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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 148

Proceedings of the Russian Conference on Digital Economy and Knowledge Management (RuDEcK 2020)

Modernization of Quality Management System

in the Conditions of Digital Transformation of
Logunova I.V.* Kablashova I.V.
Voronezh, Russia Voronezh, Russia
e-mail: e-mail:

Salikov Y.A. Amelin S.V.

Voronezh, Russia Voronezh, Russia
e-mail: e-mail:

Enina E.P.
Voronezh, Russia

Abstract — The subject of the study is – changing the implementation of managerial decisions to improve the quality of
conditions of functioning of the quality management system in processes.
the conditions of digital transformation of the enterprise
management system. The purpose of the study is to develop Keywords — drivers of digital transformation, digital standards,
methodological provisions for the modernization of the quality restructuring of the quality management system, communication,
management system. The directions of changes are systematized competition management of digital initiatives.
in the article and the basic conditions for the implementation of
quality management processes are formed taking into account I. INTRODUCTION
the drivers of innovative development of the enterprise
management system. As a result of the research, the following
In the context of the digital transformation of enterprise,
tasks were solved: actual changes in the quality management there are many global changes in all areas of activity,
system, automation system, information support system for primarily in the enterprise management system, which
management processes were considered; it was concluded that necessitates the modernization of the quality management
the introduction of digital technology necessitates the formation system. The introduction of digital technologies is aimed at
of a new information culture based on digital thinking, digital improving all business processes, using of new methods of
staff engagement and digital initiatives; the consideration of additive management, which allows reducing the complexity
digital technologies as an instrumentation of system-process of processes and ensuring the fulfillment of quality
modeling of an integrated information system is proposed, which requirements [1]. At the same time, digital transformation
involves the creation of a unified information infrastructure of involves changing not only the technology and process control
the enterprise’s corporate network; systematized quality technology, but also the need to form a new digital
management methods based on the use of modern digital information culture based on digital thinking, which, in turn, is
platforms; the structure of a system of information support for associated with a change in approaches to managing the
quality management processes was built. The information personnel potential of the enterprise. Digital standards
support system for quality management processes is a tool of the currently used are effective information technologies that can
quality management system; the functioning of the integrated be considered as the main tools of quality management [2].
information system ensures constant communication in the
enterprise management system when making and implementing It should be noted that in the context of the digital
decisions to improve the quality of processes and improve transformation of enterprises, the main factor in the
product quality. The solution to the problem of creating a single development of a quality management system is the use of the
information space creates the possibility of constant access and following tools: methodology for process-oriented design
use of unlimited sources of information, which, in turn, allows using a system engineering apparatus, method for system and
not only to improve quality management activities, but also to structural analysis of process quality, method for designing an
modernize the quality management system through the use of integrated system of information support for quality
digital technologies and reduce the impact of the "human factor" management processes, and methodology for designing a
on the effectiveness and timeliness of the development and

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 417
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 148

digital enterprise management infrastructure. At the same  digital culture based on digital thinking and digital staff
time, the digital transformation of the enterprise’s information engagement,
system allows switching from traditional methods of process
control to methods of digital control of networks of  increasing the efficiency of decision-making based on
interconnected processes, taking into account the requirements the use of information technology and new methods of
of the process and system approaches to managing the quality process quality management,
of processes and all types of activities, which determines the  the formation of a new personnel potential through
need to review the content of ISO standards and modernize the continuous training of employees in the use of
quality management system. In the context of digital changes information technology and the development of digital
in the enterprise’s management system, one of the urgent competencies,
problems is the strengthening of information security through
the application of methods for identification, systematization,  creation of a single information space based on
coding and archiving of information, as well as the electronic document management governing the quality
development of additional procedures for managing management processes at all stages of the product
information support [3]. creation life cycle [5].
It should be noted that at present, the introduction of The processes of digital transformation of the enterprise
various digital technologies allows solving both production determine the need for changes in the structure of the quality
and management tasks related to enterprise development management system based on horizontal communications,
programs: process-oriented and network approaches [6]. The studies of
the nature of changes in the quality management system make
 ensuring the quality of processes and the it possible to distinguish the following main tasks, the solution
competitiveness of products, of which is based on the application of various digital
 increasing the efficiency and sustainability of the standards for enterprise management:
enterprise,  development of electronic document management
 continuous reduction of costs for the implementation of system (EDM technology);
production and management activities.  formation of input and output information modules
The implementation of these areas provides for the digital about resources and processes (ERP technology);
transformation of the enterprise’s quality management system,  change control of current process parameters (PDM
the development of a standardization clause regulating technology);
innovative requirements for the structure and content of the
quality management system model, which actualizes the  organization of continuous diagnostics, monitoring and
problem of modernizing the enterprise’s integrated control of processes (MES technology);
information support system.
 risk-oriented process management (MRP and MRP –II
The studies show that at present, many experts consider  continuous improvement of stakeholder relationships
the digital transformation of enterprises as a new stage in the (CRM technology),
technological revolution associated with the use of artificial  modeling of process management, including
intelligence, blockchain, cloud technologies, predictive determining the sequence of work, planning staff
analytics methods and the additive process control method activities, equipment selection and design of
(3D-modeling method) [4]. The results of the digital technological processes (BPM technology);
transformation of the enterprise are, first of all, improving the
quality of processes and ensuring a high level of product  development of a rating system for assessing quality,
quality, organizing production in accordance with the maturity and effectiveness of processes, establishing
requirements of regulatory documents, improving the process communications in the system and responsibility for
of making managerial decisions, increasing the efficiency of quality (ECM technology),
the enterprise while reducing the risk of losses from deviations
in processes and losses while reducing the consumer value of  process control (MES technology),
product quality.  formation of a stakeholder relationship management
It should be noted that the main goals of modernizing the system (CRM technology).
quality management system in the context of digital It should be noted that the issues of modernization of the
transformation are: quality management system in the context of the digital
 continuous improvement of the quality of processes transformation of the enterprise are controversial. The study of
based on diagnostics and monitoring of process the materials of various scientific and practical conferences on
parameters to confirm compliance of quality with the issues of changing the formalized requirements of the
regulatory and technical documents, international quality management system in the conditions of

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 148

the 4th technical revolution made it possible to single out the the transition from classical methods of management to
following points of view of scientists (table 01) [3]. quality management using digital information technologies. It
should be noted that the main condition for the functioning of
The generalization of the directions of development of the the integrated quality management system is the formation of
quality management system in the context of the digital a single integrated information support system.
transformation of enterprises dictates the need to move from
traditional forms and methods of quality management to the The proposed integrated system of information support for
creation of an integrated quality management system that quality management processes allows structuring and
operates on the basis of digital standards and IT technologies, systematizing an unlimited amount of internal and external
allowing for taking into account the interests and requirements information generated at micro and macro levels of
of interconnected network enterprises [7, 8]. management, which makes it possible to increase the
effectiveness of quality management on the basis of timely
Particular attention should be paid to solving this issue at changes to the processes, justified changes in the current
high-tech enterprises and in high-tech production. It should be management procedures based on the parallel implementation
noted that the activities of these enterprises are associated with of real and virtual processes, as well as timely make the
large expenses for the preparation of production, which necessary changes to the regulatory documentation. These
focuses on the use of digital quality management standards for changes should be taken into account when developing a
all processes and information and communication project for the implementation of continuous improvements
technologies, which make it possible not only to systematize aimed at improving the quality of processes through periodic
information flows, but also to structure information statistical control and analysis, which allows recording
communications between the integrated modules systems of deviations and analyzing factors ensuring the stability and
information support of quality management processes. reliability of processes [9].
TABLE I. OVERVIEW OF VARIOUS SCHOLARLY COMMENTS The formation of a digital system of information support
ON CHANGES IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS for quality management processes can effectively solve the
following problems:
Author The content of the author's position on
the analyzed issue  collection and analysis of evidence about products,
Gaivoronsky D.V. Deputy He highlighted the actual problems at the
Director of the Department digital enterprise – the quality management
processes and enterprise management systems,
of Science SPbGETU system, management systems, process  process monitoring and diagnostics,
"LETI") automation systems, information systems
Sheptunov S.A. (Director of He pointed out the need to formulate  decision making based on employee relationship
the Institute for Design and proposals for the modernization of the
Technological Information, training system for specialists in the field of
RAS) quality management, as Digital technologies  taking into account the standard requirements of the
only help reduce time and make the
workflow more convenient, but they are not quality management system when making changes to
able to change a person the processes,
Azarov V.N. (Director of He noted the importance of resolving the
the “European Center for issue of creating a quality management  identification and analysis of risks associated with
Quality”) information support system; described untimely identification of the causes of deviations in
approaches to the design of integrated the processes,
management systems of a digital enterprise,
emphasized that in the process of their  application of risk-based process quality management
creation it is necessary to take into account methodology.
the standards for the use of information
systems and technologies Based on the results of the research, an integrated system
Egorova E.G. She summarized that it is not enough to of information support for quality management processes in
(representative of the introduce modern technologies: it is the digital transformation of the enterprise, the operation of
certification association necessary to completely restructure the
"Russian Register") information culture in order to meet the
which allows structuring information and improving the
requirements of the digital world, which will efficiency of communications in the quality management
require not only a change in the work system, is proposed (figure 1).
scheme, but also the content of the official
powers of employees The functioning of the integrated information support
Saxonov E.A. (Professor, He drew attention to the appropriateness of system allows constant analysis of the nature of changes in the
Moscow Technical modeling the information structure of the processes, the causes of deviations and the nature of the
University of corporate network of the enterprise, which consequences, and also provides the opportunity for all
Communications and will solve the issue of ensuring information employees to use unlimited information on methods, tools,
Informatics) security
processes, requirements for input and output information
about changes in the quality management system. Based on
III. METHODOLOGY the results of the analysis, the communications and
The research allows concluding that there is a lack of information in the quality management system are adjusted.
fundamental scientific research on the issues of modernization The input data (customer relations, the results of the
of the quality management system in the conditions of digital assessment and selection of resource suppliers, the results of
transformation of an enterprise, the main purpose of which is qualification audits of personnel) and the weekend (customer

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 148

feedback, audit results, recommendations for improvement) aimed at improving the quality of processes and the quality of
are evaluated. Based on the generalization and systematization information support is described.
of the information received, decisions are made and actions

Standard system documentation Digital technologies, programs, Methodology, methods, tools,

and formalized requirements for management standards, formalized documented procedures
process quality management information modules

Unified integrated system of information support for

quality management processes

Basic external information, formed Basic internal information, formed Operational information, generated by
taking into account the requirements taking into account the applied the results diagnostics, monitoring of
and needs of all interested parties technologies, design and technological processes, control and evaluation of
parameters, tolerances and limitations the quality of processes and products

Fig. 1. The structure of an integrated system of information support for quality management processes

The effectiveness of the analysis of the functioning of the and complexity of knowledge (motivation to participate in
quality system by the management, the output of this process training programs based on HR technologies).
will depend on the level of decisions made according to the
input data, on their validity and appropriateness, that is, on the 5) Lack of motivation for leadership and focus of staff on
degree of personnel involvement in the activities to develop changes (management of internal competition of management
the quality system. In all cases, success depends on how initiatives of staff).
clearly employees understand the essence of the processes, 6) Rigid mechanisms for the transfer and accumulation of
how appropriate their decisions are, and also on the degree of corporate knowledge (quality management of the information
mastery of digital technologies for process quality space based on the establishment of reliable horizontal
management [10, 11]. communications in the quality management system).
7) The information space goes beyond the boundaries of a
digital enterprise and is distributed throughout all value-
It is advisable to use the above methodology for the creation chains (creating a transparent infrastructure of a
formation and functioning of an integrated system of single information space).
information support for quality management processes when
developing a project for the development of a quality An analysis of these limitations allows highlighting
management system in the context of digital transformation of important areas of modernization of the quality management
an enterprise. It should be noted the need to take into account system:
internal constraints that are associated with insufficient digital  the formation of a digital corporate culture focused on
involvement of staff. The following limitations and ways of change in combination with the digital management of
their elimination in the conditions of digital transformation of business processes, which contributes to the formation
the quality management system are formulated: of competitive advantages;
1) The degree of readiness of employees to ongoing
 motivation for leadership and focus on changes
changes (it is necessary to organize continuous training in the
stimulate employees to participate in decision-making
use of digital management standards in practice). based on continuous monitoring of processes;
2) The level of digital thinking of staff (it is advisable to
 competition management of personnel initiatives,
support managerial initiatives of employees; motivate
which is considered as competition between
participation in multidisciplinary teams that will initiate the
employees, including managers, in which each
use of digital technologies).
employee must assert himself, based on personal
3) Misunderstanding of the new values of digital initiative and digital knowledge.
organizational culture (focus on rapid change and the desire
Based on the foregoing, an algorithm for the development
for leadership, ensuring unlimited awareness of employees in
and implementation of a project to modernize a quality
the manifestation of managerial initiatives).
management system in the digital transformation of an
4) Misunderstanding of the increasing complexity of the enterprise is proposed (table 02).
information space, this leads to a rapid increase in the scale

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 148

In order to solve the problem of ensuring the involvement Digital engagement should be considered as an important
of enterprise personnel in the implementation of the project for driver of the enterprise’s digital transformation, in which
the development of a process quality management system in employees are able to use digital and social channels to
the context of the digital transformation of the enterprise, the receive information, which provides for interested interaction,
following tasks must be solved: increased responsibility, changes in the content of work and
decision-making on improving the quality of processes using
 staff training in the use of digital technologies; team methods [15, 16].
 training of personnel of the modern 8D methodology to
manage and improve the quality of processes; The creation of an integrated system of information
 identification of responsibility for the results of support for quality management processes and the
ongoing changes; organization of personnel access to an unlimited database help
 ensuring the interest of employees in the to increase the level of digital involvement of personnel,
implementation of changes; motivate their participation in decision-making to improve the
 motivation to participate in cross-functional quality quality of processes, are a tool for substantiating decisions and
management teams [12]. ensure their application in professional activities.
It should be noted that in the context of the digital
transformation of the enterprise, the involvement of the staff is V. CONCLUSION
appropriate to consider not as a state, but as a relationship that Thus, the conducted research on the directions of
can be developed using specific programs and various digital modernization of the quality management system in the
technologies. Therefore, the digital involvement of the staff is conditions of digital transformation of the enterprise allows
an indicator of the personal interest of each employee in drawing the following conclusions.
ensuring the greatest compliance with their own goals and
goals of the enterprise, taking into account full responsibility 1) The digital technologies used to control the quality of
for the quality of the processes. the processes involve the use of one of the basic principles of
the total quality management system – the universal
TABLE II. THE CONTENT OF THE STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT AND responsibility of all employees of the enterprise, which, in
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT OF MODERNIZATION OF THE QUALITY turn, helps to solve the problem of digital staff involvement.
2) Within the framework of the concept of a single
Stage Content information space, an important area of modernization of the
1) Formulation of goals – analysis of priority problems and solutions; quality management system is the creation of an integrated
and objectives of – analysis of the causes and nature of system of information support for quality management
organizational design restrictions on achieving goals;
– systematization of information for decision- processes, which allows employees to constantly be informed
making and task setting; about digital technologies being introduced and use unlimited
– change implementation planning information modules for making decisions on improving
2) Diagnostics of changes – analysis of the symptoms (causes) of quality.
– hypotheses to explain the reasons; 3) In the context of team quality management, an
– verification of the scientific and validity of important role is given to managers of all levels of
hypotheses; management who are responsible for the results of innovations
– selection and concretization of the main
directions of change
and for the formation of a digital organizational culture in the
3) Selection and – formulation of alternative solutions and enterprise.
justification of decisions analysis;
related to the – economic justification and assessment of the
4) The main factors (conditions) of the digital
implementation of effectiveness of decisions; modernization of the quality management system are: digital
changes – development of measures to overcome staff leadership of managers, digital communications, digital
resistance to ongoing changes; information, digital involvement of personnel, digital culture.
– implementation of decisions, control and
analysis of results 5) To increase the effectiveness of the functioning of the
4) Formulation of – monitoring the processes of introducing quality management system in the context of digitalization, it
directions and changes in the system; is necessary to form a digital operating model of the
implementation of – making adjustments to the processes; management process, which is the process execution
changes – assessment of the quality of measures to
introduce changes; algorithm. Elements of the algorithm are the following
– the formation of conditions for the procedures and methods:
introduction of changes
5) Assessment of the – assessment of the results of the  accounting and analysis of factual information,
results of the implementation of changes;
implementation of – identification of ways to further improve the
 a formalized procedure for confirming compliance with
changes quality of processes; requirements,
– assessment of the results of the
implementation of the modernization  monitoring and control procedures,
directions of the quality management system
 decision making procedure in negative situations,

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