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LECTURE UNIT 007 CONSTANT VOLUME or ISOCHORIC PROCESS (V = c) ‘A. CONSIDERING A CLOSED OR NON-FLOW SYSTEM ILLUSTRATION: (Ideal gas confined in a Rigid Container) P+ diagram PI Equations: 1. PVT Relationships 2. General Gas Law Equation (Equation of State) Pv; PM Jee = mR = constant T T 2. Work Non-Flow, Wur General Formula: (Derivative of a constant is zero) 3. Heat Energy, Q Using NFEE; Q=AU + Wr 4, Change in Total Internal Energy, AU AU = mCW(T. = T.) = mev( AT) 5. Change in Total Enthalpy, AH AH = mCp(T, = T,) = mCp(AT) “Talent does you no good unless it is recognized by someone else.” 6. Change in Total Entropy, AS From; dQ = Tas B, CONSIDERING AN OPEN OR STEADY-FLOW SYSTEM ILLUSTRATION: PE, + KE, + U4 Wy + Q = PE + KES + Us + Wg + Wap (= (PE = PE) + (KE, = KE) # (Us = Us) (Wha = Wa) # Wer Q=APE+AKE + AU+ AWN, + Wa Peso (zu) AKE0 (it ¥2) + AW, + War When: Wor = = (P.Vs ~ PVA) Since: Vs = Vi ver, mm (T,-T) Fluid Flow Continuity Equation (Law of Conservation of Mass) ating pm “The best leader brings out the best in those he has stewardship ove For frictionless flow: [Mass in = Mass out] pM. = pMe PLA = psAals Aw Aw If temperature remains constant: (t; =), (01 = p:) V=Q=Au aA If temperature is not constant: t; # ty Q= CAM = Calas Where: Ca = coefficient of discharge v= velocity of the fluid ‘area normal to the flow Pumps Machine which is used to add energy toa liquid on order to transfer the liquid from one point to anther paint of higher energy level. Types: 4. Reciprocating 2. Centrifugal . 3. Rotary te gin & >| VP-P) Since: Pp-Pr= yh = VCP. + yuh) Ps Wor = Wah WP = yy QTDH Where: Yo = specific weight of the liquid, Ib/f, KN/m? if water = 9.81 kN/m Q = pump capacity or volume flow or rate of discharge, ft/sec, m/s ‘TDH = total dynamic head or the head handled by the pump, ft, m WP = water power, ft-iby/sec, hp, KW “A good leader remains focused. Controlling your destination is better than being controlled by it.” PROBLEM SET: 1 [576K 10, ‘A closed rigid container has 2 volume of 1 m? and holds air at 344.8 kPa and 273 K, Heat is added until the temperature is {600 K. Determine the heat added and the final pressure. [1032-48 K], 7528 KPa] ‘A scuba tank contains 1.5 kg of air. The air in the tank intially at 15°C. The tank is left near an engine exhaust line, and the tank's pressire doubles, Determine (a) the final temperature (b) the chenge in internal eneray (c) the heat added. BOK, 310 ‘A reversible nonflow, constant volume process decreases the internal energy by 315 Kd for 2.5 kg of gas for which R = 430 “kak and k=1.35. For the process, determine: 3 the work Fe eat (esa ( the change in total entropy [0.7418 KIKI The initial temperature is 205°C. Air is heated at constant volume from 20°C ta 150°C. Determine the change in specific entropy for this isometric process. [0.2641 kixg X) ‘A pump system under a steady flow operation delivers water at 25°C from an inlet pressure of 100 kPa to an exit pressure ‘of 1200 kPa. Determine the work done per unit mass. [7840 Kid] Helium is heated at a constant volume from 350 kPaa and 38°C ta 220°C. Determine the change in specific entropy. [Lda kyig K 40 kg of air at 345 kPa is contained in a rigid vessel at a temperature of 20°C, heat s then added until the temperature reaches 320°C. Determine (a) the final pressure (b) the work dane (¢) the heat. (698.2 kPa, 0, 8623.2 K} ‘an ideal gas with a molecular mass of 36 is heated at a constant volume from 250°C to 485°C. Ifthe change in internal nergy is found to be 180 k/kg, éetermine (3) the change In enthalpy (b) the change In entropy (234.3 kifkg, 0.2809 kg K} ‘igi insulated tank (VC, Q=0) contains 0.05 bm ofa inital at 80". An electrical resstance cal inthe ar within the tank receives 0.50 watt-hours of eneray, Neglecting any eneray storage within the col Rsef, determine the final ‘temperature of the gas, in °F. Note: 1 watt-hour = 3413 Bau. (297A, ‘A closed rigid container has 2 volume of 40 ft’ and holds helium at $5 psia and 35°F. Heat is added until the temperature is 25°F, Determine the heat added and the final pressure. “Learning is a treasure that accompanies its owner everywhere.” Fans ‘A machine used to apply power to a gas in order to cause movement of the gas. 1. Propeller 2. Tubeaxial 3. Vaneaxial LE} i o AP=y.QH Where: ‘Yu = Specific weight of the gas, lb/ft’, KN/m* if air = 1.2 kg/m’ at 21°C and 101.325 kPa Q = fan capacity or volume flow or rate of discharge, ft'/sec, m’/s head handled by the fan, ft, m air power, ft-Iby/sec, hp, kW

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