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UNCLASSIFIED REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE UNCLASSIFIED eal Fir SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY Gist RIaUTION/AVAILABILIVY OF REPORT Approved for public release; distribution fy SECLABIFIGATION/OOWNGRADING SEREDULE is unlinited. FSERTOmuiNG ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBERS) [s-Wonrr ania ORaANEATION REPORT NUMBERS) APWAL-TR-B6-3071, Vol 1 sa wane GF PERFORMING BREGRIERTION Pi OFFICE SYMBOL [Je NAME OF WONITORING ONGAMTEATION Universal Bnecgy Systems Flight bynamics Laboratory fox ADOREGS (City, Sate and ZIP Code Ta: AOOREES (Cty, Sta ond ZIP Cosa) ‘4416 Dayton-Xenia Ra ‘AFWAL/FIA Dayton OH 45432 Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433 ——_|_ fax wan OF FUNDINGPONSORING GErice ay neoU ‘Snaantenrion ‘reppkeabies AFWAL/PEA. 33615-83-C-3000 APWAL/#IA enosnam | PRoWeT Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433 ELEMENT NO. no. SGCUAEMENT INSTRUMENT IOENTIFIEATION NUMBER NCTITLE Theta Secany Caatheatony {O] V/BTOL Concepts wslovet niscratt, A Historic Report vol-y 1940-1986) Fnom78=10-03 1086-06-26 860626 ‘This report is the final product of joint effort with the U.S. Navy, begun in Oct 1978, under contract N00019-76-C-0552 with the University of Dayton. eOsATI CODES, Ve: SUBIEGT TERMS (Continue on ruses i aecemars ana Wendy by Back number) “0103 V/STOL Aircraft, VTOL Aircraft, VATOL Rocket Belts, Platforns TEABSTRAGT (Continue om woere pocouary end lanty By Bock ramber? This report is the first volume of a comprehensive historical and technical review of TOL and V/sTOL concepts both aircraft built and important design studies accomplished Since the start of U.S. Governnent sponsored effort in the late 1940's, This volune contains an introductory review of V/STOL aircraft concepte and the rationale behind them. the concepts are categorized by propulsion system, ‘This volume contains definitive information and technical reviews of the rocket belt, turbojet/turbofan platform type (wingless) vehicles, and turbojet/turbofan vertical attitude takeoff and landing aircraft. Contained in this volune are 454 pages containing 211 figures and 47 tables. "STE TRIBUTIONAVATTABILITY OF ROSTRAGT [pt RaSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION luvcrassiiconunuinres OF same ss apr. C ovicusens UNCLASSIFIED ereaaeeeet tier 513-255-2377 AEWAL/FIA. ‘DD FORM 1473, 63 APA Tomion Gr Toan 7918 OBSOLETE ‘UNCLASSIFIED ‘BECURITY GLASSIFIOATION OF THE PAGE Cantracke Approved for Public Release FOREWORD ‘The purpose of this document is to present a comprehensive, in-depth review of the serious efforte made in the development of VTOL and V/STOL concepts and aircraft other than the helicopter. The time period covered is from the beginning of organized government-sponsored activity in the late 1940's through the present, during which a very large study and development activity has taken place. Conventional helicopters are not included because their development history is a sizeable subject in itself and one which is already well-documented. Included, however, are V/STOL aircraft which do use rotors but are aimed at providing cruise speeds and aerodynamic efficiencies similar to those of conventional airplanes. Although not aircraft in the conventional sense, Wingless VTOL vehicles which use direct thrust (rocket or turbojet/turbofan) for lift in all flight modes aiso are included since such machines do have a close relationship to some of the more commonly accepted forms of VTOL aircraft. Preparation of this document was sponsored jointly by the U.S. Air Force and Navy to provide a ready reference and guide in the continuing and future development of VTOL and V/STOL vehicles. The document is arranged to permit easy incorporation of new developments and, also, the making of revisions when new material becomes available relating to concepts and aircraft already covered. A decimal numbering system is used to identity the various sections and subsections to aliow easy revision and expansion. Categorization and grouping of the various vehicles and concepts is based on the propulsion system with "disc loading", progressing from high to low, being used to establish the order of presentation. This led to four major propulsion categorie rocket, turbojet/turbotan, propeller and rotor. These, plus the “Introduction and Background," make up the five sections of the document which is to be presented in a series of volumes. To date only the first volume has been completed and published. It contains, in addition to the Introduction and Background section, sections covering: Rocket Based Vehicles, Turbojet/Turbofan-Powered Vehicles of the wingless type, and Turbojet/Turbofan-Powered Aircraft of the Vertical Attitude Take Off and Landing type. Other volumes, yet to be written, are intended to cover all of the other forms of turbojet/turbofan V/STOL aircraft, aircraft which use propellers, and those which use helicopter type rotors. The various VTOL and V/STOL efforts of interest are collected into the pertinent sections and reviewed to provide such information ai iii Origin of the concept and the reason for interest in it. Merits and questions regarding the concept. Company-sponsored work done. Objectives of the work. Government interest, funding and contracts. Progress made, successes achieved. Failures, problems revealed and solutions. Outcome of the programs and reasons for termination. Chronology of the programs significant events. Relationship to other VTOL and V/STOL efforts. Contributions to advancement of the state-of-the-art. Concluding observations. Preparation of the document required examination and review of a large amount of information obtained from private individuals, government files, public documents and companies. Cooperation from companies and government agencies has been excellent; without their help, much material would not have been available. Proprietary material, without specific permission to use, and classified information have not been included. Unfortunately, it was not possible to maintain a uniformly good depth of coverage of all the significant VTOL and V/STOL efforts because of the variability in the amount and nature of the material available on each subject. Included in each cast all the important available information essential to the review. The following have provided information used in this first volume. Rerospatiale Bell Aerosystems Company Flight Dynamics Research Corporation Garrett-AiResearch Manufacturing Company of California General Dynamics Corporation Grumman Aerospace Corporation Ling-Temco-Vought Aerospace Lockheed Corporation Northrop Corporation Piasecki Aircraft Corporation Societe Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation (SNECMA) Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Thiokol Corporation Vereingte Flugtechnische Werke-Fokker, GMBH Williams International Corporation U.S. Acmy Infantry School, Ft. Benning U.S. Acmy Tank Automotive Research and Development Command Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. U.S. Navy David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center U.S. Navy, Naval Air systems Command U.S. Navy Naval Weapon Center wv SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE POREWOBD tec itcteiennin cast tec ae ater TABLE OF CONTENTS... -.- 7 eae LIST OF FIGURES 2... 1. ee ee ee LIST OF TABLES. - 2...) 1-7 ee ee INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ....-.-. . REFERENCES TO SECTION12 .- 2... 2-2 s ROCKET BASED VIOL VEHICLES... 2... 1s au A MWTRODUCTION ice seaii esi sievdieicis 4 2.2 DIRECT (UNAUGMENTED) ROCKET THRUST WEHICLES tsar earicietn cetera TS 2.2.1 U.S. Army Small Rocket Lift Device (SRLD) Program (LOS TaLoe A yaaecienete eeriece 2.2.2 Bell Aerosystems “Rocket Belt" and Rocket "Pogostick" Developments (1957-1962)... « 2.2.3 Rerojet-General Corporation Small Rocket Lift Device (SRLD) Study for the U.S. Aray (TRECOM) (1958-1959)... . 2.2.4 Thiokol-Reaction Motors Division sgump Belt” 2. ee te ee 2.3 AUGMENTED ROCKET THRUST VEHICLES . . . 1 Introductory Comments .... - 2 8ud-Aviation Augmented Thrust Rocket Vehicle. “Ludion" (1964-1968)... . . 2.3. 2.3. REFERENCES TO SECTION2 ......-..- VTOL AND V/STOL AIRCRAFT WITH TURBOJET/ TURBOFAN PROPULSION... 2 2. eG ee 3.2 INTRODUCTION 2... eee ee REFRRENCES TO SECTION 3.1 .....--4. SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) TITLE 3.2 TURBOJET/TURBOFAN POWERED WINGLESS VEHICLES | crrsie eqetsaineurieesie ce +2.1 Introductory Comments .... . :2.2 Bell Aerosystems Company Turbojet Individual Mobility Devices (1966-1969) . . . 3.2.3 U.S. Marine Corps Small Tactical Aerial Mobility Platform (STAMP) and U.S. Army Individual Lift Device (ILD) Program... ee ee ee Introductory Comments Mazine Corps STAMP Program. . . U.S, Army Individual Lift Device (ILD) Program... -- . . Williams International WASP I (Marine Corps STAMP) and WASP IT (Army ID)... ee WASP I (Marine Corps STAMP) (1971-1972). WASP It (Acmy ILD) (1978-1983) 2. see Garrett-AiResearch Manufacturing Company STAMP (1972-1974) | Naval Weapons Center” Ejector Augmented STAMP and Alperin Jet-Diffuser Ejector Propulsion System (1974-1976) 2. ee Piasecki Aircraft Company Preliminacy Design study (1973) . . REFERENCES TO SECTION 3.2... ..- 14% 3.3 TURBOJET/TURBOFAN-L/C-VERTICAL ATTITUDE TAKE-OFF AND LANDING (VATOL) AIRCRAFT . . 3.361 Introduction... .....-. vi 3-70 3-101 3-115 3-117 3-117 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) SECTION TITLE PAGE 3.3.2 Ryan Aeronautical Company X-13 (Model 69, "Vertijet") (1947-1957) ee ee TD REFERENCES TO SECTION 3.3.2... .-.. 3-166 3.3.3 SNECMA C.450 Coleopter (1951-1959) ee ee 3487 REFERENCES TO SECTION 3.3.3... . - +. 3-222 3.3.4 U.S. Navy David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center (DTNSRDC) VATOL Remotely Piloted Vehicle, XBQM-108A (E9TB-UITT) we ee ee 922d REFERENCES TO SECTION 3.3.4... 2... 3-244 3.3.5 Vertical Attitude Take-Off and Landing (VATOL) Airplane Design Studies (1954-1959) . . . . 3-245 Introductory Comments . 3-245 Temco Design study (1953-1954) 2. 2... 38-251 Convair Design Study (1953-1954) Lockheed Design Study (1954-1955)... . . - 3-282 | Ryan Aeronautical VATOL Aircraft Designs (1954-1957) . . 3-314 + 3-270 REFERENCES TO SECTION 3.3.5... ..- - 3-340 vii LIST OF FIGURES GURE DESCRIPTION Lea Leonardo da Vinci's Vertical Litt Machine (Helicopter), 1490... ..... 1.2 Six George Cayley's Combined Helicopter - Airplane Concept, 1809. -..-...+- 1.3 Hall-Matthews Fan-In-Wiag Airplane Concept, 1972 - - 2. ee ee ee ee 14 Stoppable Rotor (Rotor-Wing) Airplane Concept by R. P. Pescara, 1922. ..... 1S W. Margoulis Tilting-propeller Airplane Concept, 1922. +e et et ee 1.6 Ramon Oriol‘s Vertica? attitude Take-off and Landing Airplane Concept, 1924... . 1.7 Jean de Chappedlaine's vectored Thrust Concept, 1926 .- ee ee et ee J. C, Johnson Stoppable Rotor STOL Airplane, Flown in 1929... 1-1... 1.9 Gerard P. Herrick HV-zA stoppable Rotor (Rotor-Wing) Autogyro-Airplant Flom in 1937 2. eee ee ete te 1.10 General Electric "Heliplane" Concept, Helicopter to Airplane Transition .. . . 1a Chronology of Developed Experimental W/STOL Airplanes... + +e ep ee eee er) Major Categories of VIOL and v/STOL Vehicles - Rockets and Turhojet/Turbofan Approaches sas ayererer crises 1.13 Major Categories of VTOL & V/STOL Vehicles - Propeller and Rotor Approaches»... ee ee ee ee 1.14 Power Required to Produce Static Thrust for Different Propulsion Systems... . - 1.25 Static Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption vs. Disc Loading for Different Propulsion Systems .. 2... 2... viit GURE 1.16 1.17 1.18 Leak 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.1.3 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) DESCRIPTION ‘Thrust Versus Mach Number for Several Bypass Ratios. ee ee ee ee Propulsive Efficiency Envelopes of Propellers...) ee ee ee tee Downwash Velocity as a Function of Disc Loading... eee eee ee ee Effect of Disc Loading on Perceived Noise Levels...) - 7 ee tee Turboprop Noise Levels as a Function of Propeller-Tip Mach Number and the Number OE BIMGSe ares teee et etetemeaetate Exhaust Noise from Jet Engines as a Function of Jet Exhaust Velocity... . Lunar Module. 2 2. ee ee ee ee Categories of Rocket Powered vehicles . Bell Aerosystems Lunar Flight Vehicle (LFV) 2... ee ee ee Bell Aerosystems Manned Flying system CCS eeaaee reaper eee ere tierra) German World War II Bachem BA-349B “Natter" VIO Interceptor... ... ~~ Bachem BA-349B Rocket Airplane Mounted on VTO Apparatus... .... Important Elements of the Bell Retosystems Rocket Belt ...-...- Bell Aerosystems Nitrogen-Powered Rocket Lift Device Tethered Flight Raat Rigi ees rere uieccauteacae Bell Aerosystems One Man Rocket Powered POgOmt Lekseeteesnaien tiated Bell Aerosystems Two Man Rocket Powered POgoet lek arcane tie cece ieasicicesiiecy ix FE NO. 2.3.11 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) DESCRIPTION Bell One-Man Rocket Powered Flying Seat NASA Kinesthetically-Controlled Jet Platform in Hover Flight... ..... Bell Aerosystems Methods of Vectoring Rocket Thrust ..-. 1... - + ee Bell Acrosystems SRLD Feasibility Demonstrator for U.S. AMF... . 2. Final Configuration of the Bell Aerosystems Rocket Belt, in Plight . . . Flight with Bell Aerosystems Rocket Belt, Rear View .----- 22+ eee Bell Aerosystems Analog-Type Rocket Belt Pilot Trainer... ......-- Improvement in Capability with Jump Belt Jump Belt Concept Patented by Alexander H. Bohr of Thiokol, Rocket Motor Division... -- +--+. eee Thiokol RMD Proposed Production solid Propellant Jump Belt. ..-.-.... Thiokol BMD Mock-Up of Solid Propellant BT) aera eerie erence PEPE Three Views of Thiokol RMD Hydrogen Peroxide Jump Belt Configuration... . Thiokol BMD Small Rocket Lift Device (SRLD) Configuration Using Hydrogen Peroxide dime ecient Jumping with Thiokol RMD Nitrogen G. amp sBeLCiics cciteaiscsne sais oactenesteediicty Thiokol RMD Low Capacity (200 1b/sec) Hydrogen Peroxide Jump Belt ...... Rerospace General Rocket Powered Helicopter... ee ee 2-17 2-20 2-20 2-44 2-47 FIGURE NO. 3.1.1 3.2.11 LIST OP FIGURES (continued) Dy TION Bell Aerosystems Rocket Belt with Shrouded Fan Thrust Augmentation... . Martin Baltimore Model M380-z Tilt Wing Plus Lift-Fan ¥/STOL Airplane Dow igi tar srsieccen seeder ae Inboard Profile of Martin Baltimore Model M380-2 V/STOL Aircraft. .... . Sud-Aviation Original Strap-on Augmented Thrust Rocket Belt Concept... -. - Sud-Aviation Strap-On Augmented Thrust Rocket Belt with Shock Absorbing Landing Device... 2... ee eee Sud-aviation “Ludion" Individual Lift SES e Nese mss seen met uezege sera erase Sud-Aviation Ludion in Tethered Flight . Sud-Aviation Ludion in Free Flight . . - Categories of Turbojet/Turbofan Propelled VTOL and V/STOL Airceatt . . ‘Thrust Reguirements of a VTOL Pighter - Representative Propulsion Arrangements for VTOL and V/STOL Aircraft... .. - Bell Aerosystems Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV)... 2-2. ee eee Bristol Siddeley “Flying Pig™ ... . . Hiller Helicopters Proposed Turbojet Lift Wingless Vehicle ...-...... Jet Belt Patent (No. 3,243,244) Issued to John K. Hulbert... 2... ee Bell Aerosystems Jet Belt system in SP nance eee eee Bell Aerosystems Jet Flying Belt... . Williams Research WR-19 Turbofan Engine xi FIGURE NO. 3.2.3,2.1.2 3.2.3-2.2.4 362.3-2,1.5,1 3, 362. LIST OF FIGURES (continued) DESCRIPTION Bell Aerosystems' Jet Lift Individual Mobility System Platform Type Arrangements. -.---.- +--+ ee see Bell Aerosystems Wingless Twin Turbofan Engine Concept... - +--+ e+e eres STAMP Vehicle as Originally Visualized by Williams Research... . 2... +. Williams Research STAMP Vehicle with Tether Line Attached... . 2... 2. s Williams Research STAMP Vehicle Side VA guy eseee tec reser eee Seagrass Williams Research STAMP Vehicle in Flight, Safety Tether Line Unloaded ...... Williams Research STAMP Vehicle, Rear View - Identification of Key Elements in Control System... . 1... 2.44% Williams Research STAMP Vehicle, Side View - Identification of Key Elements in Control System... 7... ee ee Williams International WASP IT in BAG cetacean tess Williams International WASP IT on Ground Handling Dolly ..--.-.-++- Three-View Drawing Williams WASP IIT. . . Main Components of Williams International WASP II -.--....-- Williams WR19-7 Internal Engine Details and Air Flows .... +... se Williams International WASP II Theoretical Pitch Angle with Speed... . STAMP Vehicle as visualized by Aikesearch- - - 1. eee et es xii 3-50 3-66 3-71

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