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To: LSZ Company

From: Creativepreneur Company

Subject: Complaint about the Speed of Internet Connectivity

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Ega Puspita Leriana, the CEO of Creativepreneur company. I am writing on

behalf of the company concerning the problems with our internet connectivity.

Over the past 2 weeks, there have been many complaints from my team about
decreasing internet connection speeds as low as 90 mbps and often poor connections
in certain company buildings even though I subscribed to the premium version of your
Internet Business Data Package, which offers unlimited calls to numbers domestic,
unlimited downloads, 500Mbps connection speed, and wireless router.

These problems have caused the inability to complete office tasks for a number of my
teammates who bring work to their homes .Previously, we have complained by
telephone to the LSZ Corporate Customer service and they suggest to restart the router
manually and wait for about two hours for the speed to recover. However, we had to
repeat the routine twice or three times a day several times but nothing has been done
and that affected our company's productivity.

We also want to express our extreme dissatisfaction because this is not the type of
service promised to us. I therefore request for a rapid solution to this issues or you can
send people to come to check for problems that occur on the router or cable. At least,
we can find out the location of the problem and hopefully can speed up the internet

Best regards,


CEO of Creativepreneur Company,

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