Roblox Fe Headless Script

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_G.UnReanimateKey = "q" --The keybind for unreanimating.

_G.ReanimateKey = "e" --The keybind for reanimating.
_G.R6ToggleKey = "r" --The keybind for toggling R15 to R6.
_G.GodmodeToggleKey = "t" --The keybind for toggling godmode.
_G.CharacterBug = false --Set to true if your uppertorso floats when you use
godmode with R15.
_G.GodMode = true --Set to true if you want godmode.
_G.R6 = false --Set to true if you wanna enable R15 to R6 when your R15.
_G.FastLoading = true --Set to true if you want godmode to load faster.
_G.AutoReanimate = true --Set to true if you want to auto reanimate and disable
keybinds after executing.


repeat wait() until _G.MSG.Text == ""

local head = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Head
head.Archivable = true
local headc = head:Clone()
headc.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character
local w ="Weld", headc)
w.Part0 = headc
w.Part1 = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character["NullwareReanim"].Head
headc.Transparency = 1
if headc:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal") then
headc:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal").Texture = "rbxassetid://000000000"

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