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1.what are the differences in between the star, mesh, and bus topologies?

2. Explain various modes of transmission.

3.What are the functions of DLL, Network layer and physical layer.


1. Describe the various network layer models proposed in the OSI model. Explain
the differences between them.

2. a) Compare and contrast between MAN and WAN with neat diagrams.

b) What are the applications of MAN, WAN and LAN ?

3. a) Explain different Network Topologies.

b) what are the advantages and disadvantages of star, mesh, and bus topologies.



1. Compute the Fourier coefficients for the function f(t) = t (0 ≤t ≤1).

2. What is the Maximum Data rate of a Channel?
3. Explain the characteristics of twisted pair cable.


1. a) Explain the frequency division multiplexing with a suitable example.

b) Give brief explanation about copper cables with neat sketch.

2. a) Compare and contrast synchronous time division multiplexing and statistical time
division multiplexing.

b) What are the differences in between Broadcasting and Multicasting?

3 a) Discuss about unguided transmission media.

b) Explain the frequency division multiplexing with a neat sketch.



1. What are the design issues of Data Link layer?

2. How is the simple parity check related to the two-dimensional parity check?
3. Explain in detail about the sliding window protocol using Go-Back-NA.


1 a) Explain in detail about the sliding window protocol using Selective Repeat.

b) What are the different types of error detection methods? Explain the CRC error
detection technique using generator polynomial x 4+x3+1 and data 11100011.

2 a) Find the minimum Hamming distance for the following cases:

i) Correction of 2 errors and
ii) Detection of 3 errors or correction of 2 errors.

b) A block of bits with n rows and k columns uses horizontal and vertical parity bits for error
detection. Assume that exactly 4 bits are inverted due to transmission errors. Derive an
expression for the probability that the error will be undetected.

3 Explain in detail about design issues of Data Link layer?



1. Define MAC and what are the types of MAC protocol

2. Explain Collision-Free Protocols.
3. Explain Persistence Methods.


1 a) Discuss in brief the MAC frame structure for 805.11 Frame Structure-Services.

b) Explain the fields in the 802.11 Frame Structure.

2 a) Discuss the assumptions for dynamic channel allocation.

b) Explain with an example to show that the RTS/CTS in the 802.11 protocol is a
little different than in the MACA protocol.

3 a) Explain 802.11 physical layer and protocol stack.

b) Explain Collision-Free Protocols.


1. Differentiate the connectionless and connection oriented networks.

2. With neat sketch explain the basic concept involved in Elementary Protocol: stop
and wait.
3. What is a Choke packet? How do they help in congestion control?


1 a) Illustrate Routing of Packets within Virtual Circuit Subnet.

b) Explain the Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Routing Algorithm with an example.

2 a) What are the differences between Static Routing Algorithm and Dynamic Routing
b) What are the general principles of congestion control? Explain.

3 a) Differentiate the open loop congestion control and closed loop congestion control.

b) Explain in detail about the Efficiency and Delay in Datagram Networks.

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