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 Bloody revolution: một cuộc cách mạng đẫm máu

VD: In the past, bloody revolution occurred because opposition and the government could not

 An indispensable part of school’s curriculum: một phần không thể tách rời trong chương
trình học chính khoá

VD: Studying the history of the own nation is an indispensable part of school’s curriculum during
students’ early education.

 Democracy: nền dân chủ

VD: Too much democracy in a country makes citizens undisciplined.

 Have thorough insight into: có kiến thức sâu rộng về thứ gì đó

VD: To study history is to have thorough insight into what happened in the past

 Fascism: chủ nghĩa phát xít

VD: Fascism became popular in Europe in early 20th century.

 Develop one’s patriotism: nuôi dưỡng lòng ái quốc

VD: History helps young people feel connected with the past and develop their patriotism.

 Genocide: diệt chủng

VD: I just couldn’t understand the reason why genocide had happened in the past.

 Defend their land against outside intruders: bảo vệ tổ quốc khỏi giặc ngoại xêm

VD: Children are taught about how their ancestors defend their land against outside intruders

 History repeats itself: lịch sử lặp lại 

VD: It seems that history is going to repeat itself for that nation, more people will be killed for
expressing their disgust to the government.
 Reclaim one’s sovereignty: đòi lại chủ quyền

VD: They will have the opportunity to vote on whether or not we reclaim our sovereignty.

 Nazi: phát xít 

VD: We will never forget the brutality that Nazis had inflicted on Jews.

 Take pride in one's origin: Tự hào về cội nguồn tổ tiên của mình 

VD: Those young children would take pride in their origin and treasure the life they have today.

 Overthrow a government: lật đổ chính quyền

VD: The citizens couldn’t bear the tyranny of their leader and decided to overthrow his government.

 Colonization: sự thuộc địa hoá

VD: Vietnam undergone hundreds of years under the colonization of foreign invaders.

 Traditional values and identity: các giá trị và bản sắc truyền thống

VD: Students need to understand their hometown’s traditional values and identity.

 Rewrite history: khiến cho người khác tin vào một sự kiện/chi tiết lịch sử mà thực tế chưa
từng có thật

VD: Some countries rewrite history that the young generation become blinded by the truth.

 Share equal importance as: có tầm quan trọng tương đương

VD: Learning about world history shares equal importance as local one

 The course of history: tiến trình lịch sử

VD: The invention of flying cars could change the course of history in terms of automobiles.

 Well-rounded perspective of life: cái nhìn toàn diện về cuộc sống

VD: Acquiring knowledge about the world’s past events equips students with a more well-rounded
perspective of life.

 Tyranny: bạo chúa
VD: There are refugees simply because there is so much tyranny in some countries. 

 Enhance their understanding about: mở mang hiểu biết về thứ gì đó

VD: Lessons about the World War or Feminism protest against women’s abuse and discrimination
would help learners enhance their understanding about various aspects of the world.

 Uprising: khởi nghĩa

VD: We owe our freedom now to our countrymen in the past who braved themselves for holding
massive uprising to overthrow the Spanish colonizers.

 Historical backgrounds: bối cảnh lịch sử

VD: Being taught about the other countries’ historical backgrounds would benefit young learners in
their future career.

 Down memory lane: đã xảy ra cách đây rất lâu 

VD: His 1998 memoir is a delightful trip down memory lane.

 Brings no relevant values to the present or future: không mang lại lợi ích gì cho hiện tại
hoặc tương lai

VD: History is something that brings no relevant values to the present or future.

 Recollect: nhớ lại

VD: His efforts, she recollected many years later, were distinctly half-hearted. 

 No guarantee of the accuracy of information obtained: không có sự chắc chắn về tính

chính xác của thông tin 

VD: Each historical events is interpreted differently based on different facts and perspectives, so
there is no guarantee of the accuracy of information obtained.

 Occurrence: biến cố 

VD: I cannot imagine that these two occurrences are isolated incidents.

 Depict the mistakes made in the past: mô tả lại sai lầm trong quá khứ
VD: History depicts the event made in the past, hence helping people to avoid similar ones in the

 Prominent: nổi bật, đáng chú ý

VD: A prominent neoconservative, he was a co-founder of Project for the New American Century.

 Cause tremendous damage to: gây ra tổn thất nặng nề cho thứ gì đó

VD:  If, in many cases, historical documents were falsified, it would cause tremendous damage to
people’s culture and religion.

 Like watching grass grow (idiom): một việc buồn chán, tẻ nhạt

VD: To me, learning about history is like watching grass grow.

 In this day and age: trong thời điểm hiện tại hoặc trong thời kỳ hiện đại

VD: Honestly speaking, I didn’t recognize the value of History classes before, but fortunately, in this
day and age, I’m able to cherish the significance of this subject.

 Ancestors: tổ tiên

VD: History is not only a subject to me, it is also a source of invaluable information about our

 Historical highlights: những sự kiện nổi bật trong lịch sử

VD: Vietnam war, which ends in 1975, is one of the historical highlights of our country.

 Pay tribute to: tưởng nhớ ai

VD: We have held annual celebration to pay tribute to those who sacrificed for the country. 

 Prominent leader: vị lãnh tụ kiệt xuất

VD: President Ho Chi Minh is a prominent leader of our country.

 Historical figure: nhân vật lịch sử

VD: I have developed an interest in historical female figures such as Ba Trieu or Hai Ba Trung.
 Decisiveness: lòng kiên định

VD: He went through a lot of ups and downs but with his decisiveness and patriotism, he came back
to save his homeland. 

 Memorials: đài tưởng niệm 

VD: Now there are many memorials of soldiers in several parts of Vietnam for people to honor one
of the greatest men in the country's history.



Do you like learning history? 

To be honest with you, I have no interest in learning history. Back when I was still a student, history
was one of the subjects I despised the most.  Simply because it’s uninteresting – most of the time I
needed to memorize a great amount of information about the significant events in the past. I think
history isn’t my cup of tea. 

Have you ever been to historical museums?

Yes I have been to some but it was down memory lane. As far as I can recollect in mind, it was a
mandatory co-curricular activity back when I was in primary school. We always had an off-site visit to
some historical museums within our city and to some nearby cities. Well, these days, I don’t visit any
types of museums like others do since I am not a huge admirer of this type of pursuit. 

When was the last time you read something about history?

I have to confess that I’m a non-reader. I’ve never enjoyed reading any books ever since I was in my
primary school, reading books is like watching grass grow. I can appreciate a good written story in
short bursts, but too many pages are a big no for me. Movies are my preferred medium of
storytelling and it is an entertaining way to learn history.  

Did you like history when you were young?

Back in the days, history was the one subject that me and my classmates got frightened of.  
Honestly speaking, I didn’t recognize the value of History classes before, but fortunately, in this day
and age, I’m able to cherish the significance of this subject. Reading history books helps me
understand the past, which in turn allows me to understand the present. 


Describe a historical figure that you like the most.

You should say:

 Who this person is

 How do you know this person
 What did this person do

And explain why this person is your favourite.

Ok so a person from history I’m going to talk about today is Leonardo Da Vinci. 

Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath whose areas of interest included invention
architecture, sculpting, science and there are so many more that I can’t remember them all right
now. But in general he was a multi-talented man. Um … and he’s also considered one of the
greatest painters of all time. And many historians and scholars regard Leonardo Da Vinci as a
universal genius or a Renaissance man. And among his works the Mona Lisa is the most famous
and duplicated portrait with ‘The Last Supper’ being the most reproduced religious painting of all
time. And I think one – there was a historian – that I can’t remember the name – once said that
“Leonardo Da Vinci went beyond his time” – that he could – he could think of inventions that were so
advanced that most of his work and designs weren’t feasible during his lifetime, and most of his
designs weren’t recognised or realised until 100 years later. During his time, which was like 500
years ago, he was able to conceptualise the flying machine, armored fighting vehicle and even
concentrated solar power. 

The reason why I admire him is because I think that he – I agree with all other historians and
scholars that he was one of the greatest painters of all time and somehow I think his personality and
– his personality was quite mysterious and remote in a way that it has made me more curious to
learn more about him.

What do you think we can learn by studying events of the past?

I think we can learn a lot by studying history. Just as individual people learn from their mistakes,
societies can learn from the mistakes made by previous governments or leaders. For example, from
what I've read in the newspapers, many economists are looking back to the time of the Great
Depression, around 80 years ago, in order to understand the financial crisis that is currently affecting
many countries around the world. Even if we don't always learn from mistakes, I think it's fascinating
to study history because it gives us an insight into who we are and where we come from.

What important events do you think might take place in the future?

It's really difficult to predict what will happen in the future; most of the big, historic events of the past
would have been impossible to foresee. For example, I don't think that anyone living 100 years ago
could have imagined that people would one day walk on the moon! If I had to guess what might
happen in the future, I'd like to think that scientists will invent cures for diseases like cancer, and
we'll all live longer.

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