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Course Code : MPU4.1

Course Name : Community Service (Group 2)
Lecturer : Kasturi A/P Krishnan
Academic Session : April 2020
Assessment Title : Individual Reflective Journal
Submission Due Date : July 19th 2020

Prepared by : Student ID Student Name

ACC1909824 Stephanie

Date Received :

Feedback from Lecturer:


Own Work Declaration

I/We hereby understand my/our work would be checked for plagiarism or other
misconduct, and the softcopy would be saved for future comparison(s).

I/We hereby confirm that all the references or sources of citations have been correctly
listed or presented and I/we clearly understand the serious consequence caused by any
intentional or unintentional misconduct.

This work is not made on any work of other students (past or present), and it has not
been submitted to any other courses or institutions before.


Date: July 16th 2020


A. Introduction

My name is Stephanie, I am a student of Xiamen University

Malaysia from Indonesia majoring in Accounting. This is my
first year here in Xiamen University Malaysia. Unfortunately,
the entire world is currently facing a truly huge pandemic of
COVID-19. As a matter of fact, it is not only the virus itself that
spreads very quickly, but also misinformation about the
outbreak, thus creating panic in the community. Through this project, our group,
HOVANE, has set up social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram and manages
them to provide clearer information about COVID-19. In our posts, you will find
factual news about how Malaysia is currently fighting the spread of this virus, as well
as our efforts to raise public awareness about this pandemic. This is in line with the
meaning of our group name, which stands for Hope, Vaccine, and Earth. Through
what I have prepared as a content creator, I hope that every knowledge and messages
that our group has presented throughout this semester could give new hope to many
people around us, and at the same time provide sufficient information to raise
awareness about the importance of protecting the Earth as the temporary vaccine.

B. Skills Learnt

Community Service has given us a lot of new experiences and very interesting
ways of learning. Not only it is rewarding for ourselves, but it is also beneficial to
others. It is no surprise that projects like this bring a lot of benefits, especially for us
who participate directly in this activity. Here, I have stated 10 skills and values that I
have learned and experienced from organizing this project.

1. Leadership skills

In our department, we usually divide our tasks each week on who will be in
charge of leading the entire group's work. This way, the members could
experience being a leader even only for one or two weeks. Placing members in
roles of great responsibility allows us to prepare ourselves in delegating and
directing the tasks well and helping our team members in doing the job. As we


master these skills, we will be ready to be leaders and help our coworkers in the

2. Timeliness

This project requires us to conduct group meetings at least twice a week. These
meetings start at a defined or appointed time. Being on time is very important in these
meetings. If we are late, we will miss some important information which will be very
detrimental to ourselves and other members of the group. The same thing in the
workplace, being late will interfere with our work. Also, it could reduce the trust of
other people, including our boss and colleagues, towards us.

3. Time management

As a content creator, every week we should come up with various creative and
innovative ideas for different topics for each week. Around the same time, we still
have other assignments from different subjects that we have taken, which requires us
to learn how to properly manage our time so that we can finish all our jobs neatly and


Managing time effectively requires us to know what needs to be prioritized, and at

the same time, we need to figure out the best way to accomplish those tasks. Having
so much work to do in a week is very usual in the workplace, which is why it is very
important to prepare ourselves from now on.

4. Communication skills

Being in a team with friends from many different countries and backgrounds gives
us the opportunity to enhance our communication skills. Moreover, we can also
increase our knowledge of various foreign languages. It is really good for our future
career paths and will help us in the long-run.

Making friends with people from other countries with different cultures makes it
easier for us to continue to build relationships with many people. It can also improve
our skills in building networks with people from other parts of the world. In addition,
we can also have access to a much more diverse community, which will bring a very
huge benefit for our future jobs.


5. Teamwork skills

Every people have their own styles of doing and managing their jobs. This is why
it is important for us to learn and search for experiences of working with many kinds
of people. Lack of experience in dealing with various people can cause problems such
as miscommunication, inconvenience at work, etc.

We will need this kind of skill, especially in dealing with a variety of managers in
the workplace. We should be able to adjust ourselves to the different management
styles they offer. Adjusting with different types of people will create a nice
environment in the workplace that will help us to do our work to the fullest.

6. Problem Solving

We have faced many problems and obstacles in doing this project, especially
when we are unable to meet and work together with each other because of the current
situation. The obstacles we face today will be different from those we encounter on
our job in the future, but through these experiences, we could learn how to adapt
quickly to overcome the challenges. Later in the workplace, we will find it easier to
solve problems and will be prepared for whatever might come in our way.


7. Professionalism

Doing this kind of project allows us to participate in other projects and activities
which maybe we have never had the chance to take up. It is a great opportunity for us
to develop new skills, or even discover our hidden talents and abilities. Once we can
develop and make use of our skills and talents well, we will be able to do every job in
the future to the maximum.

8. Confidence

Having a group project with numerous friends from many different countries
boost my confidence in socializing with new people. Not only fostering a sense of
confidence in social interactions, but it also makes us even more confident to speak in
public and express our opinions. Stepping out of our comfort zone might be scary at
the time, but in the process, we will become more confident in facing the future
world, especially in the changing environment of our future workplace.


9. Following instructions

Being a member of a project with leaders in the group keeps us to stay on track by
following their guidance. It is an important thing to learn because obeying others,
especially our superiors will lead to smooth work. Trusting and following the
direction from the leaders doesn’t mean we are lower than them. Obedience is just
important for the employees so that they will always be in the right way without
deviating from the original plan, that way they will achieve the goals and objectives
of the company effectively.

10. Creativity

Through these kinds of community services, creativity can be refined and

developed. Especially for my department which is content creator, we are required to
come up with lots of different topics each week to be served to our followers.
Creativity affects how we work. With the ability to think creatively out the box, we
are more likely to discover new innovative and unique solutions to overcome
problems. This eagerness to solve problems can lead to new ways to accomplish tasks
effectively in our future workplace.


C. Feedbacks

I have absolutely learned a lot from this experience. However, it does not rule out
the possibility that there will be some problems that we have to go through during this
process. In my opinion, I am satisfied enough with all of my group’s work during this
project. Overall, I have seen that almost all of my team members really put their
hearts into their tasks to come up with the best outcomes. Especially when I see how
members of my department work, they prepared their best ideas for each week’s
contents to be shared to the public. We also helped each other to come up with the
best and creative ideas possible, and I really appreciate all of their work and help for

I also want to appreciate my team members’ supportive efforts. Especially when it

comes to giving likes, comments, and sharing our posts in social media to each of
their friends. That way, it helps in increasing the number of likes and approaches of
the community from various aspects.

One more thing I want to highlight from how my department work is that we
divide our roles of becoming the topic leader in turn to give everyone the opportunity
to be able to experience and improve their leadership skills and their confidence. So in
my opinion, our work is beneficial for every one of us in this department.

I also want to appreciate our team leader and all of the HODs in our group. They
have worked and communicated so well that all work can be well and smoothly
directed without much miscommunication. This is why our weekly projects and
contents can be posted and published smoothly without many obstacles.

However, there were some members that I see didn’t do their best throughout this
project, creating some difficulties in the process and eventually burdening the others.
But thanks to the HODs who have worked extra hard so we don’t have to delay our
work and every posts are successfully published as expected. But overall, I feel that
our teamwork is praiseworthy and I’m very proud and satisfied with all the work that
we have done together through this semester.


D. Conclusion

In conclusion, I think I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to experience

and learn a lot of things through this community service. I think it is one of the best
and effective way to hone our skills and abilities to be able to face the future world.
This project provides many benefits for both students and the community and
therefore, it is beneficial to continue this kind of project in the upcoming semesters.

E. Turnitin Report


Criteria Goo Average Needs Improvement Poor
d 5-4 3 2 1
Reflections Ability to proficiently demonstrate Showing satisfactory ability Includes description of Only includes mere
Ability to integrate reflection and deep thinking of to relate acquired events, and a little further descriptions of theoretical
learning into real- acquired knowledge and concepts, knowledge to previous consideration behind the knowledge; no reflection is
world experiences and integrate them into different experiences; demonstrating events using a relatively demonstrated beyond the
and analyze issues issues from wide range of attempt to analyze the descriptive style of descriptions
with a critical perspectives (e.g. different contexts, issues from a number of language; no evidence
attitude cultures, disciplines etc.); creative different perspectives of using multiple
solutions and critical thinking skills perspectives in analysing
demonstrated in the writing the issues

Presentation: Writing is well-focused; arguments or Arguments or perspectives Arguments or perspectives Do not show any original
Articulation and perspectives are precisely defined are clearly stated; are vaguely mentioned; thinking or perspectives;
organization of and explained; coherent flow in organized flow in writing the writing lacked an chaotic in organization and
ideas and developing an insightful idea but not deep enough to organized flow and the presentation of ideas
perspectives demonstrated be ideas were hard to follow
very insightful
Completeness: Concrete connections between Journal entries can be Weak connections No connections between
Incorporation of the journal entries into a whole; generally connected; still between journal entries; journal entries; The entries
journal entries into a demonstrating clear steps in the able to observe how the development gained from are mere descriptions of
whole, demonstration developmental learning process student develops during the learning process is events rather than showing a
of the learning process the learning process hardly observed sequence of learning steps
Feelings and Feelings and thoughts are revealed Feelings and thoughts are Feelings and thoughts are None of your feelings and
Thoughts in all of the entries. revealed in most entries. revealed in a few of the thoughts are revealed in any
entries. of the entries.
Format The proper format has been followed The proper format has been The proper format has been The proper format has not
for all of the entries. followed for most of the followed for a few of the been followed for any of the
All element presented in creative entries. entries. entries.
way with at least 2 appropriate All element presented in All element presented with There is no pictures in some
pictures creative way with at least 1 at least 2 appropriate of the elements.
appropriate picture pictures but presented not
in a creative way
Mechanics All entries use correct spelling and Most of the entries use Few of the entries use None of the entries use
grammar. correct spelling and correct spelling and correct spelling and
grammar. grammar. grammar.
Creativity Creative and unique. Lots of effort Ordinary assignment The project looks as if it was Lack of creativity. Shows little
demonstrated. Shows that much without much creativity. put together in a hurry. Still or no effort.
effort went into it. Looks complete an needs quite a bit of work,
interesting. just doesn't look done. Full
of errors, parts don't work as
Requirements The student wrote 10 or The student wrote The student wrote less The student wrote either
more elements and less than 10 than 10 elements but not less than 10 elements
relate to the future elements, relate all all element relate to the and all element not
career and 5 or more element to the future future career; and wrote relate to the future
feedbacks on their career, and wrote 5 less than 5 or less career and wrote less
project. AND or less feedback on feedback on their project. than 5 feedbacks on
Turnitin 0-5%. their project. AND AND Turnitin 11-20% their project. AND Turnitin
Turnitin 6-10% more than 20%


 Turnitin
o The marks will be marked by half if students FAIL TO ATTACH THE TURNITIN REPORT
 Journal Submission (TURNITIN)
o 2 marks will be deducted if students use MORE THAN ONE ACCOUNT
o 2 marks will be deducted if students DO NOT USE UNIVERSITY’S EMAIL


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