extended Message Understanding why others have committed certain acts or you yourself have made bad decisions isn’t always easy. It's important to know that you are always doing the best you can with the information and tools you have, and the more you learn in life, the greater your capacity to make choices from a space of love. When this card shows up for you, it’s because angels see you as worthy of fulfilling and exciting experiences. When you are dancing with the energy of forgiveness, you are on the verge of a miracle. This isn't a time to be weighed down by the past, buta time to see beyond it. aa FRIENDSHIP AND UNION Your Message This is a time for coming together. Friendship and other connections are important now. There is a strengthening in your bonds with others and. your capacity to know who “your people” are. You are surrounded by incredible, insightful, and encouraging people at this time, and it's important to enjoy the friendships and other connections you have. IF you have felt disconnected or out of place for some time, know that you are moving into a far 4g Friendship and Union more supportive and joyful space now. Your angel guide is encouraging you to connect deeply with those you trust most. Ask yourself how you can bring the whole of yourself into your friendships and relationships. Be present, listen, open up, smile, laugh, venture forth, and enjoy this time. Extended Message If you have felt left out recently or have been wondering if you can trust those around you, angels, are giving you clear insights and information to help. Don't concern yourself about any relationships for friendships that have been fading into the background. What's important is that your vibration and energy will attract friends with whom you can be yourself and who can mirror back to you who you are If there's something missing in a particularly important friendship, know that your angel guide is inviting you to ask yourself: “What is missing here? How can I supply it?” Ifyou feel that you are struggling to make friends ‘or you don't know who your friends are, invite your angels to assist you in making connections with those who can share and receive ina loving, balanced way. Your angel friends are ready to help you form incredible unions, aa GUARDIAN ANGEL Your Message Everyone has a guardian angel who has been with them since their soul's creation. Now your guardian angel is drawing closer to you than ever. This angel guide knows you, loves you, and accepts you completely. Before your incarnation on Earth, you danced across the stars together. If you're feeling overwhelmed or alone at this time, know that your angel guide is with you to share their love and make you feel safe. You never walk this = 50 = Guardian Angel path alone—angels are always there to light the way. This card is a huge reminder that you always have their help, support, and companionship available to you Extended Message ‘You are an independent soul and often find yourself trying to do everything on your own, but know that even just a quick prayer to your guardian angel can take away some of that pressure. Your angel wants to hear more from you. In order to support you fully, they must be invited to do so, but then no request is to much. Your angel guide was made for you and is dedicated to you. Take time today for an ‘easy and informal conversation with them. Speak openly and in a heartfelt way about your life, any challenges you are facing, and anything you need help with. Through that conversation, their help will find its way to you. When you draw this card, they want you to know they are with you. 51% HARMONY AND RESOLUTION Your Message Angels of harmony and healing are with you to help you resolve any conflicts that have been disturbing your inner peace. You are being encouraged to call in the light of God and surrender any concerns you have, so that the divine can resolve them. Your angel guide is suggesting you release any need to be right or to get your point across, for this will only create more hostility. This is time to focus on ‘your own inner peace. Dedicate time and energy to as Harmony and Resolution doing what you can to make yourself feel comforted and comfortable. Through being more caring toward yourself, you will create harmonious energy that will wash out like a wave to all those around you. Trust that this will happen and harmony will be restored. Extended Message Angel guidance is encouraging you to stand down from any conflicts that are going on in your life right now. Take a step back to collect your thoughts and breathe. Angels cannot help ‘you unless you create space for them to intervene, ‘and they are with you now and willing to restore peace. They want you to know that they are aware of your challenges and the concerns you have, but unless you have faith that harmony can be restored, nothing can change. This is a time for you to visualize yourself, the situation, and everyone involved enveloped in a golden light of goodness and grace. It's important to know that angels of peace are encouraging you to let them bring peace to this situation, Trust the process. ase HEALING ENERGY Your Message Angels are enveloping you in healing energy at this time. They are swirling around you, filling your body, mind, and soul with a soothing and peaceful light. They are guiding you to receive this healing ‘energy and allow your body time to return to its natural state of goodness. Healing is actually an energy that goes beyond the body—it’s the return to a natural and good state. Healing angels are placing their hands upon you and any situations = 54% Healing Energy that may be concerning you at this time. Know that the miracles you are seeking are unfolding before your eyes. You are blessed to receive this card today, because the energy it brings will mend any breakages, wounds, or emotionally raw situations that are troubling your heart. Extended Message If anything in your life is broken or disrupted, this card indicates that healing energy is being brought to it. Your angels want you to know that any prayers ‘or calls for help and support you have sent out have been received and that they are working on the case now. Healing doesn't happen tomorrow, it begins today. So, you are guided to visualize the best and most loving outcome possible in all areas of your life. See angels of light placing their hands ‘upon anything that may be of concern and know. that when you do this, you allow healing energy to unfold in the present moment. a5 Hoty Love Your Message You are blessed to receive this card today, for it shows you are being surrounded by loving energy and the cup of your heart will be filled until it overflows with goodness. The angels who are with. _you now know that at times you can feel unloved and ‘unappreciated and this can block your experience of love and appreciation. The divine energy that is surrounding you at this time is there to help you melt away any blockages so that you can be open 356 Holy Love and receptive to the love and appreciation that you deserve. Your angel guide is encouraging you to view yourself in a loving way and to give yourself permission to be loved. If you have been holding back for a while but are now ready to share the love you have within, this card brings the message that it is safe for you to do so. Extended Message Angels of love are gathering around you in awe and celebration, for you are finally willing to remember how loving and lovable you are, and heaven is guiding you to see that you deserve loving relationships, loving experiences, and loving acceptance from the world around you. This card marks a milestone in your own self-awareness. Ir acknowledges the steps that you have taken to claim your worth and to recognize that you deserve to be loved and respected and to feel good. It also acknowledges a new level of spiritual openness, ‘which draws even more divine love from your angels and the Creator. You are loved beyond your wildest dreams by the power and the presence that created ‘you, and through receiving and acknowledging that love, you will create even more loving experiences in your life, ast HONESTY AND COMMUNICATION Your Message You are being given an opportunity to speak your truth. You have reached a point on your journey where you must be honest with yourself and ail, those around you. If you are holding anything in ‘or feel you need to share something in order to Feel free, Know that your angel guide is encouraging you to act on this now. When you share your 5g Honesty and Communication feelings and speak truthfilly, you draw the support and light of the universe into your heart. If you are in a challenging position and find it difficult communicating what isin your heart, call in angels and ask them to support you. They want you to know that when you speak with honesty, you attract experiences that lovingly reflect who you really are. Extended Message If you feel a person or situation is making you lose 4 sense of yourself or drawing you away from joy, it’ time to speak up and to male sure that you are heard. You are being guided to begin by lovingly connecting with your own heart to home in on and honor what you want for yourself and your life, Take time to reflect on what is important to ‘you, where you want to direct your energy, and what your priorities are for the next phase of your Journey. It may be that you are fighting against the flow and not wanting to admit to yourself that something is holding you back or dampening your spirit. But angels love you and want you to know that honesty is the best policy for you now. a9 INNER CHILD HEALING Your Message ‘The inner child is the part of our psyche that represents our childhood. Everyone, no matter who they are, has had traumatic childhood experiences that may be impacting their life today. And you hhave endured so much in your life, You are a teal survivor. Drawing this card indicates that no ‘matter what has happened, you have found a way forward. You may feel that you have had to grow up quickly and abandon your innocence in order ~ 60 Inner Child Healing to survive, but know that when you reftect, review, and release anything from your childhood that could be holding you back, the next phase of your life will be supported. This isn't about forgetting, but about taking the time to send loving energy to your inner child and to assure them that they do ‘make it through and become the incredible person ‘you are today. Extended Message ‘This card brings radical healing, understanding, and love to your inner child. It shows that your guardian angel is wrapping their loving arms around you right now, nurturing your inner child and encouraging you to unleash your childlike senses. See the world through the eyes of a child. ‘There is so much wonder and opportunity out there. It’s time for some fun! What can you do to feel light? What can you do to express yourself? Have you stopped yourself from doing something, because you feel you're “too old” for it now? It’s time to reclaim your innocence and express yourself in a way that is filled with excitement, wonder, and adventure. It’s time for your inner child to be healed. aoe

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