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Test XI beta Name: …………………………

Date: …………………………..

I. Complete the sentences with the right modal of deduction and then rewrite the sentences in
the past tense: 2p

1. -The fingerprints on the door match his. He ……………………..…………. be the culprit.

- The fingerprints on the door matched his. He ……………………………………………..
2.- I am not sure what that noise is downstairs. It …………………………….…… be a thief.
- I am not sure what that noise was downstairs. It ……………………………………………
3. - We’ve searched the building and it’s empty. He …………………………….…. be there.
- We’d searched the building and it was empty. He …………………………………………
4. - He is in the garage. He …………………………………… be cooking dinner right now.
- He was in the garage. He …………………………………………………………………
5. - She ……………………………………. like Travis because she’s got three of their CDs.
- She …………………………….…………………….. because she had three of their CDs.

II. Write sentences using the words given and making logical deductions: 1p

1. I can’t find my glasses. ( must \ put them in the bag)

You ……………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Why is Peter so sad? ( might\ get bad mark)
He ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. How come Mary has better marks than me? ( must \ study harder)
She ………………………………………………………………………………………
4. He is not wearing any uniform. ( can’t \ be policeman)
He …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Where is Ane? ( might\ wash hair now)

III. Write the correct reply using so and neither in the right column: 2p

1. I can’t speak German.
2. I have been to France.
3. I don’t like studying.
4. I am so tired.
5. I went camping last summer.
6. I have dogs and cats.
7. I was shy when I was little.
8. I haven’t done my homework.
9. I didn’t watch the match .
10. I enjoy listening to music.
IV. Find the opposite of each word and then complete the sentences with the appropriate one:

a. Sociable - ………………………. F. tidy - …………………………

b. Outgoing\ self confident - ………… g. reliable - ……………………..
c. Hard-working - ………………… h. pessimistic - ……………………
d. Generous - ……………………. i. ambitious - ………………………
e. Cheerful - …………………….. j. patient - ………………………….

1. Paul is very ……………………… He never shares his lunch with me or borrows his bike.
2. Peter is so …………………………………………………...……. You can never trust him.
3. Children nowadays are so …………………. They can not wait a second to get something.
4. British people are ……………...…. They don’t like to talk much, especially with strangers.
5. If things don’t turn out the way I want or if the weather is bad I feel ……………………….
6. She’s always …………………………. about her future. She never has a negative thought.
7. When I was 5 I was so ………………. I couldn’t look in other people’s eyes and I blushed.
8. My brother is very………………….….. He never does anything in the house to help mum.
9. Boys are usually …………………………… They do not work as hard to achieve their
goals or greatness as girls.
10. My room is sometimes ………………………………..… Nothing in it is at its own place.

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