14 Track Layout

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Part Ill Ga : Permanent Way Manual ITM Track Layout Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Track Layout Description Eee ° way.2015 | Fist issue | ____ Authorised By: Heat | MOHD RAMLI MOHD NOH 7 @ TAY 2010 ‘Kuala Lumpur ______ General Managor Permanent Way —S eeretan Taroh Malays Warkad Permanent Way Manual Part til Track Layout Chapter 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS 144 GENERAL. 3 14.2 TYPICAL YARD LAYOUTS. 3 143 MARSHALLING YARDS 3 144 OTHER YARDS, 4 145 SPACING OF TRACK 4 146 GRADIENTS. 4 147 PROTECTION OF RUNNING LINE 4 148 FORMULA FOR TYPICAL TRACK CONNECTIONS, 5 LIST OF FIGURES 6 LIST OF ANNEXURES 6 ‘Annexure 14.1 - Formula for typical track connections. 22 “RING a Rev. 0 Rage 2 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Il KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 144 14.2 14.2.1 14.2.2 14.2.23 14.3 14.3.1 143.2 143.3 GENERAL This chapter prescribes standards to be adopted in yards. It also covers typical yard layouts and track connections. The formula for computing the principal dimensions of various track connections are given in Annexure 14.1 TYPICAL YARD LAYOUTS Classification of Station Yards Based on their functions, stations can be classified as’ ‘+ Intermediate Stations ‘+ Junction stations, and ‘+ Terminal stations, Layouts of Station yards Intermediate Stations or Wayside Stations (I) These stations consist of an arrangement for crossing an up and a down train or for a slower train being overtaken by a fast train. (ii) Figures 14.1(a) & (b) show two simple layouts of wayside stations on single line and Figure 14.1(c) shows a wayside station on double line. Junction Station {i) A junction station is one where lines from three or more directions meet. Special arrangements are made at such junctions: + to facilitate simultaneous reception of trains, specially passenger trains. + to facilitate the interchange of traffic between different lines and to release locomotives for servicing, (i) Junctions may join one single line to another single or double line. These layouts are shown in Figure 14.2 (a) & (b). Terminal Station The station at which a railway line starts or terminates is known as a terminal station. A simple layout for @ terminal station is shown in Figure 14.3, MARSHALLING YARDS ‘A marshalling yard is designed to receive, break up, reform, and dispatch goods trains. It is provided at important junctions which act as distributing centres for various destinations. ‘The main functions of a marshalling yard are reception, sorting and dispatch of goods trains. These functions are accomplished in separate sidings or by combining two or all the three functions on the same siding. Usually separate sets of sidings are provided for marshalling of wagons in the up and down directions. eKTwe Rev.0 Page 3 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part ill ITAA Track Layout Chapter 14 143.4 14.4 14.44 14.4.2 14.43 14.5 14.6 14.6.1 146.2 14.7 14.74 14.7.2 Figure 14.4 shows the layout of a marshalling yard. OTHER YARDS Passenger Coaching Yards These have special importance at terminal stations and big junctions stations where extra passenger coaches are accommodated and serviced. Separate lines are provided for activities such as washing, cleaning, examining and watering. The facilities are dependent on the length and number of trains. Goods Yards The main function of a goods yard is to provide facilities for receipt and delivery, loading and unloading and for the movement of goods vehicles. Provision of goods platforms and sheds for storage of goods in safe and secure custody is an important factor. The sidings are designed for efficient movement of wagons for both up and down directions. Figure 14.5 shows a typical layout of a goods yard Locomotive Yards These are the yards in which locomotives are accommodated for servicing, (repairing, olling, cleaning and fuelling). These yards are provided at junctions and terminal stations and are preferably constructed on the same side as marshalling yards. Figure 14.6 shows a typical layout of a locomotive yard. SPACING OF TRACK Spacing of track in yards shall not be less than 4.57 meters. However present spacing of track in yard will continue to remain GRADIENTS Grade in station yards shall not be steeper than 1 in 1200. However existing grades will continue to remain. ‘Compensation for curvature shall be provided on all gradients at the rate of 0.03 % per degree of curvature PROTECTION OF RUNNING LINE General Running lines shall be protected from adjacent sidings connected to them as indicated below. However, no sidings at a gradient steeper than 1 in 260 shall be permitted to join the inside of a curved main or running line without written approval of the Permanent Way Department. Siding at grade stooper than 1 in 250. ‘Where gradient of the siding towards the running line is steeper than 1 In 260, a trap siding shall be provided at @ distance of 5 m from the running line. The siding shall run OKTMB Rev. 0 Page 4 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Parallel to the main line for a distance of 18 meters before connecting to the toe of the switch, The trap siding shall be not less than 24 meters in length and shall be laid on a rising grade of 1 in 25 or provided with a sand drag as indicated in Figure 14.7 (a). 14.7.3 ing in a grade of 1 in 250 to 1 in 500 Where the siding joining the running line is steeper than 1 in 500, but flatter than 1 in 250, a double trap switch shall be provided at a distance of 5m from the running line as indicated in Figure 14.7 (b). 14.74 ing in a grade flatter than 4 in 500. Where the gradient of the siding joining the running line is flatter than 1 in 500, a single trap switch shall be provided at a distance of 5m from the running line as indicated in Figure 14,7(c). 14.8 FORMULA FOR TYPICAL TRACK CONNECTIONS Formula for computing the principal dimensions for the following six commonly used track connections are given in Annexure 14.1. 1. Turnout to a straight parallel track, 2. Turnout to a straight track which diverges at an angle less than the angle of crossing of the turnout. 3. Turnout to straight track which diverges at an angle greater than the angle of crossing of the turnout. 4. Cross-over between straight parallel tracks, with same angle of crossing on both turnouts, 5. Gathering line at crossing angle. 6. Gathering line at limiting angle (used at locations where available space is limited), OKTNB Rev.0 Page 5 of 28 Girm LIST OF FIGURES Figure 14.1-A Figure 14.1-8 Figure 14.1-C Figure 14.2.8 Figure 14.2-8 Figure 14.3 Figure 14.4 Figure 14.5 Figure 14.6 Figure 14.7(a) Figure 14.7(b) Figure 14.7(¢) Figure 14.7(4) Figure 14.7(e) Figure 14.7(f) Permanent Way Manual Part ill Track Layout Chapter 14 Layouts of intermediate station on Single Line. Layouts of intermediate station on Single Line. Layout of intermediate station on Double Line. Layout of a junction of Single Line Main and Branch, Layout of a junction of Double Line and Branch Line. Layout of a Terminal Station Layouts of Marshalling Yards Layout of a Goods Shed. Layout of a Loco Yard and Shed. Protection of running lines (Main Line on a Straight)(Trap Siding). Protection of running lines (Main Line on a Straight)(Double Trap). Protection of running lines (Main Line on a Straight)(Single Trap) Protection of running lines on Curved Main (Trap Siding). Protection of running lines on Curved Main (Single Trap). Protection of running lines on Curved Main (Double Trap), LIST OF ANNEXURES Annexure 14,1 Formula for typical track connections. OKTNB Rov. Pago 6 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.1-A | | z a Z| 2é 5 a5 ¥ < a 5 4 z z = = S é & Z i Figure 14.1-A- Layouts of intermediate station on Single Line. ©KTNB Rev.0 Page 7 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig, 14.1-B TATION BUILDH PASSENGER PLATFORM Fig. 14.1-B Figure 14.1-8 - Layouts of intermediate station on Single Line. OxKTMB Rev. 0 Page 8 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM “Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.1-C INE TATION BUILDI PASSENGER PLATFORM Fig. 14.1-¢ = Li Figure 14.1-C - Layout of intermediate station on Double Line. ©KTMB i Rev.0 Page 9 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.2-A BRANCH LINE (C0005 SHED 4 iF 5 tl gel 3 \ ea s| i Figure 14.2-A - Layout of a junction of Single Line Main and Branch. OKTMB Rev.0 Page 10 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.2-B cocos sien I ee ; Bele | & af é C i q coe ) —w Figure 14.2-B - Layout of a junetion of Double Line and Branch Line. OKTNB Rev.0 Page 11 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.3 avow any aay ONUYTNOND SANG ONAVYGAH Fig. 14.3 TERMINs ROAD PLATFORM 7 PLATFORM 2 PLATFORM 3 PLATFORM 4 Figure 14.3 - Layout of a Terminal Station. OKTMB Rev. 0 ~~ Page 12 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part il IKTRA Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig, 14.4 hy ‘SORTING LUNES RECEPTION LUNES wuMe ear DEPARTURE LINES Fig. 14.4 Figure 14.4 - Layouts of Marshalling Yards. OKT Ron Page 18 0128 Permanent Way Manual Track Layout avou Figure 14.5 - Layout of a Goods Shed. Part Ill Chapter 14 Fig. 14.5 SHED Fig. 14.5 LAYOUT OF oxKTe, Rev.0 Page 14 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill M Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.6 3 8 Alls 2 g 5 a ¢ I bi 2 P| , Re L AE | [2 53 ~~ 83 A a Figure 14.6 - Layout of a Loco Yard and Shed, OKTNB : Rev. 0 Pago 18 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill Van Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 147-8 ‘A: STEEPER THAN 1 IN 250 PORTION OF TRAP SIDING TO BE AT AN UP GRADIENT OF 1 IN 25 Figure 14.7(a) - Protection of running lines (Main Line on a Straight)(Trap Siding). OKTNE Rev.0 Page 16 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Parti KTM “Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.7-B Figure 14,7(b) - Protection of running lines (Main Line on a Straight)(Double Trap), OKTNB Rev.0 Page 17 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.7-¢ ‘A: STEEPER THAN 1 IN 500 DOWN, Figure 14.7(c) - Protection of running lines (Main Line on a Straight)(Single Trap). OKTNB Rav. 0 Page 18 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part ill KTM Track Layout Chaptor 14 Fig. 14,.7-D Figure 14.7(d) - Protection of running lines on Curved Main (Trap Siding). ‘© KTMB Rev. 0 Page 19 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14,.7-E FLATTER THAN 4 IN 500— Figure 14.7(e) - Protection of running lines on Curved Mains (Single Trap). ‘©KTNB Rev. 0 Page 20 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig. 14.7-F Figure 14.7(f) - Protection of running lines on Curved Main (Double Trap). ©KTNB Rev.0 Page 24 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Il KTM “Track Layout Chapter 14 Annexure 14.1 - Formula for typical track connections. 1) Turnout to a straight parallel track: 4; Turnout to a straight parallel track ‘Tangent Length T = R tan ol2 JQ = QQ'sin« JQ’ = QQ’ cota = (P-G) cote. z= JQ'+T Where P_= Centre to centre distance between the straight parallel tracks, P-G/sina (P-G) cota + T G = Gauge, T= Tangent length of connecting curve. R = Radius of connecting curve, which is generally the same as that of the Turnout Curve; and « = Crossing angle. For laying the connecting curve, offsets are worked out at fixed distance x from the tangent point Z and this is subtracted from P to find the ordinates for each point on the curve, thus: Ordinate at distance x from Z = P - x4/2R Note: A table of offsets can be prepared and this will help in finding ordinates for laying the curve. Rev. Page 22 of 38 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 2) Turnout to a straight track diverging at an angle where 6 < a (Crossing angle): Figure 2: Turnout to a diverging track at angle lesser than crossing angle Tangent length = T= R tan (a- 4/2 T.N.C (Theoretical Nose of Crossing) to I.P (Intersection Point Q) =JQ=K+T aq’ = (K+T)sina JQ = (K+T) cosa WZ = (K+T) cosa +T cose Where, ‘Tangent length of the connecting curve, Fe R_ = Radius of the connecting curve, which is generally the same as that of the turnout curve. K = Distance from T.N.C. to Heel of crossing. a = Crossing angle; and = Angle of inclination of the diverging track with the main track. ©KTMB Rev. 0 Page 23 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Track Layout Part Ill Chapter 14 3) Turnout to a straight track diverging at an angle ¢ whered > a (Crossing Anglo): Figure 3: Turnout to a track diverging at angle greater than crossing angle Tangent = T T.N.C to .P(Q) Ja’ aa wv J la Where = T R > OKTMB Rtan (p- a2 JQ=K+T JQ cosa = (K+T) cosa JQ sin. K #7) sina Ja'+ a IK + T) cosat Tcos § JQ sin (@- a) / sin @ ; and JQ sina / sin 6 Tangent length of connecting curve, = Radius of connecting curve which is generally the same as that of, the Turnout Curve. Crossing angle; and = Angle of inclination of diverging track with the main track, Rev.0 Page 24 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Il KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 4) Cross-over between straight parallel tracks with same angle of crossing: P Fig, 4: Cross-over between straight parallel tracks T.N.C. to T.N.C. distance (along the straight, main line). = QJ =(JQ- JS) cot a =(P-G-G/cos a) cot Overall length (O.L.) of the crossover (along the straight main line) = Sum of the lengths of the two turnouts + Qu" Where P = Centre to centre distance between the two straight parallel tracks G =Gauge; and = Crossing angle. ‘OKTNB Rev.0 Page 25 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM “Track Layout Chapter 14 5) Gathering Lines: 5.1 A gathering line (also known as ladder track) is one into which a number of parallel tracks merge. The gathering line is defined by the crossing angles of the turnouts Used and the angle of inclination of the gathering line to the parallel tracks. The track from which the gathering line takes off is called the main track and is not a part oft. 5.2 Gathering Line at Crossing Angle: Fig 5: Gathering Line at Crossing Angle 6.2.1 This is simplest and most commonly adopted layout for a gathering line. In this layout the distances between successive T.N.Cs along the gathering line are equal and this distance L is calculated as follows: Distance L between successive T.N.Cs = WWI = J1J2 = Pisin = JU = Poota = JU2 = 2P cot wand soon 5.2.2 Tangent T of the connecting curve of radius R for the last siding: T= Rtana/2 ‘Where R is same as that of the tumout curve. 5.2.3 In this layout it can be seen that the length L i.e the distance between successive T.N.Cs along the gathering line is more than the overall length of a turnout. It, therefore, becomes necessary to have a closure rail between the back of the crossing of one turnout and the next stock rail joint. 5.2.4 The length of this rail closure is: (Pisin a) less (Overall length of turnout (O.L.) + two expansion gaps). xT Rev.0 Page 26 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Il KTM Track Layout Chapter 14 6) Gathering Line (Ladder track) at Limiting Angle: ORL HIVN lo lo lo yon! ‘© KTNB Rev.0 Page 27 of 28 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTR “Track Layout Chapter 14 Fig 6: Gathering Line at limiting Angle 64 62 63 64 65 This type of layout is resorted to when the space is limited. Here the turnouts are laid butting against each other (with no closure rail between the crossing of the previous turnout and the stock rail joint of the next tumoul), except between the first two turnouts where @ curve is introduced to deflect the gathering line to the limiting angle § ‘The following formula apply: Sin of Limiting angle = Space between two adjacent parallel track = P Overall length of Turnout OL © Limiting angleo = sin" ( P/O.L) (O.L = Overall length of Turnout) For the connection of the gathering line with the first turnout, a connecting curve follows the heel of the crossing. (The calculations for this curve are the same as shown in 3 above). For the subsequent connections, the back of the crossing of the previous turnout butts against the stock rail joint of the next turnout as shown in the figure 6 above. The tangent length for the connecting curve for the last parallel line T = Rian 92 Where R is the same as the radius of the turnout curve. In Fig 6, lines 2, 3 and 4 are taken off the gathering line, while line 1 is a layout taken off the main track, as in Fig 1 above (to avoid taking it off the connecting curve of the gathering line). xTMB Rev.0 Page 28 of 28

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