Soal Ujian Akhir Semester Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Estu Utomo Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan

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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris IV

Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 30 Juni 2021
Waktu : 16.10-17.30
Dosen : Endang Sulistyorini, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Nama. : Dewi Hastuti
NIM. : 22020089

Choose the correct answer for each number!

1. Which one is the expression in ‘promoting hygiene’?

A. I want to check your blood pressure.
B. The nurse makes up bed.
C. The nurse provides the bedpan/urinal.
D. I write the report.
E. I have applied infusion.

2. Which one is the expression in ‘nursing documentation’?

A. Lifting the patients
B. Giving injection
C. Moving patient to a wheelchair
D. Making a progress report
E. Caring the patients

3. The part of the body for smelling is . . . .

A. eyes
B. ears
C. nose
D. hands
E. tongue

4. On the inside of the upper body are the . . . for pumping blood and the lung for breathing.
A. stomach
B. heart
C. kidney
D. chest
E. breast

5. For biting, we use . . . .

A. lips
B. tongue
C. mouth
D. throat
E. teeth

6. The top of the leg is called the . . . , and the joint in the middle of the leg is the knee.
A. thigh
B. calf
C. foot
D. ankle
E. toes

7. The opposite of chest is . . . .

A. back
B. neck
C. stomach
D. shoulder
E. legs

8. The part of the body below chest is . . . .

A. thigh
B. stomach
C. waist
D. leg
E. knee

9. Look at the picture!

What is pointed with an arrow?
A. hand
B. finger
C. wrist
D. arm
E. nail

10. Look at the picture!

What is pointed with an arrow?
A. arm
B. shoulder
C. wrist
D. elbow
E. hand

11. Look at the picture!

My son is taking a rest now. He gets . . . .
A. headache
B. eye sore
C. sore throat
D. fever
E. high blood pressure

12. Look at the picture!

What is the suitable expression?
A. He has stomachache.
B. He has headache.
C. He has chest pain.
D. He feels so painful.
E. His hands are injured.
13. Look at the picture!
What is the suitable expression?
A. She gets flu.
B. She has fever.
C. Her neck was injured
D. Her neck is so painful.
E. He has got sore throat.

14. He . . . his knee playing hockey.

A. injured
B. throbbed
C. itched
D. irritated
E. ached

15. My headache faded to a dull. . . .

A. injuring
B. aching
C. itching
D. swelling
E. throbbing

16. Three people were killed and five . . . in the crash.

A. throbbed
B. injured
C. itched
D. ached
E. painful

17. She is Jeanny. She is 3 years old. She has a rash and a fever. She has swollen glands and
painful joints. She has just taken antibiotics.
What kind of health problem she has?
A. She seems to have Aspirin poisoning.
B. She seems to have mumps.
C. She may have allergy to antibiotics.
D. She seems to have German measles.
E. She may have Scarlet fever.

18. The next patient is Mark. He is 5 years old. His symptoms are a fever and painful swelling of
the glands below his ear.
What is about the diagnose?
A. Influenza
B. Mumps
C. Scarlet fever
D. German measles
E. Chinckenpox

19. Bobby is 10 years old. His symptoms are a fever, painful swallowing, swelling of the throat
and a sore throat. What kind of health problem he has?
A. Mumps
B. Tonsillitis
C. Chickenpox
D. Diphtheria
E. Influenza

20. It is one of the medical equipment. It is a frame-work of poles, canvas, etc. used for carrying
a sick, injured or wounded person.
What is it called?
A. Stretcher
B. Wheelchair
C. Crutch
D. Walker
E. Cane

21. What is sling?

A. It is a triangular metal that is used for helping patient sit or stand.
B. It is a triangular piece of cloth attached around the neck, used for supporting a broken
C. It is a strip of material used for binding round a wound or injury.
D. It is a strip of wood, etc. bound to an arm, leg, etc. used for keeping a broken bone in the
right position.
E. It is a flat piece of wood, metal, etc. with raised edges, used for holding light articles or
carrying things.

22. It is device used for stopping bleeding twisting something tightly against an artery.
What is it?
A. tourniquet
B. stethoscope
C. stretcher
D. crutch
E. forceps

23. For removing liquid from the body or site of operation is needed . . . . .
A. splint
B. drains
C. bandage
D. probe
E. catheter

24. What is the function of stethoscope?

A. For testing a person’s eyesight
B. For listening to the beating of the heart, sounds of breathing, etc.
C. For scraping the inside of an organ.
D. For measuring temperature.
E. For measuring blood pressure filled with mercury.

25. Scalpel is . . . .
A. a small sharp pointed knife used in surgery.
B. a scissor like instrument used to hold and pull something during medical treatment.
C. a blunt-ended surgical instrument for exploring a wound.
D. an instrument used to put another instrument handling forceps.
E. a long spoon which is used for scraping the inside organ.
26. What is the function of microscope?
A. It is used for looking into a patient’s ears.
B. It is equipment that makes small things appear larger than they are.
C. It is equipment for listening to a person’s heart and lungs.
D. It is a device that measures a person’s weight.
E. It is an instrument used to check a person’s body temperature.

27. Nurse :.....................?

Patient : I feel pain around my chest.
A. Can you show me where your pain is
B. Does your chest feel painful
C. Can you describe your pain
D. Have you taken medicine for your pain
E. Have you ever gone to doctor because your chest is painful

28. Nurse : On a scale of zero to ten, with ten is the worst, .. . . .

Mr. X : It’s seven, Nurse. It’s very bad..
A. What do you feel right now?
B. Where is the pain exactly?
C. Show me where it is.
D. How would you rate the pain?
E. How often does the pain come?

29. Which is the expression for asking “current pain medication”?

A. Did you take any medicine for your pain?
B. Show me where the pain is?
C. Do you know the cause of your pain?
D. Why do you feel that?
E. What is the pain like?

30. Which is the expression for asking “frequency of pain”?

A. How many do you take the medicine?
B. Point at the pain you feel?
C. Why do you feel that?
D. How often do you feel the pain?
E. Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching?

31. What does respiration mean?

A. phlegm
B. puffer
C. breathing
D. breathing in
E. breathing out

32. What does expiration mean?

A. breathing
B. breathing in
C. breathing out
D. breathlessness
E. short of breath
33. What is the medical word of breathlessness?
A. sputum
B. expectorate
C. inhaler for drugs
D. expiration
E. dyspnea

34. What is the medical word of phlegm?

A. dyspnoea
B. sputum
C. expectorate
D. inhaler for drugs
E. respiration

35. Translate into English!

Silahkan lengan bajunya digulung ke atas!
A. Please, roll your sleeves.
B. Please, lie down.
C. Slip off your top things, please.
D. Please, take a deep breath.
E. Unbutton your shirt, please.

36. Translate into Indonesian!

I am going to insert this thermometer into your armpit.
A. Saya akan memasukkan thermometer ke mulut anda.
B. Saya akan memasukkan thermometer ke ketiak anda.
C. Saya akan memasukkan thermometer ke anus anda.
D. Saya akan mengukur suhu anda dengan thermometer.
E. Saya akan mengukur tekanan darah anda.

This text is for number 37 - 40

Nurse : Good evening, Miss Catalina.
Patient : Good evening, nurse.
Nurse : Miss Catalina, your physician told me that you have a diarrhea. It’s time for
me to explain the food that is good for your health. You’d better consume
protein rich substance like skimmed milk, white of an egg, and buttermilk are
helpful. Easily digested carbohydrates, soft vegetables not with much of
cellulose can be consumed. Diarrhea may result in loss of fluids and
electrolytes. They must be replenished orally or in emergency intravenously.
You’d better consume salted biscuits, fruit juices and oral electrolyte solutions.
They will be helpful. Consuming skimmed milk and buttermilk are helpful, but
if diarrhea is due to milk allergy, milk is to be avoided. You are prohibited to
eat deep fry, spicy foods, chutney, and pickles. You have to avoid salad and
sweets. You have to restrict yourself to eat dry fruits and cellulose containing
food. Consuming fats will worsen your condition, because fats may aggravate
the diarrhea. Fats will not be absorbed when there is intestinal hurry.

37. What is the nurse doing?

A. She wants to check the patient’s condition.
B. She wants to measure the blood pressure.
C. She is explaining the good food for patient’s health.
D. She wants to check the patient’s temperature.
E. She wants to count the patient’s pulse.

38. What food should the patient consume to increase fluids and electrolytes?
A. fruit juices
B. dry fruit
C. deep fry food
D. chutney
E. pickles

39. The patient should consume protein rich substance such as . . . .

A. soft vegetables and sweets
B. salad and white of an egg
C. buttermilk and salad
D. skimmed milk and deep fry
E. skimmed milk and butter milk

40. What kind of food must the patient restrict?

A. salad and sweets
B. dry fruits
C. spicy food
D. skimmed milk
E. peep fry and chutney

41. You should . . . to consume carbohydrate.

A. to reduce
B. reduce
C. reduced
D. reducing
E. reduces

42. Patient : . . . . . . . . . . . .?
Nurse : You are not allowed to drink it because it can worsen your health condition.
A. I want to drink carbonated drink.
B. May I consume carbonated drink.
C. Can you give me carbonated drink.
D. I like drinking carbonated drink.
E. Do you like to drink carbonated drink.

43. Nurse : . . . . . . . . . . . .?
Patient : I would like to have carrot soup for my lunch.
A. What would you like to order for your lunch?
B. Do you like eating carrot soup?
C. You can order carrot soup for your lunch.
D. I think carrot soup is better for you.
E. My favorite lunch is carrot soup.

44. May I . . . more rice?

A. consume
B. consumes
C. consumed
D. consuming
E. have consume

45. You should . . . to consume carbohydrate.

A. to reduce
B. reduce
C. reduced
D. reducing
E. can reduce

46. Consuming deep fried food will . . . the cholesterol rate.

A. aggravate
B. worsen
C. increase
D. order
E. start

47. Translate the following sentence into English.

Anda harus menghindari makanan yang terlalu banyak lemak.
A. You should avoid eating deep fried food.
B. You have to avoid eating too much fat food.
C. You must not eat spicy food.
D. You must not restrict too much fat food.
E. You are allowed to consume too much fat food.

48. Nurse : . . . . . . . . . . .?
Patient : Yes. I have allergic to seafood.
A. Do you like eating seafood
B. What meal don’t you like
C. Enjoy the seafood
D. Which seafood do you like
E. Are you allergic to specific food

49. The medication is by rubbing of ointment or oil into the skin.

What way of giving medication is it?
A. Medication by inunctions
B. Medication by inhalation
C. Medication by dropper
D. Medication by infection
E. Rectal medication

50. A tablet is placed under patient’s tongue until tablet dissolve.

What medication is it?
A. Rectal medication
B. Oral medication
C. Sublingual medication
D. Medication by injection
E. Medication by inunctions

51. What does q.i.d mean?

A. four times a day
B. three times a day
C. twice a day
D. when necessary
E. once every two hours

52. What does p.r.n mean?

A. twice a day
B. three times a day
C. four times a day
D. when necessary
E. before meals
53. What is the abbreviation of after meal?
A. p.c
B. p.o
C. a.c
D. p.r.n
E. t.i.d

54. What is the abbreviation of orally (through the mouth)?

A. a.c
B. p.c
C. p.o
E. 2 hrly

This text is for number 55 – 57

A doctor gave a prescription to a 65-year old school teacher
with osteoarthritis of the left hip.
Tab. Naproxen 250 mg
Mitte 100
Sig 1 tab t.i.d.

55. How often should the tablets be taken?

A. Once a day
B. Twice a day
C. Three times a day
D. Four times a day
E. When necessary

56. How many should the tablets be given?

A. 100
B. 250
C. 1
D. 50
E. 3

57. How many tablets should the patient be taken in a time?

A. 3
B. 1
C. 250
D. 100
E. 65

58. Patient : Excuse me nurse, how often should I take the medicine?
Nurse :........
A. Please take these tablets after meals
B. Please take this medicine three times a day
C. The doctor has given you the medicine.
D. You just need a tablet.
E. Please take these tablets before meals

59. Nurse : ....................?

Patient : Yes. I have taken medicine to relieve my headache.
A. Do you buy medicine in shop
B. Will you get the medicine for your headache
C. Have you taken medicine to relieve my headache
D. The doctor will give you prescription to buy medicine in drugstore.
E. How often have you taken the medicine
60. A small boy in pediatric ward is crying and touching his stomach.
How does the nurse share the observation to the patient?
A. You seem to have problem with your stomach.
B. You must like to eat spicy food.
C. You seem not to have a meal.
D. You look uncomfortable.
E. Your stomach looks hungry.

61. A patient is lying on a bed. Her eyes indicate a blank stare.

How does the nurse share the observation to the patient?
A. May I help you?
B. You seem to have eyesore.
C. Can you see me clearly?
D. You look depressed. You seem to spend hours daydreaming.
E. You seem to have a problem with your eyes.

62. Nurse : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
Patient : It started yesterday after swimming in the beach, I didn’t apply any lotion over
my skin. My skin is very sensitive to sunshine.
Nurse : Yes. I feel hot and tender around my arm and my back.
A. Do you have a problem with your skin?
B. Your skin looks reddish.
C. May I help you?
D. Can you tell me your problem?
E. May I examine your skin?

63. Nurse : Why do look . . . ?

Patient : I am afraid with the result of my blood examination.
A. happy
B. better
C. stiff
D. sad
E. tense

64. Nurse : Do you seem uncomfortable when. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?

Patient : Yes, you are right. I have trouble with my knee.
A. moving your arm
B. moving your hand
C. walking
D. changing your clothes
E. seating

65. Nurse : You look uncomfortable with your . . . .

Patient : I have just eaten spicy fried rice.
A. legs
B. position
C. chest
D. stomach
E. vision

66. Nurse : You seem to have a problem with . …

Patient : Yes. I have ever had double vision.
A. teeth
B. eyes
C. ears
D. nose
E. hand

67. Nurse : Do you seem uncomfortable when. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?

Patient : Yes, you are right. I couldn’t elevate my arm since two days ago.
A. walking
B. changing your clothes
C. moving your arm
D. moving your head
E. moving your leg

68. Patient : ……………………………………………….

Nurse’s response : Do you say that you have difficulty breathing?
A. Nurse, can you help me?
B. Nurse, why do I get difficulty in breathing?
C. Nurse, I have a problem with my breathing.
D. Nurse, my breathing becomes worse.
E. Nurse, I get difficulty in breathing.

69. Patient : I have taken pill, but it doesn’t relieve my headache.

Nurse’ expression :............... .........
A. What do you feel with your head?
B. Do you have with your head?
C. Have you taken your pill to relieve your headache?
D. Do you mean you still have headache?
E. I think it should be better if you have taken your pill.

70. Patient :............... .........

Nurse’ expression : I’m sorry I didn’t quite follow you. Did you mean that you have painful
A. I never follow you.
B. I have a painful urination.
C. I have painful periods.
D. I have sore throat.
E. I have a painful bowel motion.

71. Patient :...........................

Response : Do you mean none your relatives visits you?
A. I don’t have any relatives.
B. None of my relatives visits me.
C. My relatives do not live here.
D. My relatives don’t care of me.
E. I only have a relative.

72. Patient : I sprained my ankle.

Nurse : …………………………………….
A. When did you feel it the first time?
B. How long have you got sprained your ankle?
C. Can you describe your pain?
D. I am sorry I don’t quite follow you. You said you sprained your ankle.
E. Is your ankle better right now?

73. Patient’s expression : Nurse, the medication makes me feel nausea.

Nurse’s response : ………………………………………………..
A. Does the medication cause you nausea?
B. Do you say that this medication causes you feeling nausea?
C. Do you feel nausea after taking this medication?
D. What do you feel after the medication?
E. Why does the medication make me feel nausea?

74. Case : I have a painful bowel motion.

Nurse’s expression : ……………………………….
A. Do you mean that you’ve a problem with your bowel motion?
B. Do you have a problem with your bowel motion?
C. How long have you got your bowel motion problem?
D. Have you taken medicine for your bowel motion problem?
E. Do you do your bowel motion regularly?

75. Case : I have sore throat.

Nurse’s expression : ……………………………….
A. You have a problem with your throat.
B. I will examine your throat.
C. Have you consumed any medicine for your sore throat?
D. Do you say that you get sore throat?
E. Have you ever had sore throat before?

76. The examination skill by listening to sounds produced by the body is called . . . .
A. inspection
B. palpation
C. percussion
D. auscultation
E. calculation

77. Inspection is examination skills to detect normal characteristic of patient’s body by . . . .

A. listening to sounds produced by the body
B. visual examination
C. giving gentle pressure
D. giving deep pressure using hand
E. tapping the body with the fingertips

78. Checking the tender areas with her hand is one of example of . . . .
A. percussion
B. auscultation
C. inspection
D. alteration
E. palpation

79. What is the examination skill that used to evaluate the size, borders, and consistency of body
organs and discover fluids in body cavities?
A. percussion
B. measurement
C. auscultation
D. examination
E. inspection

80. The main activity of palpation is . . . .

A. observing the visual
B. listening sound from the body
C. giving deep pressure by hand
D. tapping the body by finger
E. measuring orally

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