Praise & Worship (Part 1)

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Curepe-Pentecostal Empowerment Ministries International


The Weapons of Praise & Worship

A. Introduction: Read Psalms 138:1-2 and consider these questions:

1. What is Worship? What is Praise?
2. Is there a difference between praise and worship?

B. What is Worship?

1. The English word “worship” is derived from the compound Anglo-Saxon word “wyrthscype.”
(a) Root word: “wurth” means “honour or worthy” while “scype” means “ship.”
(b) It literally means “worthiness” e.g. “His Worship the Mayor.”
(c) This English word is not always the clearest translation for the words used in the origin
Hebrew and Greek languages of the Bible.

2. Words translated as worship in the OT:

(a) Shachah (99/193) – to prostrate, bow down, make to stoop, to make obeisance.
• Used in reverence to God e.g. Psalms 95:6-7
• Used in reverence to people e.g. Genesis 23:7
(b) Atsab (1/17) – to fashion or fabricate. It is translated only once as worship (Jeremiah
44:19) in the sense of making an idol an object of adoration.
(c) Sagad (12/12) – (Chaldean) to prostrate oneself e.g. Daniel 2:46; 3:18.
(d) Note the related word: Barak – to kneel or bow in adoration; to bless. It is used in the
sense of worship when referring to God e.g. Psalms 34:1.

3. Words translated as worship in the NT:

(a) Proskuneō (60/60) - most common word for worship, derived from two root words:
• pros – forward to; moving towards; nearness at.
• kuon – dog (kissing or licking his masters hands).
(b) Sebomai (6/10) – to reverence; be in awe; devout e.g. Matthew 15:9; Acts 17:4; 18:7.
(c) Latreuō (4/22) - to minister; to do service; to serve e.g. Acts 7:42; Philippians 3:3.
(d) Doxa (1/170) – honour; glory e.g. Luke 14:10; John 1:14; 5:21.
(e) Eusebeō (1/3) - to be pious or devout; to respect e.g. Acts 17:23; I Timothy 5:4.
(f) Ethelothrēskeia (1/2) – voluntary piety; sanctimony e.g. Colossians 2:23.

4. In the Septuagint, the Hebrew word shachah was translated into Greek as proskuneō.
C. What is praise?
1. The English word “praise” comes from the Latin word “pretium.”
(a) It means to “price” or “value” (i.e. to appraise).
(b) It is an ascription of value or worth.

2. Words translated as praise in the OT:

(a) Halal (127/166) - to shine; make a show; boast; be foolish; celebrate. (Psalms 150)
(b) Tehillah (57/57) - laudation; a hymn. (Psalms 34:1)
(c) Yadah (53/114) - to throw at or away; to revere with extended hands. (Genesis 29:35)
(d) Todah (6/32) - avowal or adoration; confession; thanks. (Psalms 50:23; Joshua 7:19)
(e) Shabach (5/11) - to soothe or still; commend or laud loudly; triumph. (Psalms 63:3)
(f) Zamar (4/42) - to play a musical instrument; to make music and sing; to celebrate in
song and music. (Psalms 138:1)
(g) Barak (2/324) - to kneel in adoration; to bless. (Judges 5:2)
(h) Hillul (1/2) - a thanksgiving for harvest; rejoicing. (Leviticus 19:24; Judges 9:27)
(i) Mahalal (1/1) - fame. (Proverbs 27:21)

3. Words translated as praise in the NT:

(a) Epainos (11/11) - a commendable thing; laudation; commendation. (Philippians 4:8)
(b) Apaineo (4/6) - to applaud; commend; laud. (I Corinthians 11:2)
(c) Aineo (9/9) - to extol; to recommend; to vow. (Acts 3:8-9)
(d) Ainos (2/2) - a saying or proverb; laudatory discourse. (Luke 18:43)
(e) Doxa (4/170) - glory; splendour or majesty; good opinion. (John 9:24)
(f) Ainesis (1/1) - a praising; thanks. (Hebrews 13:15)
(g) humneo (1/6) - to sing a hymn; to celebrate in song. (Hebrews 2:12)

4. There are two kinds of praise: -

(a) Spontaneous Praise:
• It is based on our feelings about what God has done for us.
• Example: The kind of praise the Israelites gave after crossing the Red Sea
(b) Sacrificial Praise:
• It is not based on our emotions or feelings but on our will to praise God. Note that
the expression “I will” is used over 200 times in the context of praise!
• This occurs when we do not feel like praising but we still do.
5. How does the scripture say we are to praise God?
(a) Praise Him with Praises that can be heard. (Psalms 66:8; Psalms 98:4; Psalms 55:2)
(b) Praise Him with Shouting! (Psalms 47:1; Psalms 132:9; Psalms 35:27)
(c) Praise Him with Singing. (Psalms 47:6; Ephesians 5:18-20; I Corinthians 14:15)
(d) Praise Him with Thanksgiving. (Psalms 69:30)
(e) Praise Him with a Joyful noise. (Psalms 66:1,2; Psalms 95:1)
(f) Praise Him with Crying out. (Isaiah 12:6)
(g) Praise Him with Speaking in Tongues. (I Corinthians 12:2,17; Psalms 35:28)
(h) Praise Him with Bowing. (Psalms 95:6)
(i) Praise Him with Instruments. (Psalms 33:1-3; Psalms 150)
(j) Praise Him by Kneeling. (Psalms 95:6; Daniel 6:10)
(k) Praise Him by Falling prostrate before Him. (Nehemiah 8:6)
(l) Praise Him with the Clapping of hands. (Psalms 47:1)
(m)Praise Him with Lifting up of hands. (Psalms 63:4; Nehemiah 8:6; I Timothy 2:8)
(n) Praise Him with the Dance. (Psalms 150:4; Exodus 15:20,21; Ecclesiastes 3:1,4)

6. Note the biblical definition for dance is “to keep festive in heart, to turn, to twist, to move
around, to lift up the feet, to skip and leap."

7. William Tyndale (ca. 1513) correlated praise with the gospel message.
(a) He defined the gospel as that which "signifies good, merry, glad and joyful tidings that
makes a man's heart glad and makes him sing, dance and leap for joy."
(b) Hence, Tyndale viewed praise as a natural outcome of receiving the gospel.

D. The difference between Worship and Praise

(a) Worship is ____________________ COMMENDATION
while praise entails ________________________.

GREATNESS of God; praise on His ________________.

(b) Worship is centred on the ______________ GOODNESS
(c) In worship we are awed by ________________________________________ but in


praise we are thankful for ________________________________________________.

(d) Worship is of the _______________ SOUL
but praise is of the _______________ (John 4:24).

KNOW God can worship Him but _________________

(e) Only those who _________ ANYONE can praise.

Compiled by Barry Joel Desaine

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