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Prepared by: Engr. Jan Nathan A.

▪ Angles measured are classified as either horizontal or vertical.
▪ In surveying, directions are given by azimuths and bearings.
▪ Sexagesimal System / English System – based on degrees, minutes, and seconds
▪ Centesimal System / French System – based on gradians
▪ International System (SI) – based on radians
▪ Angular Mil – based on milliradians

1rev = 360° = 2π = 400grads = 6400mils

▪ The direction of a line is defined by a horizontal angle between the line and an arbitrary
chosen reference line called a meridian.
▪ Types of meridians:
1. Geographic (True)
2. Magnetic
3. Grid
4. Assumed
▪ Geographic Meridian – north-south
reference line that passes through a
mean position of the Earth’s
geographic poles.
▪ Magnetic Meridian – defined by a freely
suspended needle that is only
influenced by the Earth’s magnetic
▪ Grid Meridian – a fixed line of reference
parallel to the central meridian of a
system of plane rectangular
▪ Assumed Meridian – established by merely
assigning any arbitrary direction.
▪ True North – north point of the true meridian.
▪ Magnetic North – established by means of a magnetic compass needle when there are no
local attractions affecting it.
▪ Grid North – north point which is established by lines on map which are parallel to a
selected central meridian.
▪ Assumed North – used to portray the location of any arbitrary chosen north point.
▪ Bearings – the acute horizontal angle
between a reference meridian and
the line
- observed from either north or
south toward the east or west
▪ Azimuths – horizontal angles observed
clockwise from any reference
- observed from either north or
south toward the east or west
- to avoid confusion, it is necessary
to state in the field notes what
reference meridian applies for
azimuths and whether they are
observed from north or south
▪ Complete the table by converting the given angle to its equivalent value in the other
systems of unit.

Sexagesimal (deg) Centesimal (grad) SI (rad) Angular Mil (mil)

▪ Complete the table by converting the given angle to its equivalent value in the other
systems of unit.

Sexagesimal (deg) Centesimal (grad) SI (rad) Angular Mil (mil)

36 40 π/5 640
▪ Complete the table by converting the given angle to its equivalent value in the other
systems of unit.

Sexagesimal (deg) Centesimal (grad) SI (rad) Angular Mil (mil)

36 40 π/5 640
90 100 π/2 1600
▪ Complete the table by converting the given angle to its equivalent value in the other
systems of unit.

Sexagesimal (deg) Centesimal (grad) SI (rad) Angular Mil (mil)

36 40 π/5 640
90 100 π/2 1600
180 200 π 3200
▪ Complete the table by converting the given angle to its equivalent value in the other
systems of unit.

Sexagesimal (deg) Centesimal (grad) SI (rad) Angular Mil (mil)

36 40 π/5 640
90 100 π/2 1600
180 200 π 3200
157.5 175 7π/8 2800
▪ Determine the forward bearing of the sides
of the given traverse.


▪ Determine the forward bearing of the sides ▪ Solution:

of the given traverse.
βBA + 129°11′ + βBC = 180°
41°35′ + 129°11′ + βBC = 180°
βBC = N9°14′ W (Ans. )

▪ Determine the forward bearing of the sides ▪ Solution:

of the given traverse.
βBC = N9°14′ W (Ans. )
βCB + βCD = 88°35′
9°14′ + βCD = 88°35′
βCD = S79°21′ W (Ans. )



▪ Determine the forward bearing of the sides ▪ Solution:

of the given traverse.
βBC = N9°14′ W (Ans. )
βCD = S79°21′ W Ans.
180° + βDE = βDC + 132°30′
180° + βDE = 79°21′ + 132°30′
βDE = S31°51′ W (Ans. )


▪ Determine the forward bearing of the sides ▪ Solution:

of the given traverse.
βBC = N9°14′ W (Ans. )
βCD = S79°21′ W Ans.
βDE = S31°51′ W Ans.
βED + 135°42′ + βEF = 180°
31°51′ + 135°42′ + βEF = 180°
βEF = S12°27′ E (Ans. )


▪ Determine the forward bearing of the sides ▪ Solution:

of the given traverse.
βBC = N9°14′ W (Ans. )
βCD = S79°21′ W Ans.
βDE = S31°51′ W Ans.
βEF = S12°27′ E Ans.
βFE + 180 = 118°52′ ° + βFA
12°27′ + 180° = 118°52′ + βFA
βFA = S73°35′ E (Ans. )


▪ Determine the forward bearing of the sides ▪ Solution:

of the given traverse.
βBC = N9°14′ W (Ans. )
βCD = S79°21′ W Ans.
βDE = S31°51′ W Ans.
βEF = S12°27′ E Ans.
βFA = S73°35′ E (Ans. )
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the
sides of the given traverse.
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
βBC = N9°14′ W
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
βBC = N9°14′ W
αBC + βBC = 360°
αBC + 9°14′ = 360°
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
βCD = S79°21′ W
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
βCD = S79°21′ W
αCD = 79°21′ + 180°
αCD = 259°21′ (Ans. )
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
αCD = 259°21′ (Ans. )
βDE = S31°51′ W
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
αCD = 259°21′ (Ans. )
βDE = S31°51′ W
αDE = 31°51′ + 180°
αDE = 211°51′ (Ans. )
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
αCD = 259°21′ (Ans. )
αDE = 211°51′ Ans.
βEF = S12°27′ E
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
αCD = 259°21′ (Ans. )
αDE = 211°51′ Ans.
βEF = S12°27′ E
αEF = 180° − 12°27′
αEF = 167°33′ (Ans. )
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
αCD = 259°21′ (Ans. )
αDE = 211°51′ Ans.
αEF = 167°33′ Ans.
βFA = S73°35′ E
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
αCD = 259°21′ (Ans. )
αDE = 211°51′ Ans.
αEF = 167°33′ Ans.
βFA = S73°35′ E
αFA = 180° − 73°35′
αFA = 106°25′ (Ans. )
▪ Determine the forward azimuth of the ▪ Solution:
sides of the given traverse.
αBC = 350°46′ (Ans. )
αCD = 259°21′ (Ans. )
αDE = 211°51′ Ans.
αEF = 167°33′ Ans.
αFA = 106°25′ (Ans. )

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