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1. Explain the modern food-making process.

The food is prepared by large global organizations that steer clear of farms or ranchers. Cheap
food was the establishment of the whole mechanical food framework, and they basically moved the
manufacturing plant framework. food processing is the method use to transform new food varieties into food
items. This include or combination of the purifying, washing, cleaving, freezing, maturing, bundling. Also,
Food processing incorporates adding segments to food for instance to expand timeframe of realistic usability
or adding nutrients and minerals to improve the dietary nature of the food or the stronghold. Moreover, on
the documentation that I’ve been watch the companies finds a supplier of beef, cow and chicken to use their
main dish in their restaurant and because of this the supplier needs to lower the price so they can sell it on
the bigger companies, and they need to follow the company rules and the suppliers feed their animals
unhealthy foods, they inject a vitamins to grow faster because they have a goal to deliver their animals on
the companies. Even if we do not eat in fast foods, we already eat some of preservative food such as bacon
and hotdog and many more.

2. Explain the effects of the policies related to food production on the modern food-making
Nowadays the food industries have an impact with regards on modern food making, according to
the documentation the companies do not want to know behind the source or the suppliers of their food
because they might not have an appetite to eat it on the off chance that you did. As you can see on the
documentation the cow has a bunch of bug or bacteria inside the cow stomach. There is a ranch strategy
that is constantly centered around ware crops since they can be put away. They urge ranchers to develop
however much as could reasonably be expected, to develop huge, and to unite. They grow a great deal of
corn and have discovered approaches to utilize this is on the grounds that corn is a phenomenal crude
material. Since they had such a lot of modest corn, they had the option to drive down the cost of meat by
selling corn at a value lower than the expense of creation. The feedlot administrator can buy corn for a
portion of the expense of creation, permitting the entirety of the animals to be drawn off the entirety of the
ranches in the Midwest. In Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, cows are not planned by development
to eat corn however they are planned by advancement to eat grass. Furthermore, the lone explanation they
feed them with corn is on the grounds that corn is truly modest, and corn makes them fat rapidly. As per
some examination, a high-corn diet brings about corrosive safe called E. coli, which are more perilous. If
steers are taken care of in corn and E. coli which is a typical bug, develops, a transformation happens, and
a strain known as "E. coli 0157:h7" shows up on the worldwide stage. It is anything but a side-effect of the
eating routine took care of to cows on feedlots, just as a side-effect of feedlot life.

3.  Explain the effects of the modern food-making process on the producers.

4.  Explain the effects of modern food-making process on the consumers.

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