Sweet Potato

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LIST OF FIGURE..................................................................................................III
LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................................IV
LIST OF ABBREVATIONS..................................................................................V

CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1

1.1. Background of the study.......................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of Problem............................................................................................................3
1.3. Objective...............................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 .General Objective..............................................................................................................3
1.3.2 .Specific Objectives.........................................................................................................3
1.4 . Significance of Study...........................................................................................................3
Chapter Two....................................................................................................................................4
2.Literature Review......................................................................................................................4
2.1 Sweet Potato Production........................................................................................................4
2.2. Sweet potato products...........................................................................................................4
Table2.1 The nutritional value of raw sweet potato per 100g.( Source: USDA 2009)................4
2.4 Types of sweet potato............................................................................................................5
2.5 Sensory Quality of sweet Potato Chips..................................................................................6
2.6 Flavor and Factors Contribute to Flavor of Sweet Potato Chips...............................................6
2.7 Texture and Factors Affecting Texture of Sweet Potato Chips.............................................7
2.9 Raw Material.........................................................................................................................7
2.10Pre treatment.........................................................................................................................7
2.11 Sweet Potato Chip Processing................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER THREE......................................................................................................................................8
3 .Material and Method...............................................................................................................................8
3.1 Experimental Site..................................................................................................................................8
3.2 Raw materials and equipments..........................................................................................................8
3.3 Sample preparation...........................................................................................................................8
3.4 Method..............................................................................................................................................9
3.4.2 recievieng.......................................................................................................................................9
3.4.3 washing...............................................................................................................................................9
3.4.4 Peeling..........................................................................................................................................10
3.4.5 sorting and shipping......................................................................................................................10
3.4.6 Slicing...........................................................................................................................................10
3.4.7 frying and frying condition..............................................................................................................11
3.5 sensory analysis...................................................................................................................................14
3.6 characterization of fried sweet potatoes chips......................................................................................14
3.6.1. Physical Parameters and Composition Sweet Potato Tuber.............................................................14
3.7 experimental design and statical analysis.........................................................................................15
3.7.1 method of statical analysis.........................................................................................................15
3.7.2.exeperimental design....................................................................................................................15

Above all,we would like to give glory to almighty God, and throughout our studies we would
like to acknowledge our advisor Mr.Tigistu Belachew (m.sc) in his efforts, comments, fruit full

ANOVA......................................... AnalysisofVariance
CV.................................................. Coefficient Variance
G ...................................................Gram

SD........................................................Standard deviation


NCSWPC..........................................north carolina sweet potato commission


Sweet potatoes are a significant crop and are popular among consumers, particularly as chips.
Frying of sweet potato slices is carried out to convert the roots to value added products. Frying
method brings out unique flavor and texture to the products that improve their overall
acceptability. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of blanching and dehydration on
sensory quality of fried sweet potato chips. Prior frying, sweet potato slices were blanched in
order to inactivate enzymes and impart flavor. The blanching treatments were carried out at
70°C for 3 and 5 min and fried at 177°C for three different level of time (1, 3, and 5) minute..
The samples blanched at 1 minute and fried were gave darker chips compared to treated. Fried
sweet potato chips blanched at 5 minute had the best sensory scores for all sensory quality
attributes. So using this method is good for producing good quality chips. Therefore, treated
with blanching and frying could be used to make a higher quality product that is more attractive
to product developers and consumers.



This chapter contains different subtopics. These are: Back ground of the study, Statements of the
problem, Objective of the study, Significance of the study .

1.1. Background of the study

Sweet potato is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world and ranked the seventh
most important crop following rice, wheat, maize, potato, cassava and barley (Woolfe, 1992).
The sweet potato is extremely important for worldwide food security. Sweet potato is the second
most important root and tuber crop in the world after potato (Horton, 1988). In Sub-Saharan
Africa sweet potato is the third most important tuber crop after cassava andyam.More than 140
million tons of sweet potato is produced globally per year (FAO, 2000). The world average
storage root yield of sweet potato has been estimated to be 14.8t ha-1. China is the leading
producer of sweet potatoes with production reaching 75 million metric tons in 2011, which
accounts for approximately 73% of global production (FAO, 2000).
Its root is used as food and feed. As food the root is usually consumed in boiled form. It is one
of the cheapest sources of vitamin A. It is tolerant to adverse conditions like drought. It is an
attractive food crop among farmers because it requires less care and input. It is a popular food in
many parts of Eastern Africa. It is drought resistant, hardy and can grow in marginal areas, thus
contributing to improved food security. The young leaves and vines can be consumedSweet
potato has numerous potential uses and benefits. As food, Sweet potato storage roots are boiled
and eaten or chipped, dried and milled into flour which is then used to prepare snacks and baby
weaning foods.Sweet potatoes tubers have goodnutritional value, containing many vitamins,
minerals, non-fibrous complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

Sweet potato is a plant which belongs to the family convolvulacea.Amongst the approximately
50 root crops and more than 1000 species of this family .Sweet potato is ranked seventh among
word food crops with production of 130.4 milliometric tons (kpapunam and Abiante, 2006).
Sweet potato is an important tropical root and tuber crop and ranks second after cassava among
the tropical tuber crops Srinivas and Ramanathan, 2005).

When fresh sweet potatoes are cooked by baking, small variable changes in micronutrient
content occur to include a higher content of vitamin C at 24% of the daily value per 100 g
serving, as well as an increase in polyphenol levels. Sweet potato chips are good for people’s
health and popular around the world with special sweet, luster, crispy and beautiful color.Sweet
potato is both stable and vegetable crop containing significant amount of proteins’’ provitamin
A, B and C and mineral such as calcium, iron and sodium (Sorensen, 1987).
1.2 Statement of Problem
The mode of consumption of sweet potato in Ethiopia is limited to boiled or roasted tuber.
Howeveer,there is no sufficient technology that change this product to more finished
product.Therefore, the application of new technologies to extend the postharvest life of this
commodity is needed. Blanching before frying also appears to be a good alternative. Though the
methods are simple and direct requiring only washing the tuber to remove the soil and boiling it in plain
water or roasting on open fire, tuber must be consumed after coming off the heat.Moreover, production is
highly seasonal in most countries leading to marked variation in the quantity and quality of roots in
markets and associated price swings.

1.3. Objective
1.3.1 .General Objective
 To determine the effect of dehydration time and blanching time on the quality of fried
sweet potato chips

1.3.2 .Specific Objectives

 To evaluate the effect of different time and temprature on blanching and dehydration
sensory quality of sweet potato chips.
 The effect of dehydration and blanching time on physico-chemical analysis of sweet
potato chips such as(bulk density,moisture content)

1.4 . Significance of Study

 Reduce postharvest loss of sweet potato in Ethiopia
 Produce the best quality sweet potato chips
 Provide information on treatment the parameters suitable for sweet potato chips.
 Reassure the consumer that a sweet potato chip is safe for consumption and addresses
nutritional concerns.
Chapter Two
2.Literature Review
2.1 Sweet Potato Production
The major root and tuber crops, such as cassava, potato, sweet potato and yam occupied abou
53.93 million hectare worldwide, producing 736.747 million tons annually (FAO, 2008).Sweet
potato is rank seventh among world crops with a production of 13.4 million metric tons
(Akpapunam and Abiante, 2006).They are mainly grow in developing Countries, which account
for over 95%of world output roughly 80% of worlds.Sweet potato is staple food for 13 million
people in ethiopia.

2.2. Sweet potato products

The develpment of processed products from sweet potato presents one of the most important key
expand the utilization of the crop.Sweet potato can be processed as frozen slices, dies, French
fries and patties, as dried flakes, flour and chips; as canned sliced, candies, mashed and baby
2.3 Nutritional Value

The nutritional composition of sweet potato which are important in meeting human nutritional
needs including carbohydrates, fibres, carotenes, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, potassium, zinc,
calcium, iron, vitamins A and C and high quality protein. Sweet potato particularly provides
energy in the human diet in the form of carbohydrates. According to USDA 2009), besides
carbohydrates, they are also rich in dietary fiber and have high water content and also provide
359 kJ energy with low total lipid content, which is only about 0.05 g per 100 g. In addition,
sweet potatoes also are high in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium,
phosphorus, and iron . Because of the various roles that sweet potatoes play around the world,
the concept of nutritional quality and its contribution must transform to meet specific roles in
human diet.
Table2.1 The nutritional value of raw sweet potato per 100g.( Source: USDA 2009)

Nutrient Units Value per

100 grams

Water G 77.28

Energy kJ 359.00

Protein g 1.57

Total lipid (fat) g 0.05

Ash g 0.99

Carbohydrate g 20.12

Fiber, g 3.00

Calcium, Ca g 30.00

Iron, Fe mg 0.61

Magnesium, mg 25.00

Phosphorus, P mg 47.00

Potassium, K mg 337.00

Sodium, Na mg 55.00

Vitamin C mg 2.40

Pantothenic mg 0.80

Vitamin B-6 mg 0.21

2.4 Types of sweet potato

are hundreds of varieties of sweet potatoes with colors ranging from white, orange, and purple.
Carotenoids and phenolic compounds give sweet potatoes the distinct flesh color. White Delight
is a variety with white flesh, The more consume recognized orange flesh sweet potato varieties
include Beauregard,Hernandez, Jewel, Carolina Ruby, Porto Rico,, Cordner and Covington
(NCSP). Because of the varying flesh colors, the nutritional content can vary as well as the
consumer acceptance.

2.5 Sensory Quality of sweet Potato Chips

The sensory attributes of sweet potato chips develop as a result of structural changes, chemical
reactions, moisture loss and oil absorption in the raw sweet potato during chip processing.
Therefore, the dry matter constituents (e.g. starch, reducing sugars) of raw sweet potatoes are of
the importance as the sensory quality is largely dependent on the transformations of these
constituents during the frying process . Quality can be described as the requirements necessary
to satisfy the needs and expectations of the consumer. According to Moreira et al (2006) states
that the four principal quality factors in foods are;appearance including colour shape, gloss,
flavour including taste and odour, textureand nutrition.

Sensoryquality of a food product relates directly to product quality as it is an important aspect of

the total product quality as perceived by the human senses of sight, taste, smell, hearing and
touch. Appearance, flavour and texture refer to sensory acceptability factors because they are
directly perceived by the senses . Bennett (2001) describes a quality chip as one having as addle-
shaped curl, light golden colour, and having no blemishes. When placed in the mouth, it is crisp,
has a slight potato flavour, is properly salted or seasoned and leaves a pleasant aftertaste in the
mouth .The sensory quality of sweet potato potato chips is dependent on the composition of the
potatoes, the frying oil and the processing parameters during chip manufacture .

2.6 Flavor and Factors Contribute to Flavor of Sweet Potato Chips

The flavour of sweet potato chips is more complex than that of boiled, baked or mashed sweet
potatoes, since the cooking temperatures are higher, and the absorbed oil contributes to the
overall flavour profile of the product (Scanlon, 2003). In fried sweet potato products, flavour
compounds are not only inherent in the raw sweet potato but also from the frying oil, Millard
reaction products and from the interaction of Millard reaction products with lipid oxidation
products. The complete composition and understanding of fried sweet potato flavour has not
been fully established. Sensory differences in the aroma and taste of sweet potato chips made
from different cultivars that varied in levels of dry matter, sugars, amino acids and lipids.

2.7 Texture and Factors Affecting Texture of Sweet Potato Chips

Texture is also a key parameter in the development and acceptance of food products and an
important attribute in determining consumer acceptability of fried foods (Krokida et al., 2005).
Texture can be definedas ‘all the rheological and structural (geometric and surface) attributes of
the product perceptible by means of mechanical, tactile and where appropriate, visual and
auditory receptors (Lawless & Heymann,1988).A high quality of sweet potato chips must have a
very crispy texture as an indicator of freshness of the chips (Troncoso&Pedreschi,
2007).Crispness is one of the textural characteristics that are universally liked .One of the
desirable textural attributes of sweet potato chip is often described as crispness.

2.9 Raw Material

Raw material properties, composition and pre frying treatment affect the quality of the final fried
product.A high specific gravity of potatoes produces potato chips with lower oil content and
good texture. In general, tubers with high dry matter content (20-24%) and a specific gravity
(1.08- 1.09) are preferred for frying (Miranda and Aguilera, 2006).

2.10Pre treatment
The sliced potato were blanched in hot water at 90oc for 1,3 and 5 min and longer blanching
time resulted in better color retention and led to chips of lower browning index
(Leeratanaraket al ., 2006). oven drying is used in the French fries industry to reduce oil uptake

2.11 Sweet Potato Chip Processing

In addition to the raw sweet potato characteristics, the sweet potato chip processing steps are
major factors influencing the potato chip quality. From the receipt of sweet potatoes at the
processing plant and subsequent processing steps, the chip manufacturer ensures set
specifications are maintained to yield chips of uniform quality. Sweet potato chip processing is a
dynamic system of interdependent steps linked together to convert a sweet potato into a chip


3 .Material and Method

3.2 Raw materials and equipments

 potato,fryer,Paper towels,Salt,Vegetable oil,Cold water,Paper plate,Electrical stove,Slicer
,Knife,Cylinder,Oven dryer.,Fryer machine ,Hot water bathSalt ,sugar,ifneccesary lemon

3.3 Sample preparation

The washed tuber was dried at temperature of 25oc. Peeling was done by hand using a knife and
the peeled sweet potato was sliced for each sample by slicer to a thickness of 3 mm according to
( Haase and Weber,2003) report. The slices were immediately submerged in the thermostatically
controlled hot water bath.
3.4 Method

Freshly 3 kg tuber of sweet potato was obtained from a local market. Vegetable oil (1 liter) was
used for experiment during analysis since it is present local.Slicer used in experiment in laboratory
analysis for raw tuber sweet potato slice .The other apparatus such as knife was used for peeling
purpose, cylinder was used for measure specific gravity and oven dryer for determination of dry
matter content and hot water bath were used for purpose of blanching.In general, all apparatus
were obtained from the wollega university food technology and process engineering lab. Select a
potato and wash it in cold water. Washer as this is happening, fill a fryer with vegetable oil to the
level shown in the container and plug in fryer to begin heating the oil. weigh the potato using a
balance. Weighed record the beginning mass of the potato .slice or chip the potato as thinly as
possible using the grater. add chips to bubbling hot oil. Fryer – be extremely careful of hot oil!
allow to fry for about 3 minutesremove chips from oil with metal spatula and place on paper plate
with paper towel. Fryer and blotter using paper towels blot the chips and remove as much oil as
possible. weigh the chips using the balance weighed record the mass of the chips on worksheet
recorder.allow chips to cool for 5 minutes and then lightly salt. Blotter eat and enjoy!

3.4.2 recievieng
Receiving is one of the critical steps as the decision to accept or reject lot of sweet potatoes for
processing is made during this step. The suitability of sweet potatoes for chip processing is
established by denaturation, starch gelatinization, surface browning, rapid water evaporation and
oil absoption.

3.4.3 washing
Washing is also one of the most critical steps in weet potatoes chips production as a whole. At
our laboratory stage after the raw sweet potatoes are received the sweet potatoes haas been
washed with in 2 liters pure water .
3.4.4 Peeling
The peeling duration is dependent on the surface characteristics of the sweet potatoes such as eye
depth, cortex thickness and surface injuries. The control of the peeling operation is essential as
insufficient peeling may result in poor appearance of the chip . Peeled sweet potatoes are passed
on the inspection belts where defects are trimmed . Presence of defects such as bruises, green and
dark spots, decayed portions and eyes give a poor appearance to chips.

3.4.5 sorting and shipping

Sorting means separatingor identifying the sweet potatoes which does not damaged by
insects ,rodent,rat and other form of microorgaanisms either at storage or transportation on the
vehicle. Shipping is totally means of transport from one place to another place through
truck,rail,vehiclessuchas car and lorry and e.t.c .

3.4.6 Slicing
The slicing operations of fundamental importance and among the most important steps to the
manufacture of high quality sweet potato chips (Bennett 2001). The slicing step is known to
impact upon chip appearance, colour, texture, slice contour, breakage, oil absorption, moisture
content and frying time (Miranda & Aguilera, 2006). According to Bennett (2001) slices that are
very thin have a negative impact on colour and tend to be oil soaked and easily broken, whereas,
thick slices tend to have a high final moisture content and are less crispy. Uniformity
betwenslices is extremely important as it may create undesirable characteristics of both thin
and thick chips and affecting the sensory quality

3.4.7 frying and frying condition

According to (Dobarganeset al, 2004)reported that the effect of oil temperature on fat uptake and
properties of deep fried products crisps are fried at high temperature (175- 190 0c).

As a source of carbohydrate, potato and sweet potato mainly composed of starch component that
may changes up on heating when frying of development of flavour on the final products.
Maillard reaction occur when reducing sugars, lipid oxidation products and amino acids reacts
heterocyclic compounds which give rise to food- related flavours and odours. It also produces
nonenzymatic browning and reduces deterioration such as development of off flavor .Osmo
dehydration reduce changes in the physical, chemical properties and contributing to an
improvement in quality.

Blanching of is principally followed to inactivate theenzymes responsible for enzymatic and

oxidative browning. The common methods of blanching include hot water, steam and chemical
blanching. The loss of nutrients takes place during blanching which depends on temperature
and. time of blanching .When frying at high temperature blanched material dries more rapidly
than the unblanched one. Frying is a unit operation which involves the immersion of food
products in hot oil (177°C) until the desired product attributes are obtained, from creating the
proper appearance to fully-cooked product. During frying, heat and mass transfer takes place
simultaneously; heat is transferred from the oil to the food, water is evaporated from the food
material and oil is absorbed . Food frying is a common process in the food industry used to
enhance the overall quality, texture and flavour of snack foods, dough nuts, chips, french fries
and poultry products.
Figure 4 frying mechanism of sliced potatoes

Sorting raw sweet

potato root



Slicing at the thickness of 3 cm

Blanching at temp
900for 1 minute Cooling at temprature of 40c
Blanching at temp
900for 3 minute
Blanching at temp 90 0 5

Drying in oven at temp of Drying in oven at temp of

700c for 20 minute 700c for 30 minute
Frying at temprature 1770 c

Enjoy eating/ packaging if neccesary

Sweet potato chip

production flow diagram

3.5 sensory analysis

The six 6 panelists were selected from food technology and process Engineering studets.
Department to assess the sensory acceptability of fried sweet potato chips. The evaluation
included sensory attributes such as color, flavor, crispness, and overall acceptability of the
product. For overall acceptance , color, crispness, and flavor of the product 6-point hedonic
scale.Rating from 1(poor ), 2 ( good), 3 ( very good ) , 4 ( execellent ), 5 ( satisfactory ), 6 (like
moderately ) and, 7 ( like extremely ) were used The panelists were requested to rinse their
mouth with water in between testing different sample and provision was arranged for the same.

3.6 characterization of fried sweet potatoes chips

3.6.1. Physical Parameters and Composition Sweet Potato Tuber

Dry matter

Dry matter contents were determined by drying representative about 4.72 g sliced sample at 70 oc
dry for 20 and 30 minute for each six sample.

Dry matter = (dry weight/ fresh weight)*100

Specific gravity

The specific gravity was determined according to (Wisler and Free, 1968). Water was poured to
the cylinder to known volume.Samplewas placed to the cylinder containing known amount of
water.Specific gravity was determined the ratio of the weight of the sample to change in volume
made due to presence of sample in the cylinder.

3.7 experimental design and statical analysis

3.7.1 method of statical analysis

The data were analyzed using two factors analysis of variance (ANOVA).The statistical analyses
of the data were conducted using statistical software package. Statistical significance were
expressed at the level and the differences between means were compared using least significance .
The results were expressed as mean ± SD.

3.7.2.exeperimental design
 Pre-treatments sweet potato slices improve the quality of chips to produce
two pretreatments namely blanching and oven drying were consider for the experiment.
 Blanching times were varied to have three levels i.e. 1, 3 and 5 min and drying time also varied
in two levels of 20 and 30 min.
 Thus the variables in the experiment were three blanching times and two dehydration time.
 Accordingly experiment had a 32 factorial design.
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