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Electric Circuit and Its Chemicals Effects.

- The Compound that conducts electricity in molten or aqueous
state which undergoes decomposition when an electric current
passes through it.
- Classified into
➢Strong Electrolyte
➢Weak Electrolyte
- Strong Electrolytes
➢Sea Water.
➢Nitric Acid
➢Copper Sulphate Solution
➢Sodium Chloride.
➢Sulphuric Acid.

- Weak Electrolyte.
➢Tap Water
➢Oxalic Acid.
➢Carbonic Acid.
➢Ammonium Hydroxide.
➢Citric Acid.

- Two rods of either Metals or Non-metal(Graphite) which allow
the electricity to pass
- Classified into Two charges
➢Anode (+)
- Passage of Electric Current through liquids is called

Voltaic Cell
- Arrangement by Alessandro Volta.
- Dilute Sulphuric Acids in a Beaker.
- Two Rods of Copper and Zinc where Zinc is an anode and
Copper is a cathode.
- Also known as Galvanic Cell.
- Chemical Energy to Electricity Energy

Electrolytic Cell
- Set up by Micheal Faraday.
- Battery attached to Electrodes.
- Electric Energy to Chemical Energy.

Basic Cause of Conductivity in Liquids.

- Free movement of Ions is a Basic Cause of Conductivity.
- When Electric Current is passed, THe Ions get ionized.
- Ions are charged and are capable of conducting Electricity.
- Complete Ionization in Strong Electrolytes.
- Partial Ionization in Weak Electrolytes.

- For eg. NaCl which is added to the solution, decomposes into

Positive and Negative ions like Na​+ ​ and
​ Cl​- ​ions.

Michael Faraday’s experiment.

- Passage of electricity through liquids.
- Causes chemical changes within the electrolyte.

William Nicholson’s Experiment

- Electrolysis of Water.
- The Ions get ionized into Positive H​+​ Ions and Negative O​-​.
- Positive H​+ ​Ions is attracted by the Cathode (-ve Terminal)
- Negative O​-​ ions is attracted by Anode

Factors Affect the Conductivity of Electrolyte.

- Nature of Electrodes.
- Nature and Concentration of the Solution,
Prominent Effects of the Chemical Reactions in Electrolysis:-
- Metals may get at the electrode surface.
- Gaseous bubbles get formed near the electrodes.
- Change of Colour of Solution may occur due to the dissolution
of different ions.

Application of Electrolysis

1. Extraction of Metals:-
- Metals like Aluminium, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and Iron
are extracted through this process.
- Certain metals are extracted from their ores by the process of

- Process of depositing a thin layer of desired metal on the
surface of Another metal by passing electric current in the
Process of Electroplating.
- The Desired metal to be used for plating is attached in the
anode and the Metal to be electroplated is attached in the
- The Electrolyte is the Salt Solution of Anode.
- When electric Current is passed through the Salt solution of the
Anode, It dissociates into free mobile ions.
- Free mobile ions are drawn to the cathode, get converted into
their atoms and get deposited in it.
- The Other Ions move to the anode where they react to form the
Salt Solution again.

Electrorefining of Metals:-
- Process of obtaining pure metal from the impure ore by the
process of electrolysis.
- Impure metal is purified by passing electricity.
- In Electrorefining of Copper, Pure Copper Rod is used as
cathode, and impure copper rod as anode with a Salt solution
of the anode.

Difference between Electroplating and Electrorefining

Electroplating Electrorefining
Two different electrodes Same electrodes with one
impure electrode and another
pure electrode
Depositing​ ​a layer of any The process of refining a metal
desired metal on another in an​ electrolytic cell is known
material by means of electricity as ​electrorefining
is called ​electroplating

Factors essential for Electroplated.

- Article to be electroplated must be the cathode.
- Anode is the pure metal which is to be coated.
- Electrolyte must be the salt solution of the anode.

Practical Application of Electroplating:

- To improve/alter their appearance
- To provide a protective/strengthening.
- To minimize the cost.
- Shiny appearance
- Corrosion prevention
- Minimize effects of Wear and tear
- Help to Minimise the Cost
- Increase the strength of Base metals

Electromagnetic Induction
- Phenomena in which electricity is produced by changing the
Magnetic Field
- Electricity is obtained without a battery.
- Phenomena of electromagnetic induction forms the Underlying
principle of all modern-day Generators and Transformers
- Very Important Principle in 1831
Experimental Observation
- Whenever there is a relative motion between a magnet and a
coil, that is part of an electric current, a current flows through
the Coil.
- Flow of current stops as soon as the Magnet and Coil are at rest
with each other.
- Faster the relative motion, between the magnet and the coil, the
more the current that flows through the coil,
- The direction of current, obtained by moving the magnet away
from the Coil is opposite to its direction when the magnet is
moved towards the Coil.

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