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Training Course

General Training Course for Surveyors

General Training Course for Surveyors (GTCS)

Objectives General Training Course for Surveyors

The General Training Course for Surveyors (GTCS)
will provide to survey staff, plan approval staff, This course is designed to give surveyors an
audit staff, technical staff, support staff and other introduction, comprehension, specifications and
participants with the minimum specifications to requirements about the applicability, definitions,
perform statutory work on behalf of a flag State in surveys, certificates and forms to be used during
terms of certification and survey functions the statutory inspection and certification of the
following international conventions & codes:
connected with the issuance of international
certificates, including: 1. International Convention on Tonnage
Measurement of Ships, 1969 (ITC-69)
 Introduction and comprehension regarding 2. International Convention on Load Lines,
the applicability, definitions, type surveys, 1966 & 1988 Protocol (ILL-66/88)
certificates and forms to be used during 3. International Convention for the Safety of
the inspections and certification of Life at Sea, 1974 & 1988 Protocol (SOLAS-
International Maritime Conventions & 74/88)
4. International Convention for the
International Maritime Codes;
Prevention of Pollution from Ships
(MARPOL 73/78), Annex I- Regulations for
 Up-dated information in relation with
the Prevention of Pollution by Oil
International & National Regulations; 5. ILO Conventions No.68, 92 and 126
6. International Safety Management Code
 Compliance with instructive and (ISM Code)
procedures of ICS Class-Head Office. 7. International Ship & Port Facility Security
Code (ISPS Code)

Who should attend the Course? Modules included according to RO Code,

The course will benefit all those directly related to Appendix 2:
statutory work including but not limited to: 2D: Load Line;
surveyors/auditors of recognized organizations, 2E: Tonnage;
port state control officers, personnel from 2G: Safety Equipment;
maritime administrations, port and harbor 2H: Oil Pollution Prevention;
masters, P&I clubs and flag state surveyors. The 2J: Radio; and
course will also be beneficial to ship owners, Specifications pertaining to the following
operators, CSOs, DPAs, marine superintendents certificates:
and masters. A2.3.2: CSSC
A2.3.3: CSSE
Content A2.3.4: CSSR
A2.3.5: ISM-Code
 Applicability (new & existing ships) A2.3.6: ILL
 Principal definitions A2.3.7: IOPP
 Entry into force A2.3.11: ITC (1969)
 Statutory regulations
 Types of Surveys
(Annual, Intermediate, Docking, In addition: RO Code familiarization
Introduction to the RO Code, IMO Resolution MSC.
Renewal (Special) surveys
349(92) & MEPC.237 (65), Part 1-General
 Definitions of Surveys including ESP Information, Part 2-Recognition & Authorization
 Requirements for the Harmonized System Requirements for Organizations, Part 3 - Oversight
of Survey & Certification (HSSC) of Recognized Organizations, Appendix 1-
 Structural concepts Requirements for Training & Qualification of
 Other important matters Recognized Organization´s Technical Staff,
Appendix 2-Specifications on Survey &
 Examination paper (written assessment).
Certification Functions of RO’s Acting on Behalf of
the Flag State, RO Code-GAP Analysis.
Every surveyor who passes a written examination paper shall receive three (3) certificates of
attendance (GTCS + HSSC + RO Code) signed by Eng. Frank H. Marmol (Trainer) indicating
Cert i fi ca t i o n
which of the competences have been addressed, and the dates on which the corresponding
training took place.

Competence gained through the theoretical training shall be demonstrated through

examination paper (written examination). The examination shall cover the sets of content
and objectives attended by the trainee, as applicable. During the examination:
 All questions are to be attempted.
 Access to IMO Conventions & Codes, Rules, checklists, etc, is allowed (open-book
 Select one letter: a), b), c), d) or e), on the examination paper which is supplied to
indicate which you judge to be the correct answer.
E x a mi n at i on
 Only one answer is the correct.
 Minimum score: 70% of correct answers (for each individual section) is accepted as
approved to consider that surveyor has satisfactorily attended and completed the
training course.

Note: If the trainee fails the written examination, or any part thereof; a single resist will be
permitted. A candidate who fails the resist will be required to undergo the corresponding
theoretical training again before being allowed to make another attempt at the examination.

GTCS had been designed by ICS Class-Head Office and will be treated as distant learning
and e-learning training to use all the information and documentation forwarded to
Met h o d
participants for the analysis and comprehension to take the opportunity of improve their

Req u i r em en t s Basic knowledge about inspection/certification of ships

L a ng u ag e English

30 days is the period of time allowed for the revision of all information and
D u r at i o n documentation forwarded by ICS Class-Head Office to participants including the
completion of the examination paper (written examination).

These training courses are free of charges for ICS surveyors. For other interested persons
US$ 250.00 net per person is the total cost for the GTCS.

Co s t & p ay m ent For bank transfer the participant must be included a clear specification of: “General Training
m et h o d Course for Surveyors (GTCS)” and the name of the participant or the name of the branch
office in case that payment includes more than one participant. Two (2) separated
payments are allowed, the first ($125.00) before the beginning of training course and the
second ($125.00) before the issuance of the Certificates of Attendance.

Trainer: Eng. Frank H. Marmol / Tutor: Eng. Jose A. Perez Samper. Refer to information
T r a i n er t eam
attached regarding the experience, qualification and capability of the training team.

Rulefinder: The use of the latest version of Rulefinder is strong recommended included
consolidated versions of: all International Conventions and Protocols (SOLAS, MARPOL, etc),
Reco m m en d a t io n over 20 International Codes, including the ISPS, ISM, IBC, IGC and LSA Codes, IMO
Assembly, MSC and MEPC Resolutions and Circulars, ILO conventions as well as other
important documents and information.

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