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Ductility and Hysteresis Model of Steel Column Members

Manabu IKEDA Atsushi ICHIKA

Engineer, Professor, Construction Dept.,
Steel & Hybrid Structure G., Dept. of Civil Engineering, East Japan Railway Company
Structure Technology Development Div. Tokyo Institute of Technology

Akira T AIRA
Engineer, Technical Div.,
Steel & Hybrid Structure G., Central Japan Railway Company
Structure Technology Development Div.

To design steel structures more efficiently, it is necessary to appropriately evaluate the

earthquake resistance performance of steel structures. In this study, we conducted cyclic
loading tests of steel column members and steel frame pier models. Based on the test
results, we investigated a quantitative evaluation method of steel members load carrying
capacity and ductility and their hysteresis property. In addition, we investigated a method
for evaluating earthquake resistance performance of steel rigid frame piers by using a
simple analytical model.

Keywords : Steel column member, Steel rigid frame pier, Ductility, Earthquake resistance
performance, Hysteresis model

1. Introduction N/N y : axial force ratio

The definitions of these parameters refer to reference
The new seismic design code for railway structures 4).
represents a system for checking whether or not the re- A-1 is a specimen with the parameters of existing
sponse values calculated through dynamic analysis sat- standard railway steel rigid frame piers scaled to about
isfy the earthquake resistance performance set in the 1/3rd of the actual size of the structure. A-2 - A-4 are
structure in advance1). The earthquake resistance per- specimens with parameters set so that they have improved
formance of structures evaluated relevant to the dam- earthquake resistance performance compared to A-1.
age level of the members that compose the structure. SM490 was used as the steel of all of the specimens.
The damage level is the index that expresses the degree We applied a constant load in the vertical direction
of damage of the members. In order to conduct such and a cyclic load in the horizontal direction through dis-
evaluations properly, it is necessary to quantitatively placement control. The yield point was defined as the
calculate the bearing capacity and ductility of the mem- point at which strain at the base of the specimen reached
bers. the yield strain obtained from the results of steel mem-
In this study, we investigated methods for setting ber tensile tests. Yield point displacement was set at δy
the damage level of steel members, methods for evaluat- and, thereafter, 2 δy, 3 δy... with 3 cycles of cyclic load-
ing steel member bearing capacity and ductility, meth- ing at each step.
ods for evaluating the earthquake resistance perfor-
mance of steel rigid frame piers and hysteresis models 2. 2. Test results
of steel members based on the results of cyclic loading
tests of column and rigid frame pier specimens 2), 3). As an example of the test results, the horizontal load
(P)-horizontal displacement ( δ) hysteresis curve at the
top of the column of A-3 is shown in Fig. 2. The condi-
2. Steel column member cyclic loading tests tions of specimen damage in positive side are also de-
scribed in Fig. 2. While the damage conditions of the
2. 1 A summary of the tests specimens differed somewhat depending on column pa-
rameters, those for specimens A-2 - A-4 were generally
A summary of the tests is given in Fig. 1 and the speci- as given below. First of all, the edge of the column base
fications of the specimens are shown in Table 1. Param- section showed compressive yield and, slightly before
eters in Table 1 indicate below. reaching maximum load, local buckling occurred in the
Rr : width-thickness ratio parameter of plate panel be- column flange at base side. The load subsequently de-
tween longitudinal stiffeners creased as local buckling progressed and, at the point

λ: slenderness ratio parameter when it decreased to about yield load, cracking occurred
γ/γ* : longitudinal stiffener rigidity ratio parameter at the peak of the local buckling wave.

λs : slenderness ratio parameter of longitudinal stiff- In Fig. 3, the envelope curve of the load (P)-displace-
ener ment (δ) hysteresis loop in the positive side is indicated

QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 3, Oct. ’99 177

Table 1 Steel column specimen parameters


; ;
Specimens h (mm) b f (mm) t f (mm) b w (mm) t w (mm) b s (mm) t s (mm)
A-1 1500 450 8 450 7 43 4.5

A-2 1500 410 12 380 12 - -

A-3 1500 450 9 420 9 75 8
A-4 1500 450 9 420 9 50 4.5

- -
Specimens Rr λ γ/γ* λs N/N y Section type
A-1 0.532 0.197 0.627 0.711 0.20 Stiffened section
A-2 0.604 0.227 - - 0.16 Unstiffened section

A-3 0.464 0.216 3.31 0.295 0.16 Stiffened section
A-4 0.464 0.211 2.92 0.147 0.18 Stiffened section
※ Yield stress...309.2(N/mm 2) [t = 7mm], 305.7(N/mm 2) [t = 8mm], 302.4(N/mm 2) [t = 9mm], 298.4(N/mm2) [t = 12mm], here t : thickness
※ Lateral diaphragm spacing...500mm (A-1 ~ A-3), 250mm (A-4)

Fig. 1 Steel column specimen and loading method
Fig. 2 Horizontal load (P)- horizontal displacement ( δ )
hysteresis curve of A-3

Fig. 3 Non-dimensional P- δ envelope curves Fig. 4 Envelope curve of test results and skelton curve

non-dimensionalized at the yield point. Py and δy means mum bearing capacity is based on references 4)-6); in
the yield point load and displacement respectively. The the tests, however, local buckling was observed at this
following tendencies can be recognized based on Fig. 3. stage and it is possible that bearing capacity could sub-
(1) A-2 - A-4 showed somewhat of an improvement in sequently drop rapidly as local buckling progresses de-
bearing capacity and ductility compared to A-1. pending on column proportions. In addition, this point
(2) A-3, in which Rr is smaller and γ/γ* is greater, dem- essentially corresponds to the point at which there is a
onstrated the most outstanding ductility in the rapid increase in displacement in the vertical direction.
present series of tests with a gentle decrease in bear- Based on these, we set the ultimate point at 95% of maxi-
ing capacity also after the peak. mum load.
It is possible to categorize the steel member damage
level as shown in Table 2 based on the load-displacement
3. The steel column damage level relationship and conditions of specimen damage.

It is possible to create a tri-linear model of the load-

displacement envelope curve in the present tests as indi-
cated in Fig. 4. The setting of the ultimate point as the
point at which the load decreased to 95% of the maxi-

178 QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 3, Oct. ’99

Table 2 Damage level of steel members
Property of load-displacement envelope
Damage level Example of member damage conditions Example of repair methods
Yield at edge side in the section at the
1 No damage No repair
limit point of this level (point Y)
Maximum displacement to retain nearly
2 maximum load (P m) at the limit point of Local Buckling occurrence Repair of local buckling when necessary
this level (point M)
Maximum displacement to retain 0.95P m Local buckling development Repair of local buckling according to its
at the limit point in this level (point N) degree
Local buckling development and, in some Repair or replacement of the damaged
4 After point N
cases, crack occurrence member when necessary

(1) Unstif fened section


(2) Stiffened section

Fig. 5 Comparison of calculated and test results

4. Quantitative evaluation of steel member bearing

capacity and ductility My = My 0 1 – N
We examine calculation methods of the break points θy : θ y = 1 + 3EI ⋅ M y ⋅ θ y 0
2 My 0
of the skeleton curve, especially points M and N. In ex- GAw h
amining calculation methods, we also used the test data
recorded in references 4), 5) due to the small number of (2) Maximum load point (point M)
specimens involved in the results of the present tests.
Based on those results (Fig. 3) and existing research 4), 5), M
Mm : M = 0.0936(R r ⋅ λ ⋅ λs)
m – 0.5
+ 1.12 [stiffened]
the parameters shown in Table 1 are thought to affect y
the bearing capacity and ductility of steel members after Mm
= 0.0690(R r ⋅ λ) + 1.23
– 1.0
the yield point. We then introduced our proposed formu- My [unstiffened]
lae, while referring to references 4)-6), taking into con-
sideration factors that affect bearing capacity and ductil- θ
θm : m = 0.150(R r ⋅ λ ⋅ λs)
– 1.0
+ 2.21 [stiffened]
ity of each parameter. Methods for calculating each break θy
point of the skeleton curve in Fig. 4 are indicated below θm – 3.5
= 0.0288(R r ⋅ λ ) + 1.92 [unstiffened]
along with the relationship between bending moment (M) θy
and member angle of rotation ( θ).
(3) Ultimate point (point N)
(1) Yield point (point Y)
M y : smallest value from the following formulae2) Mn : Mn = 0.95Mm
θ – 1.0
θm : θ = 0.246 (1 + N/N y)R r ⋅ λ ⋅ λs
My 0 + 2.48
My = 1– N 1– N y
0.85 NE Nu [stiffened]

QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 3, Oct. ’99 179

Fig. 6 A steel rigid frame pier specimen and loading Fig. 7 Horizontal load (P)- displacement ( δ ) hysteresis
method curve of the steel rigid frame pier specimen

Table 3 Steel rigid frame pier specimen parameters

Column section Beam section Connection Column parameters rigidity

Bf × t f Bw × t w Bf × t f B w × tw tf / t w Rr λ Kb / Kc
410 × 12 380 × 12 410 × 12 380 × 16 16/16 0.670 0.290 1.16
・Dimension (mm)
・Yield stress...437 (N/mm 2)[t = 9mm], 364 (N/mm 2)[t = 12mm], here t : thickness
・Kb : Flexural rigidity of beam, Kc : Flexural rigidity of column

θn – 3.5
= 0.0471 (1 + N/N y)R r ⋅ λ + 2.94 5. Evaluation of steel rigid frame pier earthquake
resistance performance
Where, 5. 1. A Cyclic loading test of a steel rigid frame pier
My0 : yield moment without the action of axial force specimen
Nu : strength of the central axis compressive column
NE : Euler buckling load of cantilever column In steel railway structures, there are extremely few
θy0 : rotation corresponding to My0 column piers, while, on the other hand, the rigid frame
E : Young’s modulus, G : shear modulus pier is utilized widely. We conducted the cyclic loading
I : cross-sectional secondary moment test using the model steel rigid frame pier specimen. A
Aw : web cross-sectional area summary of the specimen is given in Fig. 6 and the speci-
h : height of the column fications are shown in Table 3. We made the specimens
[Stiffened] and [unstiffened] refer to stiffened and as relatively thick unstiffened sections, assuming a scale
unstiffened sections, respectively. The method of calcu- of about 1/3rd of the actual size of the structure. Since
lation of the maximum load point and ultimate point is column-beam connections in ordinary railway structures
based on the test results and the range of applicability is commonly have haunches, haunch plates are installed on
as indicated below. the inside.

[Stiffened] : 0.3 -< Rr -
< 0.7, 0.2 -
< λ-< 0.5, As indicated in Fig. 6, we applied a constant load in
0.0 -
< N/Ny - < 0.3, γ/γ* -> 1.0 the vertical direction (vertical load that is 0.05 relative

[Unstiffened] : 0.3 - < Rr -
< 0.9, 0.2 -
< λ-< 0.5, to the axial force of the column) and a cyclic load through
0.0 -
< N/N y -
< 0.2 displacement control in the horizontal direction (in-plane
Fig. 5 shows a comparison of the proposed formulae direction), the same as column members, on load beams
and test results for deformation at the time of maximum giving pin support at two points. The yield point was
load and maximum bearing capacity and deformation at considered to be the point which strain measured in the
the ultimate point. Based on Fig. 5, although disparities column reached yield strain.
can be observed to a degree, the proposed formulae are Fig. 7 indicates the load-displacement hysteresis
thought to accurately grasp the affects on bearing capac- curve at the central point of the load beam in cyclic load-
ity and ductility of each parameter. ing. The major damage conditions of the specimen col-
umns are indicated in the diagram.
The degree of specimen damage is as indicated be-
low. The axial direction strain of the flange on the lower
part of the southern column reached compressive yield
strain first. We set this point as 1δy and local buckling

180 QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 3, Oct. ’99

Fig. 9 Pushover analysis result

Fig. 8 A simple analytical model the analysis results generally coincided with the point
at which load decreased to about 95% of the maxi-
then occurred in the column base at about 4 δy, maxi- mum load. The load generally coincided.
mum load was essentially reached at about 5 δy and lo- In the case of rigid frame piers having the same struc-
cal buckling also occurred at the top of the column. Sub- ture parameters as the test specimens, it is thought pos-
sequently, the load gradually decreased as local buckling sible to evaluate the earthquake resistance performance
progressed and, at 8 δy, cracking occurred in the loca- of the structure using the simple analysis model indicated
tions where buckling had occurred in the column base. here.
This relation of load-displacement relationship and de-
gree of specimen damage are thought to be nearly the
same as in column member tests. Damage was concen- 6. Hysteresis models
trated in the column members and no external damage
was recognized in the beam and column-beam connections It is necessary when conducting dynamic analysis to
until the final loading stage. use a hysteresis model appropriately expressing the hys-
teresis characteristics of the member.
5. 2. Pushover analysis using a simple analysis model Models capable of analysis with good precision as far
as the post-peak zone after maximum load have been pro-
We conducted pushover analysis using a simple analy- posed as steel member hysteresis models 4), 7). These mod-
sis model and compared it to the load-displacement enve- els, however, are not incorporated in universal analysis
lope line in the test results. As indicated in Fig. 8, we software. Since the decline in unloading stiffness is
developed the analysis model with linear beam members thought to be small at the point at which the load de-
and beam elements with non-linear stiffness springs at creases to 95% of maximum load, we examined standard
the end of column members, taking into consideration the hysteresis models in which unloading stiffness was
damage conditions in the tests. The skeleton curve of the equivalent to initial stiffness. We examined 2 standard
member hysteresis model was formed as a tri-linear models without unloading stiffness decrease, one in which
model, as indicated in Fig. 4. The break points of the the skeleton curve is bi-linear and the other in which it is
skeleton curve were calculated based on the procedures tri-linear. The standard bi-linear model is a model that
presented in section 4 (Quantitative evaluation of steel has a bi-linear skeleton curve (Fig. 10) directed from the
member bearing capacity and ductility) above. In addi- point at which the yield point is extended by 1.3 times to
tion, regarding the column members, since the axial force the point at which the load decreases to 95% of maximum
fluctuated, we set the interaction curve of bending mo- load. The setting of this break point takes into account
ment and axial force, taking their affects into account. the fact that bearing capacity also increases a certain
Fig. 9 shows a comparison of the results of pushover degree at about initial stiffness after the yield point (Fig.
analysis and the envelope curve in the test results. The 3). The standard tri-linear model basically has a skel-
points that are labeled as damage level limiting points 1, eton curve in which the break points are joined as indi-
2 and 3 in the diagram indicate the points at which col- cated in Fig. 11; however, we set the load of break point 2
umn members reached the limiting points in the push- at 95% of maximum load and the gradient thereafter at
over analysis. In addition, the damage that appeared zero.
earliest in the envelope line is also indicated. The follow- Fig. 11 shows a comparison of the load-displacement
ing tendencies were recognized based on Fig. 9. hysteresis curve in the test results for A-3 and the hys-
(1) The displacement at damage level limiting point 2 in teresis model. Fig. 11 also shows a comparison with ac-
the analysis results essentially coincided with the cumulated hysteresis absorption capacity (area included
displacement at the maximum load point in the tests. within the load-displacement hysteresis curve). Based
The load was somewhat smaller than that in the test on Fig. 10, if we include the point at which the load de-
results. creases to 95% of maximum load, the bearing capacity is
(2) The displacement at damage level limiting point 3 in underestimated with the standard bi-linear model, though

QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 3, Oct. ’99 181

1000 P(kN) 1000 P(kN)
800 800 test
600 3 bi-linear model

400 2.5 tri-linear model
200 200 2
Ǭ(mm) Ǭ(mm)
0 0
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40 1.5
-200 -200
-400 -400
-600 0.5
-800 test test
-800 0
calculation calculation 0 10 20 30
-1000 -1000 Ǭ(mm)

(1) Bi-linear model (2) Tri-linear model

Tri-linear (3) Accumulated hysteresis
absorption capacity ( Σ E)
Fig. 11 Comparison of test results and calculations of load-displacement hysteresis curve

8. Acknowledgement

We would like to express our appreciation to Prof.

Usami of Nagoya University, who offered many sugges-
tions as well as valuable test data for this research, and
to Mr. Yasunami, Mr. Terada and Mr. Tominaga of Nippon
Steel Corp., who were also very helpful and gave us vari-
ous suggestions.
This research was conducted as a part of the Surveys
and Research for the Development of Basic Railway Tech-
Fig. 10 Skelton curve of bi-linear model nology commissioned by the Ministry of Transportation.

hysteresis absorption capacity is essentially equivalent.

The standard tri-linear model is incapable of expressing References
the swelling of the hysteresis loop at the time of reload
and there is a tendency to underestimate. It is therefore 1) Railway Technical Research Institute : Earthquake
thought possible to use these standard models in dynamic resistant design standard for railway structures
analysis as long as the ultimate point is set as the point (draft), 1998.11
at which load decreases to 95% of maximum load. 2) Ikeda, M., Ichikawa, A., Yamada, M., Taira, A. and
Yasuhara, M. : “Study on Ductility and Hysteresis
Model of Steel Column Members”, RTRI report, pp.29-
7. Conclusion 34, Vol.13, No.4, 1999.4
3) Yamada, M., Ichikawa, A., Ikeda, M. and Yasuhara,
Our conclusions are given below. M. : “Test of Seismic performance of Steel Rigid Frame
(1) From the results of cyclic loading tests of the steel Piers”, RTRI report, pp.47-52, Vol.13, No.4, 1999.4
column members, ductility is improved by reducing 4) Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Committee of New
the width-thickness ratio and enlarging the longitu- Technologies for Steel Structures : Proposal of
dinal stiffener rigidity ratio. Aseismic Design Code of Steel Bridge and New Tech-
(2) Based on the load-displacement relationship in the nologies of Aseismic Design, 1996.5
results of the cyclic loading tests and the conditions 5) Suzuki, M. and Usami, T. : “Basic study on the be-
of specimen damage, the steel member damage level havior of steel piers during severe earthquake”, NUCE
was divided into 4 steps. Research Report, 1997.3
(3) We added the test data conducted by other organiza- 6) Gee, H., Shengbin and Usami, T. : “Nonlinear analy-
tions to the results of the present tests and proposed sis and ductility evaluation of stiffened box-sectional
formulae for steel member bearing capacity and duc- steel bridge piers”, Proceeding of Nonlinear Numeri-
tility. cal Analysis and Seismic Design of Steel Bridge Piers,
(4) It is possible to evaluate the earthquake resistance pp. 81-94, 1997.5
performance of steel rigid frame piers using the simple 7) Kindaichi, T., Usami, T. and Kumar, S. : “A Hyster-
analysis model described in this paper. esis model based on damage index for steel bridge
(5) It is possible to use standard models for steel mem- piers”, Journal of Structural Engineering, pp.667-678,
ber hysteresis models when conducting dynamic Vol. 44A, 1998.3

182 QR of RTRI, Vol. 40, No. 3, Oct. ’99

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