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Jacob U.


GE 8: Ethics

Week no. 5


Illustrate with appropriate separate graphic organizers:

 The three bases of moral accountability

“human act
must be done
“it must be done
“it must be done


 Modifiers of the human act, their effect on accountability and a concrete example
for each
Ignorance - it is basically the absence of knowledge and knowledge is one of the three
bases of Moral Accountability.
Ex. I saw a post on social media, saying that “butters are made out of butterflies”

Passions - major cause of irrational actions.

Ex. Maria destroyed her phone after her boyfriend broke up with her.

Fear - this can affect a human’s voluntariness due to the disturbance of the mind, if your
mind can’t function properly so as your actions
Ex. Maria had an head injury when she bump towards the wall because she was running
away from a spider.
Violence - committing violence is also throwing away your morality at the same time
Ex. A body was found somewhere in the forest with slices on the throat.

Week no. 6
Read this argument. Is this based on reason? Defend your answer. (15points)
1. “You didn’t even finish high school. How could you possibly know about this?”
-Well I think that’s not an argument, it’s just a statement from a person who thinks he’s
better than the person that he was talking to. You’re asking if this is based on reason, no this
is judgement. Here’s the thing about schools, there’s only two major reasons that we go to
school it’s either to learn something or to get a decent job in the future. We can definitely
learn whatever we want even without school, but we need it to get some bunch of papers to
prove that we are capable of doing the job that we were dreaming of when we were still in

Reason and impartiality are minimum requirements of morality. What does this mean? How
is this done? (15points)
- Reason simply implies that our subjective take on what is right or wrong, has been well
thought out and is therefore superior to one that was simply accepted without reason, i.e.
by some unreasoned faith. Impartiality is not really a part of one’s subjective evaluation,
which are based in personal introspection and therefore personal biases.

Week no. 7
Answer the following questions:
(10points each question)
1. What is the difference between reason and will.
- Reason is like a force because it can push you to do something even if you don’t want to
and will is pure determination, it comes from within. Will is like an intuition, a feeling or
emotion that can motivate you to do something that you’ve always wanted to do.

2. Do animals have free will?

- I don’t know what animals are thinking so I think I don’t know if they have free will.

3. What is your ethical framework in making decisions?

- I guess this is my worst problem, I’m not good in making decisions. My mind is always
bothered, always anxious, filled with meaningless thoughts and always confused. I’ve always
wanted to do something good, something great that will make me happy but there is this
voice inside my head telling me that I can’t and I’m never gonna make it happen. I’m not
good in making decisions. I’ve done a lot of mistakes and I guess I’m still doing it, I chose to
lay down and do nothing instead of chasing my dreams.

4. How does your ethical framework for decision making help you?
- I don’t have an ethical framework for decision making, I’m really bad at it.

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