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Post Personal Philosophy of Special education

Post Personal Philosophy of Special Education

Grisselda Moreno

College of Southern Nevada


My reason for choosing this profession even after completing my 10-hour observation

still stands. I am fascinated with knowledge and the spreading of it to our new generations. I can

see that our schools are suffering from low test scores, graduation rates, student’s neglect to

learn, and support of all aspects. There is a lot of help needed by those whom are willing to put

forth an extra mile to better our communities. Education is our country’s foundation for a better

future for our future generations. It’s very important these kids know and understand their skills,

rights, the contributions, and the opportunities available for them. Among the many reasons why

I am choosing to be a teacher these are a few that stand out the most. I truly hope and whish for

our schools to project out great success from our kids in the community. Now I have also opened

my thoughts more into entering administration or even the school district seats. I know it make a

huge impact when you have the school districts support behind you. I also think that our state can

use some help in changing direction. Which ever direction I end up taking I know it will have

something to do with our youth and education.

I know for sure I won’t be entering specifically to teach special education but, I am

willing to manage students with special accommodations in my classroom. This is a course

require for to complete my degree which I do agree is needed. I can say that I have come across

some great influencers to help me find my preferred methods in teaching. I have defined what I

find to be successful vs. unsuccessful with students. As I have written before on my pre-

philosophy paper my personal life will assist me when teaching. I will use myself as an example

to show the power of education. All the skills and techniques I come across will also help me in

my teaching to relate my student to real world situations. Our school system is the largest in the

country, has a large number in diversity, and has a large number of students in poverty or below.

Grade level teachers get together in their schools to ensure goals are meet, the same curriculum

is being taught, and any challenges that arise can be shut down together. Annual evaluations are

done on the teachers or additional visits can be presented depending on our administration.

Communication between teachers and parents is required yet it’s only as strong as how much

effect one puts into it. Technology is a huge part of the school, the lesson plan, in the curriculum,

with class lecture, and for grades.

My thoughts on special education is that it’s necessary for those specific students. I am

getting the feeling that more and more students are being assigned to special education. I’m not

sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. It might be that general education will become the

specialized classroom or rare group of students. From past historical events special education has

come a long way in support for such students. I am happy for the support, their fight, and

determination to provide free public education and an equal chance at life. I will be adapting

hands on teaching, having real world relative lectures, and human to human connection. I want

all my students to feel equal to each other, to see each other as human, and be a helping hand to

each other. I wish to help them learn what all their differences, how valuable they all are, and

what greatness came come from their different views in life. I will continue to pursue my

education at CSN, take my experiences from life, my field observation, and work towards

working for Las Vegas school district. I will continue to work towards being the best teacher,

mentor, and leader I can be for those future students. My goal is to achieve employment in a

school and learn my way up to best understand and serve these students.

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